Credit Default Swap (CDS) is a derivative instrument that serves as insurance against the credit risk of countries or firms. Especially, since the 2008 global crisis, it has received much attention as a risk indicator in financial markets. Given the role played by CDS prices in determining the creditworthiness of banks, corporations or countries, even in predicting financial crisis, it is clear that there has been a need for models that can produce results close to real values due to the nonlinear and chaotic nature of CDS prices in fragile economies. In this study, Türkiye is analyzed as a fragile economy with a high CDS premium. To do this, the artificial neural network (ANN) is combined with the fuzzy time series (FTS) in order to construct a novel model called FTS-ANN. Based on this novel model, the predicted results are evaluated using different well-known statistical techniques. It is found that the epoch and regression $R$ values of the proposed model are 8 and 0.99554. This shows that our model outperforms other models. Finally, the expected contribution of our model is that this model, which gives very good results for a fragile economy like Türkiye, can be adapted to the CDS values of other countries.
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[2] Tabassum and Yameen, M. Why do banks use credit default swaps (CDS)? A systematic review. Journal of Economic Surveys, 38(1), 201-231, (2024).
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[4] Galil, K., Shapir, O.M., Amiram, D. and Ben-Zion, U. The determinants of CDS spreads. Journal of Banking & Finance, 41, 271-282, (2014).
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[15] Doshi, H., Jacobs, K. and Zurita, V. Economic and financial determinants of credit risk premiums in the sovereign CDS market. The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 7(1), 43-80, (2017).
[16] Daehler, T.B., Aizenman, J. and Jinjarak, Y. Emerging markets sovereign CDS spreads during COVID-19: Economics versus epidemiology news. Economic Modelling, 100, 105504, (2021).
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[18] Hilscher, J. and Wilson, M. Credit ratings and credit risk: Is one measure enough?. Management Science, 63(10), 3147-3529, (2017).
[19] Das, S.R., Hanouna, P., and Sarin, A. Accounting-based versus market-based cross-sectional models of CDS spreads. Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(4), 719-730, (2009).
[20] Apergis, N. Forecasting Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) spreads with newswire messages: Evidence from European countries under financial distress. Economics Letters, 136, 92-94, (2015).
[21] Atsalakis, G.S., Tsakalaki, K.I. and Zopounidis, C. Forecasting the Prices of Credit Default Swaps of Greece by a Neuro-fuzzy Technique. Financial Engineering Laboratory, 1-14, (2012).
[22] Karabıyık, B.K. ANFIS metodu ile CDS primi tahminlemesi: Türkiye örneği. International Journal of Management Economics and Business, 17(4), 1175-1197, (2021).
[23] Beytollahi, A. and Zeinali, H. Comparing prediction power of artificial neural networks compound models in predicting credit default swap prices through Black-Scholes-Merton model. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies, 13(1), 69-93, (2020).
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[25] Feng, Q., Hao, J., Sun, X. and Li, J. Predictability of sovereign CDS: permutation entropy method. Procedia Computer Science, 199, 866-870, (2022).
[26] Gündüz, Y. and Uhrig-Homburg, M. Predicting credit default swap prices with financial and pure data-driven approaches. Quantitative Finance, 11(12), 1709-1727, (2011).
[27] Itkin, A., Shcherbakov, V. and Veygman, A. New model for pricing quanto credit default swaps. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 22(03), 1950003, (2019).
[28] Li, J., Hao, J., Sun, X. and Feng, Q. Forecasting China’s sovereign CDS with a decomposition reconstruction strategy. Applied Soft Computing, 105, 107291, (2021).
[29] Lin, S.Y., Liu, D.R. and Huang, H.P. Credit default swap prediction based on generative adversarial networks. Data Technologies and Applications, 56(5), 720-740, (2022).
[30] Vukovic, D.B., Romanyuk, K., Ivashchenko, S. and Grigorieva, E.M. Are CDS spreads predictable during the Covid-19 pandemic? Forecasting based on SVM, GMDH, LSTM and Markov switching autoregression. Expert Systems With Applications, 194, 116553, (2022).
