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Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 419 - 424, 18.04.2017


Intellectual property is briefly the knowledge of somebody
owns that gained importance in today’s business strategy. A
patent is a license of exclusive rights granted by a state to the
holder to an invention, design or process for a period of time.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the field of cosmetics are
often; patents, trademarks and trade secrets include formulations
and production techniques. Research & Development (R&D),
innovation, technology transfer, patent, establishing quality
systems, branding and benchmarking are the important factors
that must be considered for sustainability of the cosmetic sector.
In the scope of sustainable economy and thus economic growth
of a country R&D, Research & Technological Development
(RTD) and innovation activities need to be encouraged and
supported by effectively protected IPR systems. Negative effects of
infringements of IPR to consumers, right owners, legal businesses
and states can be listed basically as health risks arising from using
unsafe products, decreasing the encouragement of innovation,
loss of jobs and money. Especially determining the critical steps
in the life cycle of products and checking their legality is efficient
at fighting with counterfeiting and IPR crimes. Cooperation of
competent authorities and right owners has great importance
of detecting infringements of intellectual property rights and
counterfeit products and conducting an effective legal process.


  • 1. Alğın Yapar E. Cosmetovigilance and global approaches. Clin Exp Health Sci 2016; 6: 93-7. 2. European Commission, cosmetics/cosing_en. 3. Łopaciuk A, Łoboda M. Global beauty industry trends in the 21st century. In: Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference. 2013. pp 19-21. 4. Sahota A. Sustainability: How the Cosmetics Industry is Greening Up. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2014, pp 97-244. 5. European Patent Office; Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. Intellectual Property Rights Intensive Industries: Contribution to Economic Performance and Employment in the European Union. September 2013. 14 p. 6. Alğın Yapar E. Stages of research-development and technology transfer in cosmetic industry. 2nd IVEK International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies, 27-29 November 2015, İstanbul-Turkey, p181. 7. Alğın Yapar E. Kozmetikte markalaşma stratejisi ve tasarımla kalite kavramı. 6. Kozmetik Kimyası, Uretimi Standardizasyonu Kongresi, 26-28 Şubat 2016, Kemer- Antalya, p 4. 8. Eggington E. Innovation in the cosmetics industry. IP Pragmatics; Available in: downloads/pdf/ [Accessed: 4 November 2016]. 9. Alğın Yapar E, İnal O. Nanomaterials and cosmetics. J Fac Pharm Istanbul 2012; 42: 71-98. 10. Gokce EH, Algın Yapar E, Tuncay Tanrıverdi S, Ozer O. Nanocarriers in cosmetology, Chapter 14. In: Nanobiomaterials in Galenic Formulations and Cosmetics, Applications of NanoBioMaterials, Volume 10. Editor: Grumezescu, A. Elsevier. 2016, pp 363–393. 11. Alğın Yapar E, Tuncay Tanrıverdi S. Anti-aging cosmetics approaches and components in products. Balıkesir Health Sci J 2016; 5: 99-109. 12. Alğın Yapar E, Olgen S. Cosmetics and in silico approaches. Clin Exp Health Sci 2014; 4: 253-60. 13. Alğın Yapar E. Manufacturing by 3D printing in personal care products industry. 3rd International Cleaning and Personal Care Products and Production Technologies Symposium and Exhibition. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 3-5 November 2016, İzmir-Turkey, p 183. 14. Alğın Yapar E. Innovation management in cosmetic industry. 3rd International Cleaning and Personal Care Products and Production Technologies Symposium and Exhibition. