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Obstetric Violence and Midwifery

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 459 - 469, 30.09.2024


In recent years, disrespectful treatment of women during childbirth has attracted more and more attention. Between 18.3% and 75% of women are exposed to obstetric violence during labor. In Turkey, three quarters of women are reported to have experienced some form of obstetric violence during labor. There are different forms of such violence, including physical violence, verbal violence, sexual violence, stigmatization and discrimination, and failure to meet professional standards of care. In our article, the types of obstetric violence are explained according to the categories of Bohren et al. (2015) with examples from the literature. The blame for obstetric violence is usually attributed to health professionals. However, they feel pressure because they are responsible for the lives of the mother and newborn at the time of birth. Obstetric violence is often fueled by organizational reasons such as gender inequality, inadequate resources in health facilities and lack of personnel. Whatever the cause, obstetric violence has many negative consequences for women. The system should be improved by looking at the issue from a multidimensional perspective. Therefore, this review aims to explain the types, causes and consequences of obstetric violence in line with the literature and to explain what can be done to prevent obstetric violence through midwifery roles.


  • 1. Sadler M, et al. Moving beyond disrespect and abuse: addressing the structural dimensions of obstetric violence. Reproductive health matters 2016;24(47):47-554
  • 2.Tudela MD,et al. Obstetric violence in Spain (part II): interventionism and medicalization during birth. International journal of environmental research and public health 2021;18(1):199.
  • 3. Mesenburg MA, et al. Disrespect and abuse of women during the process of childbirth in the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort. Reproductive health 2018;15(1):1-8. 6?platform=hootsuite
  • 4. Aşci Ö, Bal MD. The prevalence of obstetric violence experienced by women during childbirth care and its associated factors in Türkiye: a cross-sectional study. Midwifery 2023;124:103766.
  • 5. Avcı N, Kaydırak MM. A qualitative study of women's experiences with obstetric violence during childbirth in Turkey. Midwifery 2023;121:103658.
  • 6. Kaya Z, Şahin NH. Kadınların obstetrik şiddet deneyimleri: Sistematik derleme. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021;14(3):509-519.
  • 7. Blundell J. Lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery. The Lancet 1827;8(1):673-681
  • 8. Ehrenreich B, English D. Cadılar, Ebeler ve Hemşireler; 2023.
  • 9. Waal VR, Van Nistelrooij I. Reimagining relationality for reproductive care: Understanding obstetric violence as “separation”. Nursing ethics 2022;29(5):1186-1197.
  • 10. O’Brien E, Rich M. Obstetric violence in historical perspective. The Lancet 2022;399(10342):2183-2185.
  • 11. D'Gregorio RP. Obstetric violence: a new legal term introduced in Venezuela. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2010;111(3):201-202.
  • 12. Bilgin Z. Anne dostu hastane modeli ve annelerin doğum memnuniyetleri. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 2022;15(3):279-288.
  • 13. Serçekuş P, Başkale H. Effects of antenatal education on fear of childbirth, maternal self-efficacy and parental attachment. Midwifery 2016;34:166-172.
  • 14. Bohren MA, et al. The mistreatment of women during childbirth in health facilities globally: a mixed-methods systematic review. PLoS medicine 2015;12(6):e1001847.
  • 15. Bowser D, Hill K. Exploring evidence for disrespect and abuse in facility-based childbirth. Boston: USAID-TRAction Project, Harvard School of Public Health 2010;3.
  • 16. Ribeiro DDO, et al. Obstetric violence in the perception of multiparous women. Revista gaucha de enfermagem 2020;41.
  • 17. Chattopadhyay S, Mishra A, Jacob S. ‘Safe’, yet violent? Women’s experiences with obstetric violence during hospital births in rural Northeast India. Culture, health & sexuality 2018;20(7):815-829.
  • 18. Mihret MS. Obstetric violence and its associated factors among postnatal women in a Specialized Comprehensive Hospital, Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia. BMC research notes 2019;12(1):1-7.
  • 19. Jardim DMB, Modena CM. Obstetric violence in the daily routine of care and its characteristics. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem 2018;26.
