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Effects of Plyometric Exercise of Adolescent Male Volleyball Athletes: A Systemic Review

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 399 - 415, 28.08.2024


By looking at previous literature, this study aimed to analyze the construct of plyometric exercise variation. Comprehensive methods are used for these articles, such as searching for articles in database research journals. Semantic, Scopus, Scholar, and Crossref are the data sources for this database. The variety of plyometric exercises and vertical jump skills are the main themes. Fifty-one articles were verified, and then 12 articles were evaluated based on objectives, topics, sample size, research protocols, and results. Plyometric exercises are exercises in which the movements are explosive and, besides being practical, also train muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and agility. The purpose of volleyball training is so that players can acquire good basic techniques, strengthen physical strength, and develop interests and talents. To improve jumping ability, various exercises are performed from the beginner level. Therefore, the ability to jump and jump is essential for the volleyball game. The novelty in this study is the using a form of plyometric exercise that is varied according to the characteristics of athletes aged 14-17 years that have never previously been applied in volleyball clubs, which is the focus in this study of plyometric exercise variation methods, namely plyometric squat jump, skipping and hurdle hopping. The intensity of the exercise will be adjusted to the characteristics, and physiological development of male athletes aged 14-17 years.

Etik Beyan

The research was carried out using existing research ethics. The data sought has gone through literature search procedures using the PRISMA method. The article data is taken from the categories referred to in this research.

Destekleyen Kurum

I would like to thank the two institutions that support this research collaboration, namely PGRI University Banyuwangi and Nahdatul Ulama University Blitar.

Proje Numarası



I would like to thank all those who have helped in completing this article. Hopefully, the thoughts expressed in this article can be useful for readers and can be used as a reference for new research in the field of sports.


