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Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis

Year 2010, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 61 - 66, 03.03.2014


ABSTRACT: Upon exposure to different types of stressors, neuroendocrine and behavioral
responses that include the activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are
given to allow the individuals to cope with stress conditions. It was proven that oxytocin, a
nonapeptide released from the posterior pituitary, has behavioral and stress-attenuating effects
by dampening HPA activity. On the other hand, the neuropeptide was also shown to
exert anti-inflammatory effects through the modulation of immune and inflammatory processes
in several experimental models of tissue injury. The findings of recent studies suggest
that the anti-inflammatory effect of oxytocin depends on its role on HPA axis activity and
subsequent release of cortisol. Thus, oxytocin seems to restrain the activity within the HPAaxis,
which becomes overactive during many inflammatory processes.
KEY WORDS: stress, oxidative stress, HPA axis, oxytocin


  • Amico JA, Mantella RC, Vollmer RR, Li XJ. Anxiety and stress responses in female oxytocin deficient mice. Neu- roendocrinol, 16: 319–327, 2004.
  • Andreoli SP. Reactive oxygen molecules, oxidant injury and renal disease. Pediatr Nephrol, 5: 733–742, 1991.
  • Bear MF, Connors BW, Paradiso MA. Neuroscience: Ex- ploring the Brain. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Willaims & Wilkins; 2007, p. 669-676.
  • Beishuizen A, Thijs LG. Endotoxin and the hypothala- mo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. J Endotoxin Res, 9: 3-24, 2003.
  • Bıyıklı NK, Tugtepe H, Sener G, Velioglu-Ogunc A, Ceti- nel S, Gedik N, Yeğen BC. Oxytocin alleviates oxidative renal injury in pyelonephritic rats via a neutrophil-de- pendent mechanism. Peptides, 27: 2249–2257, 2006.
  • Carter CS, Altemus M. Integrative functions of lactation- al hormones in social behavior and stress management. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 807: 164–174, 1997.
  • Detillion CE, Craft TKS, Glasper ER, Prendergast BJ, DeVries AC. Social facilitation of wound healing. Psy- choneuroendocrinol, 29:1004–1011, 2004.
  • Dusunceli F, Iseri SO, Ercan F, Gedik N, Yeğen C, Yeğen BÇ. Oxytocin alleviates hepatic ischemia-reperfusion in- jury in rats. Peptides, 29: 1216–1222, 2008.
  • Eschwege P, Paradis V, Conti M, Holstege A,Richet F, De- teve J, Menager P, Legrand A, Jardin A, Bedossa P, Benoit G. In situ detection of lipid peroxidation by-products as markers of renal ischemia injuries in rat kidneys. J Urol, 162: 553–557, 1999.
  • Gibbs DM, Vale W, Rivier J, Yen SS. Oxytocin potentiates the ACTH-releasing activity of CRF(41) but not vaso- pressin. Life Sci, 34: 2245, 1984.
  • Gibbs DM. Dissociation of oxytocin, vasopressin and cor- ticotropin secretion during different types of stress. Life Sci, 35: 487-491, 1984
  • Glaser R, Rabin B, Chesney M, Cohen S, Natelson B. Stress-induced immunomodulation: implications for in- fectious diseases? J Am Med Assoc, 281: 2268–2270, 1999.
  • Grewen KM, Girdler SS, Amico J, Light KC. Effects of partner support on resting oxytocin, cortisol, norepine- phrine, and blood pressure before and after warm partner contact. Psychosom Med, 67: 531–553, 2005.
  • Gutkowska J, Jankowski M, Lambert C, Mukaddam- Daher S, Zingg HH, McCann SM. Oxytocin releases atrial natriuretic peptide by combining with oxytocin receptors in the heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 94: 11704–11709, 1997.
  • Heiman ML, Ahima RS, Craft LS, Schoner B, Stephens TW, Flier JS. Leptin inhibition of the hypothalamic-pitu- itary-adrenal axis in response to stress. Endocrinology, 138: 3859–3863, 1997.
  • Huber D, Veinante P, Stoop R. Vasopressin and oxytocin excite distinct neuronal populations in the central amy- gdala. Science, 308: 245-248, 2005.
  • Iseri SO, Sener G, Saglam B, Gedik N, Ercan F, Yegen BC. Oxytocin protects against sepsis-induced multiple organ damage: role of neutrophils. J Surg Res, 126: 73–81, 2005.
  • Iseri SO, Gedik IE, Erzik C, Uslu B, Arbak S, Gedik N, Yeğen BÇ Oxytocin ameliorates skin damage and oxidant gastric injury in rats with thermal trauma. Burns, 34: 361– 369, 2008.
