İnsektisit Aktivite Gösteren Bitkisel Sekonder Metabolitler ve Etki Mekanizması
Year 2017,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 30 - 37, 14.09.2016
Çiğdem Aydın
Ramazan Mammadov
Son yıllarda tarım alanlarında kimyasal insektisitlerin yaygın kullanımına bağlı olarak hastalık ve zararlı türlerde ortaya çıkan dayanıklılık, çevre kirliliği, kalıntı ve benzeri sorunlar bitki koruma çalışmalarında çeşitli alternatif yöntem ve insektisitlerin aranmasını zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bitkilerden elde edilen ve spesifik olan bitkisel insektisitler doğada bulunmaları nedeni ile doğada ek toksik madde yaymamakta, kısa zamanda dekompoze olarak çevre kirliliklerine yol açmamakta, ürünler üzerinde kalıntı oluşturmamaktadır. Bu avantajlardan dolayı uzun yıllardır zararlılarla mücadelede kullanılan bitkisel insektisitlere son yıllarda yenileri eklenmiş olup, araştırmalar devam etmektedir. Özellikle entegre mücadele ve organik tarım anlayışının geliştiği son yirmi yılda çeşitli bitkisel kökenli sekonder bileşikler tarım alanlarında kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada insektisit aktivite gösteren bitkisel sekonder metabolitler, uçucu yağlar ve etki mekanizmaları hakkında bilgiler derlenmiştir.
- Yamanel Ş, Çakır Ş. Türkiye’nin Bazı Karasinek (Musca domestica L.) Populasyonlarında Organofosfatlı İnsektisidlerden Metil Paration ve Diazinona Karşı Gelişmiş Direnç. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 2004; 28(4): 210-214.
- Karaca İÇ, Gökçe A. Bitki Ekstraktlarının Sera Beyazsineği [Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westw.)Homoptera:Aleyrodidae]’ne Olan Toksik ve Davranışsal Etkileri. Türk entomol derg 2014; 38(4): 459-466.
- Öncüer C. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Savaş Yöntem ve İlaçları. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi yayınları 2000;13, 333 s.
- Anonim. Zirai Mücadele Teknik Talimatları. Gıda, Tarım Ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Koruma Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü 2008; 3.cilt, 256-261.
- Topuz E, Madanlar N. Bitkisel Kökenli Eterik Yağlar ve Zararlılara Karşı Kullanım Olanakları. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enst 2006; 23(2): 54-66.
- Anonymus.Natural pesticides From Around World. 2000 htp://wvvw. seedman. com/pest. htlm
- Isman MB. Neem and Other Botanical Insecticides: Barriers To Commercialization. Phytoparasitica 1997; 25(4): 339- 344.
- Isman BM. Plant Essential Oils For Pest And Disease Management. Faculty Of Agricultural Sciences 2000;University Of British Columbia.
- Öncüer C. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Savaş Yöntemleri ve İlaçlar. Ege Üniversitesi Basım Evi. 1995; 333s.
- Shanker C. and Solanki KR. Botanical İnsecticides: A Historical Perspective. India, Asian Agrihistory 20004;2: 21- 30.
- Kan Y, Arslan N, Altun L ve Kartal M.Türkiye’de Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkilerin Kültürünün Ekonomik Önemi.15. Ziraahat Toplantısı Bildirisi 2005 ( 5-7 Ekim 2005), Antalya.
- Weinzierl R. and Henn T. Alternatives in Insect Management Biological and Biorational Approaches. North Central Regional Extensions Publication, 1991, 73 pp.
- Duke OS. Natural Pesticides from Plants.1990,511-517.
- Benner JP. Pesticidal Compound from Higher Plants. Pestic Sci 1993; 39: 95-102.
- Banken JAO. and Stark JD. Stage and Age Influence on the Susceptibility of Coccinella septempunctata (Col.: Coccinellidae) after Direct Exposure to Neemix, a Neem İnsecticide. Journal of Econ Entomol 1997; 90(5):1102-1105.
- Lowery JF and Isman M B. Lab and Field Evaluation of Neem for the Control of Aphids. J. Econ. Entomol 1993; 86(3):864-870.
- Öztekin E. Bitkisel Kökenli Bazı Yağların ve Bileşenlerin Patates Böceği, Leptinotarsa decemlineata L., (Col.: Chrysomelıdae)’Nin Bazı Biyolojik Dönemlerine Karşı Toksik Etkisi. 2009 Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Asımgil A. Şifalı Bitkiler Timaş yayınları. 1993 pp.176.
