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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 86 - 105, 07.08.2023



  • Berzins, B. & Pejler, B. (1987). Rotifer occurrence in relation to pH. Hydrobiologia, 147, 107-116.
  • Berzins, B. & Bertilsson, J. (1990). Occurrence of limnic microcrustaceans in relation to pH and humic content in Swedish water bodies. Hydrobiologia, 199, 65-71.
  • Borutzky, E. V. (1964). Fauna of USSR. Crustacea. Freshwater Harpacticoida: 396 pp. (Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem).
  • Botosaneanu, L. (1986). Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna Inhabiting Subterranean Waters (Including the Marine Interstitial). Leiden, the Netherlands: E.J. Brill/W. Backhuys.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2017). First Record of Epactophanes richardi Mrázek, 1893 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Camptocamptidae) for Turkish Inland Waters. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17, 25-29.
  • Bozkurt, A. & Bozça, M. (2019). Investigation of zooplankton fauna in water wells of Yayladağı District (Hatay, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43, 356-366.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2019). Investigation of zooplankton fauna in water wells of Kuyubeli village (Adana, Turkey) with the first record of the genus Speocyclops Kiefer, 1937 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae) for Turkish inland waters. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43, 142-145.
  • Braioni, M. G. & Gelmini, D. (1983). Rotiferi Monogononti. Guida per il Riconoscimento Delle Specie Animali Delle Acque Interne Italiane. Rome, Italy: Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (in Italian).
  • Bruno, M. C. & Cottarelli, V. (2015). First record of Kinnecaris (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Parastenocarididae) from Turkey and Thailand; description of three new species and emended definition of the genus. Italian Journal of Zoology, 82(1), 1-26.
  • Castany, G. (1982). Principes et méthodes de l'hydrogéologie. Dunod / Bordas, Paris. 236 p.
  • Damian-Georgescu, A. (1970). Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania, Crustacea. Vol. IV. Copepoda, Harpacticoida. Bucharest: Academiei Republici Socialiste Romania 249 p.
  • De Manuel Barrabin, J. (2000). The rotifers of Spanish reservoirs: Ecological, systematical and zoogeographical remarks. Limnetica, 19, 91-167.
  • De Smet, W. H. (1996). The Prolidae (Monogononta). Vol. 4. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing.
  • Dodson, S. I. (1984). Predation of Heterocope septentrionalis on two species of Daphnia, morphological defenses and their cost. Ecology, 65, 1249-1257.
  • Dussart, B. (1969). Les Copepodes des eaux continentales d’europe occidentale tale II. cyclopoides et biologie. N. Boubee et cie, Paris, 283 p.
  • Dussart, B. H. & Defaye, D. (2006). World Directory of the Crustacea Copepoda of Inland Waters. II. Cyclopiformes: 1-354. (Backhuys Publishers, Leiden).
  • Galassi, D. M. P. (2001). Groundwater copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda): diversity patterns over ecological and evolutionary scales. Hydrobiologia, 453/454, 227-253.
  • Galassi, D. M. P. & De Laurentiis, P. (2004). Towards a revision of the genus Parastenocaris Kessler, 1913: establishment of Simplicaris gen. nov. from groundwater in central Italy and review of the P. brevipes-group (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Parastenocarididae).Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 140(3), 417-436.
  • Galassi, D. M. P., De Laurentiis, P. & Fiasca, B. (2011). Systematics of the Phyllognathopodidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida): re-examination of Phyllognathopus viguieri (Maupas, 1892) and Parbatocamptus jochenmartensi Dumont and Maas, 1988, proposal of a new genus for Phyllognathopus bassoti Rouch, 1972, and description of a new species of Phyllognathopus. ZooKeys, 104, 1-65.
  • Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L. & Stanford, J. A. (1994). Groundwater Ecology. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. 567 p.
  • Gibert, J., Mathieu, J. & Fournier, F. (1997). Groundwater/Surface water ecotones: Biological and hydrological interactions and management options. International Hydrobiology Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 246 p.