  • Behm. D. G, Young, J.D., Whitten J. H. D., Reid, J. C., Quigley P. J., Low, J., Li, Y., Lima, C. D., Hodgson, D. D., Chaouachi, A., Prieske, O., & Granacher, U. (2017). Effectiveness of Traditional Strength vs. Power Training on Muscle Strength, Power and Speed with Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 1–37.
  • Brito, M. E. P., Delgado A. C., Soto G., Rosero X. C., & Andrade, S. (2023). Effect Of Modified Plyometric Exercises In Volleyball 13-15 Years Old Male Category. Retos, 48, 244–251.
  • Campillo, R. R., Andrade, D. C., Nikolaidis, P. T., Moran, J., Clemente, F.M., Chaabene H., & Comfort, P. (2020). Effects of Plyometric Jump Training on Vertical Jump Height of Volleyball Players: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized-Controlled Trial. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 19, 489–499.
  • Chaturvedi, R., Muwal, M., Joshi, S., Bagri, M., & Rani, V. (2023). Effect Of Short Duration Plyometric Training On Vertical Jump And Sprint Speed In Volleyball Players. Revista Pesquisa Em Fisioterapia, 13, e5028.
  • Clemente, F. M., Afonso, J., & Sarmento, H. (2021). Small-sided games: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PloS One, 16(2), 1–22.
  • Cojocaru, A. M., & Cojocaru, M. (2019). Develop Vertical Jump to Junior Volleyball Players by Plyometric Special Means. LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action, 49–56.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
  • Darusman, M, Putra, M. A., & Manurizal, L. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Metode Plyometric (Skipping) Terhadap Power Otot Tungkai Pada Club Bola Voli Ikatan Remaja Conga (IRC) Muara Ngamu. Jurnal of Sport Education and Training, 3(1), 67–76.
  • Dawes, J. (2009). Basic Plyometric Training Drills for Beginners, Tactical Edge Magazine. 27(4), 82–84. Dhani, D. P. (2023). Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Peningkatan Kapasitas VO2Max pada Pemian Futsal. JAS ( (Journal Active of Sport), 3(1), 46–51.
  • Durahim, D., & Sarman, A. (2021). Efek Latihan Pliometrik Terhadap Perubahan Tinggi Lompatan Pemain Bola Voli. Media Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar, 16(1), 37.
  • Ebben, W. P. (2002). Complex Training: A Brief Review. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1(2), 42–46.
  • Edwan, E., Sutisyana, A., & Ilahi, B. R. (2017). Pengaruh Metode Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Kemampuan Jumping Smash Bola Voli Siswa Ekstrakurikuler SMPN 1 Bermani Ilir Kabupaten Kepahiang. KINESTETIK, 1(1), 64–67.
  • Fachreza, R., Bayu, W. I., & Destrian, D. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Box DrillsTerhadap Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Atlet Voli Pada Rbo Club Palembang. CORNER: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Olahraga, 3(2), 1–8.
  • Febriadi, R., Sepriadi, S., & Khairudin, K. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Atlet Bolavoli Babe VC Tapan. JPO : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Olahraga, 5(2), 36–41.
  • Firmansyah, A., Prasetya, M. R. A., Ardha, M. A. A., Ayubi, N., Putro, A. B., Mutohir, T. C., Jimenez, J. V., & Hanief, Y. N. (2024). The Football Players on Plyometric Exercise: A Systematic Review. Retos, 51, 442–448.
  • Fischetti, F., Cataldi, S., & Greco, G. (2019). A Combined Plyometric And Resistance Training Program Improves Fitness Performance In 12 To 14-Years-Old Boys. Sport Sciences for Health, 15(3), 615–621.
  • Gomez, J. P., Olmedilas, H., Guerra, S. D., Royo, I. A., Rodriguez, G. V., Ortiz, R. A., Chavarren, J., & Calbet, J. A. L. (2008). Effects Of Weight Lifting Training Combined With Plyometric Exercises On Physical Fitness, Body Composition, And Knee Extension Velocity During Kicking In Football. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 33(3), 501–510.
  • Haetami, M., & Awanis, A. (2021). Meningkatkan Power Tungkai Melalui Metode Latihan Pliometrik. Jendela Olahraga, 6(2), 108–119.
  • Hardovi, B. H. (2019). Pengaruh Pelatihan Plyometric Squat Jump Dan Depth Jump Terhadap Daya Ledak Pada Pemain Bola Voli Di Smp Negeri 5 Jember. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 3(1), 1–12.
  • Helaprahara, D. (2017). Pengaruh Pelatihan Split Squat Jump Dan Lateral Jump Over Barrier Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai Dan Kemampuan Smash bolavoli. Bravo’s Jurnal, 5(4), 166–174.