[31] Zhang, T.Y. Predicting credit default swap (cds) returns with machine learning. University of Florida Journal of Undergraduate Research, 20(1), 1-11, (2018).
[32] Son, Y., Byun, H. and Lee, J. Nonparametric machine learning models for predicting the credit default swaps: An empirical study. Expert Systems with Applications, 58, 210-220, (2016).
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[59] Kaymak, Ö.Ö., Kaymak, Y. and Özdemir, N. Forecasting of the Istanbul stock exchange (ISE) return with a golden ratio model in the epidemic of COVID-19. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 20(1), 95-107, (2021).
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[62] Kannaiyan, M., Karthikeyan, G. and Thankachi Raghuvaran, J.G. Prediction of specific wear rate for LM25/ZrO2 composites using Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation algorithm. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(1), 530-538, (2020).
[1] Garcia, J. and Goossens, S. The Art of Credit Derivatives: Demystifying the Black Swan. John Wiley & Sons: New York, (2010).
[2] Tabassum and Yameen, M. Why do banks use credit default swaps (CDS)? A systematic review. Journal of Economic Surveys, 38(1), 201-231, (2024).
[3] Hui, C.H. and Fong, T.P.W. Price cointegration between sovereign CDS and currency option markets in the financial crises of 2007–2013. International Review of Economics & Finance, 40, 174-190, (2015).
[4] Galil, K., Shapir, O.M., Amiram, D. and Ben-Zion, U. The determinants of CDS spreads. Journal of Banking & Finance, 41, 271-282, (2014).
[5] Augustin, P., Subrahmanyam, M.G., Tang, D.Y. and Wang, S.Q. Credit default swaps: Past, present, and future. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 8, 175-196, (2016).
[6] Abrahams, C.R. and Zhang, M. Credit Risk Assessment: The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders, and Investors. John Wiley Sons: New Jersey, (2009).
[7] Son, Y., Byun, H. and Lee, J. Nonparametric machine learning models for predicting the credit default swaps: An empirical study. Expert Systems with Applications, 58, 210-220, (2016).
[8] Choudhry, M. An Introduction to Credit Derivatives. Butterworth-Heinemann: USA, (2013).
[9] Weistroffer, C., Speyer, B., Kaiser, S. and Mayer, T. Credit default swaps. Deutsche Bank Research, 1-26, (2009).
[10] Mazzi, B. Treasury Finance and Development Banking,+ Website: A Guide to Credit, Debt, and Risk. John Wiley & Sons: New York, (2013).
[11] Hu, N., Li, J. and Meyer-Cirkel, A. Completing the Market: Generating Shadow CDS Spreads by Machine Learning. International Monetary Fund: USA, (2019).
[12] Chan-Lau, J.A. and Kim, Y.S. Equity prices, credit default swaps, and bond spreads in emerging markets. International Monetary Fund, 1-30, (2004).
[13] Schofield, N.C. and Bowler, T. Trading the Fixed Income, Inflation and Credit Markets: A Relative Value Guide. John Wiley & Sons: United Kingdom, (2011).
[14] Amato, J.D. Risk aversion and risk premia in the CDS market. BIS Quarterly Review, 55-68, (2005).
[15] Doshi, H., Jacobs, K. and Zurita, V. Economic and financial determinants of credit risk premiums in the sovereign CDS market. The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 7(1), 43-80, (2017).
[16] Daehler, T.B., Aizenman, J. and Jinjarak, Y. Emerging markets sovereign CDS spreads during COVID-19: Economics versus epidemiology news. Economic Modelling, 100, 105504, (2021).
[17] Stolbov, M. The causal linkages between sovereign CDS prices for the BRICS and major European economies. Economics, 8(1), 20140026, (2014).
[18] Hilscher, J. and Wilson, M. Credit ratings and credit risk: Is one measure enough?. Management Science, 63(10), 3147-3529, (2017).
[19] Das, S.R., Hanouna, P., and Sarin, A. Accounting-based versus market-based cross-sectional models of CDS spreads. Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(4), 719-730, (2009).
