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Year 2001, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 39 - 46, 01.12.2001


Çocukluk çağı obezitesi de erişkin obezitesi gibi artan bir prevalansa sahiptir. Bu artan prevalansın nedeni olarak diyet kompozisyonundaki değişiklik ve hareket miktarındaki azalma sorumlu tutulmaktadır.Ayrıca hem ailelerin ve hem de hekimlerin obeziteyi tedavi etme gereğini göz ardı etmekte olmaları ve değişen yaşam şartları obeziteyi yaygın bir sağlık sorunu haline getirmektedir. Obezite önümüzdeki yılların önemli bir halk sağlığı problemi olmaya devam edecek gibi görünmektedir


  • 1. Keller C, Stevens KR. Assesment, etiology, and intervention in obesity in children. Nurse Pract 1996; 21: 31-6, 38, 41-2.
  • 2. Martorell R, Kettle K, Hughes ML, Grummer-Stawn ML. Overweight and obesity in preschool children from developing countries. International Journal of Obesity 2000; 24:959-67.
  • 3. Klish WJ. Childhood obesity, Pathophysiology and treatment.Acta Paediatr Jpn 1995; 37: 1-6.
  • 4. Iughetti L, Bacchini E, Dodi I, Bianchi A, Caselli G, Cozzini A, Ottaviani A, Bernasconi S. Liver damage and obesity in pediatric age. Pediatr Med Chir 1996;18:57-9.
  • 5. Young TK, Dean HJ, Flett B, Wood-Steiman P. Childhood obesity in a population at high risk for type 2 diabetes. J Pediatr 2000;136:365-9.
  • 6. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. "Who is the wise man?-- The one who foresees consequences:". Childhood obesity, new associated comorbidity and prevention. Prev Med 2000;31:702-5.
  • 7. Hypponen E, Virtanen SM, Kenward MG, Knip M, Akerblom HK. Obesity, increased linear growth, and risk of type 1 diabetes in children. Diabetes Care 2000;23:1755-60
  • 8. Strauss RS. Childhood obesity and self-esteem. Pediatrics 2000;105:15.
  • 9. Braet C, Mervielde I, VandereyckenWJ. Psychological aspects of childhood obesity: a controlled study in a clinical and nonclinical sample. Pediatr Psychol 1997;22:59-71.
  • 10. Davies PSW. Childhood Obesity. In: Clinical Obesity, 1 ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science Limited, 1998: 292- 310.
  • 11. Kimm SY, Sweeney CG, Janosky JE, MacMillan JP. Self-concept measures and childhood obesity: a descriptive analysis. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1991;12:19- 24.
  • 12. Dietz WH. Childhood weight affects adult morbidity and mortality. J Nutr 1998;128:411-414.
  • 13. Gunnell DJ, Frankel SJ, Nanchahal K, Peters TJ, Davey Smith G. Childhood obesity and adult cardiovascular mortality: a 57-y follow-up study.Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 67:1111-8.
  • 14. Rossner S. Childhood obesity and adulthood consequences.Acta Paediatr 1998;87:1-5.
  • 15. Alikaþifoðlu A, Yordam N. Obezitenin tanýmý ve prevalansý. Katký pediatri dergisi 2000;21:475-81.
  • 16. Goulding A, Taylor RW, Gold E, Lewis-Bernard NJ. Regional body fat distribution in relation to pubertal stage: a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry study of New Zeland girls and young women. Am J Clin Nutr 1996;64:546-51.
  • 17. Pietrobelli A, Faith MS, Allison DB, Gallagher D, Chiumello G, Heymsfield SB. Body mass index as a measure of adiposity among children and adolescents: a validation study. J Pediatr 1998;132:204-10.
  • 18. Ellis K, Shypailo R, Pratt J, Pond W. Accuracy of dual X-ray absorptiometry for body composition measurement in children.Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:660- 5.
  • 19. Cole TJ, Freeman JV, Preece MA. Body mass index reference curves for the UK, Arch Dis Child 1990;73:25-29.
  • 20. Must A, Dallal GE, Dietz WH. Referans data for obesity: 85 and 95 percentiles of body mass index (wt/ht ) and triceps skinfold thickness. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:839-46.