  • Hingley, M. (1993). Microscopic Life in Sphagnum. Illustrated by Hayward, P. and Herrett, D. Naturalists' Handbook 20. Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd., Slough, England, 64 p.
  • Iepure, S., Constantin, M., Fekete, A., Rajka, G., Brad, T. & Samsudean, C. (2014). Ecological assessment of water quality in relation to hydrogeology in a shallow urban aquifer: Somesul Mic River aquifer (North-Western, Romania). Geophysical Research Abstracts (European Geoscience Union Conference, Vienna), 16, EGU2014-14727.
  • Iepure, S., Feurdean, A., Bădăluță, C., Nagavciuc, V. & Perșoiu, A. (2016). Pattern of richness and distribution of groundwater Copepoda (Cyclopoida: Harpacticoida) and Ostracoda in Romania: an evolutionary perspective. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 119(3), 593–608.
  • Lee, J. M. & Chang, C. Y. (2007). Two new species of Tropocyclops prasinus group (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) from South Korea. Integrative Biosciences, 11, 255-263.
  • Karaytug, S., Bozkurt, A. & Sönmez, S. (2018). A new hyporheic Monchenkocyclops Karanovic, Yoo & Lee, 2012 (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Turkey with special emphasis on antennulary homology. Zoosystema, 40 (2), 43-58.
  • Karaytug, S. & Boxshall, G. A. (1999). Antennules of male Paracyclops (Copepoda): functional significance and their importance in systematics. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 19, 371-379.
  • Kiefer, F. (1978). Das Zooplankton der Binnengewasser 2. Teil. Freilebende Copepoda. Die Binnengewasser Band XXVI E. Schweizerbant’sche Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 315 p.
  • Korinek, V. (1987). Revision of three species of the genus Diaphanosoma Ficher 1850. Hidrobiologia, 145, 35-45.
  • Koste, W. (1978). Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas Ein Bestim-mungswerk, Begründet Von Max Voigt. Überordnung Mono-gononta. 2 Auflage Neubearbeitet Von II. Tefelband. Berlin Stutgart, 234 p.
  • Koste, W. & Shiel, R. J. (1987). Rotifera from Australian inland waters II. Epiphanidae and Brachionidae (Rotifera: Monogonta). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 7, 949-1021.
  • Koste, W. & Shiel, R. J. (1989). Rotifera from Australian land waters. III. Euchlanidae, Mytilinidae and Trichotriidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 113, 85-114.
  • Koste, W. & Shiel, R. (1990). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. V. Lecanidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 114, 1–36.
  • Kuczynska-Kippen, N. (2000). Seasonal changes of the rotifer community in the littoral zone of a polymictic lake. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 27, 2964-2967.
  • Lehman, P. S. & Reid, J. W. (1992). Phyllognatopus viguieri (Crustacea: Harpacticoida), a predaceous copepod of phytoparasitic, entomopathogenic, and free-living Nematodes. Soil & Crop Science Society of Florida, 52, 78–82.
  • Maier, G. (1990). Coexistence of the predatory cyclopoids Acanthocyclops robustus and Mesocyclops leuckarti in a small eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia, 198, 185-203. 10.1007/978-94-009-2067-5_17.
  • Malard, F., Plénet, S. & Gibert, J. (1996). The use of invertebrates in ground water monitoring: a rising research field. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 16, 103–116.
  • Morton, D. W. & Bayly, I. A. E. (1977). Studies on the ecology of some temporary freshwater pools in Victoria with special reference to microcrustaceans. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 28, 439-454.
  • Mösslacher, F. (2000). Sensitivity of groundwater and surface water crustaceans to chemical pollutants and hypoxia: implications for pollution management. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 149, 51–66.
  • Negrea, S. T. (1983). Fauna Republici Socialiste Romania, Crustacea Cladocera. Academia Republici Socialiste Romania, Bukres, 399 p.
