Research Article
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Year 2022, , 101 - 130, 20.12.2022



  • Abdourazakou, Y., Deng, X. (Nancy), & Abeza, G. (2020). Social Media Usage During Live Sport Consumption: Generation Gap and Gender Differences Among Season Ticket Holders. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(4), 696–718.
  • Abeza, G., & O’Reilly, N. (2014). Social Media Platforms’ Use in Building Stakeholder Relationships: The Case of National Sport Organizations. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 6(3), 103–126.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Finch, D., Séguin, B., & Nadeau, J. (2020). The role of social media in the co-creation of value in relationship marketing: A multi-domain study. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(6), 472–493.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Prior, D., Huybers, T., & Mazanov, J. (2020). The impact of scandal on sport consumption: Do different scandal types have different levels of influence on different consumer segments? European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(2), 130–150.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., & Reid, I. (2013). Relationship Marketing and Social Media in Sport. International Journal of Sport Communication, 6(2), 120–142.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., & Seguin, B. (2019). Social Media in Relationship Marketing: The Perspective of Professional Sport Managers in the MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL. Communication & Sport, 7(1), 80–109.
  • Annamalai, B., Yoshida, M., Varshney, S., Pathak, A. A., & Venugopal, P. (2021). Social media content strategy for sport clubs to drive fan engagement. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 102648.
  • Atouba, Y. C. (2019). Let’s Start From the Beginning: Examining the Connections Between Partner Selection, Trust, and Communicative Effectiveness in Voluntary Partnerships Among Human Services Nonprofits. Communication Research, 46(2), 179–207.
  • Billings, A. C., Broussard, R. M., Xu, Q., & Xu, M. (2019). Untangling International Sport Social Media Use: Contrasting U.S. and Chinese Uses and Gratifications Across Four Platforms. Communication & Sport, 7(5), 630–652.
  • Boehmer, J., & Lacy, S. (2014). Sport News on Facebook: The Relationship Between Interactivity and Readers’ Browsing Behavior. International Journal of Sport Communication, 7(1), 1–15.
  • Briones, R. L., Kuch, B., Liu, B. F., & Jin, Y. (2011). Keeping up with the digital age: How the American Red Cross uses social media to build relationships. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 37–43.
  • Campbell, D. A., Lambright, K. T., & Wells, C. J. (2014). Looking for Friends, Fans, and Followers? Social Media Use in Public and Nonprofit Human Services. Public Administration Review, 74(5), 655–663.
  • Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing Grounded Theory (2nd ed.). SAGE.
  • Comunello, F., Mulargia, S., & Parisi, L. (2016). The ‘Proper’ Way to Spread Ideas through Social Media: Exploring the Affordances and Constraints of Different Social Media Platforms as Perceived by Italian Activists. The Sociological Review, 64(3), 515–532.
  • Constantinides, E., Romero, C. L., & Boria, M. A. G. (2008). Social media: A new frontier for retailers? European Retail Research, 1–28.
  • Daymon, C., & Holloway, I. (2010). Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Dean, B. (2022, May 1). How Many People Use Twitter in 2022? [New Twitter Stats] [Consultancy company]. Backlinko.
  • Dumont, G. E. (2013). Transparency or Accountability? The Purpose of Online Technologies for Nonprofits. International Review of Public Administration, 18(3), 7–29.
  • Ebrahim, A. (2016). The Many Faces of Nonprofit Accountability. In The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management (pp. 102–123). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Falkheimer, J., & Heide, M. (2014). From Public Relations to Strategic Communication in Sweden: The Emergence of a Transboundary Field of Knowledge. Nordicom Review, 35.
  • Gao, F. (2016). Social Media as a Communication Strategy: Content Analysis of Top Nonprofit Foundations’ Micro-blogs in China. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 10(4), 255–271.
  • Garett, R., Chiu, J., Zhang, L., & Young, S. D. (2016). A Literature Review: Website Design and User Engagement. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(3), 1–14.