  • 20. Perera D, ‘et al. When helpers hurt’: women’s and midwives’ stories of obstetric violence in state health institutions, Colombo district, Sri Lanka. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2018;18(1):1-12.
  • 21. Brandão T, et al. Childbirth experiences related to obstetric violence in public health units in Quito, Ecuador. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2018;143(1):84-88.
  • 22. Santiago RV, et al. “If we’re here, it’s only because we have no money…” discrimination and violence in Mexican maternity wards. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2018;18(1):1-10.
  • 24. Dixon LZ. Obstetrics in a Time of Violence: Mexican Midwives Critique Routine Hospital Practices. Medical anthropology quarterly 2015;29(4):437-454.
  • 25. Souza KJD, Rattner D, Gubert MB. Institutional violence and quality of service in obstetrics are associated with postpartum depression. Revista de saude publica 2017;51:69.
  • 26. Kurak M, Ateş NA, Küğcümen G. İlk Doğumu Olan Lohusaların Epizyotomi Bakımı. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2019;4(2):45-49.
  • 27. Aguiar JMD, d'Oliveira AFPL, Schraiber LB. Violência institucional, autoridade médica e poder nas maternidades sob a ótica dos profissionais de saúde. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 2013;29:2287-2296.
  • 28. Pupulim JSL, Sawada NO. Privacidade física referente à exposição e manipulação corporal: percepção de pacientes hospitalizados. Texto & Contexto- Enfermagem 2010;19:36-44.
  • 29. Wudneh A, et al. Obstetric violence and disability overlaps: obstetric violence during child birth among womens with disabilities: a qualitative study. BMC women's health 2022;22(1):1-13.
  • 30. Mayra K. A Starched cotton flouroscent yellow saree, khopa, belly button & safety pin: Decoding the dignified Indian nurse-midwife. Practising Midwife 2020;23(6).
  • 31. Smith DN, et al. The relationship between women's experiences of mistreatment at facilities during childbirth, types of support received and person providing the support in Lucknow, India. Midwifery 2016;40:114-123.
  • 32. Rodríguez-Almagro J, et al. Women’s perceptions of living a traumatic childbirth experience and factors related to a birth experience. International journal of environmental research and public health 2019;16(9):1654.
  • 33. Lambert J, et al. ‘I thought they were going to handle me like a queen but they didn't’: A qualitative study exploring the quality of care provided to women at the time of birth. Midwifery 2018; 62:256-263.
  • 34. Baranowska B, et al. Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women’s views about care during labor and birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2019;19(1):1-9.
  • 35. Elmir R, et al. Women’s perceptions and experiences of a traumatic birth: A meta‐ethnography. Journal of advanced nursing 2010;66(10):2142-2153.
  • 36. Bibeau AM. Interventions during labor and birth in the United States: a qualitative analysis of women's experiences. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 2014;5(4):167-173.
  • 37. Sen G, Reddy B, Iyer A. Beyond measurement: the drivers of disrespect and abuse in obstetric care. Reproductive health matters 2018;26(53):6-18.
  • 38. Booth A, et al. COREQ (consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies). Guidelines for reporting health research: A user's manual 2014;214-226.
  • 39. Freedman LP, Kruk ME. Disrespect and abuse of women in childbirth: challenging the global quality and accountability agendas. The Lancet 2014;384(9948):e42-e44.
  • 40. De Lopez JM. When the scars begin to heal: narratives of obstetric violence in Chiapas, Mexico. International Journal of Health Governance 2018;23(1):60-69.
  • 41. Shabot SC, Korem K. Domesticating bodies: the role of shame in obstetric violence. Hypatia 2018;33(3):384-401.
  • 42. Salgado M, et al. Using a service design model to develop the “Passport to Safer Birth” in Nigeria and Uganda. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017;139:56-66.
  • 43. Bohren M, et al. How women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: a cross-sectional study with labour observations and community-based surveys. The Lancet 2019;394(10210):1750-1763.
  • 44. Byrne V, et al. What about me? The loss of self through the experience of traumatic childbirth. Midwifery 2017;51:1-11.