  • Nogrady, T. & Pourriot, R. (1995). The Notommatidae. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World, Coordinating editor: H.J.F. Dumont. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. Canada., and Université 6, Paris, France.
  • Palmer, M. A., Ambrose, R. F. & Poff, N. L. (1997). Ecological theory and community restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 5, 291- 300.
  • Pesce, G. L. & Maggi, D. (1981). Cyclopides et Calanoïdes des Eaux Phréatiques de la Grèce Méridionale et Insulaire (Crustacea, Copepoda). Ecologia Mediterranea,7, 163-180.
  • Ramdani, M., Flower, R. J. & Elkhiati, N. (2001). Zooplankton (Cladocera, Ostracoda), Chironomidae and benthic fauna remains in sediment cores from nine North African wetland lakes: the CASSARINA Project, Aquatic Ecology, 35, 389–403.
  • Ruttner-Kolisko, A. (1974). Plankton rotifers. Biology and taxonomy. English translation of Die Binnengewasser v. 26, part 1. 146 p.
  • Rybak, J. I. & Błędzki, L. A. (2010). Freshwater planktonic crustaceans. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press, 307 p. (in Polish).
  • Scourfield, D. J. & Harding, J. P. (1966). A key to British species of freshwater Cladocera with notes on their ecology. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication, No 5, London.
  • Segers, H. (1995). Rotifera 2. The Lecanidae (Monogononta), pp. 1– 226. In: Dumont H.J. (eds), Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World 6, SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Smirnov, N. N. (1974). Fauna of U.S.S.R. Crustacea. Vol I, No: 2, Chydoridae. I.P.S.T. Jerusalem, 644 p.
  • Stanford, J. A. & Ward, J. V. (1993). An ecosystem perspective of alluvial rivers: connectivity and the hyporherc corridor. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 12, 48-60.
  • Stoch, F. & Pospisil, P. (2000). The Diacyclops languidoides-group (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) in Austria, with redescription of Diacyclops cohabitatus Monchenko, 1980. International Journal of Limnology, 36, 21-29.
  • Tang, D. & Knott, B. (2008). Cyclopoid copepods from the Yanchep National Park Caves and Ellen Brook Valley Springs, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared for the Department of Environment and Conservation by the School of Animal Biology, the University of Western Australia, 30 p.
  • Timms, B. V. (1973). A comparative study of the Iimnology of three maar lakes in western Victoria. Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Melbourne. Vadadi-Fülöp, Cs., Hufnagel, L., Sipkay, Cs. & Verasztó, Cs. (2008). Evaluation of climate change scenarios based on aquatic food web modeling. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6(1), 1-28.
  • Vervier, P., Dobson, M. & Pinay, G. (1993). Role of interaction zones between surface and ground waters in DOC transport and processing: considerations for river restoration. Freshwater Biology, 29, 275-284.
  • Walsh, M. F., Ampasala, D. R., Hatfield, J., Vander Heide, R., Suer, S., Rishi, A. K., & Basson, M. D. (2008). Transforming growth factor-β stimulates intestinal epithelial focal adhesion kinase synthesis via Smad-and p38-dependent mechanisms. The American journal of pathology, 173(2), 385-399.

Investigation of Groundwater Zooplankton Fauna from Water Wells in Kilis Province from Türkiye

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 86 - 105, 07.08.2023


A total of 27 taxons, 12 from Rotifera, 1 from Cladocera, and 14 from Copepoda, were determined in the study, which was conducted by sampling 4 times from 29 water wells. A total of 3 families were detected from Rotifera and Lecanidae was the richest family with 8 species. Among the 6 families of Copepoda, Cyclopoidae had 8 species. The rotifer species with the largest distribution areas were Lecane closterocerca (found in 15 wells), Pleuroxus aduncus, the only species from Cladocera, was found in 21 wells and Kinnecaris xanthi had the widest distribution area (found in 27 wells). In terms of total zooplankton species, it was determined that wells 3, 12, and 18 were the richest with 14 species. While Rotifera was found in limited quantities in all water wells, Pleuroxus aduncus from Cladocera, Diacyclops longuioides, Megacyclops viridis, Monchenkocyclops mehmetadami and Thermocyclops dybowski from Copepoda were found in very large quantities. In addition, the genus Ectinosoma is reported for the first time from inland waters of Türkiye with this study.


