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The Relationship Between Political Turnover and Sovereign Debt in Turkey

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 30, 3110 - 3133, 31.10.2020


Political turnover (government change) affects many socio-economic and fiscal factors. One of the factors affected by the political turnover is the sovereign debt indicators. The political turnover is related to the indicators of sovereign debt as it causes uncertainty about which party will come into power. In this regard, four sovereign debt indicators related to political turnover were identified in the study. These indicators consist of debt level (general government debt / GDP), debt crisis (crisis years), debt default (default years) and the country's credibility (credit ratings). The study adopted a discursive method supported with graphs and analyzed the relationship of political turnover and debt indicators between the years of 1960-2019 for Turkey. According to the result of the study; (i) After the period of intense political turnover, level of debt increases in Turkey. In periods of political stability, debt level decreases. (ii) After the period of intense political turnover, the debt crises are experienced in Turkey and after the debt crisis, political stability prevails. This situation can be interpreted as the society wants political stability after the debt crisis. (iii) In Turkey, after years of intense political turnover, there is an increase in the number of debt defaults. In the period of default or after the default, political stability is experienced. (iv) Political turnover negatively affects credit ratings in Turkey, but the effect is limited.


  • Alesina, A. ve Tabellini, G. (1990). A positive theory of fiscal deficits and government debt. The Review of Economic Studies, 57(3), 403-414.
  • Alt, J. E., ve Lassen, D. D. (2006). Fiscal transparency, political parties, and debt in OECD countries. European Economic Review, 50(6), 1403-1439.
  • Amador, M. (2003). A political economy model of sovereign debt repayment. Manuscript, Stanford University.
  • Asiri, B. K. ve Hubail, R. A. (2014). An empirical analysis of country risk ratings. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), 52.
  • Balkan, E. M. (1992). Political instability, country risk and probability of default. Applied Economics, 24(9), 999-1008.
  • Block, S. A. ve Vaaler, P. M. (2004). The price of democracy: sovereign risk ratings, bond spreads and political business cycles in developing countries. Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(6), 917-946.
  • BoC-BoE Sovereign Default Database (2019). Boc-boe sovereign default database. 10 Ekim 2019 tarihinde new-in-2019 adresinden erişildi.
  • Bordo, M. ve Oosterlinck, K. (2005). Do political changes trigger debt default? And do defaults lead to political changes. 01 Kasım 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Borensztein, E. ve Panizza, U. (2009). The costs of sovereign default. IMF Staff Papers, 56(4), 683-741.
  • Born, B., Müller, G. J., Pfeifer, J. ve Wellmann, S. (2018). Market discipline? sovereign spreads, fiscal adjustments, and political turnover. 15 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Brewer, T. L. ve Rivoli, P. (1990). Politics and perceived country creditworthiness in international banking. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 22(3), 357-369.
  • Chwieroth, J. M. ve Walter, A. (2010). Financial crises and political turnover: a long run panoramic view. 16 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Citron, J. T. ve Nickelsburg, G. (1987). Country risk and political instability. Journal of Development Economics, 25(2), 385-392.
  • Cole, H. L., Dow, J. ve English, W. B. (1995). Default, settlement, and signalling: Lending resumption in a reputational model of sovereign debt. International Economic Review, 365-385.
  • Cotoc, J., Johri, A. ve Sosa-Padilla, C. (2018). Debt, defaults and dogma: politics and the dynamics of sovereign debt markets. 14 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Cuadra, G. ve Sapriza, H. (2008). Sovereign default, interest rates and political uncertainty in emerging markets. Journal of international Economics, 76(1), 78-88.
  • Debortoli, D. ve Nunes, R. C. (2008). Political disagreement, lack of commitment and the level of debt. FRB International Finance Discussion Paper, No. 938.
  • Dhillon, A. ve Sjostrom, T. (2009). Leader reputation and default in sovereign debt. Warwick Economic Research Papers, No. 886.
  • Di Bartolomeo, G., Di Pietro, M., Saltari, E. ve Semmler, W. (2018). Public debt stabilization: the relevance of policymakers’ time horizons. Public Choice, 177(3-4), 287-299.
  • Erim, G. (2017). 3 Büyük kredi derecelendirme kuruluşu ve Türkiye’nin notu. KTO Araştırma Raporu.