  • Geller, S., Abramson, A., & de Leon, E. (2010). The Nonprofit Technology Gap – Myth or Reality?
  • Greenwood, S., Perrin, A., & Duggan, M. (2016). Social Media Update 2016. Pew Research Center.
  • Hambrick, M. E., & Svensson, P. G. (2015). Gainline Africa: A Case Study of Sport-for-Development Organizations and the Role of Organizational Relationship Building via Social Media. International Journal of Sport Communication, 8(2), 233–254.
  • Hia, E. P. D., Prestiadi, D., Maisyaroh, Maghfiroh, S. I., & Oktaviani, V. M. (2020). The Use of Information and Communication Technology Through Website and Social Media as Public Relations Information Media. 269–274.
  • Kent, M. L., & Lane, A. (2021). Two-way communication, symmetry, negative spaces, and dialogue. Public Relations Review, 47(2), 102014.
  • Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (2002). Toward a dialogic theory of public relations. Public Relations Review, 28(1), 21–37.
  • Kilduff, M., & Tsai, W. (2003). Social Networks and Organizations. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Kim, D., Chun, H., Kwak, Y., & Nam, Y. (2014). The Employment of Dialogic Principles in Website, Facebook, and Twitter Platforms of Environmental Nonprofit Organizations. Social Science Computer Review, 32(5), 590–605.
  • Kirk, K., Ractham, P., & Abrahams, A. (2016). Website development by nonprofit organizations in an emerging market: A case study of Thai websites. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 21(3), 195–211.
  • Lovejoy, K., & Saxton, G. D. (2012). Information, Community, and Action: How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media*. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17(3), 337–353.
  • McCambridge, R. (2015, July 2). 12 Critical Points on Stakeholder Engagement from the Sweet Briar Experience. Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly.
  • McFarland, L. A., & Ployhart, R. E. (2015). Social media: A contextual framework to guide research and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(6), 1653–1677.
  • Meho, L. I. (2006). E-mail interviewing in qualitative research: A methodological discussion. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(10), 1284–1295.
  • Meng, M. D., Stavros, C., & Westberg, K. (2015). Engaging fans through social media: Implications for team identification. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 5(3), 199–217.
  • Mogensen, K. (2014). Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford & Joshua Green: Spreadable media: Creating Value and meaning in A Networked Culture, New York: New York University Press. 2013. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 30, 4.
  • Morgan, D. L. (1993). Qualitative Content Analysis: A Guide to Paths not Taken. Qualitative Health Research, 3(1), 112–121.
  • Mulhern, F. (2009). Integrated marketing communications: From media channels to digital connectivity. Journal of Marketing Communications, 15(2–3), 85–101.
  • Nah, S., & Saxton, G. D. (2013). Modeling the adoption and use of social media by nonprofit organizations. New Media & Society, 15(2), 294–313.
  • Naraine, M. L., & Parent, M. M. (2017). Examining social media adoption and change to the stakeholder communication paradigm in not-for-profit sport organizations. Journal of Amateur Sport, 3(2), 55–81.
  • Naraine, M. L., Pegoraro, A., & Wear, H. (2021). #WeTheNorth: Examining an Online Brand Community Through a Professional Sport Organization’s Hashtag Marketing Campaign. Communication & Sport, 9(4), 625–645.
  • Nitschke, P., Donges, P., & Schade, H. (2016). Political organizations’ use of websites and Facebook. New Media & Society, 18(5), 744–764.
  • Parveen, F., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2015). Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 67–78.
  • Schudde, L., Bradley, D., & Absher, C. (2018). Ease of Access and Usefulness of Transfer Information on Community College Websites in Texas.
  • Sommerfeldt, E. J., Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (2012). Activist practitioner perspectives of website public relations: Why aren’t activist websites fulfilling the dialogic promise? Public Relations Review, 38(2), 303–312.
