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Modeling Cyberloafing In Out-Of-Class Learning Activities: The Role of Screen Time, Intrinsic Motivation, Self-regulation and Multitasking

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 683 - 698, 31.12.2024


This study examines university students' cyberloafing behaviors during out-ofclass learning activities and focuses on the effects of screen time, multitasking, intrinsic motivation, and self-regulation factors. Cyberloafing is defined as using smartphones or the Internet for non-academic purposes during learning, and it is stated that this behavior can negatively affect productivity and increase exposure to online risks. On the other hand, some studies suggest that cyberloafing can reduce stress and increase creativity. Although there have been studies on cyberloafing in classroom learning activities in the literature, it has been observed that there is a limited number of studies on its effects in out-of-class environments. Within the scope of the study, data were collected from 378 university students through a questionnaire and the data obtained were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). In the study, the effects of multitasking, screen time, intrinsic motivation and self-regulation, cyberloafing and academic achievement variables were examined. In the study, multitasking tendencies were found to significantly affect screen time. In addition, screen time was found to have a significant positive effect on cyberloafing; as screen time increases, the level of cyberloafing also increases. Academic intrinsic motivation was found to increase cyberloafing, while self-regulation had no significant effect on cyberloafing. However, it was concluded that cyberloafing did not significantly affect academic achievement. As a result, multitasking and screen time stand out as factors that increase cyberloafing. Cyberloafing in the context of out-of-class learning has a complex nature. Although multitasking and screen time are significant predictors, they do not directly affect academic achievement. This study included multitasking, screen time, cyberloafing and academic motivation and academic achievement variables in the model. It is suggested that variables such as individual characteristics, digital literacy, artificial intelligence literacy, etc. can be included in the model. In addition, educator policy makers and students can use the variables found to have an impact in this study in their planning to balance cyberloafing in out-of-class learning activities.