  • Franzese, R. J. (2001). The positive political economy of public debt: an empirical examination of the OECD postwar experience. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, unpublished manuscript.
  • Furceri, D. ve Zdzienicka, A. (2012). How costly are debt crises? Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(4), 726-742.
  • Glaurdić, J., Lesschaeve, C. ve Vizek, M. (2019). Consolidated democracy advantage: political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU. Comparative European Politics, 1-23.
  • Goretti, M. (2005). The Brazilian currency turmoil of 2002: a nonlinear analysis. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 10(4), 289-306.
  • Grechyna, D. (2015). Quantifying the impact of political frictions on public policy. MPRA Paper, No. 68918.
  • Grilli, V., Masciandaro, D. ve Tabellini, G. (1991). Political and monetary institutions and public financial policies in the industrial countries. Economic Policy, 6(13), 341-392.
  • Hanusch, M. ve Vaaler, P. (2015). Credit ratings and fiscal responsibility. MFM Discussion Paper, No. 4
  • Hatchondo, J. C., Martinez, L. ve Sapriza, H. (2009). Heterogeneous borrowers in quantitative models of sovereign default. International Economic Review, 50(4), 1129-1151.
  • Hatchondo, J. C. ve Martinez, L. (2010). The politics of sovereign defaults. FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly, 96(3), 291-317.
  • IMF (2020). Historical public debt database. 20 Kasım 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Jimenez, B. S. (2011). Management quality and state bond ratings: Exploring the links between public management and fiscal outcomes. International Journal of Public Administration, 34(12), 783-799.
  • Kohlscheen, E. (2010). Sovereign risk: Constitutions rule. Oxford Economic Papers, 62(1), 62-85.
  • Krueger, S. ve Walker, R. W. (2008). Divided government, political turnover, and state bond ratings. Public Finance Review, 36(3), 259-286.
  • Krueger, S. ve Walker, R. W. (2010). Management practices and state bond ratings. Public Budgeting & Finance, 30(4), 47-70.
  • Livshits, I., Phan, T. ve Trebesch, C. (2014). Sovereign default and political turnover. 20 Kasım 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Lvovskiy L. (2018). Political responsibility for economic crises. 10 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Manasse, P., Roubini, N. ve Schimmelpfennig, M. A. (2003). Predicting sovereign debt crises. IMF Working Paper, No. 03-221.
  • McGillivray, F. ve Smith, A. (2003). Who can be trusted? Sovereign debt and the impact of leadership change. Department of Politics New York University Working Paper.
  • Moody’s (2019). Ratings -Turkey, government of-. 15 Ocak 2020 tarihinde ratings/Turkey-Government-of-credit-rating-768337 adresinden erişildi.
  • Netdata (2020). Hükümet dönemleri. 15 Ocak 2020 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Park, S. (2018). Understanding public sector debt: Financial vicious circle under the soft budget constraint. Public Organization Review, 18(1), 71-92.
  • Pepinsky, T. B. (2012). The global economic crisis and the politics of non-transitions. Government and Opposition, 47(2), 135-161.
  • Persson, T. ve Svensson, L. E. (1989). Why a stubborn conservative would run a deficit: Policy with time- inconsistent preferences. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104(2), 325-345.
  • Rivoli, P. ve Brewer, T. L. (1997). Political instability and country risk. Global Finance Journal, 8(2), 309-321.
  • Scholl, A. (2017). The dynamics of sovereign default risk and political turnover. Journal of International Economics, 108, 37-53.
  • Smaoui, H., Boubakri, N. ve Cosset, J. C. (2017). The politics of sovereign credit spreads. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53(8), 1894-1922.
  • Trebesch, C. (2018). Resolving sovereign debt crises: the role of political risk. Oxford Economic Papers, 71(2), 421-444.
  • Vaaler, P. M., Schrage, B. N. ve Block, S. A. (2005). Counting the investor vote: Political business cycle effects on sovereign bond spreads in developing countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1), 62-88.
  • Ulusoy, A. (2012). Türkiye’de iç borçlanma. F.Tekin ve Ş. Tosunoğlu (Ed.), Devlet borçları içinde (s. 98-120). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Wang, K. Y. ve Tu, S. M. (2014). The influence of national leader change on corruption and sovereign rating. Acta Oeconomica, 64(Supplement 2), 79-97.
  • Yu, S. (2016). The effect of political factors on sovereign default. Review of Political Economy, 28(3), 397-416.
  • Yüksel, S. ve Özsarı, M. (2017). Türkiye’nin kredi notunu etkileyen faktörlerin Mars yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 1(2), 16-30.