  • Higgins, J., Thomas, J., Chandler, J., Cumpston, M., Li, T., Page, M., & Welch, V. (2022). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (6.3).
  • Indrayana, B. (2018). Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Knee Tuck Jump Dengan Latihan Double Leg Bound Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai Dan Kemampuan SMASH Pada Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Putra SMKN 1 Kota Jambi. Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi), 14(1), 1–23.
  • Is, Z., & Rusliadi, R. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Pada Pemain Bola Volly Binaan Dispora Kota Banda Aceh. Sport Pedagogy Journal, 12(1), 6–13.
  • Junior, C. F., Gantois, P., Fortes, L., Correia, G., & Paes, P. (2020). Effects Of The Improvement In Vertical Jump And Repeated Jumping Ability On Male Volleyball Athletes’ Internal Load During A Season. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(5), 2924–2931.
  • Khan, S. A., & Singh, D. (2021). An Analysis On The Plyometric Exercises Impact On Volleyball Players. International Journal of Sports, Health and Physical Education, 3(2), 10–14. Khoirudin, D., Pratama, H. G., Santoso, D. A., & Putro, B. N. (2023). Enhancing Technical Skills Using Under-Passing and Game Approach in Girls Volleyball. Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research, 2(2), 142–151.
  • Konukman, F., Erdogan, M., Yılmaz, I., & Gumusdag, H. (2018). Teaching Plyometric Drills to Children: A Skill Theme Approach. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(3), 54–56.
  • Krishnan, V., & Rajawadha, T. (2020). Plyometric Training for Young Male Field Hockey Players. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences, 18(3), 1–6.
  • Lesinski, M., Herz, M., Schmelcher, A., & Granacher, U. (2020). Effects of Resistance Training on Physical Fitness in Healthy Children and Adolescents: An Umbrella Review. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 50(11), 1901–1928.
  • Martinez, J. H., Munoz, E. G., Campillo, R. R., Valenzuela, T. H., Branco, B. H. M., Valencia, S. A., Beltran, J. L. C., Sagardia, P. A., Cornejo, J. M., & Badilla, P. V. (2023). Effects Of Different Plyometric Training Frequencies On Physical Performance In Youth Male Volleyball Players: A Randomized Trial. Frontiers in Physiology, 14.
  • Medeni, O. C., Turgut, E., Colakoglu, F. F., & Baltaci, G. (2019). Plyometric Training Combined With Jump Rope Training in Female Adolescent Volleyball Players. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences, 4(3), 261–268.
  • Nugroho, R. A., & Gumantan, A. (2020). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Vertical Jump Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Bolabasket SMAN 1 Pagelaran. Sport Science And Education Journal, 1–12.
  • Ozon, F. H. A., & Sistiasih, V. S. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Standing Jump Terhadap Peningkatan Vertical Jump Pemain Bola Voli Tunas Harapan Ponorogo. Jurnal Ilmiah Penjas, 9(1), 133–145.
  • Peitz, M., Behringer, M., & Granacher, U. (2018). A Systematic Review On The Effects Of Resistance And Plyometric Training On Physical Fitness In Youth- What Do Comparative Studies Tell Us? PloS One, 13(10), 1–44.
  • Pratama, H. G. (2016). Pengaruh Power Tungkai dan Kekuatan Lengan Terhadap Kemampuan Standing Jump Shoot dan Quick Jump Shoot. Pendidikan Dewantara, 2(2), 127–140. Santana, E. E., Medeiros, M. F. D., Neto P. F. A., Rocha, M. dL., Dantas, P. M. S., & Cabral, B. G. A. T. (2024). Effect Of Plyometric And Sprint Training On Repeated Sprint And Vertical Jump Capacities In Volleyball Players Aged 11 To 14 Years: A Longitudinal Study. Research, Society and Development, 13(2), 1–11.
  • Sari, A. N., Maulang, I., Darwis, A., & Sari, A. N. (2020). Effect Of Plyometric Depth Jump Exercise Toward Vertical Jump Changes Of Volleyball Players UKM, Hasanuddin University. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1529(3).
  • Saura, M. A., Cristóbal, R. V., Roca, J. A. G., & Ros, F. E. (2022). The Effect of Age, Biological Maturation and Birth Quartile in the Kinanthropometric and Physical Fitness Differences between Male and Female Adolescent Volleyball Players. Children, 9(1), 1–15.