  • Akbulut, Y., Dursun, Ö. Ö., Dönmez, O. & Şahin, L. (2016). In search of a measure to investigate cyberloafing in educational settings. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 616-625.
  • Akulwar-Tajane, I.; Parmar, K.K.; Naik, P.H., & Shah, A.V. (2020). Rethinking Screen Time during COVID-19: Impact on Psychological Well-Being in Physiotherapy Students. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. Res., 4, 201–216.
  • Amez, S., Vujić, S., Marez, L. D., & Baert, S. (2021). Smartphone use and academic performance: First evidence from longitudinal data. New Media & Amp; Society, 25(3), 584-608.
  • Baert, S., Vujić, S., Amez, S., Claeskens, M., Daman, T., Maeckelberghe, A., … & Marez, L. (2019). Smartphone use and academic performance: correlation or causal relationship?. Kyklos, 73(1), 22-46.
  • Bardakcı, M. N., & Mart, M. (2023). Evaluation of values education in out-of-school learning environments in terms of the applications in preschool: systematic literature review. Temel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 52-71.
  • Blanchard, A. L., & Henle, C. A. (2008). Correlates of different forms of cyberloafing: The role of norms and external locus of control. Computers in human behavior, 24(3), 1067-1084.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2011). Structural equation modeling with AMOS Basic concepts, applications, and programming (Multivariate Applications Series), Routledge, New York.
  • Coşkun, T. K., & Gökçearslan, S. (2019). Examination of Cyberloafing Studies in Education: A Content Analysis. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 11(1), 94-103.
  • Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Haşlaman, T. Kuşkaya Mumcu, F., & Gökçearslan, Ş. (2015). Özdüzenlemenin Dikkat Kontrolü Boyutu: Bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2 (2), 229-238.
  • Deng, L., Ku, K. Y. L., & Kong, Q. (2019). Examining predictive factors and effects of in-class multitasking with mobile phones. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16(1), 49-58.
  • Ergün, E., & Altun, A. (2012). Öğrenci gözüyle siber aylaklik ve nedenleri. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 2(1), 36-53.
  • Fidan, N. (2012) Okulda Öğrenme ve Öğretme. PEGEM, Ankara.
  • Flanigan, A. E., Brady, A. C., Dai, Y., & Ray, E. (2023). Managing Student Digital Distraction in the College Classroom: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 35(2).
  • Ghafoor, R. Z., Nawaz, S., Zahra, T., & Hakeem, T. A. (2022). Effect of smartphone addiction on academic performance; mediation of self-regulation and bedtime procrastination. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 16(9), 618-622.
  • Gökçearslan, Ş., Mumcu, F. K., Haşlaman, T., & Çevik, Y. D. (2016). Modelling smartphone addiction: The role of smartphone usage, self-regulation, general self-efficacy and cyberloafing in university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 639-649.
  • Gökçearslan, S., Tosun, C., & Erdemir, Z. G. (2024). Benefits, challenges, and methods of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots in education: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Technology in Education, 7(1), 19-39.
  • Gökçearslan, Ş., Yıldız-Durak, H., & Esiyok, E. (2023). Emotion regulation, e‐learning readiness, technology usage status, in‐class smartphone cyberloafing, and smartphone addiction in the time of COVID‐19 pandemic. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(5), 1450-1464.
  • Han, J., Park, S., & Kim, Y. (2022). Phubbing as a millennials’ new addiction and relating factors among nursing students. Psychiatry Investigation, 19(2), 135-145.
  • Hikmat, A., Mulyono, H. (2018). Smartphone Use and Multitasking Behaviour in a Teacher Education Program (TEP). Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol., 12, 4-14.
  • Jeong, S. H., & Fishbein, M. (2007). Predictors of Multitasking with Media: Media Factors and Audience Factors. Media Psychology, 10(3), 364–384.
  • Kaynarca, İ (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinin çoklu görev davranışları ve çoklu görev algıları ile öz düzenleme becerileri arasındaki ilişki (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • König, C. J., & De la Guardia, M. E. C. (2014). Exploring the positive side of personal internet use at work: Does it help in managing the border between work and nonwork?. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 355-360.
  • König, C. J., Buhner, M., & Murling, G. (2005). Working memory, fluid intelligence, and attention are predictors of multitasking performance, but polychronicity and extraversion are not. Human Performance, 18(3), 243–266.
  • Krishna, S.M., & Agrawal, S. (2023). Cyberloafing: exploring the role of psychological wellbeing and social media learning. Behavioral Sciences, 13.
  • Kubat, U. (2018). Okul dışı öğrenme ortamları hakkında fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının görüşleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 48, 111-135.
  • Kurt, A. A., Küçük, B., Boynukara, M., & Odabaşi, F. (2021). Dijital çelinme: bir kavram çalışması. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram Ve Uygulama, 11(1), 48–64.
  • Lau, W. W. (2017). Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on the academic performance of university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 286–291.
  • Le Roux, D. B., & Parry, D. A. (2017). In-lecture media use and academic performance: Does subject area matter? Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 86–94.
  • Lim, V. K. G., & Chen, D. J. Q. (2009). Cyberloafing at the workplace: gain or drain on work? Behaviour & Information Technology, 31(4), 343–353.
  • Lim, V.K.G. (2002). The it way of loafing on the job: Cyberloafing, neutralizing andorganizational justice. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(5), 675–694.
  • Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (1997). The truth about burnout: how organizations cause personal stress and what to do about it. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Metin-Orta, I., & Demirtepe-Saygılı, D. (2021). Cyberloafing behaviors among university students: Their relationships with positive and negative affect. Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.j.), 42, 11101 - 11114.
  • Neuburger, V. (2021). Balancing Screen Time: Teaching To The Whole Student. School of Education and Leadership Student Capstone Projects. 679. adresinden Mayıs 2024 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Ophir, E., Nass, C., & Wagner, A. (2009). Cognitive control in media multitaskers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106, 15583–15587. https://doi:10.1073/pnas.0903620106
  • Oravec, J.A. (2002). Constructive approaches to internet recreation in the workplace. Commun ACM. 45(1): 60–3. 10.1145/502269.502298
  • Özcan, S., Gökçearslan, Ş., & Yüksel, A. O. (2017). An investigation of the relationship between cyberloafing and academic motivation among university students. In Pegem Akademi eBooks (pp. 733–742).
  • Ravizza, S. M., Hambrick, D. Z., & Fenn, K. M. (2014). Non-academic internet use in the classroom is negatively related to classroom learning regardless of intellectual ability. Computers & Education, 78, 109-114.
  • Stanton, J.M., (2002). Company profile of the frequent Internet user. Communications of the ACM, 45 (1), 55–59.
  • Ugrin, J., Odom, M., & Pearson, J. (2008). Exploring the importance of mentoring for newscholars: A social exchange perspective. Journal of Information Systems Education, 19(3), 343–350.
  • Uyulgan, M. A., & Akkuzu, N. (2013). An overview of student teachers’ academic intrinsic motivation. Educational Sciences Theory & Practice, 14(1).
  • Wagner, D. T., Barnes, C. M., Lim, V. K., & Ferris, D. L. (2012). Lost sleep and cyberloafing: Evidence from the laboratory and a day light saving time quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied psychology, 97(5), 1068.
  • Wang, Z.,& Tchernev, J. M. (2012). The “myth” of media multitasking: reciprocal dynamics of media multitasking, personal needs, and gratifications. Journal of Communication, 62(3), 493-513.
  • Wu, J., Mei, W., & Ugrin, J. C. (2018). Student Cyberloafing In and Out of the Classroom in China and the Relationship with Student Performance. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 21(3), 199–204.
  • Yıldız-Durak, H. (2019). Cyberloafing in learning environments where online social networking sites are used as learning tools: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(3), 539-569.
  • Yılmaz- Bağrıacık, A. (2017). Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin siber aylaklık düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi: karma bir çalışma. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 18, (2). 113-134.
  • Yılmaz, R., & Yurdugül, H. (2018). Cyberloafing in IT classrooms: Exploring the role of the psycho-social environment in the classroom, attitude to computers and computing courses, motivation and learning strategies. Journal of Computers in Higher Education, 30, 530–552.
  • Yuwanto, N. L. (2018). Academic flow and cyberloafing. Journal of Psychology Research, 8(4).

