Research Article
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Year 2022, , 56 - 63, 17.06.2022


Total globozoospermia is diagnosed by the presence of 100% round-headed spermatozoa without acrosomes. It is still unclear whether patients whose ejaculate contains both normal and globozoospermic cells (partial globozoospermia) suffer from a variation of the same syndrome. Affected men may experience decreased fertility and even infertility. In some cases, an increased number of cells with DNA fragmentation has also been observed in patients with globozoospermia..In this study, standard semen analysis methods in accordance with WHO criteria were applied to infertile male patient groups consisting of 20 normozoospermic and 20 oligozoospermic individuals who were admitted to our clinic. Age, sperm parameters (volume, vitality, concentration, total motility and morphology) were determined and statistically analyzed in normozoospermic and oligozoospermic infertile men.Sperms were stained with the Eosin-Nigrosin method and were visualized under an immersion lens light microscope and evaluated for vitality. The slides were stained using sperm staining solutions with the Spermac technique and the sperms were evaluated morphologically. Sperm DNA fragmentation damage was evaluated by acridine orange staining method.Our results revealed that sperm morphological features (Kruger test) and sperm DNA fragmentation, obtained with various staining techniques, are important in the clinical approach to male infertility and ART methods, and should be used together.

Supporting Institution

Dicle University Scientific Research Projects Commission Headquarters (DUBAP)

Project Number



  • [1] Zegers Hochschild F. et al. “International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organization (WHO) revised glossary of ART terminology, 2009”, Fertil Steril., 92(5), 1520-4, 2009.
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  • [3] Yao MWM ve Schust JD. Berek JS (Çev.Ed.), İnfertilite. Novak Jinekoloji, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 2004, p. 973-1045
  • [4] Bankowski JB ve Vlahos N. İnfertilite ve üremeye yardımcı teknolojiler, John Hopkins Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik El Kitabı, Atlas Kitapçılık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2005, p.376-383
  • [5] Rowe PJ, Comhaire FH, Hargreave TB ve Mahmoud AMA. Orhon E (Çev.Ed.), İnfertil Erkeklerin Standart Araştırma Tanı ve Tedavileri İçin Dünya Sağlık Örgütü El Kitabı, Cambridge University Press,Londra, 2000
  • [6] Çivi S. Nedim Çiçek (Çev.Ed.), İnfertilite Epidemiyolojisi, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2007, p. 1-10
  • [7] Wright KP, Johnson JV, Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF (Çev.Ed.), İnfertilite, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2010, p. 705-715
  • [8] Speroff L, Glass NH, Kase RG. Clinical Gynaecologic Endocrinology and Infertility. 7 nd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 2007
  • [9] Smith S, Pfeifer SM, Collins JA., “Diagnosis and management of female infertility”, JAMA, 290(13), 1767-1770, 2003.
