The evaluation of prescription dispensing scores of the pharmacy students before and after the problem-based “rational drug use” course: Results of the two years’ experience
Year 2013,
Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 175 - 180, 07.03.2014
Hale Toklu
Rümeysa Demirdamar
- Caamaño F, Ruano A, Figueiras A, Gestal-Otero JJ. Data collection methods for analyzing the quality of the dispensing in pharmacies. Pharm World Sci 2002; 24: 217-23.
- Toklu HZ, Akici A, Oktay S, Cali S, Sezen SF, KeyerUysal M. The pharmacy practice of community pharmacists in Turkey. Marmara Pharm J. 2010; 14: 53-60. Available from: [Accessed: 4th October 2012].
- Stone L. Good Pharmacy Practice in Developing Countries: Recommendations for step-wise implementation. FIP Congress Report, Hague, Netherlands, 1998
- Jungnickel PW, Kelley KW, Hammer DP, Haines ST, Marlowe KF. Addressing Competencies for the Future in the Professional Curriculum. Am J Pharm Educ 2009; 73: article 156.
- Van Mil F. Pharmacy and health care. Pharm World Sci 2002; 24: 213.
- Nkansah N, Mostovetsky O, Yu C, Chheng T, Beney J, Bond CM, Bero L. Effect of outpatient pharmacists’ nondispensing roles on patient outcomes and prescribing patterns. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010; 7: CD000336.
- Hattingh HL, King MA, Smith NA. An evaluation of the integration of standards and guidelines in community pharmacy practices. Pharm World Sci 2009; 31: 542-9.
- Toklu HZ, Hussain A. The changing face of pharmacy practice and the need for a new model of pharmacy education. J Young Pharm 2013; 5: 38-40.
- Toklu HZ. Problem based pharmacotherapy teaching for pharmacy students and pharmacists. Curr Drug Deliv 2013; 10:67-70.
- Gokcekus L, Toklu HZ, Demirdamar R, Gumusel B. Dispensing practice in the community pharmacies in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Int J Clin Pharm 2012; 34: 312-24.
- Demirdamar R, Toklu HZ, Gumusel B. Pharmacy education in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Educ Res 2012; 3: 1-6.
- De Vries TPGM, Henning RH, Hogerzeil HV, Fresle DA. Guide to Good Prescribing. WHO/Action programme on essential drugs, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994.
- Karaalp A, Akici A, Kocabaşoğlu YE, Oktay S. What do graduates think about a two-week rational pharmacotherapy course in the fifth year of medical education? Med Teach 2003; 25: 515-21.
- Akici A, Gören MZ, Aypak C, Terzioğlu B, Oktay S. Prescription audit adjunct to rational pharmacotherapy education improves prescribing skills of medical students. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2005; 61: 643-50.
- Toklu HZ, Dulger G, Yaris E, Gumusel B, Akici A. First impressions from a short training course in rational use of drugs for the pharmacologists in the pharmacy schools in Turkey. Value in Health 2009; 12: A249.
- Toklu HZ, Ayanoglu Dulger G, Gumusel B, Yarıs E, Kalyoncu NI, Akici A. Developing a model checklist for the evaluation of the dispensing scores in the pharmacy. Basic and Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2010; 107: 617-8.
- Al-Wazaify M, Matowe L, Albsoul-Younes A, Al-Omran OA. Pharmacy education in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Am J Pharm Educ 2006; 70: article 18.
- Kheir N, Zaidan M, Younes H, El Hajj M, Wilbur K, Jewesson PJ. Pharmacy education and practice in 13 Middle Eastern countries. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 133. Bourdon O, Ekeland C, Brion F. Pharmacy education in France. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 132.
- Marriott JL, Nation RL, Roller L, Costelloe M, Galbraith K, Stewart P, Charman WN. Pharmacy education in the context of Australian practice. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 131. Sosabowski MH, Gard PR. Pharmacy education in the United Kingdom. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 130. Kehrer JP, Schindel TJ, Mann HJ. Cooperation in pharmacy education in Canada and the United States. Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74: article 142.
- Basak SC, Sathyanarayana D. Pharmacy education in India. Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74: article 68
- Sánchez AM. Pharmacy education in Cuba. Pharm World Sci 2010; 32: 696-700.
- Nickman NA, Haak SW, Kim J. Use of clinical simulation centers in health professions schools for patient-centered research. Simul Healthc 2010; 5: 295-302.
- Salinitri FD, O’Connell MB, Garwood CL, Lehr VT, Abdallah K. An objective structured clinical examination to assess problem-based learning. Am J Pharm Educ 2012; 76: article 44.
- Ray SM, Wyle DR, Ray SM, Wylie DR, Shaun Rowe A, Heidel E, Franks AS. Pharmacy student knowledge retention after completing either a simulated or written patient case. Am J Pharm Educ 2012; 76: article 86.
- Gilligan AM, Warholak TL, Murphy JE, Hines LE, Malone DC. Pharmacy students’ retention of knowledge of drugdrug interactions. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011; 75: article 110.