  • 21. Ellis KJ; Abrams SA; Wong WW. Monitoring childhood obesity: assessment of the weight/height index.Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:939-46.
  • 22. Roche AF. Grading body fatness from limited antropometric data.Am J Clin Nutr 1981;34:2521-29.
  • 23. Michielutte R, Disker RA, Corbett WT, Schey HM, Ureda JR. The relationship between weight-height indices and triceps skinfold measure among children age 5-12.Am J Public Health 1984;74:604-6.
  • 24. Barlow SE, Dietz WH. Obesity evaluation and treatment: Expert Committee Recomendations. Pediatrics 1998;102:1-11.
  • 25. Reilly JJ, Dorosty AR, Emmett PM. Identification of the obese child: adequacy of the body mass index for clinical practice and epidemiology. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2000;24:1623-7.
  • 26. Perusse L, Bouchard C. Role of genetic factors in childhood obesity and in susceptibility to dietary variations.Ann Med 1999;31 Suppl 1:19-25.
  • 27. Strauss R. Childhood obesity. Curr Probl Pediatr 1999;29:1-29.
  • 28. Freedman DS, Srinivasan SR, Valdez RA, Williamson DF, Berenson GS. Secular increases in relative weight and adiposity among children over two decades: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Pediatrics 1997;99:420-6.
  • 29. Holtz C, Smith TM, Winters FD. Child obesity. J Am OsteopathAssoc 1999;99:366-71.
  • 30. Bar-Or O, Foreyt J, Bouchard C, Brownell KD, Dietz WH, Ravussin E, Salbe AD, Schwenger S, St.Jeor S, Torun B. Physical activity, genetic, and nutritional considerations in childhood weight management. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998;30:2-10.
  • 31. Update: prevalence of overweight among children, adolescents, and adults--United States, 1988-1994. MMWR Morb MortalWkly Rep 1997;46:198-202.
  • 32. Livingstone B. Epidemiology of childhood obesity in Europe. Eur J Pediatr 2000;159:14-34.
  • 33. Cameron N, Getz B. Sex differences in the prevalence of obesity in rural African adolescents. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1997;21:775-82.
  • 34. Leung SS, Ng MY, Lau TF. Prevalence of obesity in Hong Kong children and adolescents aged 3-18 years. Chung HuaYu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih 1995;29:270-2.
  • 35. al-Nuaim AR, Bamgboye EA, al-Herbish A. The pattern of growth and obesity in Saudi Arabian male school children. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996;20:1000-5.
  • 36. al-Isa AN, Moussa MA. Obesity among Kuwaiti preschool children aged 0-5 years: prevalence and comparison with the NCHS/CDC reference population. Nutr Health 1998;12:235-46.
  • 37. Bandini LG, Dietz WH. Myths about childhood obesity. PediatrAnn 1992;21:647-652.
  • 38. Garn SM, Clark DC. Trends in fatness and origins of obesity. Pediatrics 1976;57: 443-456.
  • 39. Power C, Parsons T. Nutritional and other influences in childhood as predictors of adult obesity. Proc Nutr Soc 2000;59:267-72.
  • 40. Lissau Lund Sorensen I, Sorensen TIA. Prospective study of the influence factors in childhood on risk of overweight in young adulthood. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1992;16: 169-175.
  • 41. Poskitt EME, Cole TJ. Nature, nurture and childhood overweight. BMJ 1978;1:603-605.
  • 42. Sorensen TIA, Holst C, Stunkard AJ. Childhood body mass index- genetic and familial environment influences assessed in a longitudinal adoption study. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1992;16:705-714.
  • 43. Borjeson M. The aetiology of obesity in children. Acta Paediatr Scand 1976;65: 279-287.
  • 44. Stunkard AJ, Sorensen TIA, Harris C. An adoption study of human obesity. N Engl J Med 1986;314:193- 198.
  • 45. Comuzzie AG, Allison DB. The search for human obesity genes. Science 1998;280:1374-77.
  • 46. Bouchard C. Genetics of obesity in humans: current issues. In: Chardwick DJ, Cardew GC (eds). The origins and consequences of obesity.Wiley, Chichester, 1996:108-117.
  • 47. Bultman S, Michaud E, Woychik R Molecular characterization of the mouse agouti locus. Cell 1992;71:1195-1204.
