Abdollahi, H. (2013). General and professional characteristics of Iranian secondary school principals. Quarterly Journal of Education, 30(118), 93-115. https://doi.org/20.1001.1.10174133.1393. {In Persian}.
Bazargan, A. (2012). An introduction to qualitative and mixed research methods: common approaches in behavioral sciences. Tehran: Didar. {In Persian}.
Bigdely, M., Keramati, M., & Bazargan, A. (2023). The relationship between education and employment status of psychology and educational sciences alumnus in Tehran University. Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education, 18(3), 111-131. https://journal.irphe.ac.ir/article_702792_en.html?lang=fa {In Persian}.
Burnham, J. (1941). The managerial revolution: What is the happening in the world. Massachusettts: Peter Smith Publisher.
Creswell J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five approaches. (Second edition). New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Creswell J. W. (2012). Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. (Fourth edition). Boston: Pearson.
Creswell J. w. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative & mixed method approaches (fourth edition). London: Sage Publications
Culberston, J, A. (1981). Antecedents of the theory movement. Educational administration Quarterly, 17(3), 25-47. https://doi.org/10.2307/1175196
Day, Ch., Sammons, P., Leithwood, Ken., Hopkins, D., Gu, Q., Brown, E. & Ahtaridou, E. (2011). Successful school leadership: Linking with learning and achievement. New York: Mac Graw hill, Open University Press.
English, F.W. (2003). The postmodern challenge to the theory and practice of educational administration. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publishers.
Frankel, J. (2020). Identification (with the aggressor). In Stavrakakis, Y. (Eds). Routledge handbook of psychoanalytic political theory. (199-207). New York & London: Routledgeflamer.
Fromm, E. (2022). Escape from freedom. Washington: Washington Post.
Ghayasvand, F. (2017). Examining the external effectiveness of the field of educational management in Tehran universities. Master's thesis of Alzahra University. {in Persian}.
Greenfield, T. & Ribbins, P. (2005). Greenfield on educational administration. London: Routledge.
Griffiths, D.E. (1983). Evolution in research and theory: A study of prominent researchers. Educational Administration Quarterly, 19(3). 201-221. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X83019003005
Hallinger, P., Hosseingholizadeh, R., Hashemi, N. and Kouhsari, M. (2017). Do beliefs make a difference? Exploring how principal self-efficacy and instructional leadership impact teacher efficacy and commitment in Iran, Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 46 (5), pp. 800-819. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143217700283
Hatch, M, J. (2018). Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. (Fourth edition). London: Oxford University Press.
Hoseingholizadeh, R., Ahancian, M. R., Nofersti, A., & Kouhsari, M. (2017). A History of Educational Management Thought with Regards to International Experiences. Journal of Foundations of Education, 6(2), 128-152. https://doi.org/10.22067/fedu.v6i2.60913 {In Persian}.
Hosseingholizadeh, R., Sharif, A. & Taghizadeh Kerman, N. (2021). A systematic review of conceptual models and methodologies in research on school principals in Iran. Journal of Educational Administration, 59 (5), 564-581. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-12-2020-0253
Hyung, P.S. (2001). Epistemological underpinnings of theory development in educational administration. Australian Journal of Education, 45(3), 237-248. https://doi.org/10.1177/000494410104500303
Jun, J, S. (2006). Social construction of public administration: interpretive and critical perspective. New York : State University of New York Press.
Katouzian, H. (1981). The political economy of modern Iran: Despotism and pseudo-modernism, 1926-1979. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Katouzian, H. (2003). Iranian history and politics: State and society in perpetual conflict. London: Routledge Curzon Bips Persian studies series.
Katouzian, H. (2010). The Persians: ancient, medieval, and modern Iran. Yale: Yale University Press.
Mertens, D.M. (2010). Research and Evaluation in Educational and Psychology. Ed (2) California: Sage Publication.
Michels, R. (2001). Political Parties; A scocilogy study of ther Oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy, Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Ontario: Batoche Books Kitchener.
Mokhtarian, F.; & Jahed, H. A. (2013). Explaining educational management as a discipline. Second National Conference on Modern Management Sciences, September 5, Gorgan City, Iran, 1-8. {In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh. (2023). The arbitrary in the educational system: a political and social analysis on educational administration. Semnan: Semnan University publication. { In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh. (2022). The unspoken side of academic textbooks on school management, Journal of School Administration, 10(1), 141-160. https://jsa.uok.ac.ir/article_62200.html {In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh. (2019). Explaining the school management based on scientific metaphor or personal experience? A case study on the management approach of successful school principals. Journal of School Administration, 8(3), 95-126. https://doi.org/ 20.1001.1.25384724.2020. { In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh., & Nazarzadeh Zare, M. (2014). Why qualitative research is unpopular in the field of Humanities in Iran: a phenomenological research on experts and key informant's views. Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology, 5(2), 125-131. https://www.proquest.com/docview/1746586986?sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals
Moridi, H. (2012). Ten-year content analysis of educational science journals to check the degree of coordination with the research needs of education and to identify the possible gap between the two. Master thesis of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Nemati, S & Shirbagi, N. (2022). Representation of the concept of "Educational Leadership" in the published articles of journals in the field of education. Journal of Educational Sciences, 29(1), 221-240. https://doi.org/10.22055/edus.2019.29345.2802 {In Persian}.