  • Taylor, M., Kent, M. L., & White, W. J. (2001). How activist organizations are using the Internet to build relationships. Public Relations Review, 27(3), 263–284.
  • Wang, Y., Cheng, Y., & Sun, J. (2021). When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 2020. Public Relations Review, 47(4), 102081.
  • Wang, Y., & Yang, Y. (2020). Dialogic communication on social media: How organizations use Twitter to build dialogic relationships with their publics. Computers in Human Behavior, 104, 106183.
  • Waters, R. D., Burke, K. A., Jackson, Z. H., & Buning, J. D. (2011). Using Stewardship to Cultivate Fandom Online: Comparing How National Football League Teams Use Their Web Sites and Facebook to Engage Their Fans. International Journal of Sport Communication, 4(2), 163–177.
  • Waters, R. D., Tindall, N. T. J., & Morton, T. S. (2010). Media Catching and the Journalist–Public Relations Practitioner Relationship: How Social Media are Changing the Practice of Media Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22(3), 241–264.
  • Williams, J., & Chinn, S. J. (2010). Meeting Relationship-Marketing Goals Through Social Media: A Conceptual Model for Sport Marketers. International Journal of Sport Communication, 3(4), 422–437.
  • Williams, J., Chinn, S. J., & Suleiman, J. (2014). The value of Twitter for sports fans. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 16(1), 36–50.

Online Media: Why Use It? To What Benefit? An Examination of Online Communication Within National Olympic Committees

Year 2022, , 101 - 130, 20.12.2022


Relationship development is indispensable to sports organizations that are now using online media with increasing interest in building and maintaining relationships with the online publics. Most studies examining online communication are based on content analyses of organizations’ social media profiles. At the same time, only scarce literature approaches the phenomenon from an organizational perspective in that scholars try to assess the degree of online media adoption, these studies are limited by the sample typology thus limiting the generality of their findings. This study investigates online media usage purposes in 17 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and their perceived outcomes through a qualitative approach. Respondents identified various usage purposes like information dissemination, centrality, and control over the narrative, organization, and stakeholder promotion. The most prominent outcomes of such usage are constituency knowledge, stakeholder relations, engagement enhancement and raising awareness of issues. Implications for practitioners and research recommendations were also discussed.


  • Abdourazakou, Y., Deng, X. (Nancy), & Abeza, G. (2020). Social Media Usage During Live Sport Consumption: Generation Gap and Gender Differences Among Season Ticket Holders. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(4), 696–718.
  • Abeza, G., & O’Reilly, N. (2014). Social Media Platforms’ Use in Building Stakeholder Relationships: The Case of National Sport Organizations. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 6(3), 103–126.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Finch, D., Séguin, B., & Nadeau, J. (2020). The role of social media in the co-creation of value in relationship marketing: A multi-domain study. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(6), 472–493.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., Prior, D., Huybers, T., & Mazanov, J. (2020). The impact of scandal on sport consumption: Do different scandal types have different levels of influence on different consumer segments? European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(2), 130–150.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., & Reid, I. (2013). Relationship Marketing and Social Media in Sport. International Journal of Sport Communication, 6(2), 120–142.
  • Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N., & Seguin, B. (2019). Social Media in Relationship Marketing: The Perspective of Professional Sport Managers in the MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL. Communication & Sport, 7(1), 80–109.
  • Annamalai, B., Yoshida, M., Varshney, S., Pathak, A. A., & Venugopal, P. (2021). Social media content strategy for sport clubs to drive fan engagement. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 102648.
  • Atouba, Y. C. (2019). Let’s Start From the Beginning: Examining the Connections Between Partner Selection, Trust, and Communicative Effectiveness in Voluntary Partnerships Among Human Services Nonprofits. Communication Research, 46(2), 179–207.
  • Billings, A. C., Broussard, R. M., Xu, Q., & Xu, M. (2019). Untangling International Sport Social Media Use: Contrasting U.S. and Chinese Uses and Gratifications Across Four Platforms. Communication & Sport, 7(5), 630–652.
