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The Unbearable Lightness of Friendship Homosociality and the “Crisis of Masculinity”

Year 2016, Issue: 6, 7 - 29, 22.08.2017


Over the past 30 years in the US there has
been a lot of discussion around boys’ and men’s friendships, or the lack
thereof. Not only are men, we are told, lacking in friendships, but these
friendships are also lacking in affection, emotion, and depth. This so-called
crisis is deeply intertwined with the broader social, political, and economic
crisis having an impact on boys’ lives. This article will seek to elaborate on
the importance of homosociality in discussions of crisis and will be examine
friendships in light of these changing relational possibilities. The
masculinity model put into place by the ‘crisis’ discourse is premised on a
version of masculinity that is competitive and aggressive. In examining
homosociality and crisis, this article will present two individual case studies
who showcase the ways that the crisis narrative is misleading and does not
provide a true picture of the complexity of men’s relationships.


  • Allan, J. (2014), March. “Masculinity as Cruel Optimism”. Paper presented at the American Men’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Tacoma, Washington.
  • Allan, J. (2015). “No Future for Boys”, Journal of Boyhood Studies 8, 1: 22-33.
  • Anderson, E. (2011). Inclusive Masculinity: The Changing Nature of Masculinities. London: Routledge.
  • Arxer, S. L. (2011). “Hybrid Masculine Power: Reconceptualizing the Relationship between Homosociality and Hegemonic Masculinity”, Humanity & Society, 35, 4: 390-422.
  • Braedley, S. (2010). ‘“Accidental” Health Care: Masculinity and Neoliberalism at Work’. In Braedley, Susan and Luxton, Meg. Eds. Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal: McGill University Press.
  • Bridges, T. (2013). ‘Issues of Intimacy, Masculinity, and Ethnography’. In Pini, Barbara and Pease, Bob. Eds. Men, Masculinities, and Methodologies. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Chu, J. (2014). When Boys Become Men: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity. New York: New York University Press.
  • Clare, A. (2001). On Men: Masculinity in Crisis. London: Arrow Books.
  • Connell, Raewyn. 2009. ‘A Thousand Miles from Kind: Men, Masculinities and Modern Institutions’. Journal of Men’s Studies Vol 16(3): 237-252.
  • Connell, R. (2010). ‘Understanding Neoliberalism’. In Braedley, Susan and Luxton, Meg. Eds. Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal: McGill University Press.
  • Farr, K. A. (1988). ‘Dominance Bonding through the Good Old Boy Sociability Group’. Sex Roles Vol 18: 259-277.
  • Flood, M. (2003). Men, Sex and Mateship: How homosociality shapes men’s heterosexual relations. Paper presented at (Other) Feminisms: An International Women’s and Gender Studies Conference, University of Queensland, 12-16 July. Accessed March 2015. http://www.eurowrc.org/04.material/books/xy-Michael-Flood/Flood_Men_sex_mateship.pdf.
  • Flood, M. (2007). “Men’s Relations with Men”. Pp. 423-427, in International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, ed. Michael Flood, Judith Kegan Gardiner, Bob Pease, and Keith Pringle. London: Routledge.
  • Flood, M. (2008). Men, Sex, and Homosociality: How Bonds between Men Shape Their Sexual Relations with Women’. Men and Masculinities Vol 10 No 3.
  • Flood, M. , Gardiner, J.K., Pease, B. (2007) & Pringle, Keith. Eds. Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. London: Routledge.