- Wang SY. and Wang G.K.,. Voltage-gate sodium channels as primary targets of diverse lipid-soluble neurotoxins. Cellular Signalling 2003; 15(2): 151-159.
- Lipinski RJ. Dengler E. Kiehn M. Peterson RE. and Bushman W.. Identification and characterization of several dietary alkaloids as weak inhibitors of hedgehog signaling. Toxicological Sciences, 2007; 100(2): 456–463.
- Grotnitzky JA. Coats JR. 2002. QSAR Evaluation of Monoterpenoids insecticidal Activity. J Agric Food Chem 2002; 50: 4576-4580.
- Kim SI. Roh JY. Kim DH. Lee HS. and Ahn YJ. Insecticidal Activities of Aromatic Plant Extracts and Essential Oils against Sitophilus oryzae and Callosobruchus chinensis. J Stored Prod Res 2003; 39: 293-303.
- Ueno E. Oshima H. Saito I. Matsumoto H. and Nakazawa H. Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Onion and Welsh Onion by Gas Chromatography with Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector. J Pestic Sci 2003; 28: 422-428.
- Ceylan A. Tıbbi bitkiler - II (Uçucu yağ bitkileri). Ege Ünv. Ziraat Fak. Yayını, 1997; 481: 1-27.
- Regnault-Roger C. The Potential Of Botanical Essential Oils For İnsect Pest Control. Integrated Pest Management Reviews 1997; 2: 15–34.
- . Nawrot J. Harmatha J. Natural products as antifeedants against stored product insects. PostHarvest News and Information 1994; 5: 17–21.
- . Isman MB. Botanical insecticides, deterrents, and repellents in modern agriculture and an increasingly regulated world. Annual Review of Entomology 2006; 51: 45–66.
- . Rajendran S. Sriranjini V. Plant products as fumigants for stored-product insect control. Journal of Stored Products Research 2008; 44:126–135.
- . Casanova J. Les différentes techniques d’analyse des huiles essentielles. Res Mediterranea 1994; 1: 63–72.
- . Cetin H. Yanikoglu A. A study of the larvicidal activity of Origanum (Labiatae) species from southwest Turkey. J Vector Ecol 2006; 31: 118-122.
- . Erler F. Polat E. Demir H. Cetin H. Erdemir T. Control of the mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood), with plant extracts. Pest Manag Sci. 2009; 65(2):144-149.
- .Schoonhoven LM. Biological Aspects of Antifeedants. Entomol Exp Appl 1982; 31:57-69.
- . Jacobson M. Botanical Insecticides. Past, Present and Future. In: Insecticides of Plant Origin. Ed. By Arnason, J.T. Philogene, B.J.R., Morand, P. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 1989;387:1-10.
- . Isman MB. Leads and Prospects for the Development of new Botanical Insecticides. Rev Pestic Toxicol 1995;3:1-20.
- . Isman MB. Neem and Other Botanical İnsecticides: Barriers to Commercialization. Phytoparasitica 1997; 25: 339-344.
- . Kısmalı Ş. ve Madanlar N. Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae)’nın Böceklere Etkileri Üzerinde bir İnceleme. Türk Entomol Derg 1988;12(4): 239-249.
- .Berenbaum MR. Niato JK. Zangerl AR. Adaptive Variation in the Furanocoumarin Composition of Pastinaca sativa (Apiaceae). J Chem Ecol 1991;17: 207–215.
- .Sarac A. and Tunc I. Toxicity of Essential Oil Vapours to Store-Product İnsects. J Plant Dis Prot 1995a;102: 69–74.
- .Ho SH. Ma Y. Huang Y. Anethole, a Potential İnsecticide from Ilicium Verum, Against Two Stored Product İnsects. Int Pest Control 1997;39: 50–51.
- . Kelm MA. Nair MG. Schutzki RA. Mosquitocidal Compounds from Magnolia salicifolia Int J Pharmacog 1997;35, 84–90.
- . Regnault- Roger Hamraoui C. Holeman A. Theron ME and Pinel R. İnsecticidal Effect of Essential Oils from Mediterranean Plants Upon Acantocelides obtectus Say (Col.: Bruchidae), Apest of Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) J Chem Ecol 1993; 19: 1233-1244.
