Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are chronic complications due to
poor diabetic control. Diabetic foot ulcers can lead to lifelong
disability and substantially diminish the quality of life. The aim
of this study was to carry out a thorough evaluation of diabetic
foot ulcer management, compare current scenario of DFUs care
with the International guidelines and to identify the extended
roles of clinical pharmacist to improve the conditions of diabetic
patient with foot ulcers.
It is a retrospective qualitative study carried out in two
tertiary care hospitals of Tamil Nadu state. The patients were
selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria admitted
in the hospitals with diabetic foot ulcers. The patient’s sociodemographic
and clinical characteristics tools from the patient
medication records (PMR) were collected and taken into
considerations for the study.
The study revealed that diabetic foot ulcer was more prevalent
among male patients with type 2 diabetes since 11 to 25 yrs
belongs to the age group between 51-60 years. It was found that
60.5% of the patients having at least one co-morbid condition
and 90.6% of patients possess one or more risk factors to
develop diabetic foot ulcers. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test
were done only by 54.7% of the patients, which showed that it
was not insisted as an important identification tool for diabetic
foot ulcer. The PMR revealed numerous antibiotics switch-over
for the wound treatment as well.
From the study it was concluded that an immediate requirement
and thorough evaluation of enhanced foot care management,
patient centered care and diabetic foot surveillance etc is
needed for diabetic foot ulcer management. A comparative
current scenario of DFUs care with the International guidelines
and its adaptation and modifications according to our need is
to be emphasized. Amalgamation of clinical pharmacy services
with the multidisciplinary diabetic foot care team services is
to be made. The clinical pharmacist’s intervention is to be put
forward to improve the conditions of diabetic patient with foot
ulcers to decrease the alarming incidences in Indian hospital