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Yıl 2017, , 1 - 8, 28.08.2017



  • [1] Al Iraqi, R.A., Farag, F.A., & Iraqi Al., R.A. (1986). Biological Activities of the Adult Beetle Epilachna chrysomelina Fabr. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 1, 69-77; 5.
  • [2] Ali, M.A., & El Saeady, A.A. (1986). Studies on Food Consumption and host selection of the melon ladybird beetle Epilachna chrysomelina F. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Agricultural Research Review,61: 1,149-164; 14.
  • [3] Ali M.A., & El Saeady A. A. (1982.) Factors Influencing Hibernation, Survival Rate and Reactivation of the Melon Ladybird Epilachna chrysomelina (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae,17:1-2, 157-162; 4 fig.; 9 ref.
  • [4] Anonymous, (1992). CAB International Institute of Entomology Distribution Maps of Pests. No. 57, 82, 182, 296, 409, 529,530,531,532.
  • [5] Camberos, U.N., Graziano J.V., & Mojica, H.B. (1987). Prediccion del desarollo de Epilachna varivestis Mulstant. (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) mediante unidales calor y relacion fenologica entre la plaga y el cultivo del frijol. Centro de Entomologia y Acarologia.Sobretiro Agrociencia Num.67, Chapingo, Mexico.
  • [6] Chen, L.F., Lu, Z.Q. & Zhu, S.D. (1989). Biology of Henosepilachna vigintioctopuntata (Fabricius) and its effective accumulated temperature.Plant-Protection,No.1, 7-8.
  • [7] El-Abdin, A.M.Z., & Siragelnour, B.G. (1991). Biological aspects, food preference and chemical control of the cucurbit beetle, Henosepilachna elaterii (Rossi) (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae). Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 9: 2, 103-110; 15 ref.
  • [8] El-Khidir, E.A., (1969). Contrubution to the biology of Epilachna chrysomelina F.,the melon lady beetle in the Sudan (Col.,Coccinellidae). Sudan Agric. Journal. 4:32-37.
  • [9] Giray, H. (1971). Epilachna chrysomelina F. (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)’nin tanınması ve biyolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları:186, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, İzmir, 57 s.
  • [10] Hodek, I., & Honék, A. (1996). Ecology of Coccinellidae, Kluwer Academic Publisher Series Entomologica, vol.54, London, 464 p
  • [11] Izadpanah, K. (1989). Transmission of the Iranian isolate of the squash mosaic virus. Iranian- Journal-of-Plant-Pathology,25: 1-4, 3-5 (en), 11-15 (Pe); 12
  • [12] Katakura, H., Nakano, S., Kahono, S., Abbas, I., & Nakamura, K. (2001). Epilachnine Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) of Sumatra and Java. Tropics, vol.10:(3), 325-352.
  • [13] Klemm, M. (1930). Beitrag zur Morphologie und biologie der Epilachna chrysomelina F. Zeitschr. Wiss. Insekt-Biol. 24(9-10): 231-251
  • [14] Melamed, V. (1956). Contribution to the biology on Epilachna chrysomelina in Israel. Rec. Agr. Res. St. Rehevot. Israel, 7: 83-95.
  • [15] Mineo, G., Sciortino, A., & Fazzari, A. (1994). Phytophages of winter melon in Sicily and economic damage by Aphis gossypii Glov. (Hom. Aphididae). Informatore-Fitopatologico, 44: (3), 58-63.
  • [16] Naim, A. (1971). The fauna of Iranian Coccinellidae. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, No. 31, 11-14; pe 37; 3
  • [17] Nakano S. & Katakura, H. (1999). Morphology and biology of phytophaggous ladybird beetle, Epilachna pusillanima (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) newly recorded on Ishigaki Island the Ryukyus. Appl.Entomol. Zool.34 (1):189-194.
  • [18] Nazarov, D.T. (1988). Tests with preparations. Zashchita Rastenii Moskva., No.11, 31.
  • [19] Okuda, T., Gomi, T., & Hodek, I. (1997). Effect of temperature on pupal pigmentation and size of the elytral spots in Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from four latitudes in Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology.32:(4),567-572:8
  • [20] Perret, J. (1938). Observations complementaires sur la biologie d’Epilachna chrysomelina Fab. Au Maroc (coccinelle du melon). Rev. Path. Veg. 25 fasc., Paris, 74-80.
  • [21] Sağlam, Ö. (2003). Karpuz Telliböceği Henosepilachna elaterii Rossi. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’ nin farklı sıcaklık ve farklı konukçularda bazı biyolojik özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 44 s.
  • [22] Tilavov, T.T. (1980). The daily and seasonal locomotory activity of the melon ladybird (Epilachna chrysomelina F.). Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal, no. 5, 52-54; 4 fig.; 6
  • [23] Tilavov, T.T. (1981). The daily and seasonal feeding rhythm of the adult of the cucumber beetle (Epilachna chrysomelina F.), Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal,No. 2, 49-51; 1
  • [24] Toguebaye, B.S., B. Marchand., (1984). Histological and cytopathological study of a naturally occurring microsporidiosis in the African curcurbit coccinellid, Henosepilachna elaterii (Col.: Coccinellidae), Entomophaga, 29: (4), 421-429
  • [25] Tripathi, S.R., & Misra, A. (1991). Effect of temperature on development of Epilachna dodecastigma (Wied) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae),Journal of Advanced Zoology, 12: 1, 45-49
  • [26] Uygun, N. (1981). Türkiye Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) Faunası Üzerinde Taksonomik Araştırmalar. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:157, Bilimsel Araştırma ve İncelemeler, Tez no: 48,110 s