- . Shaaya E. Ravid U. Paster N. Juven B. Zisman U. and Pisarev V.. Fumigant Toxicity of Essential Oils against Four Major Stored Products İnsects. J Chem Ecol 1991;17: 499-501.
- . Varma J. Dubey NK. Prospectives of Botanical and Microbial Products as Pesticides of Tomorrow. 2005.
- . Singh G. and Upadhyay RK. Essential Oils: A Potent Source of Natural Pesticides. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1993.52:676-683.
- . Gfeller H. Schlunegger UP. Schaffner U. Boeve JL. and Ujvary, I.,. Analysis of the chemical defense system in an insect larva by tandem mass-spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2005; 30(9): 1291-1295.
- . O'Brıen RD. Insecticides -Action and Metabolism-. Academic Press, Inc. London, 1974 332 s.
- .Sogorb MA. and Vilanova E. Enzymes involved in the detoxification of organophosphorus, carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides through hydrolysis. Toxicology Letters, 2002; 128: 215–228.
- . Ünal G. ve Gürkan MO. İnsektisitler kimyasal yapıları, toksikolojileri ve ekotoksikolojileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü, 2001:159, Ankara.
- . Zlotkin E. The Insect Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel as Target of Insecticides Annual Review of Entomology, 1999;44; 429-455.
- Soderlund DM. Clark JM. Sheets LP. Mullin LS., Piccirillo VJ., Sargent D., Stevens J. T. and Weiner M. L. 2002. Mechanisms of pyrethroid neurotoxicity: implications for cumulative risk assessment. Toxicology 171; 3–59.
- . Kumar S. Hasan SA. Dwıdeı S. Kukreja AK. Sharma A. Sıng AK. Sharma S. and Tewari R. 2001. Toxicity of Essential Oil from Lippia alba towards Stored Grain İnsects. J. Medic. Aromatic. Plant. Sci., 2001; 22/23 (4A/1A):117-119.
- . Lee S. Peterson CJ. and Coats J.R. FumigationT of Monoterpenoids to Several Stored Productİ. J. Stored Prod. Res., 2003; 39: 77-85.
- . Gün Ş. Çinbilgel İ. Öz E. Çetin H. Bazı Salvia L. (Labiatae) Bitki Ekstraktlarının, Sivrisinek Culex pipiens L. (Diptera: Culicidae)’e Karşı Larva Öldürücü Aktivites Kafkas Univ Vetrn Fak Derg 2011; 17(Suppl A): S61-S65.
Plant Secondary Metabolites Demostrating Isecticidal Activity and Effect Mechanism
Year 2017,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 30 - 37, 14.09.2016
Çiğdem Aydın
Ramazan Mammadov
Although insecticides are used to
protect our food supply, the negative
health effects of insecticides may indicate that they do more harm than good. Alternative control
methods include biologic control and biotechnological
methods which chemicals are not or
restrictedly used. Natural insecticides play important role on biotechnological methods. They are
sophisticated compounds which are
effective against target organisms, are safe
to the environment and can be used without undue hazards to the operators or consumers because they
are already present in nature. Because
of these advantages, commercial preparats
of some plant extracts are made and being used on control of some pests. In this study, plant secondary
metabolites which insecticidal activity
showing, essential oils and their effects
mechanism have been reviewed.
- Yamanel Ş, Çakır Ş. Türkiye’nin Bazı Karasinek (Musca domestica L.) Populasyonlarında Organofosfatlı İnsektisidlerden Metil Paration ve Diazinona Karşı Gelişmiş Direnç. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 2004; 28(4): 210-214.
- Karaca İÇ, Gökçe A. Bitki Ekstraktlarının Sera Beyazsineği [Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westw.)Homoptera:Aleyrodidae]’ne Olan Toksik ve Davranışsal Etkileri. Türk entomol derg 2014; 38(4): 459-466.
- Öncüer C. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Savaş Yöntem ve İlaçları. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi yayınları 2000;13, 333 s.
- Anonim. Zirai Mücadele Teknik Talimatları. Gıda, Tarım Ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Koruma Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü 2008; 3.cilt, 256-261.
- Topuz E, Madanlar N. Bitkisel Kökenli Eterik Yağlar ve Zararlılara Karşı Kullanım Olanakları. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enst 2006; 23(2): 54-66.
