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İlaç Formülasyonu Geliştirilmesinde Deney Tasarımı (DoE) Seçimi ve Kullanımı

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 216 - 227, 01.04.2017


Son yıllarda ilaç formülasyonu geliştirilmesinde deney tasarımı

(DoE) kullanımı artmış olmasına rağmen hala yeterli seviyede

değildir. Özellikle katı ve yarı-katı dozaj formları gibi birçok

bileşeni olan ve çıktılara etkisi bilinmeyen birçok proses

parametresinin bulunduğu formülasyonlarda kullanılmasının

ne kadar yararlı olduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak formülasyon

geliştirmede deneme-yanılma gibi eski yaklaşımlar yerine DoE

kullanılması ne kadar önemli ise, bu DoE’nin doğru kullanımı

ve seçimi de bir o kadar önemlidir. Doğru seçilmeyen bir DoE

tipi veya uygun olmayacak şekilde yapılan deneme ve ölçümler,

sadece boşa kaynak ve zaman harcanması ile sonuçlanmaz,

çoğu zaman kafa karıştırıcı veya yanıltıcı veriler de üretir. Bu

derlemede DoE, uygun DoE tipinin seçimi, istatiksel eleme

ile faktör sayısının düşürülmesi ve yanıt yüzeyi modellemesi

(RSM) ile ilaç formülasyonlarının optimizasyonu hakkında

özet bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmış olup, bu yöntemlerin ilaç

formülasyonu geliştirmedeki uygulamalarından da kısaca

bahsedilmiştir. Doğru DoE tipinin seçilerek uygulanması

sayesinde; gerçekleştirilen az sayıdaki denemelerden çok fazla

kaliteli bilgi (matematiksel modeller) üretilebilir. Bu sayede

geliştirme süresi ve maliyeti ciddi oranda azaltılabilir. Ayrıca

geliştirilen ürün, değişkenliklere karşı hassas olmayan sağlam

bir prosese sahip olabilir.


