Year 2016,
, 11 - 15, 02.02.2016
Cemal Turan
Deniz Ergüden
Mevlüt Gürlek
- Aksiray, F. (1954). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları Tayin Anahtarı. İstanbul, İÜ Fen Fak. Hidrobiyoloji Araş. Enst. Yayınları, 277.
- Aksiray, F. (1987). Türkiye deniz baliklari ve tayin anahtari. Istanbul Üniversitesi Rektörlügü Yayinlari, Istanbul.
- Bilecenoğlu, M., Taskavak, E., Mater, S., & Kaya, M. (2002). Zootaxa 113. Check list of marine fishes of Turkey, Magnolia Press.
- Boudaya, L., Neifar, L., Taktak, A., Ghorbel, M., & Bouain, A. (2007). Diet of Chelidonichthys obscurus and Chelidonichthys lastoviza (Pisces: Triglidae) from the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(6), 646-653.
- Couch, J. (1877). A History of the Fishes of the British Islands (Vol. 4): G. Bell.
- Day, F. (1884). The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland (Vol. 1): Williams and Norgate.
- Fischer, W., Bauchot, M., & Schneider, M. (1986). 1987. Fiches FAO d’identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche.(Révision 1). Méditerranée et Mer Noire. Zone de pêche, 37, 761-1530.
- Fricke, R., Bilecenoglu, M., & Sari, H. M. (2007). Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species (Gnathostomata and Petromyzontomorphi) of Turkey, including a Red List of threatened and declining species: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde.
- Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (Eds) (2015). Fishbase, World Wide Web Electronic Publication.
- Gary, J.B., & Ellis, J.R. (2014). The reappearance of long-finned gurnard Chelidonichthys obscurus (Scorpaeniformes: Triglidae) in the western English Channel. Marine Biodiversity Records 7: e47
- Geldiay, R. (1969). Izmir Körfezinin başlıca balıkları ve muhtemel invasionları. Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası.
- Golani, D., Öztürk, B., & Basusta, N. (2006). Fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Foundation, TUDAV, Publication Number 24, İstanbul, 259 p.
- Holt, E., Garstang, W., & Byrne, L. (1898). Notes and memoranda. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 5(2), 193-198.
- Hureau, J.C. (1986). Triglidae. 1230-1238. In: PJP. Whitehead, ML. Bauchot, JC. Hureau, J Nielsen and E Tortonese (Eds.). Fishes of the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol. 3, UNESCO, Paris.
- Le Danois, E. (1913). Contribution a l'étude systématique et biologique des poissons de la Manche Occidentale (Vol. 5): Masson et Cie, Éditeurs.
- Le Mao, P. (2009). Inventaire de la Biodiversite Marine dans le golfe normano-breton: Agnathes, Condrichtyens et Osteichtyens. IFREMER, St Malo, 107 p.
- Mater, S., & Bilecenoglu, M. (1999). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları. 790-808. In: A. Demirsoy (Ed.). Genel Zoocografya ve Türkiye Zoocografyası. Meteksan Matbaası, Ankara.
- Mater, S., & Meriç, N. (1996). Deniz balıkları, 129-172. In: A. Kence and C.C. Bilgin (Eds.). Türkiye Omurgalilar Tür Listesi, Nurol Matbaacilik A.S., Ankara.
- Moreno-Amich, R. (1996). Feeding habits of longfin gurnard, Aspitrigla obscura (L. 1764), along the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean). Hydrobiologia, 324(3), 219-228.
- Morte, M., Redon, M., & Sanz-Brau, A. (1997). Trophic relationships between two gurnards Trigla lucerna and Aspitrigla obscura from the western Mediterranean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 77(02), 527-537.
- Munoz, M., Hernandez, M., Sabat, M., & Casadevall, M. (2003). Annual reproductive cycle and fecundity of Aspitrigla obscura (Teleostei, Triglidae). Vie et milieu, 53(2-3), 123-129.
- Nuno, F., Russell, B., Bannermann, P., & Poss, S. (2015). Chelidonichthys obscurus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015.
- Öztürk, B., & Turan, C. (2012). Alien species in the Turkish Seas. The State of the Turkish Fisheries,(eds., A. Tokaç, AC Gücü, B. Öztürk), Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, 92, 130.