- Anonymus.Natural pesticides From Around World. 2000 htp://wvvw. seedman. com/pest. htlm
- Isman MB. Neem and Other Botanical Insecticides: Barriers To Commercialization. Phytoparasitica 1997; 25(4): 339- 344.
- Isman BM. Plant Essential Oils For Pest And Disease Management. Faculty Of Agricultural Sciences 2000;University Of British Columbia.
- Öncüer C. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Savaş Yöntemleri ve İlaçlar. Ege Üniversitesi Basım Evi. 1995; 333s.
- Shanker C. and Solanki KR. Botanical İnsecticides: A Historical Perspective. India, Asian Agrihistory 20004;2: 21- 30.
- Kan Y, Arslan N, Altun L ve Kartal M.Türkiye’de Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkilerin Kültürünün Ekonomik Önemi.15. Ziraahat Toplantısı Bildirisi 2005 ( 5-7 Ekim 2005), Antalya.
- Weinzierl R. and Henn T. Alternatives in Insect Management Biological and Biorational Approaches. North Central Regional Extensions Publication, 1991, 73 pp.
- Duke OS. Natural Pesticides from Plants.1990,511-517.
- Benner JP. Pesticidal Compound from Higher Plants. Pestic Sci 1993; 39: 95-102.
- Banken JAO. and Stark JD. Stage and Age Influence on the Susceptibility of Coccinella septempunctata (Col.: Coccinellidae) after Direct Exposure to Neemix, a Neem İnsecticide. Journal of Econ Entomol 1997; 90(5):1102-1105.
- Lowery JF and Isman M B. Lab and Field Evaluation of Neem for the Control of Aphids. J. Econ. Entomol 1993; 86(3):864-870.
- Öztekin E. Bitkisel Kökenli Bazı Yağların ve Bileşenlerin Patates Böceği, Leptinotarsa decemlineata L., (Col.: Chrysomelıdae)’Nin Bazı Biyolojik Dönemlerine Karşı Toksik Etkisi. 2009 Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Asımgil A. Şifalı Bitkiler Timaş yayınları. 1993 pp.176.
- Wang SY. and Wang G.K.,. Voltage-gate sodium channels as primary targets of diverse lipid-soluble neurotoxins. Cellular Signalling 2003; 15(2): 151-159.
- Lipinski RJ. Dengler E. Kiehn M. Peterson RE. and Bushman W.. Identification and characterization of several dietary alkaloids as weak inhibitors of hedgehog signaling. Toxicological Sciences, 2007; 100(2): 456–463.
- Grotnitzky JA. Coats JR. 2002. QSAR Evaluation of Monoterpenoids insecticidal Activity. J Agric Food Chem 2002; 50: 4576-4580.
- Kim SI. Roh JY. Kim DH. Lee HS. and Ahn YJ. Insecticidal Activities of Aromatic Plant Extracts and Essential Oils against Sitophilus oryzae and Callosobruchus chinensis. J Stored Prod Res 2003; 39: 293-303.
- Ueno E. Oshima H. Saito I. Matsumoto H. and Nakazawa H. Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Onion and Welsh Onion by Gas Chromatography with Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector. J Pestic Sci 2003; 28: 422-428.
- Ceylan A. Tıbbi bitkiler - II (Uçucu yağ bitkileri). Ege Ünv. Ziraat Fak. Yayını, 1997; 481: 1-27.
- Regnault-Roger C. The Potential Of Botanical Essential Oils For İnsect Pest Control. Integrated Pest Management Reviews 1997; 2: 15–34.
- . Nawrot J. Harmatha J. Natural products as antifeedants against stored product insects. PostHarvest News and Information 1994; 5: 17–21.
- . Isman MB. Botanical insecticides, deterrents, and repellents in modern agriculture and an increasingly regulated world. Annual Review of Entomology 2006; 51: 45–66.
- . Rajendran S. Sriranjini V. Plant products as fumigants for stored-product insect control. Journal of Stored Products Research 2008; 44:126–135.
- . Casanova J. Les différentes techniques d’analyse des huiles essentielles. Res Mediterranea 1994; 1: 63–72.
- . Cetin H. Yanikoglu A. A study of the larvicidal activity of Origanum (Labiatae) species from southwest Turkey. J Vector Ecol 2006; 31: 118-122.
- . Erler F. Polat E. Demir H. Cetin H. Erdemir T. Control of the mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood), with plant extracts. Pest Manag Sci. 2009; 65(2):144-149.