  • Berzins, B. & Pejler, B. (1987). Rotifer occurrence in relation to pH. Hydrobiologia, 147, 107-116.
  • Berzins, B. & Bertilsson, J. (1990). Occurrence of limnic microcrustaceans in relation to pH and humic content in Swedish water bodies. Hydrobiologia, 199, 65-71.
  • Borutzky, E. V. (1964). Fauna of USSR. Crustacea. Freshwater Harpacticoida: 396 pp. (Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem).
  • Botosaneanu, L. (1986). Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna Inhabiting Subterranean Waters (Including the Marine Interstitial). Leiden, the Netherlands: E.J. Brill/W. Backhuys.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2017). First Record of Epactophanes richardi Mrázek, 1893 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Camptocamptidae) for Turkish Inland Waters. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17, 25-29.
  • Bozkurt, A. & Bozça, M. (2019). Investigation of zooplankton fauna in water wells of Yayladağı District (Hatay, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43, 356-366.
  • Bozkurt, A. (2019). Investigation of zooplankton fauna in water wells of Kuyubeli village (Adana, Turkey) with the first record of the genus Speocyclops Kiefer, 1937 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae) for Turkish inland waters. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43, 142-145.
  • Braioni, M. G. & Gelmini, D. (1983). Rotiferi Monogononti. Guida per il Riconoscimento Delle Specie Animali Delle Acque Interne Italiane. Rome, Italy: Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (in Italian).
  • Bruno, M. C. & Cottarelli, V. (2015). First record of Kinnecaris (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Parastenocarididae) from Turkey and Thailand; description of three new species and emended definition of the genus. Italian Journal of Zoology, 82(1), 1-26.
  • Castany, G. (1982). Principes et méthodes de l'hydrogéologie. Dunod / Bordas, Paris. 236 p.
  • Damian-Georgescu, A. (1970). Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania, Crustacea. Vol. IV. Copepoda, Harpacticoida. Bucharest: Academiei Republici Socialiste Romania 249 p.
  • De Manuel Barrabin, J. (2000). The rotifers of Spanish reservoirs: Ecological, systematical and zoogeographical remarks. Limnetica, 19, 91-167.
  • De Smet, W. H. (1996). The Prolidae (Monogononta). Vol. 4. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing.
  • Dodson, S. I. (1984). Predation of Heterocope septentrionalis on two species of Daphnia, morphological defenses and their cost. Ecology, 65, 1249-1257.
  • Dussart, B. (1969). Les Copepodes des eaux continentales d’europe occidentale tale II. cyclopoides et biologie. N. Boubee et cie, Paris, 283 p.
  • Dussart, B. H. & Defaye, D. (2006). World Directory of the Crustacea Copepoda of Inland Waters. II. Cyclopiformes: 1-354. (Backhuys Publishers, Leiden).
  • Galassi, D. M. P. (2001). Groundwater copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda): diversity patterns over ecological and evolutionary scales. Hydrobiologia, 453/454, 227-253.
  • Galassi, D. M. P. & De Laurentiis, P. (2004). Towards a revision of the genus Parastenocaris Kessler, 1913: establishment of Simplicaris gen. nov. from groundwater in central Italy and review of the P. brevipes-group (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Parastenocarididae).Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 140(3), 417-436.
  • Galassi, D. M. P., De Laurentiis, P. & Fiasca, B. (2011). Systematics of the Phyllognathopodidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida): re-examination of Phyllognathopus viguieri (Maupas, 1892) and Parbatocamptus jochenmartensi Dumont and Maas, 1988, proposal of a new genus for Phyllognathopus bassoti Rouch, 1972, and description of a new species of Phyllognathopus. ZooKeys, 104, 1-65.