  • Haaland PD. Experimental Design in Biotechnology (1sted). Marcel Dekker Inc, New York. 1989. pp.3-92.
  • Bass I. Six Sigma Statistics with EXCEL and MINITAB (1sted). McGraw-Hill Professional, USA. 2007, pp.275-288.
  • Box GEP, Hunter WG, Hunter JS. Statistics for Experimenters. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York. 1978, pp.298-487.
  • Mason RL, Gunst RF, Hess JL. Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: With Applications to Engineering and Science (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons Inc, Hoboken. 2003, pp.109-139.
  • Antony J. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists (2nd ed). Elsevier Inc. 2014, pp.7-125.
  • Hwang RC, Kowalski DL. Design of experiments for formulation development. Pharm Technol 2005. Available at; Design%20of%20experiments%20for%20formulation%20 development [Son erişim tarihi: 01.11.2016].
  • Shivhare M, McCreath G. Practical considerations for DoE implementation in quality by design. Bioprocess Int 2010; 8: 22-30.
  • Qiu Y, Zhang G. Development of modified-release solid oral dosage forms. In: Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory and practice. Editors: Qui Y, Chen Y, Zhang GGZ. Academic Press, Burlington. 2009, pp.501-517.
  • Lionberger RA, Lee SL, Lee L, Raw A, Yu LX. Quality by design: Concepts for ANDAs. AAPS J 2008; 10: 268-76. 10. Kumar BP, Karimulla SK. Solid lipid nanoparticles - a brief review. Int J Adv Pharm 2012; 2: 35-55.
  • Eriksson L, Johansson E, Kettaneh-Wold N, Wikstrom C, Wold S. Design of experiments: Principles and applications (3rd ed). MKS Umetrics AB, Sweden. 2008, pp.7-386.
  • Esbensen KH, Guyot D, Westad F, Houmoller LP. Multivariate data analysis in practice: An ıntroduction to multivariate data analysis and experimental design (5thed). Aalborg University, Denmark. 2002, pp.361-479.
  • Montgomery DC. Design and analysis of experiments (5thed). John Wiley&Sons Inc, New York. 2000, pp.170-511.
  • Yamamoto K, Shao ZJ. Process Development, Optimization, and scale-up: Fluid-bed granulation. In: Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory and practice (1sted). Editors: Qui Y, Chen Y, Zhang GGZ. Academic Press, Burlington. 2009, pp.708-12.
  • Durig T, Fassihi AR. Identification of stabilizing and destabilizing effects of excipient-drug interactions in solid dosage form design. Int J Pharm 1993; 97: 161–70.
  • Myers RH, Montgomery DC, Anderson-Cook CM. Response surface methodology: Process and product optimization using designed experiments (4thed). John Wiley and Sons Inc, Hoboken NJ. 2016, pp.1-12, 81-543.
  • Porter WR. Applied statistics in product development. In: Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory & practice. Editors: Qiu Y, Chen Y, Zhang GGZ, Liu L, Porter WR. Academic Press, Burlington USA. 2009, pp. 255-259.
  • Aksu B, Yegen G, Purisa S, Cevher E, Ozsoy Y. Optimisation of ondansetron orally disintegrating tablets using artificial neural networks. Trop J Pharm Res 2014; 13: 1374-83.
  • Demir O, Aksu B, Ozsoy Y, Araman A. Optimization of dexketoprofen trometamol tablet formulations utilizing different modeling techniques and the quality by design. Lat Am J Pharm 2016; 35: 813-25.
  • Odeniyi MA, Jaiyeoba KT. Optimization of ascorbic acid tablet formulations containing hydrophilic polymers. Farmacia 2009; 57: 157-66.
  • Ferreira GN, Silva MGR, Fraga AGM, Pereira da Silva LCR, Lira LM, Rodrigues CR, Castro HC, PEREİRA DE Sousa V, Cabral LM. Preparation and scale up of extended-release tablets of bromopride. Braz J Pharm Sci 2014; 50: 291-300.
  • Munot NM, Bajaj AN. Formulation and evaluation of gastroretentive indapamide micro balloons in combination with telmisartan minitablets. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2011; 2: 141- 52.
  • Monajjemzadeh F, Hamishehkar H, Zakeri-Milani P, Farjami A, Valizadeh H. Design and optimization of sustained-release divalproex sodium tablets with response surface methodology. AAPS PharmSciTech 2013; 14: 245-53.
  • Uğurlu T, Karaçiçek U, Rayaman E. Optimization and evaluation of clarithromycin floating tablets using experimental mixture design. Acta Pol Pharm 2014; 71: 311- 21.
  • en NIM, Gani SSA, Shamsudin R, Masoumi HRF. The use of D-Optimal mixture design in optimizing development of okara tablet formulation as a dietary supplement. Sci World J 2015; 2015: 1-7.
  • Shakya S. Formulation and optimization of immediate release tablet of sitagliptin phosphate using response surface methodology. Int J Pharm Biol Med Sci 2015; 4: 7-12.
  • Sautour M, Rouget A, Dantigny P, Divies C, Bensoussan M. Application of Doehlert design to determine the combined effects of temperature, water activity and pH on conidial germination of Penicillium chrysogenum. J Appl Microbiol 2001; 91: 900-6.
  • Matlhola K, Katata-Seru L, Tshweu L, Bahadur I, Makgatho G, Balogun M. Formulation and optimization of Eudragit RS PO-Tenofovir nanocarriers using box-behnken experimental design. J Nanomater 2015; 2015: 1-11
  • El-Say KM, Refaey TA, Samy AM, Badawi AA. Box-Behnken design for optimization of formulation variables to improve the flowability and compressibility of bezafibrate. J Pharm Sci 2011; 43: 40-57.
  • Aksu B, Paradkar A, Matas M, Ozer O, Guneri T, York P. A quality by design approach using artificial intelligence techniques to control the critical quality attributes of ramipril tablets manufactured by wet granulation. Pharm Dev Technol 2013; 18: 236–45.
  • Mesut B, Aksu B, Ozsoy Y. Design of sustained release tablet formulations of alfuzosin HCl by means of neuro-fuzzy logic. Lat Am J Pharm 2013; 32: 1288-97.
  • Aksu B, Aydoğan M, Kanik B, Aksoy E. A flexible regulatory approach for different raw materials suppliers using QbD principles. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci 2013; 4: 358-72.
  • Aksu B, Gokce EH, Rencber S, Ozyazici M. Optimization of solid lipid nanoparticles using Gene Expression Programming (GEP). Lat Am J Pharm 2014; 33: 675-84.
  • Aksu B, Paradkar A, Matas M, Ozer O, Guneri T, York P. Quality by design approach: application of artificial intelligence techniques of tablets manufactured by direct compression. Pharm Sci Tech 2012; 13: 1138-46.
  • Aksu B, Matas M, Cevher E, Ozsoy Y, Guneri T, York P. Quality by design approach for tablet formulations containing spray coated ramipril by using artificial intelligence techniques. Int J Drug Deliv 2012; 4: 59-69.
  • Demir O, Aksu B, Ozsoy Y. Araştırma-geliştirme calışmalarında tasarımla kalite yaklaşımı ve yapay sinir ağı modellemesinin onemi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pharm Sci 2015; 4: 17-36.