  • [10] Hull MG, Fleming CF, Hughes AO, McDermott A., “The age-related decline in female fecundity: a quantitative controlled study of implanting capacity and survival of individual embryos after in vitro fertilization”, Fertil Steril, 65(4), 783-90, 1996.
  • [11] Ziebe S, et al., “Embryo quality and developmental potential is compromised by age”, Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 80(2), 169-174 2001. [12] Nagvenkar P, Desai K, Hinduja I, Zaveri K., “Chromosomal studies in infertile men with oligozoospermia & non-obstructive azoospermia”, Indian J MedRes, 122 (1), 34-42, 2005.
  • [13] Kadıoğlu A, Kendirci M, Aktan G, Yaman Ö, Çayan S. WHO Laboratuar El Kitabi. İnsan Semeninin İncelenmesi ve İşlemlerden Geçirilmesi. Türk Üroloji Derneği. 2011, ISBN:978-975-00112-4-5.
  • [14] World Health Organization. WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 5th edition. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2010.
  • [15] Eliasson R Analysis of Semen in Behrman SJ and Kistner RW (Çev. Ed.) Progress in Infertility, 2nd Edition. Little, Brown, Boston 1975: 691-714
  • [16] Agarwal A , Allamaneni SS., “Sperm DNA damage assessment: a test whose time has come”, Fertil Steril, 84(4), 850-3, 2005.
  • [17] Satar DA. ve Narin R., “Globozoospermi”, Cukurova Medical Journal, 39(1), 1-6, 2014.
  • [18] Wolff H, Schill W, MoritzP., “Round‐headed spermatozoa:A rare andrologic finding (globe‐headedspermatozoa,globozoospermia)”, Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift Fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, Und Verwandte Gebiete, 27(3), 111–116, 1976.
  • [19] Dam AH, Feenstra I, Westphal JR, Ramos L, van Golde RJ, Kremer JAM. “Globozoospermi are visited”, Hum Reprod Update, 13, 63-75, 2007.
  • [20] Menteşeoğlu P, Tangal S, Yığman M, Haliloğlu AH, Pabuçcu EG, Çağlar GS, “The Correlation Between Semen Parameters and Galectin-3 Levels of Infertile Men”, Turkish Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, 5(1), 1-5, 2021.
  • [21] Schirren CG, Holstein AF, Schirren C., “Uberdie Morphogenes arund kopfiger Spermatozo endes Menschen”, Andrologia, 3, 117–25, 1971. [22] Fesahat F, Henkel R, Agarwal A., “Globozoospermia syndrome: An update”, Andrologia, 52(2), e13459, 2020.
  • [23] Kalahanis J, Rousso D, Kourtis A, Mavromatidis G, Makedos G, Panidis D, “Round‐headed spermatozoa in semen specimens from fertile and subfertile men”, The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 47(6), 489–493, 2002.
  • [24] Holstein AF, Schirren CG, Schirren C and Mauss J, “Round headed spermatozoa: a cause of male infertility”, Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 98, 61–62, 1973.
  • [25] Siddique RA, et al., “Sperm abnormalities and DNA fragmentation visavis mammalian male infretility – a review. “, Wayamba Journal of AnimalScience, 3, 174-189, 2011.
  • [26] Eskandari N, Tavalaee M, Zohrabi D, Nasr-Esfahani MH, “Association between total globozoospermia and sperm chromatin defects”, Andrologia, 50(2), e12843, 2018.
  • [27] Cho CL, Agarwal A, “Role of sperm DNA fragmentation in male factor infertility: A systematic review”, Arab Journal of Urology, 16(1), 21–34, 2018.
  • [28] Agarwal A, Bragais FM, Sabanegh E., “Assessing sperm function”, Urologic Clinics of North America, 35(2), 157–171, 2008
Year 2022, , 56 - 63, 17.06.2022