  • 45. Leal MDC, et al. Intervenções obstétricas durante o trabalho de parto e parto em mulheres brasileiras de risco habitual. Cadernos de saúde pública 2014;30:17-32.
  • 46. Maeda Y, et al. Association between perinatal anemia and postpartum depression: A prospective cohort study of Japanese women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2020;148(1):48- 52.
  • 47. Aydın N, Yıldız H. Effects of traumatic birth experience and transmission intergenerational Travmatik doğum deneyiminin etkileri ve nesiller arası aktarımı. Journal of Human Sciences 2018;15(1):604-618.
  • 48. Harris R, Ayers S. What makes labour and birth traumatic? A survey of intrapartum ‘hotspots’. Psychology & health 2012;27(10):1166-1177.
  • 49. Shorey S, et al. Prevalence and incidence of postpartum depression among healthy mothers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of psychiatric research 2018;104:235-248.
  • 50. Silveira MF, et al. The association between disrespect and abuse of women during childbirth and postpartum depression: Findings from the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort study. Journal of affective disorders 2019;256:441-447.
  • 51 .Diniz SG, et al. Abuse and disrespect in childbirth care as a public health issue in Brazil: origins, definitions, impacts on maternal health, and proposals for its prevention. Journal of Human Growth and Development 2015;25(3):377-382.
  • 52. Kitzinger S. Some cultural perspectives of birth. British Journal of Midwifery 2000;8(12):746-750.
  • 53. Topçu S. Caesarean or vaginarean epidemics? Techno-birth, risk and obstetric practice in Turkey. Health, Risk & Society 2019;21 (3-4):141-163.
  • 54. Başkaya Y, Sayıner FD. Sezaryen Oranını Azaltmaya Yönelik Kanıta Dayalı Ebelik Uygulamaları.Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 2018;5(1):113-119
  • 55. Alonso C, Gerard T. El parto humanizado como herramienta para la prevención de la mortalidad materna y la mejora de la salud materno–infantil. La Muerte Materna 2009;95.
  • 56. Ferreira KM, Machado LV, do Amparo Mesquita M. Humanização do parto normal: uma revisão de literatura/Humanization normal child birth: a review of literature. Saúde em Foco 2014;1(2):134-148.
  • 57. Andrade PDON, et al. Fatores associados à violência obstétrica na assistência ao parto vaginal em uma maternidade de alta complexidade em Recife, Pernambuco. Revista brasileira de saúde materno infantil 2016;16:29-37.
  • 58. Hoope-Bender PT, et al. Improvement of maternal and newborn health through midwifery. The Lancet 2014;384(9949):1226-1235. 6736(14)60930-2
  • 59. Alexandria ST, et al. La violencia obstétrica bajo la perspectiva de los profesionales de enfermería involucrados en la asistencia al parto. Cultura de los cuidados: Revista de Enfermería y Humanidades 2019;(53):119-128.
  • 60. Yalley AA. “We Beat them to Help them Push”: Exploring Midwives’ Perspectives on Obstetric Violence in Ghana 2023;3:22-40.

Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 459 - 469, 30.09.2024


Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda doğumda kadına yönelik saygısız muameleler giderek daha fazla dikkat çekmeye başlamıştır. Doğum sürecinde kadınların %18.3 ile %75’i obstetrik şiddete maruz kalmaktadır. Türkiye’de ise kadınların dörtte üçünün doğumunda obstetrik şiddetin bir türüne maruz kaldığı raporlanmıştır. Bu tür şiddetin, fiziksel şiddet, sözel şiddet, cinsel şiddet, damgalanma ve ayrımcılık, profesyonel bakım standartlarının karşılanmaması gibi farklı biçimleri bulunmaktadır. Makalemizde obstetrik şiddet türleri Bohren ve ark’nın (2015) kategorilerine göre literatürdeki örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Obstetrik şiddet suçu genellikle sağlık profesyonellerine yüklenmektedir. Ancak doğum anında anne ve yenidoğanın hayatından sorumlu oldukları için üzerlerinde baskı hissetmektedir. Obstetrik şiddeti çoğu zaman toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği, sağlık tesislerindeki yetersiz kaynak ve personel eksikliği gibi örgütsel sebepler beslemektedir. Nedeni ne olursa olsun obstetrik şiddetin, kadınlar için birçok olumsuz sonucu bulunmaktadır. Konuya çok boyutlu bir pencereden bakarak sistem iyileştirilmelidir. Bu nedenle, bu derlemede; obstetrik şiddet türlerini, nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını literatür doğrultusunda açıklamak ve obstetrik şiddeti önlemek için yapılabilecekleri ebelik rolleri üzerinden açıklamak amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. Sadler M, et al. Moving beyond disrespect and abuse: addressing the structural dimensions of obstetric violence. Reproductive health matters 2016;24(47):47-554
  • 2.Tudela MD,et al. Obstetric violence in Spain (part II): interventionism and medicalization during birth. International journal of environmental research and public health 2021;18(1):199.
