The Perception of Health and Cyberbullying Sensitivity in Adolescents
Year 2020,
, 18 - 23, 30.04.2020
Ayla Hendekci
Türkan Kadiroğlu
Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between adolescents' perceptions of health and their susceptibility to cyberbullying and the factors that affect them.
Methods: The targeted population of this descriptive study is the students of middle schools managed by the Directorate of National Education in a province in the Black Sea region. The selection of subjects was made by a simple random sampling method from two determined middle schools in the city center (n=381). The data of the study were collected with the Introductory Information Form, the Perception of Health Scale and the Cyberbullying Sensitivity Scale. The face-to-face interview method was used in data collection. The research was conducted according to ethical principles.
Results: Of the adolescents who participated in the study, 55.4% were girls and 72.7% lived in a nuclear family and most of the parents' educational level was high school-graduated. There is a significant difference between the cyberbullying sensitivity scale score averages according to the gender of adolescents (p<0.05). There was a negatively significant association between the precision sub-dimension of the perception of health scale and the cyberbullying sensitivity scale for adolescents (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The study found that both male and female adolescents had a high level of cyberbullying sensitivity, good health perceptions, higher cyberbullying sensitivity of female students and a negative relationship between the ‘precision’ sub-dimension of health perception and the cyberbullying sensitivity. It is suggested that the awareness of adolescents should be raised about their perception of good health and similar studies should be repeated.
- Aciksoz S, Uzun S, Arslan F. Relationship between perceptions of health status and health promotion behaviors in nursing students. Gulhane Medical Journal 2013; 55(3):181-7.
- Akbulut Y, Eristi B. Cyberbullying and victimization among Turkish university students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2011; 27(7):1155-70.
- Aktan E, Cakmak V. A Research Related To The Calculation Of Sensitivity For Cyber Bullying İn Social Media Among The Students Of Public Relations. Gumushane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication 2015; 3(2):160-76.
- Al-Rahmi WM, Yahaya N, Alamri MM, Aljarboa NA, Kamin YB, Moafa FA. A model of factors affecting cyber bullying behaviors among university students. İEEE Access 2018; 7:2978-85.
- Bademli K, Lok N. Relationship between the health perception and physical activity of individuals. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 2018; 20(3):127-31.
- Baldry AC, Sorrentino A, Farrington DP. Cyberbullying and cyber victimization versus parental supervision, monitoring and control of adolescents' online activities. Children and Youth Services Review 2019; 96:302-7.
- Bridge EN, Duman N. Examination of susceptibility to cyberbullying in adolescents in terms of demographic variables. Turkish Cypriot Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology 2019; 1(3):158-65.
- Diamond JJ, Becker JA, Arenson CA, Chambers CV, Rosenthal MP. Development of a scale to measure adults’ perceptions of health: preliminary findings. Journal of Community Psychology 2007; 35(5): 557-61.
- Fridh M, Lindstrom M, Rosvall M. Subjective health complaints in adolescent victims of cyber harassment: moderation through support from parents/friends-a Swedish population-based study. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(1):949.
- Herge WM, La Greca AM, Chan SF. Adolescent peer victimization and physical health problems. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2015; 41(1):15-27.
- Horzum MB, Ayas T. Exploring guidance counselors’ cyberbullying awareness level in terms of various variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education 2013; 28(28-3):195-205.
- Kadioglu H, Yildiz A. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of perception of health scale. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2012; 32(1):47-53.
- Katz I, Lemish D, Cohen R, Arden A. When parents are inconsistent: Parenting style and adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying. Adolescence Journal 2019; 74:1-12.
- Kilinc I, Gunduz S. İnvestigation of high school students' cyber sensitivity, internet addiction and humanistic values. Trakya Journal of Education 2017; 7(2): 261-83.
- Kurt GD. Health perception of adolescents in apprenticeships and their way of coping with stress. İstanbul: Marmara University Health Sciences İnstitute. 2019.
- Kurtuncu M, Uzun M, Ayoglu FN. The effect of adolescent training program on risky health behaviors and health perception. Journal of Higher Education and Science 2015; 5(2):187-95.
- Olenik-Shemesh D, Heiman T. Cyberbullying victimization in adolescents as related to body esteem, social support and social self-efficacy. The Journal of Genetic Psychology 2017; 178(1):28-43.
- Ozdelikara A, Alkan SA, Mumcu N. Determination of health perception, health anxiety and effecting factors among nursing students. Medical Journal of Bakirkoy 2018; 14(3):275-82.
- Shin N, Ahn H. Factors affecting adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying: What divides the 20% from the 80%?. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2015; 18(7):393-9.
- Tanrikulu T, Kinay H, Aricak OT. Cyberbullying sensibility scale: Validity and reliability study, Trakya Journal of Education 2013; 3(1):38-47.
- Tomé-Fernández M, Ortiz-Marcos JM, Olmedo-Moreno EM. Educational environments with cultural and religious diversity: A psychometric analysis of the cyberbullying scale. Religions 2019; 10(7):443.
- Uludasdemir D, Kucuk S. Cyberbullying experiences of adolescents and parental awareness: Turkish Example. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2019; 44:84-90.
- Uysal I, Duman G, Yazici E, Sahin M. Pre-service teachers’ sensibility in cyberbullying and certain psychometric properties of cyberbullying sensibility scale. Ege Journal of Education 2014; 15(1):191-210.