Arkadaşlığın Dayanılmaz Hafifliği: Homososyallik ve "Erkeklik Krizi"

Year 2016, Issue: 6, 7 - 29, 22.08.2017


Geçtiğimiz 30 yıl boyunca
Amerikan literatüründe oğlan çocuklarının ve erkeklerin arkadaşlığı veya
arkadaşlığın eksikliği üzerine birçok tartışma yürütüldü. Erkeklerin arkadaşlık
kurma açısından eksikliğinin yanı sıra bizlere erkeklerin kurdukları arkadaşlık
ilişkilerinde derinlik, duygu ve yakınlık eksikliği olduğu da söylendi. Bu
sözde kriz, oğlan çocuklarının hayatında etkili olan geniş çaplı sosyal,
politik ve ekonomik krizlerle birbirine karışmış durumdadır. Bu makale,
homososyalliğin bahsi geçen kriz üzerindeki etkisini detaylandıracak ve
arkadaşlığı değişen bu ilişkisel olasılıklar ışığında inceleyecektir.
"Kriz" söylemiyle ortaya konan erkeklik modeli rekabetçi ve agresif
bir erkeklik versiyonunu temel almaktadır.  Bu bağlamda, bu makale kriz
söylemlerinin ve anlatımlarının ne kadar yanıltıcı bir yol gösterdiği ve erkek
ilişkilerindeki karmaşıklığı doğru yansıtmadığını gösteren iki adet bireysel
vaka çalışması sunarak homososyalliği ve erkeklik krizini inceleyecektir.


  • Allan, J. (2014), March. “Masculinity as Cruel Optimism”. Paper presented at the American Men’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Tacoma, Washington.
  • Allan, J. (2015). “No Future for Boys”, Journal of Boyhood Studies 8, 1: 22-33.
  • Anderson, E. (2011). Inclusive Masculinity: The Changing Nature of Masculinities. London: Routledge.
  • Arxer, S. L. (2011). “Hybrid Masculine Power: Reconceptualizing the Relationship between Homosociality and Hegemonic Masculinity”, Humanity & Society, 35, 4: 390-422.
  • Braedley, S. (2010). ‘“Accidental” Health Care: Masculinity and Neoliberalism at Work’. In Braedley, Susan and Luxton, Meg. Eds. Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal: McGill University Press.
  • Bridges, T. (2013). ‘Issues of Intimacy, Masculinity, and Ethnography’. In Pini, Barbara and Pease, Bob. Eds. Men, Masculinities, and Methodologies. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Chu, J. (2014). When Boys Become Men: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity. New York: New York University Press.
  • Clare, A. (2001). On Men: Masculinity in Crisis. London: Arrow Books.
  • Connell, Raewyn. 2009. ‘A Thousand Miles from Kind: Men, Masculinities and Modern Institutions’. Journal of Men’s Studies Vol 16(3): 237-252.
  • Connell, R. (2010). ‘Understanding Neoliberalism’. In Braedley, Susan and Luxton, Meg. Eds. Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Montreal: McGill University Press.
  • Farr, K. A. (1988). ‘Dominance Bonding through the Good Old Boy Sociability Group’. Sex Roles Vol 18: 259-277.
  • Flood, M. (2003). Men, Sex and Mateship: How homosociality shapes men’s heterosexual relations. Paper presented at (Other) Feminisms: An International Women’s and Gender Studies Conference, University of Queensland, 12-16 July. Accessed March 2015. http://www.eurowrc.org/04.material/books/xy-Michael-Flood/Flood_Men_sex_mateship.pdf.
  • Flood, M. (2007). “Men’s Relations with Men”. Pp. 423-427, in International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, ed. Michael Flood, Judith Kegan Gardiner, Bob Pease, and Keith Pringle. London: Routledge.
  • Flood, M. (2008). Men, Sex, and Homosociality: How Bonds between Men Shape Their Sexual Relations with Women’. Men and Masculinities Vol 10 No 3.
  • Flood, M. , Gardiner, J.K., Pease, B. (2007) & Pringle, Keith. Eds. Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. London: Routledge.
There are 15 citations in total.


Subjects Anthropology, Sociology
Journal Section Articles

Frank G. Karioris Karioris This is me

Publication Date August 22, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 6


APA Karioris, F. G. K. (2017). The Unbearable Lightness of Friendship Homosociality and the “Crisis of Masculinity”. Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture(6), 7-29.