  • 48. N a g g e r t J , F r i c k e r L , Va r l a m o v O . Hyperproinsulinemia in obese fat/ fat mice associated with carboxypeptidase E mutation with reduced enzyme activity. Nat Genet 1995;10:135-142.
  • 49. Tartaglia L, Dembski M, Weng X. Identification and cloning of a leptin receptor OB-r. Cell 1995;83:1263- 1271.
  • 50. Zhang Y, Proenca R, Maffei M. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue. Nature 1994;372:425-432.
  • 51. Friedman JM. The alphabet of weight control. Nature 1997;385:119-120.
  • 52. Sorensen TIA, Echwald SM, Holm JC: Leptin in obesity. BMJ 1996;313:953-954.
  • 53. Clement K, Vaisse C, Lahlou N. A mutation in the human leptin receptor gene causes obesity and pituitary dysfunction. Nature 1998;392:398-401.
  • 54. Maffeis C. Aetiology of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Eur J Pediatr 2000;159:35-44
  • 55. Whitaker RC, Dietz WH. Role of the prenatal environment in the development of obesity. J Pediatr 1998;132:768-76.
  • 56. Strauss RS. Effects of the intrauterine environment on childhood growth. Br Med Bull 1997;53:81-95.
  • 57. Agras WS, Kraemer HC, Boekowitz RI, Korner AF, Hammer LD. Does a vigorous feeding style influence early development of adiposity? J Pediatr 1987;110: 779-804.
  • 58. Brich LL, Fisher JA. The role of experience in the development of children's eating behavior. In: Capaldi ED (eds) Why we eat and what we eat: the psychology of eating. American Psychological Association, Washington, 1996:113-141.
  • 59. Kramer MS. Do breast-feeding and delayed introduction of solid foods protect against subsequent obesity? J Pediatr 1981;98:883-887.
  • 60. Maffeis C, Micciolo R, MustA, Zaffanello M, Pinelli L. Parental and perinatal factors associated with childhood obesity in north-east Italy. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1994; 18: 301-305.
  • 61. Petit DJ, Baird HR, Aleck KA. Excessive obesity in offspring of Pima Indian women with diabetes during pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1983;308:42-45.
  • 62. Serdula MK, Ivery D, Coates RJ. Do odese children become obese adults? A review of the literature. Prev Med 1993;22:167-177.
  • 63. Whitaker RC, Wright JA, Pepe MS. Predicting obesity in young adulthood from childhood and parental obesity. N Engl J Med 1997;337: 869-873.
  • 64. Butte NF. The role of breastfeeding in obesity. Pediatr Clin NorthAm 2001;48:189-98.
  • 65. Birch LL. Effects of peer models' food choices and eating behaviors on pre-schoolers' food preferences. Child Dev 1980;51:489-496.
  • 66. Klesges RC, Stein RJ, Eck LH. Parental influence on food selection in young children and its relationship to childhood obesity.Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53: 859-864.
  • 67. Baughcum AE, Burklow KA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal feeding practices and childhood obesity: a focus group study of low-income mothers.Arch PediatrAdolesc Med 1998;152:1010-4.
  • 68. Lake JK, Power C, Cole TJ. Parental obesity. Arch Dis Child 1997;77:376-81.
  • 69. Dickinson R, Leader S. Consumers Internatýonal, A spoonful of sugar. Television food advertising aimed at children: an international comparative survey. 43a. Television and food choice. MAFF R& D and surveillance report 1999;No 267.
  • 70. Taras HL, Sallis JF, Patterson TL. Television's influence on children on children's diet and physical activity. Dev Behav Pediatr 1989;10:176-180.
  • 71. Kromeyer K, Hauspie RC, Susanne C. Socioeconomic factors and growth during childhood and early adolescence in Jena children. Ann Hum Biol 1997;24:343-353.
  • 72. Locard E, Mamelle N, Billette A. Risk factors of obesity on a five year old population. Parental versus environmental factors. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1992;16:721-729.
  • 73. Rolland-Cachera MF, Bellisle F. No correlation between adiposity and food intake: why are working class children fatter?Am J Clin Nutr 1986;44: 779-787.