  • 3. Mesenburg MA, et al. Disrespect and abuse of women during the process of childbirth in the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort. Reproductive health 2018;15(1):1-8. 6?platform=hootsuite
  • 4. Aşci Ö, Bal MD. The prevalence of obstetric violence experienced by women during childbirth care and its associated factors in Türkiye: a cross-sectional study. Midwifery 2023;124:103766.
  • 5. Avcı N, Kaydırak MM. A qualitative study of women's experiences with obstetric violence during childbirth in Turkey. Midwifery 2023;121:103658.
  • 6. Kaya Z, Şahin NH. Kadınların obstetrik şiddet deneyimleri: Sistematik derleme. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021;14(3):509-519.
  • 7. Blundell J. Lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery. The Lancet 1827;8(1):673-681
  • 8. Ehrenreich B, English D. Cadılar, Ebeler ve Hemşireler; 2023.
  • 9. Waal VR, Van Nistelrooij I. Reimagining relationality for reproductive care: Understanding obstetric violence as “separation”. Nursing ethics 2022;29(5):1186-1197.
  • 10. O’Brien E, Rich M. Obstetric violence in historical perspective. The Lancet 2022;399(10342):2183-2185.
  • 11. D'Gregorio RP. Obstetric violence: a new legal term introduced in Venezuela. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2010;111(3):201-202.
  • 12. Bilgin Z. Anne dostu hastane modeli ve annelerin doğum memnuniyetleri. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 2022;15(3):279-288.
  • 13. Serçekuş P, Başkale H. Effects of antenatal education on fear of childbirth, maternal self-efficacy and parental attachment. Midwifery 2016;34:166-172.
  • 14. Bohren MA, et al. The mistreatment of women during childbirth in health facilities globally: a mixed-methods systematic review. PLoS medicine 2015;12(6):e1001847.
  • 15. Bowser D, Hill K. Exploring evidence for disrespect and abuse in facility-based childbirth. Boston: USAID-TRAction Project, Harvard School of Public Health 2010;3.
  • 16. Ribeiro DDO, et al. Obstetric violence in the perception of multiparous women. Revista gaucha de enfermagem 2020;41.
  • 17. Chattopadhyay S, Mishra A, Jacob S. ‘Safe’, yet violent? Women’s experiences with obstetric violence during hospital births in rural Northeast India. Culture, health & sexuality 2018;20(7):815-829.
  • 18. Mihret MS. Obstetric violence and its associated factors among postnatal women in a Specialized Comprehensive Hospital, Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia. BMC research notes 2019;12(1):1-7.
  • 19. Jardim DMB, Modena CM. Obstetric violence in the daily routine of care and its characteristics. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem 2018;26.
  • 20. Perera D, ‘et al. When helpers hurt’: women’s and midwives’ stories of obstetric violence in state health institutions, Colombo district, Sri Lanka. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2018;18(1):1-12.
  • 21. Brandão T, et al. Childbirth experiences related to obstetric violence in public health units in Quito, Ecuador. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2018;143(1):84-88.
  • 22. Santiago RV, et al. “If we’re here, it’s only because we have no money…” discrimination and violence in Mexican maternity wards. BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2018;18(1):1-10.