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 3-5 November 2016, İzmir- Turkey, p 186. 15. Alğın Yapar E. Benchmarking and its application in product focus companies. 3rd International Cleaning and Personal Care Products and Production Technologies Symposium and Exhibition. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 3-5 November 2016, İzmir-Turkey, p.189 16. Serbanoiu G. Aspects of criminality: Intellectual property, forgery and counterfeiting. IJCI 2012; 5: 69-72. 17. Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. The Economic Cost of IPR Infringement in the Cosmetics and Personal Care Sector: Report of a Pilot Study. March 2015. 32 p. 18. Patent Haklarının Korunması Hakkında Kanun Hukmunde Kararname, 1995, 551. 19. Europe-Patents. Frequently Asked Questions. Available in: questions. [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 20. Magalhaes WV, Baby AR, Velasco MVR, Pereira DMM, Kaneko TM. Patenting in the cosmetic sector: study of the use of herbal extracts. Braz J Pharm Sci 2011; 47: 693-700. 21. Burnton C, Slizys D. Patentıng Natural and Organic Cosmetics...Can It Be Done? Freehills Patent Attorneys Available in: [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 22. Union for Ethical BioTrade. A Review of Patent Activity in the Cosmetics Sector in the Context of the Ethical Sourcing Of Biodiversity Information Note 1 of 4 Trends in Patent Activity in the Cosmetics and Perfume Sectors. 2010. 8 p. 23. Office for Harmonization In The Internal Market; Europol; Eurojust. A Joint Knowledge Building Seminar on Counterfeiting of Cosmetics, Perfumes and Luxury Goods. June 2015. 32 p. 24. Maskus K E. Parallel Imports in Pharmaceuticals: Implications for Competition and Prices in Developing Countries. April 2001. 85 p. Available in: www/about-ip/en/studies/pdf/ssa_maskus_pi.pdf [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 25. Guler K. Turk Gumruk Sisteminde Fikri ve Sınai Mulkiyet Hakları Korunurken Paralel İthalatın Karşılaştığı Engeller. T.C. İstanbul Ticaret Universitesi Dış Ticaret Enstitusu Working Paper Series 2015; No: 10. 26. Hamelin N, Nwankwo S, Hadouchi RE. Faking brands: Consumer responses to counterfeiting. J Consum Behav 2013; 12: 159–70. 27. Maskus KE. Intellectual property rights and economic development. Case West Reserve J Int Law 2000; 32: 471-506 28. U.S. Department of Justice Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. Reporting Intellectual Property Crime: A Guide for Victims of Copyright Infringement, Trademark Counterfeiting, and Trade Secret Theft. Mart 2013. 26 p. 29. European IPR Helpdesk. A new intellectual property enforcement tool: ACRIS. Available in: https://www.iprhelpdesk. eu/news/new-intellectual-property-enforcement-tool-acris [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 30. EUIPO European Union Intellectual Property Office Observatory. Anti-Counterfeiting Rapid Intelligence System. Available in: web/ observatory/anti-counterfeiting-rapid-intelligence-system. [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 31. The Leading IP Intelligence and Collaboration Platform. Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 32. The WIPO-World Economic Forum Inventor Assistance Program (IAP). Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 33. Bansal D, Malla S, Gudala K, Tiwari P. Anti-Counterfeit technologies: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective. Sci Pharm 2013; 81: 1-13. 34. Anti-counterfeit Technologies for the Protection of Medicines. Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 35. Ma T, Zhang H, Qian J, Liu S, Zhang X, Ma X. The design of brand cosmetics anti-counterfeiting system based on RFID technology. International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers; 23-25.01.2015, Wuhan, Hubei- China. 36. RFID Turkey. Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016].

