In the past, vitamin K was only known as a vitamin that plays a role in the production of coagulation factors and has been a neglected vitamin because its deficiency was rarely encountered. However, recent studies have shown that vitamin K2 plays an important role in building healthy bones, preventing bone resorption, protecting heart health, and even having a protective effect against various cancers such as lung, liver and prostate. More importantly, studies have shown that vitamin K2 is effective even on COVID-19, which causes mass deaths by affecting the whole world. In this study, vitamin K2 content of dairy products such as cheese, milk, yogurt, eggs, kefir, butter and margarine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The highest total vitamin K2 contents were found in weave (503.40 ng g-1), cara (487.94 ng g-1) and crushing (439.19 ng g-1) cheese. Then, optimum conditions were determined to increase the vitamin K2 content of cheeses.
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