  • Iseri SO, Sener G, Saglam B, Gedik N, Ercan F, Yegen BC. Oxytocin ameliorates skin damage and oxidant gastric in- jury in rats with thermal trauma. Peptides, 26: 483–491, 2005.
  • Ivell R, Russel JA, eds. Oxytocin, Cellular and Molecular Approaches in Medicine and Research. New York: Ple- num Press; 1995, p. 259–68.
  • Keller-Wood ME, Dallman MF. Corticosteroid inhibition of ACTH secretion. Endocr Rev, 5: 1–24, 1984.
  • Kettle AJ, Winterbourn CC. Myeloperoxidase: a key reg- ulator of neutrophil oxidant production. Redox Rep, 3: 3–15, 1997.
  • Liberzon I, Young EA. Effects of stress and glucocorti- coids on CNS oxytocin receptor binding. Psychoneuroen- docrinol, 22: 411–422, 1997.
  • Lundeberg T, Uvnas-Moberg K, Agren G, Bruzelius G. Anti-nociceptive effects of oxytocin in rats and mice. Neu- rosci Lett, 170: 153–157, 1994.
  • Ma S, Shipston MJ, Russell JA. Reduced hypothalamic vasopressin secretion underlies attenuated adrenocortico- tropin stress responses in pregnant rats. Endocrinology, 146: 1626–1637, 2005.
  • Moosman B, Behl C. Neuroprotective properties of can- nabinoids against oxidative stress: role of the cannabinoid receptor CB1. Mol Pharmacol, 61: 260–268, 2002.
  • Neumann ID. Involvement of the brain oxytocin system in stress coping: interactions with the hypothalamo-pitui- tary-adrenal axis. Prog Brain Res, 139: 147–162, 2002.
  • Neumann ID. Stimuli and consequences of dendritic re- lease of oxytocin within the brain. Biochem Soc Trans, 35: 1252-1257, 2007.
  • Neumann ID, Torner L, Wigger A. Brain oxytocin: differ- ential inhibition of neuroendocrine stress responses and anxiety-related behaviour in virgin, pregnant and lactat- ing rats. Neurosci, 95: 567–575, 2000.
  • Pedersen WA, McCullers D, Culmsee C, Haughey NJ, Herman JP, Mattson MP. Corticotropin-releasing hor- mone protects neurons against insults relevant to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Dis, 8: 492–503, 2001.
  • Perretti M. Lipocortin 1 and chemokine modulation of granulocyte and monocyte accumulation in experimental inflammation. Gen Pharmacol, 31: 545–552, 1998.
  • Petersson M, Hulting AL, Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin causes a sustained decrease in plasma levels of corticos- terone in rats. Neurosci Lett, 264: 41–44, 1999.
  • Petersson M, Lundeberg T, Sohlström A, Wiberg U, Uv- nas-Moberg K. Oxytocin increases survival of musculocu- taneous flaps. N-S Arch Pharmacol, 357: 701–704, 1998.
  • Petersson M, Uvnas-Moberg K. Systemic oxytocin treat- ment modulates glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid re- ceptor mRNA in the rat hippocampus. Neurosci Lett, 343: 97–100, 2003.
  • Petersson M, Wiberg U, Lundeberg T, Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin decreases carrageenan induced inflammation in rats. Peptides, 22: 1479–1484, 2001.
  • Riad M, Mogos M, Thangathurai D, Lumb PD. Steroids. Curr Opin Crit Care, 8: 281-284, 2002.
  • Russell JA, Leng G, Douglas AJ. The magnocellular oxy- tocin system, the fount of maternity: adaptations in preg- nancy. Front Neuroendocrinol, 24: 27–61, 2003.
  • Scantamburlo G, Hansenne M, Fuchs S, Pitchot W, Mare- chal P, Pequeux C, Ansseau M, Legros JJ. Plasma oxytocin levels and anxiety in patients with major depression. Psy- choneuroendocrinol, 32: 407–410, 2007.
  • Spangelo BL, deHoll PD, Kalabay L, Bond BR, Arnaud P. Neurointermediate pituitary lobe cells synthesize and re- lease interleukin-6 in vitro: effects of lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-1 beta. Endocrinology, 135: 556–563, 1994.
  • Sullivan GW, Sarembock IJ, Linden J. The role of inflam- mation in vascular diseases. J Leukoc Biol, 67: 591–602, 2000.