Kozmetikte Fikri Mülkiyet ve Patent

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 419 - 424, 18.04.2017


Fikri mülkiyet kısaca kişinin sahip olduğu bilgidir ve günümüzde

iş stratejisinde önem kazanmıştır. Patent, devletin, sahibine

belli bir süre için bir icat, tasarım veya işlem vermiş olduğu

münhasır hakların lisansıdır. Kozmetik alanında Fikri Mülkiyet

Hakları (FMH) genellikle formüller ve üretim teknikleri içeren

patentler, ticari markalar ve ticari sırlardır. Kozmetik sektörünün

sürdürülebilirliği için göz önüne alınması gereken önemli

faktörler Araştırma ve Geliştirme (Ar-Ge), yenilik, teknoloji

transferi, patent, kalite sistemlerinin kurulması, markalaşma

ve kıyaslamadır. Sürdürülebilir ekonomi ve dolayısıyla bir

ülkenin ekonomik büyümesi kapsamında, Ar-Ge, Araştırma

ve Teknolojik Geliştirme (Ar-TGe) ve inovasyon faaliyetlerinin

desteklenmesi ve etkin bir şekilde korunan FMH sistemleri

ile teşvik edilmesi gerekir. FMH ihlallerinin tüketicilere,

hak sahiplerine, yasal işletmelere ve devlete olumsuz etkileri

temelde güvensiz ürünler kullanmaktan doğan sağlık riskleri,

yenilik/inovasyon alanında motivasyonun azalması, iş kaybı ve

para kaybı olarak sıralanabilir. Ürünlerin yaşam döngüsünde

özellikle kritik basamakların belirlenerek yasallığının kontrol

edilmesi sahtecilik ve FMH suçları ile mücadelede etkili

olacaktır. Fikri mülkiyet ihlallerinin, sahte ürünlerin tespiti

ve yasal işlemlerin etkili bir şekilde sürdürülmesi için hak

sahiplerinin ve yetkili otoritelerin


  • 1. Alğın Yapar E. Cosmetovigilance and global approaches. Clin Exp Health Sci 2016; 6: 93-7. 2. European Commission, cosmetics/cosing_en. 3. Łopaciuk A, Łoboda M. Global beauty industry trends in the 21st century. In: Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference. 2013. pp 19-21. 4. Sahota A. Sustainability: How the Cosmetics Industry is Greening Up. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2014, pp 97-244. 5. European Patent Office; Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. Intellectual Property Rights Intensive Industries: Contribution to Economic Performance and Employment in the European Union. September 2013. 14 p. 6. Alğın Yapar E. Stages of research-development and technology transfer in cosmetic industry. 2nd IVEK International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies, 27-29 November 2015, İstanbul-Turkey, p181. 7. Alğın Yapar E. Kozmetikte markalaşma stratejisi ve tasarımla kalite kavramı. 6. Kozmetik Kimyası, Uretimi Standardizasyonu Kongresi, 26-28 Şubat 2016, Kemer- Antalya, p 4. 8. Eggington E. Innovation in the cosmetics industry. IP Pragmatics; Available in: downloads/pdf/ [Accessed: 4 November 2016]. 9. Alğın Yapar E, İnal O. Nanomaterials and cosmetics. J Fac Pharm Istanbul 2012; 42: 71-98. 10. Gokce EH, Algın Yapar E, Tuncay Tanrıverdi S, Ozer O. Nanocarriers in cosmetology, Chapter 14. In: Nanobiomaterials in Galenic Formulations and Cosmetics, Applications of NanoBioMaterials, Volume 10. Editor: Grumezescu, A. Elsevier. 2016, pp 363–393. 11. Alğın Yapar E, Tuncay Tanrıverdi S. Anti-aging cosmetics approaches and components in products. Balıkesir Health Sci J 2016; 5: 99-109. 12. Alğın Yapar E, Olgen S. Cosmetics and in silico approaches. Clin Exp Health Sci 2014; 4: 253-60. 13. Alğın Yapar E. Manufacturing by 3D printing in personal care products industry. 3rd International Cleaning and Personal Care Products and Production Technologies Symposium and Exhibition. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 3-5 November 2016, İzmir-Turkey, p 183. 14. Alğın Yapar E. Innovation management in cosmetic industry. 3rd International Cleaning and Personal Care Products and Production Technologies Symposium and Exhibition. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 3-5 November 2016, İzmir- Turkey, p 186. 15. Alğın Yapar E. Benchmarking and its application in product focus companies. 3rd International Cleaning and Personal Care Products and Production Technologies Symposium and Exhibition. UCTEA Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 3-5 November 2016, İzmir-Turkey, p.189 16. Serbanoiu G. Aspects of criminality: Intellectual property, forgery and counterfeiting. IJCI 2012; 5: 69-72. 17. Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. The Economic Cost of IPR Infringement in the Cosmetics and Personal Care Sector: Report of a Pilot Study. March 2015. 