- Velderman M, Crone MR, Wiefferink CH, Reijneveld SA. İdentification and management of psychosocial problems among toddlers by preventive child health care professionals. European Journal of Public Health 2010; 20(3):332-8.
- WHO. (2016). Strengthening intersectoral collaboration for adolescent health (No. SEA-CAH-22). World Health Organization.
- Yaman E, Sonmez Z. Cyberbullying trends of adolescence. Online Journal of Technology Addiction & Cyberbullying 2015; 2(1):18-31.
- Zaybak A, Fadiloglu C. Determining of the health promotion behaviors of university students and the factors affecting these behaviors. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing 2004; 20(1):71-95.
Year 2020,
, 18 - 23, 30.04.2020
Ayla Hendekci
Türkan Kadiroğlu
Supporting Institution
Destekleyen kurum yoktur.
- Aciksoz S, Uzun S, Arslan F. Relationship between perceptions of health status and health promotion behaviors in nursing students. Gulhane Medical Journal 2013; 55(3):181-7.
- Akbulut Y, Eristi B. Cyberbullying and victimization among Turkish university students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2011; 27(7):1155-70.
- Aktan E, Cakmak V. A Research Related To The Calculation Of Sensitivity For Cyber Bullying İn Social Media Among The Students Of Public Relations. Gumushane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication 2015; 3(2):160-76.
- Al-Rahmi WM, Yahaya N, Alamri MM, Aljarboa NA, Kamin YB, Moafa FA. A model of factors affecting cyber bullying behaviors among university students. İEEE Access 2018; 7:2978-85.
- Bademli K, Lok N. Relationship between the health perception and physical activity of individuals. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 2018; 20(3):127-31.
- Baldry AC, Sorrentino A, Farrington DP. Cyberbullying and cyber victimization versus parental supervision, monitoring and control of adolescents' online activities. Children and Youth Services Review 2019; 96:302-7.
- Bridge EN, Duman N. Examination of susceptibility to cyberbullying in adolescents in terms of demographic variables. Turkish Cypriot Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology 2019; 1(3):158-65.
- Diamond JJ, Becker JA, Arenson CA, Chambers CV, Rosenthal MP. Development of a scale to measure adults’ perceptions of health: preliminary findings. Journal of Community Psychology 2007; 35(5): 557-61.
- Fridh M, Lindstrom M, Rosvall M. Subjective health complaints in adolescent victims of cyber harassment: moderation through support from parents/friends-a Swedish population-based study. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(1):949.
- Herge WM, La Greca AM, Chan SF. Adolescent peer victimization and physical health problems. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2015; 41(1):15-27.
- Horzum MB, Ayas T. Exploring guidance counselors’ cyberbullying awareness level in terms of various variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education 2013; 28(28-3):195-205.
- Kadioglu H, Yildiz A. Validity and reliability of Turkish version of perception of health scale. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 2012; 32(1):47-53.
- Katz I, Lemish D, Cohen R, Arden A. When parents are inconsistent: Parenting style and adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying. Adolescence Journal 2019; 74:1-12.
- Kilinc I, Gunduz S. İnvestigation of high school students' cyber sensitivity, internet addiction and humanistic values. Trakya Journal of Education 2017; 7(2): 261-83.
- Kurt GD. Health perception of adolescents in apprenticeships and their way of coping with stress. İstanbul: Marmara University Health Sciences İnstitute. 2019.
- Kurtuncu M, Uzun M, Ayoglu FN. The effect of adolescent training program on risky health behaviors and health perception. Journal of Higher Education and Science 2015; 5(2):187-95.
- Olenik-Shemesh D, Heiman T. Cyberbullying victimization in adolescents as related to body esteem, social support and social self-efficacy. The Journal of Genetic Psychology 2017; 178(1):28-43.
- Ozdelikara A, Alkan SA, Mumcu N. Determination of health perception, health anxiety and effecting factors among nursing students. Medical Journal of Bakirkoy 2018; 14(3):275-82.
- Shin N, Ahn H. Factors affecting adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying: What divides the 20% from the 80%?. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2015; 18(7):393-9.
- Tanrikulu T, Kinay H, Aricak OT. Cyberbullying sensibility scale: Validity and reliability study, Trakya Journal of Education 2013; 3(1):38-47.
- Tomé-Fernández M, Ortiz-Marcos JM, Olmedo-Moreno EM. Educational environments with cultural and religious diversity: A psychometric analysis of the cyberbullying scale. Religions 2019; 10(7):443.
- Uludasdemir D, Kucuk S. Cyberbullying experiences of adolescents and parental awareness: Turkish Example. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2019; 44:84-90.
- Uysal I, Duman G, Yazici E, Sahin M. Pre-service teachers’ sensibility in cyberbullying and certain psychometric properties of cyberbullying sensibility scale. Ege Journal of Education 2014; 15(1):191-210.
- Velderman M, Crone MR, Wiefferink CH, Reijneveld SA. İdentification and management of psychosocial problems among toddlers by preventive child health care professionals. European Journal of Public Health 2010; 20(3):332-8.
- WHO. (2016). Strengthening intersectoral collaboration for adolescent health (No. SEA-CAH-22). World Health Organization.
- Yaman E, Sonmez Z. Cyberbullying trends of adolescence. Online Journal of Technology Addiction & Cyberbullying 2015; 2(1):18-31.
- Zaybak A, Fadiloglu C. Determining of the health promotion behaviors of university students and the factors affecting these behaviors. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing 2004; 20(1):71-95.