  • 74. De Spiegelaere M, Dramaix M, Hennart P. The influence of socioeconomic status on the incidence and evolution of obesity during early adolescence. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1998;22:268-74.
  • 75. Ardizzi A, Grugni G, Moro D, Guazzaloni G, Toselli E, Morabito F. Epidemiology of childhood obesity: prevalence in North-West Italy. Minerva Pediatr 1996;48:99-103.
  • 76. Patterson ML, Stern S, Crawford PB, McMahon RP, Similo SL, Schreiber GB, Morrison JA, Waclawiw MA. Sociodemographic factors and obesity in preadolescent black and white girls: NHLBI's Growth and Health Study. J Natl MedAssoc 1997;89:594-600.
  • 77. Gnavi R, Spagnoli TD, Galotto C, Pugliese E, Carta A, Cesari L. Socioeconomic status, overweight and obesity in prepuberal children: a study in an area of Northern Italy. Eur J Epidemiol 2000;16:797-803.
  • 78. Livingstone MBE. Epidemiology of childhood obesity in Europe. Europe J Pediatrics 2000;159:14-34.
  • 79. Raitakari OT, Poekka KV, Taimela S. Effect of persistent physical activity and inactivity on coronary risk factors in children and young adults. Am J Epidemiol 1994;140: 195-205.
  • 80. Kimm SY, Obarzanek E, Barton BA, Aston CE, Similo SL, Morrison JA, Sabry ZI, Schreiber GB, McMahon RP. Race, socioeconomic status, and obesity in 9- to 10- year-old girls: the NHLBI Growth and Health Study. Ann Epidemiol 1996;6:266-75.
  • 81. Gregory JR, Collins DL, Davies PS, Hughes JM, Clark PC. National diet and nutrition survey; children aged 1,5 and 4,5 years. HMSO, London 1995.
  • 82. FAO/WHO/UNU Energy and protein requirements. WHO Technical report series no. 724. Geneva 1985.
  • 83. Story M, Evans M, Fabsitz RR, Clay TE, Holy Rock B, Broussard B. The epidemic of obesity in American Indian communities and the need for childhood obesity-prevention programs. Am J Clin Nutr 1999 ;69:747-754.
  • 84. Gazzaniga JM, Burns TL. Relationship between diet composition and body fatness, with adjustment for resting energy expenditure and physical activity, in preadolescent children.Am J Clin Nutr 1993;58: 21-28.
  • 85. Lissne r L, Heitmann BL Dieta ry fat and obesity:evidence from eidemiology. Eur J Clin Nutr 1995;49: 79-90.
  • 86. Blundell J, Burley VJ, Lawton CL. Dietary fat and the control of energy intake: evaluating the effects of fat on meal size and post-meal satiety. Am J Clic Nutr 1993;57: 772-778.
  • 87. Jequier E, Schutz Y. Energy expenditure in obesity and diabetes. Diabetes Metab Rev 1998;4:583-593.
  • 88. Goran MI, Carpenter WH, Poehlman ET. Total energy expenditure 4 to 6 year old children. Am J Physio 1993;264:706-711.

Childhood Obesity- Diagnostic Methods, Prevalence and Etiology

Year 2001, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 39 - 46, 01.12.2001


Just like increase in adult obesity, the prevalence of childhood obesity is also on the rise. Changes in dietary composition and a decrease in the amount of motion are held responsible for this increase in prevalence. Apart from these, obesity is becoming a common health problem because of changing life styles and the lack of treatment due to the ignorence of both parents and physicians. Obesity seems to continue to be an important public health problem in future.


  • 1. Keller C, Stevens KR. Assesment, etiology, and intervention in obesity in children. Nurse Pract 1996; 21: 31-6, 38, 41-2.
  • 2. Martorell R, Kettle K, Hughes ML, Grummer-Stawn ML. Overweight and obesity in preschool children from developing countries. International Journal of Obesity 2000; 24:959-67.
  • 3. Klish WJ. Childhood obesity, Pathophysiology and treatment.Acta Paediatr Jpn 1995; 37: 1-6.
  • 4. Iughetti L, Bacchini E, Dodi I, Bianchi A, Caselli G, Cozzini A, Ottaviani A, Bernasconi S. Liver damage and obesity in pediatric age. Pediatr Med Chir 1996;18:57-9.