Sınıf Dışı Öğrenme Etkinliklerinde Siber Aylaklığın Modellenmesi: Ekran Süresi, İçsel Motivasyon, Öz Düzenleme ve Çoklu Görevin Rolü

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 683 - 698, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışma, üniversite öğrencilerinin sınıf dışı öğrenme faaliyetleri sırasında sergiledikleri siber aylaklık davranışlarını incelemekte ve ekran süresi, çoklu görev, içsel motivasyon ve öz-düzenleme faktörlerinin etkilerine odaklanmaktadır. Siber aylaklık, öğrenme sırasında akıllı telefonları veya interneti akademik olmayan amaçlarla kullanma olarak tanımlanmakta ve bu davranışın üretkenliği olumsuz etkileyip çevrimiçi risklere maruz kalmayı artırabileceği belirtilmektedir. Buna karşılık bazı araştırmalar ise siber aylaklığın stresi azaltabileceğini ve yaratıcılığı artırabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Alanyazında sınıf içi öğrenme faaliyetlerindeki siber aylaklık üzerine çalışmalar yapılmış olmasına rağmen, sınıf dışı ortamlardaki etkileri üzerinde yapılmış araştırmaların sınırlı sayıda olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında, 378 üniversite öğrencisinden anket yoluyla veri toplanmış ve elde edilen veriler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (YEM) kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada, çoklu görev, ekran süresi, içsel motivasyon ve özdüzenleme ile siber aylaklık ve akademik başarı değişkenlerinin etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, çoklu görev eğilimlerinin ekran süresi üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, ekran süresinin siber aylaklık üzerinde anlamlı pozitif bir etkiye sahip olduğu bulunmuş; ekran süresi arttıkça siber aylaklık seviyesinin de arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Akademik içsel motivasyonun siber aylaklığı artırdığı görülmüş, öz-düzenlemenin siber aylaklık üzerine anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, siber aylaklığın akademik başarıyı anlamlı biçimde etkilemediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, çoklu görev ve ekran süresi, siber aylaklığı artıran faktörler olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Sınıf dışı öğrenme bağlamında siber aylaklık karmaşık bir doğaya sahiptir. Çoklu görev ve ekran süresi anlamlı öngörücüler olsa da doğrudan akademik başarıyı etkilememektedir. Bu çalışma; çoklu görev, ekran süresi, siber aylaklık ve akademik motivasyon ve akademik başarı değişkenlerini modele dahil etmiştir. Bireysel özellikler, dijital okuryazarlık, yapay zeka okuryazarlığı vb. değişkenlerin modele dahil edilebileceği önerilmektedir. Ayrıca eğitimci politika yapıcı ve öğrenciler, bu çalışmada etkisi bulunan değişkenleri sınıf dışı öğrenme faaliyetlerinde siber aylaklığı dengelemek için planlamalarında kullanabilirler.

Etik Beyan

rapor alınmıştır. Yükleyeceğim.