  • Tilbrook AJ, Clarke IJ. Neuroendocrine mechanisms of innate states of attenuated responsiveness of the hypoth- alamo-pituitary adrenal axis to stress. Front Neuroendo- crinol, 27: 285–307, 2006.
  • Tugtepe H, Sener G, Bıyıklı NK, Yuksel M, Cetinel S, Ge- dik N, Yeğen BÇ. The protective effect of oxytocin on re- nal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Regul Pept 2007; 140: 101–108, 2006.
  • Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin may mediate the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions. Psychoneuroen- docrinol, 23: 819–835, 1998.
  • Uvnas-Moberg K, Ahlenius S, Hillegaart V, Alster P. High doses of oxytocin cause sedation and low doses cause an anxiolytic-like effect in male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Be- hav, 49: 101–106, 1994.
  • Windle, RJ, Wood S, Shanks N, Perks P, Conde GL, da Costa AP, Ingram CD, Lightman SL. Endocrine and be- havioural responses to noise stress: comparison of virgin and lactating female rats during non-disrupted maternal activity. J Neuroendocrinol, 9: 407–414, 1997.
  • Zicari A, Ticconi C, Realacci M, Cela O, Santangelo C, Pie- tropolli A, Russo MA, Piccione E. Hormonal regulation of cytokine release by human fetal membranes at term gesta- tion: effects of oxytocin, hydrocortisone and progesterone on tumour necrosis factor-alpha and transforming growth factor-beta 1 output. J Reprod Immunol, 56: 123–136, 2002.

Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitary- adrenal axis

Year 2010, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 61 - 66, 03.03.2014


Strese yol açan farklı uyaranlarla karşılaşıldığında, bireylerin bu stres koşulları ile baş edebilmelerini sağlamak üzere birçok mekanizma ile birlikte, hipotalamus-hipofiz-adrenal bez ekseni (HPA)’nin uyarılmasını da içeren nöroendokrin ve davranış yanıtları ortaya çıkar. Yapılan çalışmalar, arka hipofizden serbestlenen dokuz amino asitli oksitosinin, HPA aktivitesini baskılayarak davranışsal ve stres-azaltıcı etkileri olduğunu göstermiştir. Diğer taraftan, bu nöropeptidin çeşitli deneysel doku hasarı modellerinde immün ve inflamatuvar süreçleri düzenleyerek anti-inflamatuvar etki gösterdiği de ortaya konmuştur. Yeni yapılan çalışmaların sonuçları, oksitosinin HPA ekseni aktivasyonuna ve sonucunda kortizol serbestlenmesine olan etkileri ile anti-inflamatuvar etki gösterebileceğini düşündürmektedir. Sonuç olarak oksitosin, birçok inflamatuvar olayda aşırı uyarılmış olan HPA ekseninin etkinliğini sınırlandırmak yoluyla etki göstermektedir


  • Amico JA, Mantella RC, Vollmer RR, Li XJ. Anxiety and stress responses in female oxytocin deficient mice. Neu- roendocrinol, 16: 319–327, 2004.
  • Andreoli SP. Reactive oxygen molecules, oxidant injury and renal disease. Pediatr Nephrol, 5: 733–742, 1991.
  • Bear MF, Connors BW, Paradiso MA. Neuroscience: Ex- ploring the Brain. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Willaims & Wilkins; 2007, p. 669-676.
  • Beishuizen A, Thijs LG. Endotoxin and the hypothala- mo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. J Endotoxin Res, 9: 3-24, 2003.
  • Bıyıklı NK, Tugtepe H, Sener G, Velioglu-Ogunc A, Ceti- nel S, Gedik N, Yeğen BC. Oxytocin alleviates oxidative renal injury in pyelonephritic rats via a neutrophil-de- pendent mechanism. Peptides, 27: 2249–2257, 2006.
  • Carter CS, Altemus M. Integrative functions of lactation- al hormones in social behavior and stress management. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 807: 164–174, 1997.
  • Detillion CE, Craft TKS, Glasper ER, Prendergast BJ, DeVries AC. Social facilitation of wound healing. Psy- choneuroendocrinol, 29:1004–1011, 2004.
  • Dusunceli F, Iseri SO, Ercan F, Gedik N, Yeğen C, Yeğen BÇ. Oxytocin alleviates hepatic ischemia-reperfusion in- jury in rats. Peptides, 29: 1216–1222, 2008.
  • Eschwege P, Paradis V, Conti M, Holstege A,Richet F, De- teve J, Menager P, Legrand A, Jardin A, Bedossa P, Benoit G. In situ detection of lipid peroxidation by-products as markers of renal ischemia injuries in rat kidneys. J Urol, 162: 553–557, 1999.