  • Boehmer, J., & Lacy, S. (2014). Sport News on Facebook: The Relationship Between Interactivity and Readers’ Browsing Behavior. International Journal of Sport Communication, 7(1), 1–15.
  • Briones, R. L., Kuch, B., Liu, B. F., & Jin, Y. (2011). Keeping up with the digital age: How the American Red Cross uses social media to build relationships. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 37–43.
  • Campbell, D. A., Lambright, K. T., & Wells, C. J. (2014). Looking for Friends, Fans, and Followers? Social Media Use in Public and Nonprofit Human Services. Public Administration Review, 74(5), 655–663.
  • Charmaz, K. (2014). Constructing Grounded Theory (2nd ed.). SAGE.
  • Comunello, F., Mulargia, S., & Parisi, L. (2016). The ‘Proper’ Way to Spread Ideas through Social Media: Exploring the Affordances and Constraints of Different Social Media Platforms as Perceived by Italian Activists. The Sociological Review, 64(3), 515–532.
  • Constantinides, E., Romero, C. L., & Boria, M. A. G. (2008). Social media: A new frontier for retailers? European Retail Research, 1–28.
  • Daymon, C., & Holloway, I. (2010). Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Dean, B. (2022, May 1). How Many People Use Twitter in 2022? [New Twitter Stats] [Consultancy company]. Backlinko.
  • Dumont, G. E. (2013). Transparency or Accountability? The Purpose of Online Technologies for Nonprofits. International Review of Public Administration, 18(3), 7–29.
  • Ebrahim, A. (2016). The Many Faces of Nonprofit Accountability. In The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management (pp. 102–123). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Falkheimer, J., & Heide, M. (2014). From Public Relations to Strategic Communication in Sweden: The Emergence of a Transboundary Field of Knowledge. Nordicom Review, 35.
  • Gao, F. (2016). Social Media as a Communication Strategy: Content Analysis of Top Nonprofit Foundations’ Micro-blogs in China. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 10(4), 255–271.
  • Garett, R., Chiu, J., Zhang, L., & Young, S. D. (2016). A Literature Review: Website Design and User Engagement. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(3), 1–14.
  • Geller, S., Abramson, A., & de Leon, E. (2010). The Nonprofit Technology Gap – Myth or Reality?
  • Greenwood, S., Perrin, A., & Duggan, M. (2016). Social Media Update 2016. Pew Research Center.
  • Hambrick, M. E., & Svensson, P. G. (2015). Gainline Africa: A Case Study of Sport-for-Development Organizations and the Role of Organizational Relationship Building via Social Media. International Journal of Sport Communication, 8(2), 233–254.
  • Hia, E. P. D., Prestiadi, D., Maisyaroh, Maghfiroh, S. I., & Oktaviani, V. M. (2020). The Use of Information and Communication Technology Through Website and Social Media as Public Relations Information Media. 269–274.
  • Kent, M. L., & Lane, A. (2021). Two-way communication, symmetry, negative spaces, and dialogue. Public Relations Review, 47(2), 102014.
  • Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (2002). Toward a dialogic theory of public relations. Public Relations Review, 28(1), 21–37.
  • Kilduff, M., & Tsai, W. (2003). Social Networks and Organizations. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Kim, D., Chun, H., Kwak, Y., & Nam, Y. (2014). The Employment of Dialogic Principles in Website, Facebook, and Twitter Platforms of Environmental Nonprofit Organizations. Social Science Computer Review, 32(5), 590–605.
  • Kirk, K., Ractham, P., & Abrahams, A. (2016). Website development by nonprofit organizations in an emerging market: A case study of Thai websites. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 21(3), 195–211.
  • Lovejoy, K., & Saxton, G. D. (2012). Information, Community, and Action: How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media*. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17(3), 337–353.