Yıl 2017, , 1 - 8, 28.08.2017


Phytophagus coccinellid belong to Epilacchninae sub-family are very different the other coccinellid, and found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Henosepilachna elaterii Rossi. feeds on plants of Cucurbitacae family in groups in Europe, Africa and Asia. This pest is found the south Europe, Mediterranean regions, and south of Center Europe. Henosepilachna elaterii is a serious pest of watermelon and cantaloupe, and is a common pest in Aegean region and Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. This species is a vector as different virus disease from health plant to disease plant. This study was carried out to determine biological parameters of Henosepilachna elaterii Rossi. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeded on watermelon cultivars (Sürme, Galactica, Crimson sweet, Crimson tide and Sugar baby). The trials were made in laboratory conditioned at 16:8 h (day:night) and in 65 ± 5 % relative humidity at 25 ±1 ºC temperature. Data was collected on effect of host plants cultivars on preadult periods. Total development time at prematuring period was shortest at 25 ± 1°C on Crimson tide cultivar as 24.41 days and longest as 25.01 days on Sürme cultivars.


  • [1] Al Iraqi, R.A., Farag, F.A., & Iraqi Al., R.A. (1986). Biological Activities of the Adult Beetle Epilachna chrysomelina Fabr. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4: 1, 69-77; 5.
  • [2] Ali, M.A., & El Saeady, A.A. (1986). Studies on Food Consumption and host selection of the melon ladybird beetle Epilachna chrysomelina F. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Agricultural Research Review,61: 1,149-164; 14.
  • [3] Ali M.A., & El Saeady A. A. (1982.) Factors Influencing Hibernation, Survival Rate and Reactivation of the Melon Ladybird Epilachna chrysomelina (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae,17:1-2, 157-162; 4 fig.; 9 ref.
  • [4] Anonymous, (1992). CAB International Institute of Entomology Distribution Maps of Pests. No. 57, 82, 182, 296, 409, 529,530,531,532.
  • [5] Camberos, U.N., Graziano J.V., & Mojica, H.B. (1987). Prediccion del desarollo de Epilachna varivestis Mulstant. (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) mediante unidales calor y relacion fenologica entre la plaga y el cultivo del frijol. Centro de Entomologia y Acarologia.Sobretiro Agrociencia Num.67, Chapingo, Mexico.
  • [6] Chen, L.F., Lu, Z.Q. & Zhu, S.D. (1989). Biology of Henosepilachna vigintioctopuntata (Fabricius) and its effective accumulated temperature.Plant-Protection,No.1, 7-8.
  • [7] El-Abdin, A.M.Z., & Siragelnour, B.G. (1991). Biological aspects, food preference and chemical control of the cucurbit beetle, Henosepilachna elaterii (Rossi) (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae). Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 9: 2, 103-110; 15 ref.
  • [8] El-Khidir, E.A., (1969). Contrubution to the biology of Epilachna chrysomelina F.,the melon lady beetle in the Sudan (Col.,Coccinellidae). Sudan Agric. Journal. 4:32-37.
  • [9] Giray, H. (1971). Epilachna chrysomelina F. (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)’nin tanınması ve biyolojisi üzerinde araştırmalar, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları:186, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, İzmir, 57 s.
  • [10] Hodek, I., & Honék, A. (1996). Ecology of Coccinellidae, Kluwer Academic Publisher Series Entomologica, vol.54, London, 464 p