  • Slimani, M., Chamari, K., Miarka, B., Vecchio, F. B. D., & Chéour, F. (2016). Effects of Plyometric Training on Physical Fitness in Team Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review. Journal of Human Kinetics, 53(1), 231–247.
  • Suprianti, D., & Paripurna, Z. (2017). Perbandingan Latihan Pliometrik Depth Jump dan Jump To Box Power Terhadap Otot Tungkai dalam Smash Permainan Bola Voli. Jurnal Olahraga, 3(1).
  • Syahputra, R., Permadi, A., & Defliyanto, D. (2023). The Effectiveness of Knee Tuck Jump Variation Exercise on Increasing Jump Height in Male Volleyball Extracurricular Students at SMP Negeri 2 Bengkulu City. Sport Gymnatics: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 4(1), 79–88.
  • Tai, W. H, Peng, H. T., Song, C. Y., Lin, J. Z., Yu, H. B., & Wang, L. I. (2021). Dynamic Characteristics of Approach Spike Jump Tasks in Male Volleyball Players. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 1–8.
  • Vetrovsky, T., Steffl, M., Stastny, P., & Tufano, J. J. (2019). The Efficacy and Safety of Lower-Limb Plyometric Training in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 49(1), 113–131.
  • Yanti.F.J., Sugihartono.T., & Nopiyanto.Y.E. (2021). The Effect of Depth Jump and Jump To Box Plyometric Exercises on Leg Muscle Power in Volleyball Players MA Muslim Cendikia Bengkulu Tengah. Sport Gymnatics: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2(1), 24–33.
  • Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical Jump In Female And Male Volleyball Players: A Review Of Observational And Experimental Studies. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 20(4), 556–567.
  • Zubaedi, A., & Muhafid, E. A. (2023). Pengaruh Variasi Metode Latihan Untuk Meningkatkan Jumping Smash Dalam Permainan Bola Voli. Jurnal Edukasi Citra Olahraga, 3(1), 40–43.
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 399 - 415, 28.08.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Behm. D. G, Young, J.D., Whitten J. H. D., Reid, J. C., Quigley P. J., Low, J., Li, Y., Lima, C. D., Hodgson, D. D., Chaouachi, A., Prieske, O., & Granacher, U. (2017). Effectiveness of Traditional Strength vs. Power Training on Muscle Strength, Power and Speed with Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 1–37.
  • Brito, M. E. P., Delgado A. C., Soto G., Rosero X. C., & Andrade, S. (2023). Effect Of Modified Plyometric Exercises In Volleyball 13-15 Years Old Male Category. Retos, 48, 244–251.
  • Campillo, R. R., Andrade, D. C., Nikolaidis, P. T., Moran, J., Clemente, F.M., Chaabene H., & Comfort, P. (2020). Effects of Plyometric Jump Training on Vertical Jump Height of Volleyball Players: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized-Controlled Trial. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 19, 489–499.
  • Chaturvedi, R., Muwal, M., Joshi, S., Bagri, M., & Rani, V. (2023). Effect Of Short Duration Plyometric Training On Vertical Jump And Sprint Speed In Volleyball Players. Revista Pesquisa Em Fisioterapia, 13, e5028.
  • Clemente, F. M., Afonso, J., & Sarmento, H. (2021). Small-sided games: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PloS One, 16(2), 1–22.
  • Cojocaru, A. M., & Cojocaru, M. (2019). Develop Vertical Jump to Junior Volleyball Players by Plyometric Special Means. LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action, 49–56.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
  • Darusman, M, Putra, M. A., & Manurizal, L. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Metode Plyometric (Skipping) Terhadap Power Otot Tungkai Pada Club Bola Voli Ikatan Remaja Conga (IRC) Muara Ngamu. Jurnal of Sport Education and Training, 3(1), 67–76.
  • Dawes, J. (2009). Basic Plyometric Training Drills for Beginners, Tactical Edge Magazine. 27(4), 82–84. Dhani, D. P. (2023). Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Peningkatan Kapasitas VO2Max pada Pemian Futsal. JAS ( (Journal Active of Sport), 3(1), 46–51.
  • Durahim, D., & Sarman, A. (2021). Efek Latihan Pliometrik Terhadap Perubahan Tinggi Lompatan Pemain Bola Voli. Media Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Makassar, 16(1), 37.
  • Ebben, W. P. (2002). Complex Training: A Brief Review. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1(2), 42–46.