- .Schoonhoven LM. Biological Aspects of Antifeedants. Entomol Exp Appl 1982; 31:57-69.
- . Jacobson M. Botanical Insecticides. Past, Present and Future. In: Insecticides of Plant Origin. Ed. By Arnason, J.T. Philogene, B.J.R., Morand, P. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 1989;387:1-10.
- . Isman MB. Leads and Prospects for the Development of new Botanical Insecticides. Rev Pestic Toxicol 1995;3:1-20.
- . Isman MB. Neem and Other Botanical İnsecticides: Barriers to Commercialization. Phytoparasitica 1997; 25: 339-344.
- . Kısmalı Ş. ve Madanlar N. Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae)’nın Böceklere Etkileri Üzerinde bir İnceleme. Türk Entomol Derg 1988;12(4): 239-249.
- .Berenbaum MR. Niato JK. Zangerl AR. Adaptive Variation in the Furanocoumarin Composition of Pastinaca sativa (Apiaceae). J Chem Ecol 1991;17: 207–215.
- .Sarac A. and Tunc I. Toxicity of Essential Oil Vapours to Store-Product İnsects. J Plant Dis Prot 1995a;102: 69–74.
- .Ho SH. Ma Y. Huang Y. Anethole, a Potential İnsecticide from Ilicium Verum, Against Two Stored Product İnsects. Int Pest Control 1997;39: 50–51.
- . Kelm MA. Nair MG. Schutzki RA. Mosquitocidal Compounds from Magnolia salicifolia Int J Pharmacog 1997;35, 84–90.
- . Regnault- Roger Hamraoui C. Holeman A. Theron ME and Pinel R. İnsecticidal Effect of Essential Oils from Mediterranean Plants Upon Acantocelides obtectus Say (Col.: Bruchidae), Apest of Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) J Chem Ecol 1993; 19: 1233-1244.
- . Shaaya E. Ravid U. Paster N. Juven B. Zisman U. and Pisarev V.. Fumigant Toxicity of Essential Oils against Four Major Stored Products İnsects. J Chem Ecol 1991;17: 499-501.
- . Varma J. Dubey NK. Prospectives of Botanical and Microbial Products as Pesticides of Tomorrow. 2005.
- . Singh G. and Upadhyay RK. Essential Oils: A Potent Source of Natural Pesticides. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1993.52:676-683.
- . Gfeller H. Schlunegger UP. Schaffner U. Boeve JL. and Ujvary, I.,. Analysis of the chemical defense system in an insect larva by tandem mass-spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2005; 30(9): 1291-1295.
- . O'Brıen RD. Insecticides -Action and Metabolism-. Academic Press, Inc. London, 1974 332 s.
- .Sogorb MA. and Vilanova E. Enzymes involved in the detoxification of organophosphorus, carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides through hydrolysis. Toxicology Letters, 2002; 128: 215–228.
- . Ünal G. ve Gürkan MO. İnsektisitler kimyasal yapıları, toksikolojileri ve ekotoksikolojileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü, 2001:159, Ankara.
- . Zlotkin E. The Insect Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel as Target of Insecticides Annual Review of Entomology, 1999;44; 429-455.
- Soderlund DM. Clark JM. Sheets LP. Mullin LS., Piccirillo VJ., Sargent D., Stevens J. T. and Weiner M. L. 2002. Mechanisms of pyrethroid neurotoxicity: implications for cumulative risk assessment. Toxicology 171; 3–59.
- . Kumar S. Hasan SA. Dwıdeı S. Kukreja AK. Sharma A. Sıng AK. Sharma S. and Tewari R. 2001. Toxicity of Essential Oil from Lippia alba towards Stored Grain İnsects. J. Medic. Aromatic. Plant. Sci., 2001; 22/23 (4A/1A):117-119.
- . Lee S. Peterson CJ. and Coats J.R. FumigationT of Monoterpenoids to Several Stored Productİ. J. Stored Prod. Res., 2003; 39: 77-85.
- . Gün Ş. Çinbilgel İ. Öz E. Çetin H. Bazı Salvia L. (Labiatae) Bitki Ekstraktlarının, Sivrisinek Culex pipiens L. (Diptera: Culicidae)’e Karşı Larva Öldürücü Aktivites Kafkas Univ Vetrn Fak Derg 2011; 17(Suppl A): S61-S65.