  • [11] Izadpanah, K. (1989). Transmission of the Iranian isolate of the squash mosaic virus. Iranian- Journal-of-Plant-Pathology,25: 1-4, 3-5 (en), 11-15 (Pe); 12
  • [12] Katakura, H., Nakano, S., Kahono, S., Abbas, I., & Nakamura, K. (2001). Epilachnine Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) of Sumatra and Java. Tropics, vol.10:(3), 325-352.
  • [13] Klemm, M. (1930). Beitrag zur Morphologie und biologie der Epilachna chrysomelina F. Zeitschr. Wiss. Insekt-Biol. 24(9-10): 231-251
  • [14] Melamed, V. (1956). Contribution to the biology on Epilachna chrysomelina in Israel. Rec. Agr. Res. St. Rehevot. Israel, 7: 83-95.
  • [15] Mineo, G., Sciortino, A., & Fazzari, A. (1994). Phytophages of winter melon in Sicily and economic damage by Aphis gossypii Glov. (Hom. Aphididae). Informatore-Fitopatologico, 44: (3), 58-63.
  • [16] Naim, A. (1971). The fauna of Iranian Coccinellidae. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, No. 31, 11-14; pe 37; 3
  • [17] Nakano S. & Katakura, H. (1999). Morphology and biology of phytophaggous ladybird beetle, Epilachna pusillanima (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) newly recorded on Ishigaki Island the Ryukyus. Appl.Entomol. Zool.34 (1):189-194.
  • [18] Nazarov, D.T. (1988). Tests with preparations. Zashchita Rastenii Moskva., No.11, 31.
  • [19] Okuda, T., Gomi, T., & Hodek, I. (1997). Effect of temperature on pupal pigmentation and size of the elytral spots in Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from four latitudes in Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology.32:(4),567-572:8
  • [20] Perret, J. (1938). Observations complementaires sur la biologie d’Epilachna chrysomelina Fab. Au Maroc (coccinelle du melon). Rev. Path. Veg. 25 fasc., Paris, 74-80.
  • [21] Sağlam, Ö. (2003). Karpuz Telliböceği Henosepilachna elaterii Rossi. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’ nin farklı sıcaklık ve farklı konukçularda bazı biyolojik özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 44 s.
  • [22] Tilavov, T.T. (1980). The daily and seasonal locomotory activity of the melon ladybird (Epilachna chrysomelina F.). Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal, no. 5, 52-54; 4 fig.; 6
  • [23] Tilavov, T.T. (1981). The daily and seasonal feeding rhythm of the adult of the cucumber beetle (Epilachna chrysomelina F.), Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal,No. 2, 49-51; 1
  • [24] Toguebaye, B.S., B. Marchand., (1984). Histological and cytopathological study of a naturally occurring microsporidiosis in the African curcurbit coccinellid, Henosepilachna elaterii (Col.: Coccinellidae), Entomophaga, 29: (4), 421-429
  • [25] Tripathi, S.R., & Misra, A. (1991). Effect of temperature on development of Epilachna dodecastigma (Wied) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae),Journal of Advanced Zoology, 12: 1, 45-49
  • [26] Uygun, N. (1981). Türkiye Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) Faunası Üzerinde Taksonomik Araştırmalar. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:157, Bilimsel Araştırma ve İncelemeler, Tez no: 48,110 s
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Erol Bayhan Bu kişi benim

Selime Ölmez Bayhan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Mayıs 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

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