Türkiye’de Politik Devir ve Devlet Borçları İlişkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 30, 3110 - 3133, 31.10.2020


Politik devir (iktidar değişimi), birçok sosyoekonomik ve mali faktörü etkilemektedir. Politik devrin etkilediği faktörlerden bir tanesi ise devlet borç göstergeleridir. Politik devir, devlet yönetimine hangi partinin geleceği konusunda belirsizliğe yol açtığından, devlet borçlarına ilişkin göstergelerle ilişkilidir. Bu açıdan, çalışmada politik devirle ilişkili dört devlet borç göstergesi belirlenmiştir. Bu göstergeler, borç düzeyi (genel devlet borcu/GSYİH), borç krizi (kriz yılları), borç temerrüdü (temerrüt yılları) ve ülkenin kredibilitesinden (kredi notları) oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada grafiklerle desteklenen söylemsel bir yöntem benimsenmiş ve Türkiye için 1960-2019 yılları arasında, politik devir ve borç göstergeleri ilişkisi analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre; (i) Türkiye’de yoğun politik devrin yaşandığı dönemlerin ardından borç düzeyi artışa geçmektedir. Politik istikrarın görüldüğü dönemlerde ise borç düzeyleri düşmektedir. (ii) Türkiye’de yoğun politik devrin ardından borç krizi yaşanmakta, krizin ardından ise politik istikrar hüküm sürmektedir. Bu durum toplumun borç krizinin ardından siyasi istikrar istediği şeklinde yorumlanabilmektedir. (iii) Türkiye’de yoğun politik devrin yaşandığı yılların ardından temerrüt sayılarında artış görülmektedir. Temerrüt yıllarında veya temerrüdün ardından ise, nispeten siyasi istikrar yaşanmaktadır. (iv) Türkiye’de politik devir kredi derecelerini olumsuz etkilemektedir ancak etki sınırlıdır.