The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 216 - 227, 01.04.2017


In recent years, despite of the increasing use of design of
experiments (DoE) in the development of drug product
formulation, it has still not been sufficient. It has been known that
using DoE is very useful particularly formulation of solid and
semi-solid dosage forms including many components and many
process parameters with unknown effect on outputs. Proper use
and selection of the DoE is also important at least as using DoE
in the development of drug product formulation instead of the
old approaches such as trial and error. Non-correctly selected
type of DoE or inappropriately applied experiments and
measurements results not only wasted resources and time, but
also often produces confusing or misleading data. In this review,
summary information about DoE, selection of suitable type of
DoE, reduction of the number of factors by using statistical
screening and optimization of the drug formulations using
response surface modeling (RSM) are intended to give, also
briefly mentioned about the application of these methods in the
development of pharmaceutical formulation. A lot of quality
information (mathematical models) can be produced from the
few trials conducted by means of selecting and implementation
of the correct type of DoE. Thus, the development time and cost
can be reduced significantly. Developed product may also have
a robust process which is not sensitive to variations.


  • Haaland PD. Experimental Design in Biotechnology (1sted). Marcel Dekker Inc, New York. 1989. pp.3-92.
  • Bass I. Six Sigma Statistics with EXCEL and MINITAB (1sted). McGraw-Hill Professional, USA. 2007, pp.275-288.
  • Box GEP, Hunter WG, Hunter JS. Statistics for Experimenters. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York. 1978, pp.298-487.
  • Mason RL, Gunst RF, Hess JL. Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: With Applications to Engineering and Science (2nd ed). John Wiley & Sons Inc, Hoboken. 2003, pp.109-139.
  • Antony J. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists (2nd ed). Elsevier Inc. 2014, pp.7-125.
  • Hwang RC, Kowalski DL. Design of experiments for formulation development. Pharm Technol 2005. Available at; Design%20of%20experiments%20for%20formulation%20 development [Son erişim tarihi: 01.11.2016].
  • Shivhare M, McCreath G. Practical considerations for DoE implementation in quality by design. Bioprocess Int 2010; 8: 22-30.
  • Qiu Y, Zhang G. Development of modified-release solid oral dosage forms. In: Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory and practice. Editors: Qui Y, Chen Y, Zhang GGZ. Academic Press, Burlington. 2009, pp.501-517.
  • Lionberger RA, Lee SL, Lee L, Raw A, Yu LX. Quality by design: Concepts for ANDAs. AAPS J 2008; 10: 268-76. 10. Kumar BP, Karimulla SK. Solid lipid nanoparticles - a brief review. Int J Adv Pharm 2012; 2: 35-55.
  • Eriksson L, Johansson E, Kettaneh-Wold N, Wikstrom C, Wold S. Design of experiments: Principles and applications (3rd ed). MKS Umetrics AB, Sweden. 2008, pp.7-386.
  • Esbensen KH, Guyot D, Westad F, Houmoller LP. Multivariate data analysis in practice: An ıntroduction to multivariate data analysis and experimental design (5thed). Aalborg University, Denmark. 2002, pp.361-479.
  • Montgomery DC. Design and analysis of experiments (5thed). John Wiley&Sons Inc, New York. 2000, pp.170-511.
  • Yamamoto K, Shao ZJ. Process Development, Optimization, and scale-up: Fluid-bed granulation. In: Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory and practice (1sted). Editors: Qui Y, Chen Y, Zhang GGZ. Academic Press, Burlington. 2009, pp.708-12.
  • Durig T, Fassihi AR. Identification of stabilizing and destabilizing effects of excipient-drug interactions in solid dosage form design. Int J Pharm 1993; 97: 161–70.
  • Myers RH, Montgomery DC, Anderson-Cook CM. Response surface methodology: Process and product optimization using designed experiments (4thed). John Wiley and Sons Inc, Hoboken NJ. 2016, pp.1-12, 81-543.
  • Porter WR. Applied statistics in product development. In: Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory & practice. Editors: Qiu Y, Chen Y, Zhang GGZ, Liu L, Porter WR. Academic Press, Burlington USA. 2009, pp. 255-259.
  • Aksu B, Yegen G, Purisa S, Cevher E, Ozsoy Y. Optimisation of ondansetron orally disintegrating tablets using artificial neural networks. Trop J Pharm Res 2014; 13: 1374-83.
  • Demir O, Aksu B, Ozsoy Y, Araman A. Optimization of dexketoprofen trometamol tablet formulations utilizing different modeling techniques and the quality by design. Lat Am J Pharm 2016; 35: 813-25.
  • Odeniyi MA, Jaiyeoba KT. Optimization of ascorbic acid tablet formulations containing hydrophilic polymers. Farmacia 2009; 57: 157-66.