The evaluation of prescription dispensing scores of the pharmacy students before and after the problem-based “rational drug use” course: Results of the two years’ experience
Year 2013,
Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 175 - 180, 07.03.2014
Hale Toklu
Rümeysa Demirdamar
Eczacıların ilaçların akılcı kullanımının sağlanmasındaki önemi büyüktür. Bu nedenle eczacılık fakülterindeki eğitimin farmakoterapi sürecinde problem çözme ve karar verme yetilerini kazandıracak nitelikte olması gerekir. Probleme dayalı yöntemlerle yapılan eğitim öğrencinin edindiği teorik bilgiyi uygulamada kullanma becerisini kazanmasına yardımcı olabilir. Bu çalışmada Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi’nde 3. Sınıf öğrencileri için 2011 ve 2012 yıllarinda açılan “Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı” dersinin reçete karşılama skoruna etkisi Türk Farmakoloji Derneği tarafından geliştirilen OSPE değerlendirme ölçeği ile araştırılmıştır. Öğrencilerin derse başlamadan önceki reçete karşılama skoru A grubundaki 34 öğrenci için 34.26 ± 13.6 ve B grubundaki 17 öğrenci için 34.94 ± 11.6 iken bu değerler kurs bitiminde yapılan değerlendirmede anlamlı olarak (p<0.001) artmış; sırasıyla 62.18 ± 13.0 ve 67.06 ± 15.6’a çıkmıştır. Simüle hasta kullanılarak probleme dayalı yöntemle yapılan farmakoterapi dersleri reçete karşılama davranışının iyileştirilmesi açısından yararlı gözükmektedir
- Caamaño F, Ruano A, Figueiras A, Gestal-Otero JJ. Data collection methods for analyzing the quality of the dispensing in pharmacies. Pharm World Sci 2002; 24: 217-23.
- Toklu HZ, Akici A, Oktay S, Cali S, Sezen SF, KeyerUysal M. The pharmacy practice of community pharmacists in Turkey. Marmara Pharm J. 2010; 14: 53-60. Available from: [Accessed: 4th October 2012].
- Stone L. Good Pharmacy Practice in Developing Countries: Recommendations for step-wise implementation. FIP Congress Report, Hague, Netherlands, 1998
- Jungnickel PW, Kelley KW, Hammer DP, Haines ST, Marlowe KF. Addressing Competencies for the Future in the Professional Curriculum. Am J Pharm Educ 2009; 73: article 156.
- Van Mil F. Pharmacy and health care. Pharm World Sci 2002; 24: 213.
- Nkansah N, Mostovetsky O, Yu C, Chheng T, Beney J, Bond CM, Bero L. Effect of outpatient pharmacists’ nondispensing roles on patient outcomes and prescribing patterns. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010; 7: CD000336.
- Hattingh HL, King MA, Smith NA. An evaluation of the integration of standards and guidelines in community pharmacy practices. Pharm World Sci 2009; 31: 542-9.
- Toklu HZ, Hussain A. The changing face of pharmacy practice and the need for a new model of pharmacy education. J Young Pharm 2013; 5: 38-40.
- Toklu HZ. Problem based pharmacotherapy teaching for pharmacy students and pharmacists. Curr Drug Deliv 2013; 10:67-70.
- Gokcekus L, Toklu HZ, Demirdamar R, Gumusel B. Dispensing practice in the community pharmacies in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Int J Clin Pharm 2012; 34: 312-24.
- Demirdamar R, Toklu HZ, Gumusel B. Pharmacy education in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Educ Res 2012; 3: 1-6.
- De Vries TPGM, Henning RH, Hogerzeil HV, Fresle DA. Guide to Good Prescribing. WHO/Action programme on essential drugs, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994.
- Karaalp A, Akici A, Kocabaşoğlu YE, Oktay S. What do graduates think about a two-week rational pharmacotherapy course in the fifth year of medical education? Med Teach 2003; 25: 515-21.
- Akici A, Gören MZ, Aypak C, Terzioğlu B, Oktay S. Prescription audit adjunct to rational pharmacotherapy education improves prescribing skills of medical students. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2005; 61: 643-50.
- Toklu HZ, Dulger G, Yaris E, Gumusel B, Akici A. First impressions from a short training course in rational use of drugs for the pharmacologists in the pharmacy schools in Turkey. Value in Health 2009; 12: A249.
- Toklu HZ, Ayanoglu Dulger G, Gumusel B, Yarıs E, Kalyoncu NI, Akici A. Developing a model checklist for the evaluation of the dispensing scores in the pharmacy. Basic and Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2010; 107: 617-8.
- Al-Wazaify M, Matowe L, Albsoul-Younes A, Al-Omran OA. Pharmacy education in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. Am J Pharm Educ 2006; 70: article 18.
- Kheir N, Zaidan M, Younes H, El Hajj M, Wilbur K, Jewesson PJ. Pharmacy education and practice in 13 Middle Eastern countries. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 133. Bourdon O, Ekeland C, Brion F. Pharmacy education in France. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 132.
- Marriott JL, Nation RL, Roller L, Costelloe M, Galbraith K, Stewart P, Charman WN. Pharmacy education in the context of Australian practice. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 131. Sosabowski MH, Gard PR. Pharmacy education in the United Kingdom. Am J Pharm Educ 2008; 72: article 130. Kehrer JP, Schindel TJ, Mann HJ. Cooperation in pharmacy education in Canada and the United States. Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74: article 142.
- Basak SC, Sathyanarayana D. Pharmacy education in India. Am J Pharm Educ 2010; 74: article 68
- Sánchez AM. Pharmacy education in Cuba. Pharm World Sci 2010; 32: 696-700.
- Nickman NA, Haak SW, Kim J. Use of clinical simulation centers in health professions schools for patient-centered research. Simul Healthc 2010; 5: 295-302.
- Salinitri FD, O’Connell MB, Garwood CL, Lehr VT, Abdallah K. An objective structured clinical examination to assess problem-based learning. Am J Pharm Educ 2012; 76: article 44.
- Ray SM, Wyle DR, Ray SM, Wylie DR, Shaun Rowe A, Heidel E, Franks AS. Pharmacy student knowledge retention after completing either a simulated or written patient case. Am J Pharm Educ 2012; 76: article 86.
- Gilligan AM, Warholak TL, Murphy JE, Hines LE, Malone DC. Pharmacy students’ retention of knowledge of drugdrug interactions. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011; 75: article 110.