Project Number



  • [1] Zegers Hochschild F. et al. “International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organization (WHO) revised glossary of ART terminology, 2009”, Fertil Steril., 92(5), 1520-4, 2009.
  • [2] Beck WW, Uçar A (Çev.Ed.), Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, İstanbul, 1998, p. 359-368
  • [3] Yao MWM ve Schust JD. Berek JS (Çev.Ed.), İnfertilite. Novak Jinekoloji, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 2004, p. 973-1045
  • [4] Bankowski JB ve Vlahos N. İnfertilite ve üremeye yardımcı teknolojiler, John Hopkins Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik El Kitabı, Atlas Kitapçılık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Ankara, 2005, p.376-383
  • [5] Rowe PJ, Comhaire FH, Hargreave TB ve Mahmoud AMA. Orhon E (Çev.Ed.), İnfertil Erkeklerin Standart Araştırma Tanı ve Tedavileri İçin Dünya Sağlık Örgütü El Kitabı, Cambridge University Press,Londra, 2000
  • [6] Çivi S. Nedim Çiçek (Çev.Ed.), İnfertilite Epidemiyolojisi, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2007, p. 1-10
  • [7] Wright KP, Johnson JV, Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF (Çev.Ed.), İnfertilite, Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2010, p. 705-715
  • [8] Speroff L, Glass NH, Kase RG. Clinical Gynaecologic Endocrinology and Infertility. 7 nd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 2007
  • [9] Smith S, Pfeifer SM, Collins JA., “Diagnosis and management of female infertility”, JAMA, 290(13), 1767-1770, 2003.
  • [10] Hull MG, Fleming CF, Hughes AO, McDermott A., “The age-related decline in female fecundity: a quantitative controlled study of implanting capacity and survival of individual embryos after in vitro fertilization”, Fertil Steril, 65(4), 783-90, 1996.
  • [11] Ziebe S, et al., “Embryo quality and developmental potential is compromised by age”, Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 80(2), 169-174 2001. [12] Nagvenkar P, Desai K, Hinduja I, Zaveri K., “Chromosomal studies in infertile men with oligozoospermia & non-obstructive azoospermia”, Indian J MedRes, 122 (1), 34-42, 2005.
  • [13] Kadıoğlu A, Kendirci M, Aktan G, Yaman Ö, Çayan S. WHO Laboratuar El Kitabi. İnsan Semeninin İncelenmesi ve İşlemlerden Geçirilmesi. Türk Üroloji Derneği. 2011, ISBN:978-975-00112-4-5.
  • [14] World Health Organization. WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 5th edition. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2010.
  • [15] Eliasson R Analysis of Semen in Behrman SJ and Kistner RW (Çev. Ed.) Progress in Infertility, 2nd Edition. Little, Brown, Boston 1975: 691-714
  • [16] Agarwal A , Allamaneni SS., “Sperm DNA damage assessment: a test whose time has come”, Fertil Steril, 84(4), 850-3, 2005.
  • [17] Satar DA. ve Narin R., “Globozoospermi”, Cukurova Medical Journal, 39(1), 1-6, 2014.
  • [18] Wolff H, Schill W, MoritzP., “Round‐headed spermatozoa:A rare andrologic finding (globe‐headedspermatozoa,globozoospermia)”, Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift Fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, Und Verwandte Gebiete, 27(3), 111–116, 1976.
  • [19] Dam AH, Feenstra I, Westphal JR, Ramos L, van Golde RJ, Kremer JAM. “Globozoospermi are visited”, Hum Reprod Update, 13, 63-75, 2007.
  • [20] Menteşeoğlu P, Tangal S, Yığman M, Haliloğlu AH, Pabuçcu EG, Çağlar GS, “The Correlation Between Semen Parameters and Galectin-3 Levels of Infertile Men”, Turkish Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, 5(1), 1-5, 2021.
  • [21] Schirren CG, Holstein AF, Schirren C., “Uberdie Morphogenes arund kopfiger Spermatozo endes Menschen”, Andrologia, 3, 117–25, 1971. [22] Fesahat F, Henkel R, Agarwal A., “Globozoospermia syndrome: An update”, Andrologia, 52(2), e13459, 2020.
  • [23] Kalahanis J, Rousso D, Kourtis A, Mavromatidis G, Makedos G, Panidis D, “Round‐headed spermatozoa in semen specimens from fertile and subfertile men”, The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 47(6), 489–493, 2002.
  • [24] Holstein AF, Schirren CG, Schirren C and Mauss J, “Round headed spermatozoa: a cause of male infertility”, Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 98, 61–62, 1973.
  • [25] Siddique RA, et al., “Sperm abnormalities and DNA fragmentation visavis mammalian male infretility – a review. “, Wayamba Journal of AnimalScience, 3, 174-189, 2011.
  • [26] Eskandari N, Tavalaee M, Zohrabi D, Nasr-Esfahani MH, “Association between total globozoospermia and sperm chromatin defects”, Andrologia, 50(2), e12843, 2018.
  • [27] Cho CL, Agarwal A, “Role of sperm DNA fragmentation in male factor infertility: A systematic review”, Arab Journal of Urology, 16(1), 21–34, 2018.
  • [28] Agarwal A, Bragais FM, Sabanegh E., “Assessing sperm function”, Urologic Clinics of North America, 35(2), 157–171, 2008
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Article

Zuhal Çankırı 0000-0002-1618-4030

Murat Akkuş 0000-0002-1659-1189

Eda Yildizhan 0000-0002-5648-6498

Dilara Akıncı 0000-0002-2563-0688

Fırat Aşır 0000-0002-6384-9146

Onur Dede 0000-0002-6384-9146

Muhamet Afşin 0000-0002-7625-3982

Project Number IP.20.028
Publication Date June 17, 2022
Submission Date March 30, 2022
Acceptance Date May 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


IEEE Z. Çankırı, M. Akkuş, E. Yildizhan, D. Akıncı, F. Aşır, O. Dede, and M. Afşin, “INVESTIGATION OF GLOBOZOOSPERMIA’S MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND DNA FRAGMENTATION IN OLIGOZOOSPERMIA CASES IN INFERTILE MALES”, MEJS, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 56–63, 2022, doi: 10.51477/mejs.1095136.

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