- Quéro, J.-C., Dardignac, J., & Vayne, J.-J. (1989). Les poissons du golfe de Gascogne.
- Richards, W.J., & Saksena, V.P. (1990). Triglidae. 680-684. In: JC. Quero, JC. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (Eds.). Check-list of the Fishes of the Eastern Tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). Vol. 2, JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris.
- Sánchez, F., Blanco, M., & Gancedo, R. (2002). Atlas de los peces demersales y de los invertebrados de interés comercial de Galicia y el Cantábrico: Instituto espanol de oceanografia.
- Serracca, L., Cencetti, E., Battistini, R., Rossini, I., Prearo, M., Pavoletti, E., & Ercolini, C. (2013). Survey on the presence of Anisakis and Hysterothylacium larvae in fishes and squids caught in Ligurian Sea. Veterinary parasitology, 196(3), 547-551.
- Turan, C. (2006). Phylogenetic relationships of Mediterranean Mullidae species (Perciformes) inferred from genetic and morphologic data. Scientia Marina, 70(2), 311-318.
- Turan, C. (2008). Molecular systematic analyses of Mediterranean skates (Rajiformes). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32(4), 437-442.
- Turan, C. (2010). Status and trend of Lessepsian species in marine waters of Turkey. Paper presented at the FAO-EastMed Working Document. Sub-regional technical meeting on the Lessepsian migration and its impact on eastern mediterranean fishery. Nicosia, 7.
- Turan, C., Ozturk, B., Erguden, D., Gurlek, M., Yaglioglu, D., & Uygur, N. (2007). Atlas of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Atlas and systematic of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Nobel Publishing House, Adana, 83-485.
- Yarrell, W. (1841). A history of British fishes: John Van Voorst.
Critically endangered fish species of Turkish Seas (Mediterranean and Aegean): Longfin gurnard, Chelidonichthys obscurus (Walbaum, 1792)
Year 2016,
, 11 - 15, 02.02.2016
Cemal Turan
Deniz Ergüden
Mevlüt Gürlek
Longfin gurnard Chelidonichthys obscurus (Walbaum, 1792) is reported several times from
various researchers in the checklist of Turkish marine fishes. However, last three decades, the
species is not occurred in the distributional range, comprising the northeastern Mediterranean
Sea and Aegean Sea coast of Turkey. It is possibly critically endangered or absent in the
Turkish Seas. Moreover, there has no any biological study been carried out on C. obscurus in
Turkey. C. obscurus is considered to be critically endangered or regionally extinct in the
eastern Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea coast of Turkey. This species might be recorded
as “Critically Endangered” in the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea coast of Turkey in the IUCN
Red List of Threatened Species.
- Aksiray, F. (1954). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları Tayin Anahtarı. İstanbul, İÜ Fen Fak. Hidrobiyoloji Araş. Enst. Yayınları, 277.
- Aksiray, F. (1987). Türkiye deniz baliklari ve tayin anahtari. Istanbul Üniversitesi Rektörlügü Yayinlari, Istanbul.
- Bilecenoğlu, M., Taskavak, E., Mater, S., & Kaya, M. (2002). Zootaxa 113. Check list of marine fishes of Turkey, Magnolia Press.
- Boudaya, L., Neifar, L., Taktak, A., Ghorbel, M., & Bouain, A. (2007). Diet of Chelidonichthys obscurus and Chelidonichthys lastoviza (Pisces: Triglidae) from the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(6), 646-653.
- Couch, J. (1877). A History of the Fishes of the British Islands (Vol. 4): G. Bell.
- Day, F. (1884). The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland (Vol. 1): Williams and Norgate.
- Fischer, W., Bauchot, M., & Schneider, M. (1986). 1987. Fiches FAO d’identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche.(Révision 1). Méditerranée et Mer Noire. Zone de pêche, 37, 761-1530.
- Fricke, R., Bilecenoglu, M., & Sari, H. M. (2007). Annotated checklist of fish and lamprey species (Gnathostomata and Petromyzontomorphi) of Turkey, including a Red List of threatened and declining species: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde.
- Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (Eds) (2015). Fishbase, World Wide Web Electronic Publication.
- Gary, J.B., & Ellis, J.R. (2014). The reappearance of long-finned gurnard Chelidonichthys obscurus (Scorpaeniformes: Triglidae) in the western English Channel. Marine Biodiversity Records 7: e47
- Geldiay, R. (1969). Izmir Körfezinin başlıca balıkları ve muhtemel invasionları. Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası.