  • McCambridge, R. (2015, July 2). 12 Critical Points on Stakeholder Engagement from the Sweet Briar Experience. Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly.
  • McFarland, L. A., & Ployhart, R. E. (2015). Social media: A contextual framework to guide research and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(6), 1653–1677.
  • Meho, L. I. (2006). E-mail interviewing in qualitative research: A methodological discussion. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(10), 1284–1295.
  • Meng, M. D., Stavros, C., & Westberg, K. (2015). Engaging fans through social media: Implications for team identification. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 5(3), 199–217.
  • Mogensen, K. (2014). Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford & Joshua Green: Spreadable media: Creating Value and meaning in A Networked Culture, New York: New York University Press. 2013. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 30, 4.
  • Morgan, D. L. (1993). Qualitative Content Analysis: A Guide to Paths not Taken. Qualitative Health Research, 3(1), 112–121.
  • Mulhern, F. (2009). Integrated marketing communications: From media channels to digital connectivity. Journal of Marketing Communications, 15(2–3), 85–101.
  • Nah, S., & Saxton, G. D. (2013). Modeling the adoption and use of social media by nonprofit organizations. New Media & Society, 15(2), 294–313.
  • Naraine, M. L., & Parent, M. M. (2017). Examining social media adoption and change to the stakeholder communication paradigm in not-for-profit sport organizations. Journal of Amateur Sport, 3(2), 55–81.
  • Naraine, M. L., Pegoraro, A., & Wear, H. (2021). #WeTheNorth: Examining an Online Brand Community Through a Professional Sport Organization’s Hashtag Marketing Campaign. Communication & Sport, 9(4), 625–645.
  • Nitschke, P., Donges, P., & Schade, H. (2016). Political organizations’ use of websites and Facebook. New Media & Society, 18(5), 744–764.
  • Parveen, F., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2015). Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 67–78.
  • Schudde, L., Bradley, D., & Absher, C. (2018). Ease of Access and Usefulness of Transfer Information on Community College Websites in Texas.
  • Sommerfeldt, E. J., Kent, M. L., & Taylor, M. (2012). Activist practitioner perspectives of website public relations: Why aren’t activist websites fulfilling the dialogic promise? Public Relations Review, 38(2), 303–312.
  • Taylor, M., Kent, M. L., & White, W. J. (2001). How activist organizations are using the Internet to build relationships. Public Relations Review, 27(3), 263–284.
  • Wang, Y., Cheng, Y., & Sun, J. (2021). When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 2020. Public Relations Review, 47(4), 102081.
  • Wang, Y., & Yang, Y. (2020). Dialogic communication on social media: How organizations use Twitter to build dialogic relationships with their publics. Computers in Human Behavior, 104, 106183.
  • Waters, R. D., Burke, K. A., Jackson, Z. H., & Buning, J. D. (2011). Using Stewardship to Cultivate Fandom Online: Comparing How National Football League Teams Use Their Web Sites and Facebook to Engage Their Fans. International Journal of Sport Communication, 4(2), 163–177.
  • Waters, R. D., Tindall, N. T. J., & Morton, T. S. (2010). Media Catching and the Journalist–Public Relations Practitioner Relationship: How Social Media are Changing the Practice of Media Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22(3), 241–264.
  • Williams, J., & Chinn, S. J. (2010). Meeting Relationship-Marketing Goals Through Social Media: A Conceptual Model for Sport Marketers. International Journal of Sport Communication, 3(4), 422–437.
  • Williams, J., Chinn, S. J., & Suleiman, J. (2014). The value of Twitter for sports fans. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 16(1), 36–50.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Leisure & Sport Management

Mehdi Rezzag Hebla 0000-0003-4154-3610

Farah Rahal 0000-0001-7675-4034

Publication Date December 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Rezzag Hebla, M., & Rahal, F. (2022). Online Media: Why Use It? To What Benefit? An Examination of Online Communication Within National Olympic Committees. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 13(3), 101-130.