  • Edwan, E., Sutisyana, A., & Ilahi, B. R. (2017). Pengaruh Metode Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Kemampuan Jumping Smash Bola Voli Siswa Ekstrakurikuler SMPN 1 Bermani Ilir Kabupaten Kepahiang. KINESTETIK, 1(1), 64–67.
  • Fachreza, R., Bayu, W. I., & Destrian, D. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Box DrillsTerhadap Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Atlet Voli Pada Rbo Club Palembang. CORNER: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Dan Olahraga, 3(2), 1–8.
  • Febriadi, R., Sepriadi, S., & Khairudin, K. (2022). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Atlet Bolavoli Babe VC Tapan. JPO : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Olahraga, 5(2), 36–41.
  • Firmansyah, A., Prasetya, M. R. A., Ardha, M. A. A., Ayubi, N., Putro, A. B., Mutohir, T. C., Jimenez, J. V., & Hanief, Y. N. (2024). The Football Players on Plyometric Exercise: A Systematic Review. Retos, 51, 442–448.
  • Fischetti, F., Cataldi, S., & Greco, G. (2019). A Combined Plyometric And Resistance Training Program Improves Fitness Performance In 12 To 14-Years-Old Boys. Sport Sciences for Health, 15(3), 615–621.
  • Gomez, J. P., Olmedilas, H., Guerra, S. D., Royo, I. A., Rodriguez, G. V., Ortiz, R. A., Chavarren, J., & Calbet, J. A. L. (2008). Effects Of Weight Lifting Training Combined With Plyometric Exercises On Physical Fitness, Body Composition, And Knee Extension Velocity During Kicking In Football. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 33(3), 501–510.
  • Haetami, M., & Awanis, A. (2021). Meningkatkan Power Tungkai Melalui Metode Latihan Pliometrik. Jendela Olahraga, 6(2), 108–119.
  • Hardovi, B. H. (2019). Pengaruh Pelatihan Plyometric Squat Jump Dan Depth Jump Terhadap Daya Ledak Pada Pemain Bola Voli Di Smp Negeri 5 Jember. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 3(1), 1–12.
  • Helaprahara, D. (2017). Pengaruh Pelatihan Split Squat Jump Dan Lateral Jump Over Barrier Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai Dan Kemampuan Smash bolavoli. Bravo’s Jurnal, 5(4), 166–174.
  • Higgins, J., Thomas, J., Chandler, J., Cumpston, M., Li, T., Page, M., & Welch, V. (2022). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (6.3).
  • Indrayana, B. (2018). Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Knee Tuck Jump Dengan Latihan Double Leg Bound Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Tungkai Dan Kemampuan SMASH Pada Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Putra SMKN 1 Kota Jambi. Jorpres (Jurnal Olahraga Prestasi), 14(1), 1–23.
  • Is, Z., & Rusliadi, R. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Pada Pemain Bola Volly Binaan Dispora Kota Banda Aceh. Sport Pedagogy Journal, 12(1), 6–13.
  • Junior, C. F., Gantois, P., Fortes, L., Correia, G., & Paes, P. (2020). Effects Of The Improvement In Vertical Jump And Repeated Jumping Ability On Male Volleyball Athletes’ Internal Load During A Season. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(5), 2924–2931.
  • Khan, S. A., & Singh, D. (2021). An Analysis On The Plyometric Exercises Impact On Volleyball Players. International Journal of Sports, Health and Physical Education, 3(2), 10–14. Khoirudin, D., Pratama, H. G., Santoso, D. A., & Putro, B. N. (2023). Enhancing Technical Skills Using Under-Passing and Game Approach in Girls Volleyball. Physical Education and Sports: Studies and Research, 2(2), 142–151.
  • Konukman, F., Erdogan, M., Yılmaz, I., & Gumusdag, H. (2018). Teaching Plyometric Drills to Children: A Skill Theme Approach. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(3), 54–56.
  • Krishnan, V., & Rajawadha, T. (2020). Plyometric Training for Young Male Field Hockey Players. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences, 18(3), 1–6.
  • Lesinski, M., Herz, M., Schmelcher, A., & Granacher, U. (2020). Effects of Resistance Training on Physical Fitness in Healthy Children and Adolescents: An Umbrella Review. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 50(11), 1901–1928.
  • Martinez, J. H., Munoz, E. G., Campillo, R. R., Valenzuela, T. H., Branco, B. H. M., Valencia, S. A., Beltran, J. L. C., Sagardia, P. A., Cornejo, J. M., & Badilla, P. V. (2023). Effects Of Different Plyometric Training Frequencies On Physical Performance In Youth Male Volleyball Players: A Randomized Trial. Frontiers in Physiology, 14.