  • Alesina, A. ve Tabellini, G. (1990). A positive theory of fiscal deficits and government debt. The Review of Economic Studies, 57(3), 403-414.
  • Alt, J. E., ve Lassen, D. D. (2006). Fiscal transparency, political parties, and debt in OECD countries. European Economic Review, 50(6), 1403-1439.
  • Amador, M. (2003). A political economy model of sovereign debt repayment. Manuscript, Stanford University.
  • Asiri, B. K. ve Hubail, R. A. (2014). An empirical analysis of country risk ratings. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), 52.
  • Balkan, E. M. (1992). Political instability, country risk and probability of default. Applied Economics, 24(9), 999-1008.
  • Block, S. A. ve Vaaler, P. M. (2004). The price of democracy: sovereign risk ratings, bond spreads and political business cycles in developing countries. Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(6), 917-946.
  • BoC-BoE Sovereign Default Database (2019). Boc-boe sovereign default database. 10 Ekim 2019 tarihinde new-in-2019 adresinden erişildi.
  • Bordo, M. ve Oosterlinck, K. (2005). Do political changes trigger debt default? And do defaults lead to political changes. 01 Kasım 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Borensztein, E. ve Panizza, U. (2009). The costs of sovereign default. IMF Staff Papers, 56(4), 683-741.
  • Born, B., Müller, G. J., Pfeifer, J. ve Wellmann, S. (2018). Market discipline? sovereign spreads, fiscal adjustments, and political turnover. 15 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Brewer, T. L. ve Rivoli, P. (1990). Politics and perceived country creditworthiness in international banking. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 22(3), 357-369.
  • Chwieroth, J. M. ve Walter, A. (2010). Financial crises and political turnover: a long run panoramic view. 16 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Citron, J. T. ve Nickelsburg, G. (1987). Country risk and political instability. Journal of Development Economics, 25(2), 385-392.
  • Cole, H. L., Dow, J. ve English, W. B. (1995). Default, settlement, and signalling: Lending resumption in a reputational model of sovereign debt. International Economic Review, 365-385.
  • Cotoc, J., Johri, A. ve Sosa-Padilla, C. (2018). Debt, defaults and dogma: politics and the dynamics of sovereign debt markets. 14 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Cuadra, G. ve Sapriza, H. (2008). Sovereign default, interest rates and political uncertainty in emerging markets. Journal of international Economics, 76(1), 78-88.
  • Debortoli, D. ve Nunes, R. C. (2008). Political disagreement, lack of commitment and the level of debt. FRB International Finance Discussion Paper, No. 938.
  • Dhillon, A. ve Sjostrom, T. (2009). Leader reputation and default in sovereign debt. Warwick Economic Research Papers, No. 886.
  • Di Bartolomeo, G., Di Pietro, M., Saltari, E. ve Semmler, W. (2018). Public debt stabilization: the relevance of policymakers’ time horizons. Public Choice, 177(3-4), 287-299.
  • Erim, G. (2017). 3 Büyük kredi derecelendirme kuruluşu ve Türkiye’nin notu. KTO Araştırma Raporu.
  • Franzese, R. J. (2001). The positive political economy of public debt: an empirical examination of the OECD postwar experience. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, unpublished manuscript.
  • Furceri, D. ve Zdzienicka, A. (2012). How costly are debt crises? Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(4), 726-742.
  • Glaurdić, J., Lesschaeve, C. ve Vizek, M. (2019). Consolidated democracy advantage: political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU. Comparative European Politics, 1-23.
  • Goretti, M. (2005). The Brazilian currency turmoil of 2002: a nonlinear analysis. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 10(4), 289-306.
  • Grechyna, D. (2015). Quantifying the impact of political frictions on public policy. MPRA Paper, No. 68918.
  • Grilli, V., Masciandaro, D. ve Tabellini, G. (1991). Political and monetary institutions and public financial policies in the industrial countries. Economic Policy, 6(13), 341-392.
  • Hanusch, M. ve Vaaler, P. (2015). Credit ratings and fiscal responsibility. MFM Discussion Paper, No. 4
  • Hatchondo, J. C., Martinez, L. ve Sapriza, H. (2009). Heterogeneous borrowers in quantitative models of sovereign default. International Economic Review, 50(4), 1129-1151.
  • Hatchondo, J. C. ve Martinez, L. (2010). The politics of sovereign defaults. FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly, 96(3), 291-317.
  • IMF (2020). Historical public debt database. 20 Kasım 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Jimenez, B. S. (2011). Management quality and state bond ratings: Exploring the links between public management and fiscal outcomes. International Journal of Public Administration, 34(12), 783-799.
  • Kohlscheen, E. (2010). Sovereign risk: Constitutions rule. Oxford Economic Papers, 62(1), 62-85.
  • Krueger, S. ve Walker, R. W. (2008). Divided government, political turnover, and state bond ratings. Public Finance Review, 36(3), 259-286.
  • Krueger, S. ve Walker, R. W. (2010). Management practices and state bond ratings. Public Budgeting & Finance, 30(4), 47-70.
  • Livshits, I., Phan, T. ve Trebesch, C. (2014). Sovereign default and political turnover. 20 Kasım 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Lvovskiy L. (2018). Political responsibility for economic crises. 10 Ekim 2019 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Manasse, P., Roubini, N. ve Schimmelpfennig, M. A. (2003). Predicting sovereign debt crises. IMF Working Paper, No. 03-221.
  • McGillivray, F. ve Smith, A. (2003). Who can be trusted? Sovereign debt and the impact of leadership change. Department of Politics New York University Working Paper.
  • Moody’s (2019). Ratings -Turkey, government of-. 15 Ocak 2020 tarihinde ratings/Turkey-Government-of-credit-rating-768337 adresinden erişildi.
  • Netdata (2020). Hükümet dönemleri. 15 Ocak 2020 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Park, S. (2018). Understanding public sector debt: Financial vicious circle under the soft budget constraint. Public Organization Review, 18(1), 71-92.
  • Pepinsky, T. B. (2012). The global economic crisis and the politics of non-transitions. Government and Opposition, 47(2), 135-161.
  • Persson, T. ve Svensson, L. E. (1989). Why a stubborn conservative would run a deficit: Policy with time- inconsistent preferences. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104(2), 325-345.
  • Rivoli, P. ve Brewer, T. L. (1997). Political instability and country risk. Global Finance Journal, 8(2), 309-321.
  • Scholl, A. (2017). The dynamics of sovereign default risk and political turnover. Journal of International Economics, 108, 37-53.
  • Smaoui, H., Boubakri, N. ve Cosset, J. C. (2017). The politics of sovereign credit spreads. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53(8), 1894-1922.
  • Trebesch, C. (2018). Resolving sovereign debt crises: the role of political risk. Oxford Economic Papers, 71(2), 421-444.
  • Vaaler, P. M., Schrage, B. N. ve Block, S. A. (2005). Counting the investor vote: Political business cycle effects on sovereign bond spreads in developing countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1), 62-88.
  • Ulusoy, A. (2012). Türkiye’de iç borçlanma. F.Tekin ve Ş. Tosunoğlu (Ed.), Devlet borçları içinde (s. 98-120). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Wang, K. Y. ve Tu, S. M. (2014). The influence of national leader change on corruption and sovereign rating. Acta Oeconomica, 64(Supplement 2), 79-97.
  • Yu, S. (2016). The effect of political factors on sovereign default. Review of Political Economy, 28(3), 397-416.
  • Yüksel, S. ve Özsarı, M. (2017). Türkiye’nin kredi notunu etkileyen faktörlerin Mars yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Politik Ekonomik Kuram, 1(2), 16-30.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yöneylem
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Ela 0000-0001-7341-6312

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2020
Kabul Tarihi 13 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 30

Kaynak Göster

APA Ela, M. (2020). Türkiye’de Politik Devir ve Devlet Borçları İlişkisi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 16(30), 3110-3133.