  • 24. Dixon LZ. Obstetrics in a Time of Violence: Mexican Midwives Critique Routine Hospital Practices. Medical anthropology quarterly 2015;29(4):437-454.
  • 25. Souza KJD, Rattner D, Gubert MB. Institutional violence and quality of service in obstetrics are associated with postpartum depression. Revista de saude publica 2017;51:69.
  • 26. Kurak M, Ateş NA, Küğcümen G. İlk Doğumu Olan Lohusaların Epizyotomi Bakımı. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2019;4(2):45-49.
  • 27. Aguiar JMD, d'Oliveira AFPL, Schraiber LB. Violência institucional, autoridade médica e poder nas maternidades sob a ótica dos profissionais de saúde. Cadernos de Saúde Pública 2013;29:2287-2296.
  • 28. Pupulim JSL, Sawada NO. Privacidade física referente à exposição e manipulação corporal: percepção de pacientes hospitalizados. Texto & Contexto- Enfermagem 2010;19:36-44.
  • 29. Wudneh A, et al. Obstetric violence and disability overlaps: obstetric violence during child birth among womens with disabilities: a qualitative study. BMC women's health 2022;22(1):1-13.
  • 30. Mayra K. A Starched cotton flouroscent yellow saree, khopa, belly button & safety pin: Decoding the dignified Indian nurse-midwife. Practising Midwife 2020;23(6).
  • 31. Smith DN, et al. The relationship between women's experiences of mistreatment at facilities during childbirth, types of support received and person providing the support in Lucknow, India. Midwifery 2016;40:114-123.
  • 32. Rodríguez-Almagro J, et al. Women’s perceptions of living a traumatic childbirth experience and factors related to a birth experience. International journal of environmental research and public health 2019;16(9):1654.
  • 33. Lambert J, et al. ‘I thought they were going to handle me like a queen but they didn't’: A qualitative study exploring the quality of care provided to women at the time of birth. Midwifery 2018; 62:256-263.
  • 34. Baranowska B, et al. Is there respectful maternity care in Poland? Women’s views about care during labor and birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2019;19(1):1-9.
  • 35. Elmir R, et al. Women’s perceptions and experiences of a traumatic birth: A meta‐ethnography. Journal of advanced nursing 2010;66(10):2142-2153.
  • 36. Bibeau AM. Interventions during labor and birth in the United States: a qualitative analysis of women's experiences. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 2014;5(4):167-173.
  • 37. Sen G, Reddy B, Iyer A. Beyond measurement: the drivers of disrespect and abuse in obstetric care. Reproductive health matters 2018;26(53):6-18.
  • 38. Booth A, et al. COREQ (consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies). Guidelines for reporting health research: A user's manual 2014;214-226.
  • 39. Freedman LP, Kruk ME. Disrespect and abuse of women in childbirth: challenging the global quality and accountability agendas. The Lancet 2014;384(9948):e42-e44.
  • 40. De Lopez JM. When the scars begin to heal: narratives of obstetric violence in Chiapas, Mexico. International Journal of Health Governance 2018;23(1):60-69.
  • 41. Shabot SC, Korem K. Domesticating bodies: the role of shame in obstetric violence. Hypatia 2018;33(3):384-401.
  • 42. Salgado M, et al. Using a service design model to develop the “Passport to Safer Birth” in Nigeria and Uganda. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2017;139:56-66.
  • 43. Bohren M, et al. How women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: a cross-sectional study with labour observations and community-based surveys. The Lancet 2019;394(10210):1750-1763.
  • 44. Byrne V, et al. What about me? The loss of self through the experience of traumatic childbirth. Midwifery 2017;51:1-11.
  • 45. Leal MDC, et al. Intervenções obstétricas durante o trabalho de parto e parto em mulheres brasileiras de risco habitual. Cadernos de saúde pública 2014;30:17-32.
  • 46. Maeda Y, et al. Association between perinatal anemia and postpartum depression: A prospective cohort study of Japanese women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2020;148(1):48- 52.
  • 47. Aydın N, Yıldız H. Effects of traumatic birth experience and transmission intergenerational Travmatik doğum deneyiminin etkileri ve nesiller arası aktarımı. Journal of Human Sciences 2018;15(1):604-618.