  • Gibbs DM, Vale W, Rivier J, Yen SS. Oxytocin potentiates the ACTH-releasing activity of CRF(41) but not vaso- pressin. Life Sci, 34: 2245, 1984.
  • Gibbs DM. Dissociation of oxytocin, vasopressin and cor- ticotropin secretion during different types of stress. Life Sci, 35: 487-491, 1984
  • Glaser R, Rabin B, Chesney M, Cohen S, Natelson B. Stress-induced immunomodulation: implications for in- fectious diseases? J Am Med Assoc, 281: 2268–2270, 1999.
  • Grewen KM, Girdler SS, Amico J, Light KC. Effects of partner support on resting oxytocin, cortisol, norepine- phrine, and blood pressure before and after warm partner contact. Psychosom Med, 67: 531–553, 2005.
  • Gutkowska J, Jankowski M, Lambert C, Mukaddam- Daher S, Zingg HH, McCann SM. Oxytocin releases atrial natriuretic peptide by combining with oxytocin receptors in the heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 94: 11704–11709, 1997.
  • Heiman ML, Ahima RS, Craft LS, Schoner B, Stephens TW, Flier JS. Leptin inhibition of the hypothalamic-pitu- itary-adrenal axis in response to stress. Endocrinology, 138: 3859–3863, 1997.
  • Huber D, Veinante P, Stoop R. Vasopressin and oxytocin excite distinct neuronal populations in the central amy- gdala. Science, 308: 245-248, 2005.
  • Iseri SO, Sener G, Saglam B, Gedik N, Ercan F, Yegen BC. Oxytocin protects against sepsis-induced multiple organ damage: role of neutrophils. J Surg Res, 126: 73–81, 2005.
  • Iseri SO, Gedik IE, Erzik C, Uslu B, Arbak S, Gedik N, Yeğen BÇ Oxytocin ameliorates skin damage and oxidant gastric injury in rats with thermal trauma. Burns, 34: 361– 369, 2008.
  • Iseri SO, Sener G, Saglam B, Gedik N, Ercan F, Yegen BC. Oxytocin ameliorates skin damage and oxidant gastric in- jury in rats with thermal trauma. Peptides, 26: 483–491, 2005.
  • Ivell R, Russel JA, eds. Oxytocin, Cellular and Molecular Approaches in Medicine and Research. New York: Ple- num Press; 1995, p. 259–68.
  • Keller-Wood ME, Dallman MF. Corticosteroid inhibition of ACTH secretion. Endocr Rev, 5: 1–24, 1984.
  • Kettle AJ, Winterbourn CC. Myeloperoxidase: a key reg- ulator of neutrophil oxidant production. Redox Rep, 3: 3–15, 1997.
  • Liberzon I, Young EA. Effects of stress and glucocorti- coids on CNS oxytocin receptor binding. Psychoneuroen- docrinol, 22: 411–422, 1997.
  • Lundeberg T, Uvnas-Moberg K, Agren G, Bruzelius G. Anti-nociceptive effects of oxytocin in rats and mice. Neu- rosci Lett, 170: 153–157, 1994.
  • Ma S, Shipston MJ, Russell JA. Reduced hypothalamic vasopressin secretion underlies attenuated adrenocortico- tropin stress responses in pregnant rats. Endocrinology, 146: 1626–1637, 2005.
  • Moosman B, Behl C. Neuroprotective properties of can- nabinoids against oxidative stress: role of the cannabinoid receptor CB1. Mol Pharmacol, 61: 260–268, 2002.
  • Neumann ID. Involvement of the brain oxytocin system in stress coping: interactions with the hypothalamo-pitui- tary-adrenal axis. Prog Brain Res, 139: 147–162, 2002.
  • Neumann ID. Stimuli and consequences of dendritic re- lease of oxytocin within the brain. Biochem Soc Trans, 35: 1252-1257, 2007.
  • Neumann ID, Torner L, Wigger A. Brain oxytocin: differ- ential inhibition of neuroendocrine stress responses and anxiety-related behaviour in virgin, pregnant and lactat- ing rats. Neurosci, 95: 567–575, 2000.
  • Pedersen WA, McCullers D, Culmsee C, Haughey NJ, Herman JP, Mattson MP. Corticotropin-releasing hor- mone protects neurons against insults relevant to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Dis, 8: 492–503, 2001.
  • Perretti M. Lipocortin 1 and chemokine modulation of granulocyte and monocyte accumulation in experimental inflammation. Gen Pharmacol, 31: 545–552, 1998.