[20] Apergis, N. Forecasting Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) spreads with newswire messages: Evidence from European countries under financial distress. Economics Letters, 136, 92-94, (2015).
[21] Atsalakis, G.S., Tsakalaki, K.I. and Zopounidis, C. Forecasting the Prices of Credit Default Swaps of Greece by a Neuro-fuzzy Technique. Financial Engineering Laboratory, 1-14, (2012).
[22] Karabıyık, B.K. ANFIS metodu ile CDS primi tahminlemesi: Türkiye örneği. International Journal of Management Economics and Business, 17(4), 1175-1197, (2021).
[23] Beytollahi, A. and Zeinali, H. Comparing prediction power of artificial neural networks compound models in predicting credit default swap prices through Black-Scholes-Merton model. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies, 13(1), 69-93, (2020).
[24] Driesum, S. Forecasting Credit Default Swap Spreads. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Econometric Institute, The Erasmus University, (2016). []
[25] Feng, Q., Hao, J., Sun, X. and Li, J. Predictability of sovereign CDS: permutation entropy method. Procedia Computer Science, 199, 866-870, (2022).
[26] Gündüz, Y. and Uhrig-Homburg, M. Predicting credit default swap prices with financial and pure data-driven approaches. Quantitative Finance, 11(12), 1709-1727, (2011).
[27] Itkin, A., Shcherbakov, V. and Veygman, A. New model for pricing quanto credit default swaps. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 22(03), 1950003, (2019).
[28] Li, J., Hao, J., Sun, X. and Feng, Q. Forecasting China’s sovereign CDS with a decomposition reconstruction strategy. Applied Soft Computing, 105, 107291, (2021).
[29] Lin, S.Y., Liu, D.R. and Huang, H.P. Credit default swap prediction based on generative adversarial networks. Data Technologies and Applications, 56(5), 720-740, (2022).
[30] Vukovic, D.B., Romanyuk, K., Ivashchenko, S. and Grigorieva, E.M. Are CDS spreads predictable during the Covid-19 pandemic? Forecasting based on SVM, GMDH, LSTM and Markov switching autoregression. Expert Systems With Applications, 194, 116553, (2022).
[31] Zhang, T.Y. Predicting credit default swap (cds) returns with machine learning. University of Florida Journal of Undergraduate Research, 20(1), 1-11, (2018).
[32] Son, Y., Byun, H. and Lee, J. Nonparametric machine learning models for predicting the credit default swaps: An empirical study. Expert Systems with Applications, 58, 210-220, (2016).
[33] Tavakoli, N., Siami-Namini, S., Adl Khanghah, M., Mirza Soltani, F. and Siami Namin, A. An autoencoder-based deep learning approach for clustering time series data. SN Applied Sciences, 2, 937, (2020).
[34] Mao, W., Zhu, H., Wu, H., Lu, Y. and Wang, H. Forecasting and trading credit default swap indices using a deep learning model integrating Merton and LSTMs. Expert Systems with Applications, 213, 119012, (2023).
[35] Koy, A. and Çolak, A.B. Predicting stock market index and credit default swap spreads using artificial intelligence and determining non-linear relations. Archives of Advanced Engineering Science, 00(00), 1-12, (2023).
[36] Wu, C., Li, J., Xu, J. and Bouvry, P. Strategic predictions and explanations by machine learning: The prediction model of credit default swaps for the telecommunication service sector. In Proceedings, 2024 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), pp. 268-273, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, (2024, January).
[37] Song, Q. and Chissom, B.S. Forecasting enrollments with fuzzy time series—Part I. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 54(1), 1-9, (1993).
[38] Song, Q. and Chissom, B.S. Forecasting enrollments with fuzzy time series—Part II. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 62(1), 1-8, (1994).
[39] Karasu, S., Altan, A., Bekiros, S. and Ahmad, W. A new forecasting model with wrapperbased feature selection approach using multi-objective optimization technique for chaotic crude oil time series. Energy, 212, 118750, (2020).
[40] Siami-Namini, S., Tavakoli, N. and Namin, A.S. A comparison of ARIMA and LSTM in forecasting time series. In Proceedings, 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 1394-1401, Orlando, USA, (2018, December).