  • 5. Young TK, Dean HJ, Flett B, Wood-Steiman P. Childhood obesity in a population at high risk for type 2 diabetes. J Pediatr 2000;136:365-9.
  • 6. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. "Who is the wise man?-- The one who foresees consequences:". Childhood obesity, new associated comorbidity and prevention. Prev Med 2000;31:702-5.
  • 7. Hypponen E, Virtanen SM, Kenward MG, Knip M, Akerblom HK. Obesity, increased linear growth, and risk of type 1 diabetes in children. Diabetes Care 2000;23:1755-60
  • 8. Strauss RS. Childhood obesity and self-esteem. Pediatrics 2000;105:15.
  • 9. Braet C, Mervielde I, VandereyckenWJ. Psychological aspects of childhood obesity: a controlled study in a clinical and nonclinical sample. Pediatr Psychol 1997;22:59-71.
  • 10. Davies PSW. Childhood Obesity. In: Clinical Obesity, 1 ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science Limited, 1998: 292- 310.
  • 11. Kimm SY, Sweeney CG, Janosky JE, MacMillan JP. Self-concept measures and childhood obesity: a descriptive analysis. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1991;12:19- 24.
  • 12. Dietz WH. Childhood weight affects adult morbidity and mortality. J Nutr 1998;128:411-414.
  • 13. Gunnell DJ, Frankel SJ, Nanchahal K, Peters TJ, Davey Smith G. Childhood obesity and adult cardiovascular mortality: a 57-y follow-up study.Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 67:1111-8.
  • 14. Rossner S. Childhood obesity and adulthood consequences.Acta Paediatr 1998;87:1-5.
  • 15. Alikaþifoðlu A, Yordam N. Obezitenin tanýmý ve prevalansý. Katký pediatri dergisi 2000;21:475-81.
  • 16. Goulding A, Taylor RW, Gold E, Lewis-Bernard NJ. Regional body fat distribution in relation to pubertal stage: a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry study of New Zeland girls and young women. Am J Clin Nutr 1996;64:546-51.
  • 17. Pietrobelli A, Faith MS, Allison DB, Gallagher D, Chiumello G, Heymsfield SB. Body mass index as a measure of adiposity among children and adolescents: a validation study. J Pediatr 1998;132:204-10.
  • 18. Ellis K, Shypailo R, Pratt J, Pond W. Accuracy of dual X-ray absorptiometry for body composition measurement in children.Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:660- 5.
  • 19. Cole TJ, Freeman JV, Preece MA. Body mass index reference curves for the UK, Arch Dis Child 1990;73:25-29.
  • 20. Must A, Dallal GE, Dietz WH. Referans data for obesity: 85 and 95 percentiles of body mass index (wt/ht ) and triceps skinfold thickness. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:839-46.
  • 21. Ellis KJ; Abrams SA; Wong WW. Monitoring childhood obesity: assessment of the weight/height index.Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:939-46.
  • 22. Roche AF. Grading body fatness from limited antropometric data.Am J Clin Nutr 1981;34:2521-29.
  • 23. Michielutte R, Disker RA, Corbett WT, Schey HM, Ureda JR. The relationship between weight-height indices and triceps skinfold measure among children age 5-12.Am J Public Health 1984;74:604-6.
  • 24. Barlow SE, Dietz WH. Obesity evaluation and treatment: Expert Committee Recomendations. Pediatrics 1998;102:1-11.
  • 25. Reilly JJ, Dorosty AR, Emmett PM. Identification of the obese child: adequacy of the body mass index for clinical practice and epidemiology. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2000;24:1623-7.
  • 26. Perusse L, Bouchard C. Role of genetic factors in childhood obesity and in susceptibility to dietary variations.Ann Med 1999;31 Suppl 1:19-25.
  • 27. Strauss R. Childhood obesity. Curr Probl Pediatr 1999;29:1-29.
  • 28. Freedman DS, Srinivasan SR, Valdez RA, Williamson DF, Berenson GS. Secular increases in relative weight and adiposity among children over two decades: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Pediatrics 1997;99:420-6.