  • 48. Harris R, Ayers S. What makes labour and birth traumatic? A survey of intrapartum ‘hotspots’. Psychology & health 2012;27(10):1166-1177.
  • 49. Shorey S, et al. Prevalence and incidence of postpartum depression among healthy mothers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of psychiatric research 2018;104:235-248.
  • 50. Silveira MF, et al. The association between disrespect and abuse of women during childbirth and postpartum depression: Findings from the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort study. Journal of affective disorders 2019;256:441-447.
  • 51 .Diniz SG, et al. Abuse and disrespect in childbirth care as a public health issue in Brazil: origins, definitions, impacts on maternal health, and proposals for its prevention. Journal of Human Growth and Development 2015;25(3):377-382.
  • 52. Kitzinger S. Some cultural perspectives of birth. British Journal of Midwifery 2000;8(12):746-750.
  • 53. Topçu S. Caesarean or vaginarean epidemics? Techno-birth, risk and obstetric practice in Turkey. Health, Risk & Society 2019;21 (3-4):141-163.
  • 54. Başkaya Y, Sayıner FD. Sezaryen Oranını Azaltmaya Yönelik Kanıta Dayalı Ebelik Uygulamaları.Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 2018;5(1):113-119
  • 55. Alonso C, Gerard T. El parto humanizado como herramienta para la prevención de la mortalidad materna y la mejora de la salud materno–infantil. La Muerte Materna 2009;95.
  • 56. Ferreira KM, Machado LV, do Amparo Mesquita M. Humanização do parto normal: uma revisão de literatura/Humanization normal child birth: a review of literature. Saúde em Foco 2014;1(2):134-148.
  • 57. Andrade PDON, et al. Fatores associados à violência obstétrica na assistência ao parto vaginal em uma maternidade de alta complexidade em Recife, Pernambuco. Revista brasileira de saúde materno infantil 2016;16:29-37.
  • 58. Hoope-Bender PT, et al. Improvement of maternal and newborn health through midwifery. The Lancet 2014;384(9949):1226-1235. 6736(14)60930-2
  • 59. Alexandria ST, et al. La violencia obstétrica bajo la perspectiva de los profesionales de enfermería involucrados en la asistencia al parto. Cultura de los cuidados: Revista de Enfermería y Humanidades 2019;(53):119-128.
  • 60. Yalley AA. “We Beat them to Help them Push”: Exploring Midwives’ Perspectives on Obstetric Violence in Ghana 2023;3:22-40.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Ebelik
Bölüm Derleme

Kübra Karabulut 0000-0001-7028-086X

Ayşegül Unutkan 0000-0002-0311-2177

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 11 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Karabulut, K., & Unutkan, A. (2024). Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi Ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, 14(3), 459-469.
AMA Karabulut K, Unutkan A. Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi. Eylül 2024;14(3):459-469. doi:10.31020/mutftd.1476975
Chicago Karabulut, Kübra, ve Ayşegül Unutkan. “Obstetrik Şiddet Ve Ebelik”. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi Ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi 14, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 459-69.
EndNote Karabulut K, Unutkan A (01 Eylül 2024) Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi 14 3 459–469.
IEEE K. Karabulut ve A. Unutkan, “Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik”, Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 3, ss. 459–469, 2024, doi: 10.31020/mutftd.1476975.
ISNAD Karabulut, Kübra - Unutkan, Ayşegül. “Obstetrik Şiddet Ve Ebelik”. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi 14/3 (Eylül 2024), 459-469.
JAMA Karabulut K, Unutkan A. Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi. 2024;14:459–469.
MLA Karabulut, Kübra ve Ayşegül Unutkan. “Obstetrik Şiddet Ve Ebelik”. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi Ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 459-6, doi:10.31020/mutftd.1476975.
Vancouver Karabulut K, Unutkan A. Obstetrik Şiddet ve Ebelik. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi. 2024;14(3):459-6.
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Ayşegül Tuğuz

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Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıp Tarihi ve Etik  Anabilim Dalı Çiftlikköy Kampüsü

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