[41] Baz, J., Ferrero-Jaurrieta, M., Díaz, I., Montes, S., Beliakov, G. and Bustince, H. Probabilistic study of Induced Ordered Linear Fusion Operators for time series forecasting. Information Fusion, 103, 102093, (2024).
[42] Zadeh, L.A. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8(3), 338-353, (1965).
[43] Montes, I., Miranda, E. and Montes, S. Decision making with imprecise probabilities and utilities by means of statistical preference and stochastic dominance. European Journal of Operational Research, 234(1), 209-220, (2014).
[44] Tricahya, S. and Rustam, Z. Forecasting the amount of pneumonia patients in Jakarta with weighted high order fuzzy time series. In Proceedings, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, pp. 052080, Malang, Indonesia, (2019, March).
[45] Yu, H.K. Weighted fuzzy time series models for TAIEX forecasting. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 349(3-4), 609-624, (2005).
[46] Chen, S.M. and Hwang, J.R. Temperature prediction using fuzzy time series. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 30(2), 263-275, (2000).
[47] Singh, S., Bansal, P., Hosen, M. and Bansal, S.K. Forecasting annual natural gas consumption in USA: Application of machine learning techniques-ANN and SVM. Resources Policy, 80, 103159, (2023).
[48] Attux, R.R.D.F., Duarte, L.T., Ferrari, R., Panazio, C.M., de Castro, L.N., Von Zuben, F.J. and Romano, J.M.T. MLP-based equalization and pre-distortion using an artificial immune network. In Proceedings, 2005 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, pp. 177-182, Mystic, USA, (2005, September).
[49] Mustaffa, Z. and Sulaiman, M.H. Stock price predictive analysis: An application of hybrid barnacles mating optimizer with artificial neural network. International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering, 4, 109-117, (2023).
[50] Pelegrina, G.D., Duarte, L.T. and Grabisch, M. A k-additive Choquet integral-based approach to approximate the SHAP values for local interpretability in machine learning. Artificial Intelligence, 325, 104014, (2023).
[51] Yavuz, M. and Özdemir, N. A feed-forward neural network approach to Istanbul stock exchange. Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, 12(26), 31-36, (2018).
[52] Lahmiri, S. and Bekiros, S. Intelligent forecasting with machine learning trading systems in chaotic intraday Bitcoin market. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 133, 109641, (2020).
[53] Huarng, K. and Yu, T.H.K. The application of neural networks to forecast fuzzy time series. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 363(2), 481–491, (2006).
[54] Chen, S.M. Forecasting enrollments based on fuzzy time series. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 81(3), 311-319, (1996).
[55] Huarng, K.H., Yu, T.H.K. and Hsu, Y.W. A multivariate heuristic model for fuzzy time series forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 37(4), 836–846, (2007).
[56] Yu, T.H.K. and Huarng, K.H. A neural network-based fuzzy time series model to improve forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(4), 3366–3372, (2010).
[57] Bas, E., Egrioglu, E. and Tunc, T. Multivariate picture fuzzy time series: New definitions and a new forecasting method based on Pi-sigma artificial neural network. Computational Economics, 61(1), 139–164, (2023).
[58] Haykin, S. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation. Prentice Hall PTR: New Jersey, (1998).
[59] Kaymak, Ö.Ö., Kaymak, Y. and Özdemir, N. Forecasting of the Istanbul stock exchange (ISE) return with a golden ratio model in the epidemic of COVID-19. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 20(1), 95-107, (2021).
[60] Chen, T.L., Cheng, C.H. and Teoh, H.J. Fuzzy time-series based on Fibonacci sequence for stock price forecasting. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 380, 377-390, (2007).
[61] Kaymak, Ö.Ö. and Kaymak, Y. Prediction of crude oil prices in COVID-19 outbreak using real data. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 158, 111990, (2022).
[62] Kannaiyan, M., Karthikeyan, G. and Thankachi Raghuvaran, J.G. Prediction of specific wear rate for LM25/ZrO2 composites using Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation algorithm. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(1), 530-538, (2020).