  • Ferreira GN, Silva MGR, Fraga AGM, Pereira da Silva LCR, Lira LM, Rodrigues CR, Castro HC, PEREİRA DE Sousa V, Cabral LM. Preparation and scale up of extended-release tablets of bromopride. Braz J Pharm Sci 2014; 50: 291-300.
  • Munot NM, Bajaj AN. Formulation and evaluation of gastroretentive indapamide micro balloons in combination with telmisartan minitablets. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2011; 2: 141- 52.
  • Monajjemzadeh F, Hamishehkar H, Zakeri-Milani P, Farjami A, Valizadeh H. Design and optimization of sustained-release divalproex sodium tablets with response surface methodology. AAPS PharmSciTech 2013; 14: 245-53.
  • Uğurlu T, Karaçiçek U, Rayaman E. Optimization and evaluation of clarithromycin floating tablets using experimental mixture design. Acta Pol Pharm 2014; 71: 311- 21.
  • en NIM, Gani SSA, Shamsudin R, Masoumi HRF. The use of D-Optimal mixture design in optimizing development of okara tablet formulation as a dietary supplement. Sci World J 2015; 2015: 1-7.
  • Shakya S. Formulation and optimization of immediate release tablet of sitagliptin phosphate using response surface methodology. Int J Pharm Biol Med Sci 2015; 4: 7-12.
  • Sautour M, Rouget A, Dantigny P, Divies C, Bensoussan M. Application of Doehlert design to determine the combined effects of temperature, water activity and pH on conidial germination of Penicillium chrysogenum. J Appl Microbiol 2001; 91: 900-6.
  • Matlhola K, Katata-Seru L, Tshweu L, Bahadur I, Makgatho G, Balogun M. Formulation and optimization of Eudragit RS PO-Tenofovir nanocarriers using box-behnken experimental design. J Nanomater 2015; 2015: 1-11
  • El-Say KM, Refaey TA, Samy AM, Badawi AA. Box-Behnken design for optimization of formulation variables to improve the flowability and compressibility of bezafibrate. J Pharm Sci 2011; 43: 40-57.
  • Aksu B, Paradkar A, Matas M, Ozer O, Guneri T, York P. A quality by design approach using artificial intelligence techniques to control the critical quality attributes of ramipril tablets manufactured by wet granulation. Pharm Dev Technol 2013; 18: 236–45.
  • Mesut B, Aksu B, Ozsoy Y. Design of sustained release tablet formulations of alfuzosin HCl by means of neuro-fuzzy logic. Lat Am J Pharm 2013; 32: 1288-97.
  • Aksu B, Aydoğan M, Kanik B, Aksoy E. A flexible regulatory approach for different raw materials suppliers using QbD principles. Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci 2013; 4: 358-72.
  • Aksu B, Gokce EH, Rencber S, Ozyazici M. Optimization of solid lipid nanoparticles using Gene Expression Programming (GEP). Lat Am J Pharm 2014; 33: 675-84.
  • Aksu B, Paradkar A, Matas M, Ozer O, Guneri T, York P. Quality by design approach: application of artificial intelligence techniques of tablets manufactured by direct compression. Pharm Sci Tech 2012; 13: 1138-46.
  • Aksu B, Matas M, Cevher E, Ozsoy Y, Guneri T, York P. Quality by design approach for tablet formulations containing spray coated ramipril by using artificial intelligence techniques. Int J Drug Deliv 2012; 4: 59-69.
  • Demir O, Aksu B, Ozsoy Y. Araştırma-geliştirme calışmalarında tasarımla kalite yaklaşımı ve yapay sinir ağı modellemesinin onemi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pharm Sci 2015; 4: 17-36.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Önder Demir Bu kişi benim

Buket Aksu Bu kişi benim

Yıldız Özsoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, Ö., Aksu, B., & Özsoy, Y. (2017). The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 21(2), 216-227.
AMA Demir Ö, Aksu B, Özsoy Y. The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation. mpj. Mayıs 2017;21(2):216-227. doi:10.12991/marupj.277719
Chicago Demir, Önder, Buket Aksu, ve Yıldız Özsoy. “The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2017): 216-27.
EndNote Demir Ö, Aksu B, Özsoy Y (01 Mayıs 2017) The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21 2 216–227.
IEEE Ö. Demir, B. Aksu, ve Y. Özsoy, “The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation”, mpj, c. 21, sy. 2, ss. 216–227, 2017, doi: 10.12991/marupj.277719.
ISNAD Demir, Önder vd. “The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21/2 (Mayıs 2017), 216-227.
JAMA Demir Ö, Aksu B, Özsoy Y. The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation. mpj. 2017;21:216–227.
MLA Demir, Önder vd. “The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, c. 21, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 216-27, doi:10.12991/marupj.277719.
Vancouver Demir Ö, Aksu B, Özsoy Y. The Use and Selection of Design of Experiments (DoE) in the Development of Drug Product Formulation. mpj. 2017;21(2):216-27.