- Golani, D., Öztürk, B., & Basusta, N. (2006). Fishes of the eastern Mediterranean. Turkish Marine Foundation, TUDAV, Publication Number 24, İstanbul, 259 p.
- Holt, E., Garstang, W., & Byrne, L. (1898). Notes and memoranda. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 5(2), 193-198.
- Hureau, J.C. (1986). Triglidae. 1230-1238. In: PJP. Whitehead, ML. Bauchot, JC. Hureau, J Nielsen and E Tortonese (Eds.). Fishes of the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol. 3, UNESCO, Paris.
- Le Danois, E. (1913). Contribution a l'étude systématique et biologique des poissons de la Manche Occidentale (Vol. 5): Masson et Cie, Éditeurs.
- Le Mao, P. (2009). Inventaire de la Biodiversite Marine dans le golfe normano-breton: Agnathes, Condrichtyens et Osteichtyens. IFREMER, St Malo, 107 p.
- Mater, S., & Bilecenoglu, M. (1999). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları. 790-808. In: A. Demirsoy (Ed.). Genel Zoocografya ve Türkiye Zoocografyası. Meteksan Matbaası, Ankara.
- Mater, S., & Meriç, N. (1996). Deniz balıkları, 129-172. In: A. Kence and C.C. Bilgin (Eds.). Türkiye Omurgalilar Tür Listesi, Nurol Matbaacilik A.S., Ankara.
- Moreno-Amich, R. (1996). Feeding habits of longfin gurnard, Aspitrigla obscura (L. 1764), along the Catalan coast (north-western Mediterranean). Hydrobiologia, 324(3), 219-228.
- Morte, M., Redon, M., & Sanz-Brau, A. (1997). Trophic relationships between two gurnards Trigla lucerna and Aspitrigla obscura from the western Mediterranean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 77(02), 527-537.
- Munoz, M., Hernandez, M., Sabat, M., & Casadevall, M. (2003). Annual reproductive cycle and fecundity of Aspitrigla obscura (Teleostei, Triglidae). Vie et milieu, 53(2-3), 123-129.
- Nuno, F., Russell, B., Bannermann, P., & Poss, S. (2015). Chelidonichthys obscurus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015.
- Öztürk, B., & Turan, C. (2012). Alien species in the Turkish Seas. The State of the Turkish Fisheries,(eds., A. Tokaç, AC Gücü, B. Öztürk), Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, 92, 130.
- Quéro, J.-C., Dardignac, J., & Vayne, J.-J. (1989). Les poissons du golfe de Gascogne.
- Richards, W.J., & Saksena, V.P. (1990). Triglidae. 680-684. In: JC. Quero, JC. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (Eds.). Check-list of the Fishes of the Eastern Tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). Vol. 2, JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris.
- Sánchez, F., Blanco, M., & Gancedo, R. (2002). Atlas de los peces demersales y de los invertebrados de interés comercial de Galicia y el Cantábrico: Instituto espanol de oceanografia.
- Serracca, L., Cencetti, E., Battistini, R., Rossini, I., Prearo, M., Pavoletti, E., & Ercolini, C. (2013). Survey on the presence of Anisakis and Hysterothylacium larvae in fishes and squids caught in Ligurian Sea. Veterinary parasitology, 196(3), 547-551.
- Turan, C. (2006). Phylogenetic relationships of Mediterranean Mullidae species (Perciformes) inferred from genetic and morphologic data. Scientia Marina, 70(2), 311-318.
- Turan, C. (2008). Molecular systematic analyses of Mediterranean skates (Rajiformes). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32(4), 437-442.
- Turan, C. (2010). Status and trend of Lessepsian species in marine waters of Turkey. Paper presented at the FAO-EastMed Working Document. Sub-regional technical meeting on the Lessepsian migration and its impact on eastern mediterranean fishery. Nicosia, 7.
- Turan, C., Ozturk, B., Erguden, D., Gurlek, M., Yaglioglu, D., & Uygur, N. (2007). Atlas of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Atlas and systematic of marine bony fishes of Turkey. Nobel Publishing House, Adana, 83-485.
- Yarrell, W. (1841). A history of British fishes: John Van Voorst.