  • Akbulut, Y., Dursun, Ö. Ö., Dönmez, O. & Şahin, L. (2016). In search of a measure to investigate cyberloafing in educational settings. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 616-625.
  • Akulwar-Tajane, I.; Parmar, K.K.; Naik, P.H., & Shah, A.V. (2020). Rethinking Screen Time during COVID-19: Impact on Psychological Well-Being in Physiotherapy Students. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. Res., 4, 201–216.
  • Amez, S., Vujić, S., Marez, L. D., & Baert, S. (2021). Smartphone use and academic performance: First evidence from longitudinal data. New Media & Amp; Society, 25(3), 584-608.
  • Baert, S., Vujić, S., Amez, S., Claeskens, M., Daman, T., Maeckelberghe, A., … & Marez, L. (2019). Smartphone use and academic performance: correlation or causal relationship?. Kyklos, 73(1), 22-46.
  • Bardakcı, M. N., & Mart, M. (2023). Evaluation of values education in out-of-school learning environments in terms of the applications in preschool: systematic literature review. Temel Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 52-71.
  • Blanchard, A. L., & Henle, C. A. (2008). Correlates of different forms of cyberloafing: The role of norms and external locus of control. Computers in human behavior, 24(3), 1067-1084.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2011). Structural equation modeling with AMOS Basic concepts, applications, and programming (Multivariate Applications Series), Routledge, New York.
  • Coşkun, T. K., & Gökçearslan, S. (2019). Examination of Cyberloafing Studies in Education: A Content Analysis. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 11(1), 94-103.
  • Demiraslan Çevik, Y., Haşlaman, T. Kuşkaya Mumcu, F., & Gökçearslan, Ş. (2015). Özdüzenlemenin Dikkat Kontrolü Boyutu: Bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Başkent University Journal of Education, 2 (2), 229-238.
  • Deng, L., Ku, K. Y. L., & Kong, Q. (2019). Examining predictive factors and effects of in-class multitasking with mobile phones. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16(1), 49-58.
  • Ergün, E., & Altun, A. (2012). Öğrenci gözüyle siber aylaklik ve nedenleri. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama, 2(1), 36-53.
  • Fidan, N. (2012) Okulda Öğrenme ve Öğretme. PEGEM, Ankara.
  • Flanigan, A. E., Brady, A. C., Dai, Y., & Ray, E. (2023). Managing Student Digital Distraction in the College Classroom: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 35(2).
  • Ghafoor, R. Z., Nawaz, S., Zahra, T., & Hakeem, T. A. (2022). Effect of smartphone addiction on academic performance; mediation of self-regulation and bedtime procrastination. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 16(9), 618-622.
  • Gökçearslan, Ş., Mumcu, F. K., Haşlaman, T., & Çevik, Y. D. (2016). Modelling smartphone addiction: The role of smartphone usage, self-regulation, general self-efficacy and cyberloafing in university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 639-649.
  • Gökçearslan, S., Tosun, C., & Erdemir, Z. G. (2024). Benefits, challenges, and methods of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots in education: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Technology in Education, 7(1), 19-39.
  • Gökçearslan, Ş., Yıldız-Durak, H., & Esiyok, E. (2023). Emotion regulation, e‐learning readiness, technology usage status, in‐class smartphone cyberloafing, and smartphone addiction in the time of COVID‐19 pandemic. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(5), 1450-1464.
  • Han, J., Park, S., & Kim, Y. (2022). Phubbing as a millennials’ new addiction and relating factors among nursing students. Psychiatry Investigation, 19(2), 135-145.
  • Hikmat, A., Mulyono, H. (2018). Smartphone Use and Multitasking Behaviour in a Teacher Education Program (TEP). Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol., 12, 4-14.
  • Jeong, S. H., & Fishbein, M. (2007). Predictors of Multitasking with Media: Media Factors and Audience Factors. Media Psychology, 10(3), 364–384.
  • Kaynarca, İ (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinin çoklu görev davranışları ve çoklu görev algıları ile öz düzenleme becerileri arasındaki ilişki (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • König, C. J., & De la Guardia, M. E. C. (2014). Exploring the positive side of personal internet use at work: Does it help in managing the border between work and nonwork?. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 355-360.
  • König, C. J., Buhner, M., & Murling, G. (2005). Working memory, fluid intelligence, and attention are predictors of multitasking performance, but polychronicity and extraversion are not. Human Performance, 18(3), 243–266.
  • Krishna, S.M., & Agrawal, S. (2023). Cyberloafing: exploring the role of psychological wellbeing and social media learning. Behavioral Sciences, 13.