  • Gibert, J., Danielopol, D. L. & Stanford, J. A. (1994). Groundwater Ecology. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. 567 p.
  • Gibert, J., Mathieu, J. & Fournier, F. (1997). Groundwater/Surface water ecotones: Biological and hydrological interactions and management options. International Hydrobiology Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 246 p.
  • Hingley, M. (1993). Microscopic Life in Sphagnum. Illustrated by Hayward, P. and Herrett, D. Naturalists' Handbook 20. Richmond Publishing Co. Ltd., Slough, England, 64 p.
  • Iepure, S., Constantin, M., Fekete, A., Rajka, G., Brad, T. & Samsudean, C. (2014). Ecological assessment of water quality in relation to hydrogeology in a shallow urban aquifer: Somesul Mic River aquifer (North-Western, Romania). Geophysical Research Abstracts (European Geoscience Union Conference, Vienna), 16, EGU2014-14727.
  • Iepure, S., Feurdean, A., Bădăluță, C., Nagavciuc, V. & Perșoiu, A. (2016). Pattern of richness and distribution of groundwater Copepoda (Cyclopoida: Harpacticoida) and Ostracoda in Romania: an evolutionary perspective. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 119(3), 593–608.
  • Lee, J. M. & Chang, C. Y. (2007). Two new species of Tropocyclops prasinus group (Copepoda: Cyclopidae) from South Korea. Integrative Biosciences, 11, 255-263.
  • Karaytug, S., Bozkurt, A. & Sönmez, S. (2018). A new hyporheic Monchenkocyclops Karanovic, Yoo & Lee, 2012 (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Turkey with special emphasis on antennulary homology. Zoosystema, 40 (2), 43-58.
  • Karaytug, S. & Boxshall, G. A. (1999). Antennules of male Paracyclops (Copepoda): functional significance and their importance in systematics. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 19, 371-379.
  • Kiefer, F. (1978). Das Zooplankton der Binnengewasser 2. Teil. Freilebende Copepoda. Die Binnengewasser Band XXVI E. Schweizerbant’sche Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 315 p.
  • Korinek, V. (1987). Revision of three species of the genus Diaphanosoma Ficher 1850. Hidrobiologia, 145, 35-45.
  • Koste, W. (1978). Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas Ein Bestim-mungswerk, Begründet Von Max Voigt. Überordnung Mono-gononta. 2 Auflage Neubearbeitet Von II. Tefelband. Berlin Stutgart, 234 p.
  • Koste, W. & Shiel, R. J. (1987). Rotifera from Australian inland waters II. Epiphanidae and Brachionidae (Rotifera: Monogonta). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 7, 949-1021.
  • Koste, W. & Shiel, R. J. (1989). Rotifera from Australian land waters. III. Euchlanidae, Mytilinidae and Trichotriidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 113, 85-114.
  • Koste, W. & Shiel, R. (1990). Rotifera from Australian inland waters. V. Lecanidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 114, 1–36.
  • Kuczynska-Kippen, N. (2000). Seasonal changes of the rotifer community in the littoral zone of a polymictic lake. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, 27, 2964-2967.
  • Lehman, P. S. & Reid, J. W. (1992). Phyllognatopus viguieri (Crustacea: Harpacticoida), a predaceous copepod of phytoparasitic, entomopathogenic, and free-living Nematodes. Soil & Crop Science Society of Florida, 52, 78–82.
  • Maier, G. (1990). Coexistence of the predatory cyclopoids Acanthocyclops robustus and Mesocyclops leuckarti in a small eutrophic lake. Hydrobiologia, 198, 185-203. 10.1007/978-94-009-2067-5_17.
  • Malard, F., Plénet, S. & Gibert, J. (1996). The use of invertebrates in ground water monitoring: a rising research field. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 16, 103–116.
  • Morton, D. W. & Bayly, I. A. E. (1977). Studies on the ecology of some temporary freshwater pools in Victoria with special reference to microcrustaceans. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 28, 439-454.