  • Petersson M, Hulting AL, Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin causes a sustained decrease in plasma levels of corticos- terone in rats. Neurosci Lett, 264: 41–44, 1999.
  • Petersson M, Lundeberg T, Sohlström A, Wiberg U, Uv- nas-Moberg K. Oxytocin increases survival of musculocu- taneous flaps. N-S Arch Pharmacol, 357: 701–704, 1998.
  • Petersson M, Uvnas-Moberg K. Systemic oxytocin treat- ment modulates glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid re- ceptor mRNA in the rat hippocampus. Neurosci Lett, 343: 97–100, 2003.
  • Petersson M, Wiberg U, Lundeberg T, Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin decreases carrageenan induced inflammation in rats. Peptides, 22: 1479–1484, 2001.
  • Riad M, Mogos M, Thangathurai D, Lumb PD. Steroids. Curr Opin Crit Care, 8: 281-284, 2002.
  • Russell JA, Leng G, Douglas AJ. The magnocellular oxy- tocin system, the fount of maternity: adaptations in preg- nancy. Front Neuroendocrinol, 24: 27–61, 2003.
  • Scantamburlo G, Hansenne M, Fuchs S, Pitchot W, Mare- chal P, Pequeux C, Ansseau M, Legros JJ. Plasma oxytocin levels and anxiety in patients with major depression. Psy- choneuroendocrinol, 32: 407–410, 2007.
  • Spangelo BL, deHoll PD, Kalabay L, Bond BR, Arnaud P. Neurointermediate pituitary lobe cells synthesize and re- lease interleukin-6 in vitro: effects of lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-1 beta. Endocrinology, 135: 556–563, 1994.
  • Sullivan GW, Sarembock IJ, Linden J. The role of inflam- mation in vascular diseases. J Leukoc Biol, 67: 591–602, 2000.
  • Tilbrook AJ, Clarke IJ. Neuroendocrine mechanisms of innate states of attenuated responsiveness of the hypoth- alamo-pituitary adrenal axis to stress. Front Neuroendo- crinol, 27: 285–307, 2006.
  • Tugtepe H, Sener G, Bıyıklı NK, Yuksel M, Cetinel S, Ge- dik N, Yeğen BÇ. The protective effect of oxytocin on re- nal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Regul Pept 2007; 140: 101–108, 2006.
  • Uvnas-Moberg K. Oxytocin may mediate the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions. Psychoneuroen- docrinol, 23: 819–835, 1998.
  • Uvnas-Moberg K, Ahlenius S, Hillegaart V, Alster P. High doses of oxytocin cause sedation and low doses cause an anxiolytic-like effect in male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Be- hav, 49: 101–106, 1994.
  • Windle, RJ, Wood S, Shanks N, Perks P, Conde GL, da Costa AP, Ingram CD, Lightman SL. Endocrine and be- havioural responses to noise stress: comparison of virgin and lactating female rats during non-disrupted maternal activity. J Neuroendocrinol, 9: 407–414, 1997.
  • Zicari A, Ticconi C, Realacci M, Cela O, Santangelo C, Pie- tropolli A, Russo MA, Piccione E. Hormonal regulation of cytokine release by human fetal membranes at term gesta- tion: effects of oxytocin, hydrocortisone and progesterone on tumour necrosis factor-alpha and transforming growth factor-beta 1 output. J Reprod Immunol, 56: 123–136, 2002.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Berrak Yeğen

Publication Date March 3, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Yeğen, B. (2014). Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 14(2), 61-66.
AMA Yeğen B. Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. J Res Pharm. March 2014;14(2):61-66. doi:10.12991/mpj.51516
Chicago Yeğen, Berrak. “Oxytocin and Hypothalamo-Pituitaryadrenal Axis”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 14, no. 2 (March 2014): 61-66.
EndNote Yeğen B (March 1, 2014) Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 14 2 61–66.
IEEE B. Yeğen, “Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis”, J Res Pharm, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 61–66, 2014, doi: 10.12991/mpj.51516.
ISNAD Yeğen, Berrak. “Oxytocin and Hypothalamo-Pituitaryadrenal Axis”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 14/2 (March 2014), 61-66.
JAMA Yeğen B. Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. J Res Pharm. 2014;14:61–66.
MLA Yeğen, Berrak. “Oxytocin and Hypothalamo-Pituitaryadrenal Axis”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, 2014, pp. 61-66, doi:10.12991/mpj.51516.
Vancouver Yeğen B. Oxytocin and hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis. J Res Pharm. 2014;14(2):61-6.