  • Kubat, U. (2018). Okul dışı öğrenme ortamları hakkında fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının görüşleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 48, 111-135.
  • Kurt, A. A., Küçük, B., Boynukara, M., & Odabaşi, F. (2021). Dijital çelinme: bir kavram çalışması. Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram Ve Uygulama, 11(1), 48–64.
  • Lau, W. W. (2017). Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on the academic performance of university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 286–291.
  • Le Roux, D. B., & Parry, D. A. (2017). In-lecture media use and academic performance: Does subject area matter? Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 86–94.
  • Lim, V. K. G., & Chen, D. J. Q. (2009). Cyberloafing at the workplace: gain or drain on work? Behaviour & Information Technology, 31(4), 343–353.
  • Lim, V.K.G. (2002). The it way of loafing on the job: Cyberloafing, neutralizing andorganizational justice. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(5), 675–694.
  • Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (1997). The truth about burnout: how organizations cause personal stress and what to do about it. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Metin-Orta, I., & Demirtepe-Saygılı, D. (2021). Cyberloafing behaviors among university students: Their relationships with positive and negative affect. Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.j.), 42, 11101 - 11114.
  • Neuburger, V. (2021). Balancing Screen Time: Teaching To The Whole Student. School of Education and Leadership Student Capstone Projects. 679. adresinden Mayıs 2024 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Ophir, E., Nass, C., & Wagner, A. (2009). Cognitive control in media multitaskers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 106, 15583–15587. https://doi:10.1073/pnas.0903620106
  • Oravec, J.A. (2002). Constructive approaches to internet recreation in the workplace. Commun ACM. 45(1): 60–3. 10.1145/502269.502298
  • Özcan, S., Gökçearslan, Ş., & Yüksel, A. O. (2017). An investigation of the relationship between cyberloafing and academic motivation among university students. In Pegem Akademi eBooks (pp. 733–742).
  • Ravizza, S. M., Hambrick, D. Z., & Fenn, K. M. (2014). Non-academic internet use in the classroom is negatively related to classroom learning regardless of intellectual ability. Computers & Education, 78, 109-114.
  • Stanton, J.M., (2002). Company profile of the frequent Internet user. Communications of the ACM, 45 (1), 55–59.
  • Ugrin, J., Odom, M., & Pearson, J. (2008). Exploring the importance of mentoring for newscholars: A social exchange perspective. Journal of Information Systems Education, 19(3), 343–350.
  • Uyulgan, M. A., & Akkuzu, N. (2013). An overview of student teachers’ academic intrinsic motivation. Educational Sciences Theory & Practice, 14(1).
  • Wagner, D. T., Barnes, C. M., Lim, V. K., & Ferris, D. L. (2012). Lost sleep and cyberloafing: Evidence from the laboratory and a day light saving time quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied psychology, 97(5), 1068.
  • Wang, Z.,& Tchernev, J. M. (2012). The “myth” of media multitasking: reciprocal dynamics of media multitasking, personal needs, and gratifications. Journal of Communication, 62(3), 493-513.
  • Wu, J., Mei, W., & Ugrin, J. C. (2018). Student Cyberloafing In and Out of the Classroom in China and the Relationship with Student Performance. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 21(3), 199–204.
  • Yıldız-Durak, H. (2019). Cyberloafing in learning environments where online social networking sites are used as learning tools: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(3), 539-569.
  • Yılmaz- Bağrıacık, A. (2017). Lisansüstü öğrencilerinin siber aylaklık düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi: karma bir çalışma. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 18, (2). 113-134.
  • Yılmaz, R., & Yurdugül, H. (2018). Cyberloafing in IT classrooms: Exploring the role of the psycho-social environment in the classroom, attitude to computers and computing courses, motivation and learning strategies. Journal of Computers in Higher Education, 30, 530–552.
  • Yuwanto, N. L. (2018). Academic flow and cyberloafing. Journal of Psychology Research, 8(4).
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bilim, Teknoloji ve Mühendislik Eğitimi ve Programlarının Geliştirilmesi
Bölüm Makaleler

Şahin Gökçearslan 0000-0003-3532-4251

Ayşegül Nihan Erol Şahin 0000-0001-6320-982X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökçearslan, Ş., & Erol Şahin, A. N. (2024). Sınıf Dışı Öğrenme Etkinliklerinde Siber Aylaklığın Modellenmesi: Ekran Süresi, İçsel Motivasyon, Öz Düzenleme ve Çoklu Görevin Rolü. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Ereğli Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), 683-698.