  • Mösslacher, F. (2000). Sensitivity of groundwater and surface water crustaceans to chemical pollutants and hypoxia: implications for pollution management. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 149, 51–66.
  • Negrea, S. T. (1983). Fauna Republici Socialiste Romania, Crustacea Cladocera. Academia Republici Socialiste Romania, Bukres, 399 p.
  • Nogrady, T. & Pourriot, R. (1995). The Notommatidae. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World, Coordinating editor: H.J.F. Dumont. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. Canada., and Université 6, Paris, France.
  • Palmer, M. A., Ambrose, R. F. & Poff, N. L. (1997). Ecological theory and community restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 5, 291- 300.
  • Pesce, G. L. & Maggi, D. (1981). Cyclopides et Calanoïdes des Eaux Phréatiques de la Grèce Méridionale et Insulaire (Crustacea, Copepoda). Ecologia Mediterranea,7, 163-180.
  • Ramdani, M., Flower, R. J. & Elkhiati, N. (2001). Zooplankton (Cladocera, Ostracoda), Chironomidae and benthic fauna remains in sediment cores from nine North African wetland lakes: the CASSARINA Project, Aquatic Ecology, 35, 389–403.
  • Ruttner-Kolisko, A. (1974). Plankton rotifers. Biology and taxonomy. English translation of Die Binnengewasser v. 26, part 1. 146 p.
  • Rybak, J. I. & Błędzki, L. A. (2010). Freshwater planktonic crustaceans. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press, 307 p. (in Polish).
  • Scourfield, D. J. & Harding, J. P. (1966). A key to British species of freshwater Cladocera with notes on their ecology. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication, No 5, London.
  • Segers, H. (1995). Rotifera 2. The Lecanidae (Monogononta), pp. 1– 226. In: Dumont H.J. (eds), Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World 6, SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Smirnov, N. N. (1974). Fauna of U.S.S.R. Crustacea. Vol I, No: 2, Chydoridae. I.P.S.T. Jerusalem, 644 p.
  • Stanford, J. A. & Ward, J. V. (1993). An ecosystem perspective of alluvial rivers: connectivity and the hyporherc corridor. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 12, 48-60.
  • Stoch, F. & Pospisil, P. (2000). The Diacyclops languidoides-group (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) in Austria, with redescription of Diacyclops cohabitatus Monchenko, 1980. International Journal of Limnology, 36, 21-29.
  • Tang, D. & Knott, B. (2008). Cyclopoid copepods from the Yanchep National Park Caves and Ellen Brook Valley Springs, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared for the Department of Environment and Conservation by the School of Animal Biology, the University of Western Australia, 30 p.
  • Timms, B. V. (1973). A comparative study of the Iimnology of three maar lakes in western Victoria. Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Melbourne. Vadadi-Fülöp, Cs., Hufnagel, L., Sipkay, Cs. & Verasztó, Cs. (2008). Evaluation of climate change scenarios based on aquatic food web modeling. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6(1), 1-28.
  • Vervier, P., Dobson, M. & Pinay, G. (1993). Role of interaction zones between surface and ground waters in DOC transport and processing: considerations for river restoration. Freshwater Biology, 29, 275-284.
  • Walsh, M. F., Ampasala, D. R., Hatfield, J., Vander Heide, R., Suer, S., Rishi, A. K., & Basson, M. D. (2008). Transforming growth factor-β stimulates intestinal epithelial focal adhesion kinase synthesis via Smad-and p38-dependent mechanisms. The American journal of pathology, 173(2), 385-399.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Deniz ve Nehir Ağzı Ekolojisi , Hidrobiyoloji, Tatlı Su Ekolojisi
Bölüm Articles

Ahmet Bozkurt Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6673-550X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozkurt, A. (2023). Investigation of Groundwater Zooplankton Fauna from Water Wells in Kilis Province from Türkiye. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 8(2), 86-105.

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