32 p. 18. Patent Haklarının Korunması Hakkında Kanun Hukmunde Kararname, 1995, 551. 19. Europe-Patents. Frequently Asked Questions. Available in: questions. [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 20. Magalhaes WV, Baby AR, Velasco MVR, Pereira DMM, Kaneko TM. Patenting in the cosmetic sector: study of the use of herbal extracts. Braz J Pharm Sci 2011; 47: 693-700. 21. Burnton C, Slizys D. Patentıng Natural and Organic Cosmetics...Can It Be Done? Freehills Patent Attorneys Available in: [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 22. Union for Ethical BioTrade. A Review of Patent Activity in the Cosmetics Sector in the Context of the Ethical Sourcing Of Biodiversity Information Note 1 of 4 Trends in Patent Activity in the Cosmetics and Perfume Sectors. 2010. 8 p. 23. Office for Harmonization In The Internal Market; Europol; Eurojust. A Joint Knowledge Building Seminar on Counterfeiting of Cosmetics, Perfumes and Luxury Goods. June 2015. 32 p. 24. Maskus K E. Parallel Imports in Pharmaceuticals: Implications for Competition and Prices in Developing Countries. April 2001. 85 p. Available in: www/about-ip/en/studies/pdf/ssa_maskus_pi.pdf [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 25. Guler K. Turk Gumruk Sisteminde Fikri ve Sınai Mulkiyet Hakları Korunurken Paralel İthalatın Karşılaştığı Engeller. T.C. İstanbul Ticaret Universitesi Dış Ticaret Enstitusu Working Paper Series 2015; No: 10. 26. Hamelin N, Nwankwo S, Hadouchi RE. Faking brands: Consumer responses to counterfeiting. J Consum Behav 2013; 12: 159–70. 27. Maskus KE. Intellectual property rights and economic development. Case West Reserve J Int Law 2000; 32: 471-506 28. U.S. Department of Justice Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section. Reporting Intellectual Property Crime: A Guide for Victims of Copyright Infringement, Trademark Counterfeiting, and Trade Secret Theft. Mart 2013. 26 p. 29. European IPR Helpdesk. A new intellectual property enforcement tool: ACRIS. Available in: https://www.iprhelpdesk. eu/news/new-intellectual-property-enforcement-tool-acris [Accessed: 5 November 2016]. 30. EUIPO European Union Intellectual Property Office Observatory. Anti-Counterfeiting Rapid Intelligence System. Available in: web/ observatory/anti-counterfeiting-rapid-intelligence-system. [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 31. The Leading IP Intelligence and Collaboration Platform. Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 32. The WIPO-World Economic Forum Inventor Assistance Program (IAP). Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 33. Bansal D, Malla S, Gudala K, Tiwari P. Anti-Counterfeit technologies: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective. Sci Pharm 2013; 81: 1-13. 34. Anti-counterfeit Technologies for the Protection of Medicines. Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016]. 35. Ma T, Zhang H, Qian J, Liu S, Zhang X, Ma X. The design of brand cosmetics anti-counterfeiting system based on RFID technology. International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers; 23-25.01.2015, Wuhan, Hubei- China. 36. RFID Turkey. Available in: [Accessed: 6 November 2016].
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Evren Alğın Yapar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Alğın Yapar, E. (2017). Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 21(3), 419-424.
AMA Alğın Yapar E. Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics. mpj. Haziran 2017;21(3):419-424. doi:10.12991/marupj.306786
Chicago Alğın Yapar, Evren. “Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21, sy. 3 (Haziran 2017): 419-24.
EndNote Alğın Yapar E (01 Haziran 2017) Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21 3 419–424.
IEEE E. Alğın Yapar, “Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics”, mpj, c. 21, sy. 3, ss. 419–424, 2017, doi: 10.12991/marupj.306786.
ISNAD Alğın Yapar, Evren. “Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 21/3 (Haziran 2017), 419-424.
JAMA Alğın Yapar E. Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics. mpj. 2017;21:419–424.
MLA Alğın Yapar, Evren. “Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, c. 21, sy. 3, 2017, ss. 419-24, doi:10.12991/marupj.306786.
Vancouver Alğın Yapar E. Intellectual Property and Patent in Cosmetics. mpj. 2017;21(3):419-24.