  • Medeni, O. C., Turgut, E., Colakoglu, F. F., & Baltaci, G. (2019). Plyometric Training Combined With Jump Rope Training in Female Adolescent Volleyball Players. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences, 4(3), 261–268.
  • Nugroho, R. A., & Gumantan, A. (2020). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Vertical Jump Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Bolabasket SMAN 1 Pagelaran. Sport Science And Education Journal, 1–12.
  • Ozon, F. H. A., & Sistiasih, V. S. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Standing Jump Terhadap Peningkatan Vertical Jump Pemain Bola Voli Tunas Harapan Ponorogo. Jurnal Ilmiah Penjas, 9(1), 133–145.
  • Peitz, M., Behringer, M., & Granacher, U. (2018). A Systematic Review On The Effects Of Resistance And Plyometric Training On Physical Fitness In Youth- What Do Comparative Studies Tell Us? PloS One, 13(10), 1–44.
  • Pratama, H. G. (2016). Pengaruh Power Tungkai dan Kekuatan Lengan Terhadap Kemampuan Standing Jump Shoot dan Quick Jump Shoot. Pendidikan Dewantara, 2(2), 127–140. Santana, E. E., Medeiros, M. F. D., Neto P. F. A., Rocha, M. dL., Dantas, P. M. S., & Cabral, B. G. A. T. (2024). Effect Of Plyometric And Sprint Training On Repeated Sprint And Vertical Jump Capacities In Volleyball Players Aged 11 To 14 Years: A Longitudinal Study. Research, Society and Development, 13(2), 1–11.
  • Sari, A. N., Maulang, I., Darwis, A., & Sari, A. N. (2020). Effect Of Plyometric Depth Jump Exercise Toward Vertical Jump Changes Of Volleyball Players UKM, Hasanuddin University. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1529(3).
  • Saura, M. A., Cristóbal, R. V., Roca, J. A. G., & Ros, F. E. (2022). The Effect of Age, Biological Maturation and Birth Quartile in the Kinanthropometric and Physical Fitness Differences between Male and Female Adolescent Volleyball Players. Children, 9(1), 1–15.
  • Slimani, M., Chamari, K., Miarka, B., Vecchio, F. B. D., & Chéour, F. (2016). Effects of Plyometric Training on Physical Fitness in Team Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review. Journal of Human Kinetics, 53(1), 231–247.
  • Suprianti, D., & Paripurna, Z. (2017). Perbandingan Latihan Pliometrik Depth Jump dan Jump To Box Power Terhadap Otot Tungkai dalam Smash Permainan Bola Voli. Jurnal Olahraga, 3(1).
  • Syahputra, R., Permadi, A., & Defliyanto, D. (2023). The Effectiveness of Knee Tuck Jump Variation Exercise on Increasing Jump Height in Male Volleyball Extracurricular Students at SMP Negeri 2 Bengkulu City. Sport Gymnatics: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 4(1), 79–88.
  • Tai, W. H, Peng, H. T., Song, C. Y., Lin, J. Z., Yu, H. B., & Wang, L. I. (2021). Dynamic Characteristics of Approach Spike Jump Tasks in Male Volleyball Players. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 1–8.
  • Vetrovsky, T., Steffl, M., Stastny, P., & Tufano, J. J. (2019). The Efficacy and Safety of Lower-Limb Plyometric Training in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 49(1), 113–131.
  • Yanti.F.J., Sugihartono.T., & Nopiyanto.Y.E. (2021). The Effect of Depth Jump and Jump To Box Plyometric Exercises on Leg Muscle Power in Volleyball Players MA Muslim Cendikia Bengkulu Tengah. Sport Gymnatics: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2(1), 24–33.
  • Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical Jump In Female And Male Volleyball Players: A Review Of Observational And Experimental Studies. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 20(4), 556–567.
  • Zubaedi, A., & Muhafid, E. A. (2023). Pengaruh Variasi Metode Latihan Untuk Meningkatkan Jumping Smash Dalam Permainan Bola Voli. Jurnal Edukasi Citra Olahraga, 3(1), 40–43.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Antrenman
Bölüm Sports Performance

Henri Gunawan Pratama 0000-0001-9700-1533

Deva Imandaqurani 0009-0008-2790-0427

Danang Ari Santoso 0000-0002-9335-3897

Arya T Candra 0000-0003-0278-0111

Indra Gunawan Pratama 0000-0002-5817-9600

Proje Numarası 1
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gunawan Pratama, H., Imandaqurani, D., Santoso, D. A., Candra, A. T., vd. (2024). Effects of Plyometric Exercise of Adolescent Male Volleyball Athletes: A Systemic Review. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 15(2), 399-415.