  • 29. Holtz C, Smith TM, Winters FD. Child obesity. J Am OsteopathAssoc 1999;99:366-71.
  • 30. Bar-Or O, Foreyt J, Bouchard C, Brownell KD, Dietz WH, Ravussin E, Salbe AD, Schwenger S, St.Jeor S, Torun B. Physical activity, genetic, and nutritional considerations in childhood weight management. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998;30:2-10.
  • 31. Update: prevalence of overweight among children, adolescents, and adults--United States, 1988-1994. MMWR Morb MortalWkly Rep 1997;46:198-202.
  • 32. Livingstone B. Epidemiology of childhood obesity in Europe. Eur J Pediatr 2000;159:14-34.
  • 33. Cameron N, Getz B. Sex differences in the prevalence of obesity in rural African adolescents. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1997;21:775-82.
  • 34. Leung SS, Ng MY, Lau TF. Prevalence of obesity in Hong Kong children and adolescents aged 3-18 years. Chung HuaYu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih 1995;29:270-2.
  • 35. al-Nuaim AR, Bamgboye EA, al-Herbish A. The pattern of growth and obesity in Saudi Arabian male school children. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996;20:1000-5.
  • 36. al-Isa AN, Moussa MA. Obesity among Kuwaiti preschool children aged 0-5 years: prevalence and comparison with the NCHS/CDC reference population. Nutr Health 1998;12:235-46.
  • 37. Bandini LG, Dietz WH. Myths about childhood obesity. PediatrAnn 1992;21:647-652.
  • 38. Garn SM, Clark DC. Trends in fatness and origins of obesity. Pediatrics 1976;57: 443-456.
  • 39. Power C, Parsons T. Nutritional and other influences in childhood as predictors of adult obesity. Proc Nutr Soc 2000;59:267-72.
  • 40. Lissau Lund Sorensen I, Sorensen TIA. Prospective study of the influence factors in childhood on risk of overweight in young adulthood. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1992;16: 169-175.
  • 41. Poskitt EME, Cole TJ. Nature, nurture and childhood overweight. BMJ 1978;1:603-605.
  • 42. Sorensen TIA, Holst C, Stunkard AJ. Childhood body mass index- genetic and familial environment influences assessed in a longitudinal adoption study. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1992;16:705-714.
  • 43. Borjeson M. The aetiology of obesity in children. Acta Paediatr Scand 1976;65: 279-287.
  • 44. Stunkard AJ, Sorensen TIA, Harris C. An adoption study of human obesity. N Engl J Med 1986;314:193- 198.
  • 45. Comuzzie AG, Allison DB. The search for human obesity genes. Science 1998;280:1374-77.
  • 46. Bouchard C. Genetics of obesity in humans: current issues. In: Chardwick DJ, Cardew GC (eds). The origins and consequences of obesity.Wiley, Chichester, 1996:108-117.
  • 47. Bultman S, Michaud E, Woychik R Molecular characterization of the mouse agouti locus. Cell 1992;71:1195-1204.
  • 48. N a g g e r t J , F r i c k e r L , Va r l a m o v O . Hyperproinsulinemia in obese fat/ fat mice associated with carboxypeptidase E mutation with reduced enzyme activity. Nat Genet 1995;10:135-142.
  • 49. Tartaglia L, Dembski M, Weng X. Identification and cloning of a leptin receptor OB-r. Cell 1995;83:1263- 1271.
  • 50. Zhang Y, Proenca R, Maffei M. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue. Nature 1994;372:425-432.
  • 51. Friedman JM. The alphabet of weight control. Nature 1997;385:119-120.
  • 52. Sorensen TIA, Echwald SM, Holm JC: Leptin in obesity. BMJ 1996;313:953-954.
  • 53. Clement K, Vaisse C, Lahlou N. A mutation in the human leptin receptor gene causes obesity and pituitary dysfunction. Nature 1998;392:398-401.
  • 54. Maffeis C. Aetiology of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Eur J Pediatr 2000;159:35-44
  • 55. Whitaker RC, Dietz WH. Role of the prenatal environment in the development of obesity. J Pediatr 1998;132:768-76.
  • 56. Strauss RS. Effects of the intrauterine environment on childhood growth. Br Med Bull 1997;53:81-95.
  • 57. Agras WS, Kraemer HC, Boekowitz RI, Korner AF, Hammer LD. Does a vigorous feeding style influence early development of adiposity? J Pediatr 1987;110: 779-804.
  • 58. Brich LL, Fisher JA. The role of experience in the development of children's eating behavior. In: Capaldi ED (eds) Why we eat and what we eat: the psychology of eating. American Psychological Association, Washington, 1996:113-141.
  • 59. Kramer MS. Do breast-feeding and delayed introduction of solid foods protect against subsequent obesity? J Pediatr 1981;98:883-887.
  • 60. Maffeis C, Micciolo R, MustA, Zaffanello M, Pinelli L. Parental and perinatal factors associated with childhood obesity in north-east Italy. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1994; 18: 301-305.
  • 61. Petit DJ, Baird HR, Aleck KA. Excessive obesity in offspring of Pima Indian women with diabetes during pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1983;308:42-45.
  • 62. Serdula MK, Ivery D, Coates RJ. Do odese children become obese adults? A review of the literature. Prev Med 1993;22:167-177.
  • 63. Whitaker RC, Wright JA, Pepe MS. Predicting obesity in young adulthood from childhood and parental obesity. N Engl J Med 1997;337: 869-873.
  • 64. Butte NF. The role of breastfeeding in obesity. Pediatr Clin NorthAm 2001;48:189-98.
  • 65. Birch LL. Effects of peer models' food choices and eating behaviors on pre-schoolers' food preferences. Child Dev 1980;51:489-496.
  • 66. Klesges RC, Stein RJ, Eck LH. Parental influence on food selection in young children and its relationship to childhood obesity.Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53: 859-864.
  • 67. Baughcum AE, Burklow KA, Deeks CM, Powers SW, Whitaker RC. Maternal feeding practices and childhood obesity: a focus group study of low-income mothers.Arch PediatrAdolesc Med 1998;152:1010-4.
  • 68. Lake JK, Power C, Cole TJ. Parental obesity. Arch Dis Child 1997;77:376-81.
  • 69. Dickinson R, Leader S. Consumers Internatýonal, A spoonful of sugar. Television food advertising aimed at children: an international comparative survey. 43a. Television and food choice. MAFF R& D and surveillance report 1999;No 267.
  • 70. Taras HL, Sallis JF, Patterson TL. Television's influence on children on children's diet and physical activity. Dev Behav Pediatr 1989;10:176-180.
  • 71. Kromeyer K, Hauspie RC, Susanne C. Socioeconomic factors and growth during childhood and early adolescence in Jena children. Ann Hum Biol 1997;24:343-353.
  • 72. Locard E, Mamelle N, Billette A. Risk factors of obesity on a five year old population. Parental versus environmental factors. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1992;16:721-729.
  • 73. Rolland-Cachera MF, Bellisle F. No correlation between adiposity and food intake: why are working class children fatter?Am J Clin Nutr 1986;44: 779-787.
  • 74. De Spiegelaere M, Dramaix M, Hennart P. The influence of socioeconomic status on the incidence and evolution of obesity during early adolescence. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1998;22:268-74.
  • 75. Ardizzi A, Grugni G, Moro D, Guazzaloni G, Toselli E, Morabito F. Epidemiology of childhood obesity: prevalence in North-West Italy. Minerva Pediatr 1996;48:99-103.
  • 76. Patterson ML, Stern S, Crawford PB, McMahon RP, Similo SL, Schreiber GB, Morrison JA, Waclawiw MA. Sociodemographic factors and obesity in preadolescent black and white girls: NHLBI's Growth and Health Study. J Natl MedAssoc 1997;89:594-600.
  • 77. Gnavi R, Spagnoli TD, Galotto C, Pugliese E, Carta A, Cesari L. Socioeconomic status, overweight and obesity in prepuberal children: a study in an area of Northern Italy. Eur J Epidemiol 2000;16:797-803.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Other ID JA32TC59BD
Journal Section Collection

F. Serdar Gürel This is me

Gülten İnan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


EndNote Gürel FS, İnan G (December 1, 2001) Childhood Obesity- Diagnostic Methods, Prevalence and Etiology. Meandros Medical And Dental Journal 2 3 39–46.