Nemati, S., Shirbegi, N., Azizi, N., & Naveh Ebrahim, A. (2020). Representing the Identity of the Educational Administration in Iran with Emphasis on the Articles Published in the Specialized Journals. Journal of Management and Planning In Educational System, 13(1), 225-262. https://doi.org/10.29252/mpes.13.1.225 {In Persian}.
Oplatka, I. (2010). The legacy of educational administration: A historical analysis of an academic field. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Pugh, D. & Hickson, D. (2007). Great writers on the organization. (Third omnibus edition). Ashgate: British Library.
Rahimian, H.,Jahani, F & Nouruzi, M. (2018). The employment status of graduates of the field of educational management of Allameh Tabatabai University. Management in Islamic University, 7 (2), 252-235. https://miu.nahad.ir/article_586.html {In Persian}.
Rastehmoghadam, A. (2019). A Reflection on Teaching Educational Administration in Iran: A Critical Approach. In: Samier, E., ElKaleh, E. (eds) Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries. Educational Leadership Theory. Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6818-9_9
Ribbins, P., & Gunter, H. (2002). Mapping Leadership Studies in Education: Towards a Typology of Knowledge Domains. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 30, 359-385. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263211X020304002
Shirazi, A. (1994). Theories and application of educational management: basics and principles. Mashhad: Academic Jihad. {In Persian}.
Smyth, J. (2005). Critical perspectives on educational leadership. New York: Routledgeflamer.
Tuohy, D., Cooney, A., Dowling, M., Murphy, K., & Sixsmith, J. (2013). An overview of interpretive phenomenology as a research methodology. Nurse Researcher, 20(6), 17-20. https://doi.org/10.7748/nr2013.
Wray, K, B & Bornmann, L. (2015). Philosophy of science viewed through the lens of ‘‘Referenced Publication Years Spectroscopy’’ (RPYS). Scientometrics, 102:1987–1996. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1465-6
Scientific Paradigms in Iran's Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration
Year 2024,
Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 475 - 511, 23.12.2024
Many educational administration (EA) experts have voiced their concern over the lack of scientific attitude in Iranian schools' leadership. However, what has not been taken into consideration is the precise knowledge of the science of EA of these experts. This study is meant to delve into Iranian EA experts' perceptions of the scientific foundations of this field through an interpretive phenomenological approach. To that end, this paper carefully selected 11 experts for this study through the use of convenience sampling, as well as being sensitive to theoretical data saturation. Using indirect questioning methods, we sought to elicit their complex views. The findings bear great importance within the field and in terms of broader social implications. From a disciplinary perspective, the findings indicate a consensus between specialists that converges with the principles espoused by the theoretical movement. Socially, such notions indicate a phenomenon known as Identification with the Aggressor (IWA). Notably, the concerns pointed out by the experts regarding EA—such as insistence on uniqueness, the adversarial nature of the external environment, and power dynamics as potential threats—echo the propaganda of the oligarchic management ideologies. These findings compete with the historical theory of nation-state conflict when defining the historical and political texture of Iranian society. According to this theory, people from all social classes, even intellectuals, naturally resist all administrative systems' ideologies and refuse integration. The deviation of the results of this research from the theory of nation-state conflict implies a change in the socio-economic environment of society.
Abdollahi, H. (2013). General and professional characteristics of Iranian secondary school principals. Quarterly Journal of Education, 30(118), 93-115. https://doi.org/20.1001.1.10174133.1393. {In Persian}.
Bazargan, A. (2012). An introduction to qualitative and mixed research methods: common approaches in behavioral sciences. Tehran: Didar. {In Persian}.
Bigdely, M., Keramati, M., & Bazargan, A. (2023). The relationship between education and employment status of psychology and educational sciences alumnus in Tehran University. Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education, 18(3), 111-131. https://journal.irphe.ac.ir/article_702792_en.html?lang=fa {In Persian}.
Burnham, J. (1941). The managerial revolution: What is the happening in the world. Massachusettts: Peter Smith Publisher.
Creswell J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: choosing among five approaches. (Second edition). New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Creswell J. W. (2012). Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. (Fourth edition). Boston: Pearson.
Creswell J. w. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative & mixed method approaches (fourth edition). London: Sage Publications
Culberston, J, A. (1981). Antecedents of the theory movement. Educational administration Quarterly, 17(3), 25-47. https://doi.org/10.2307/1175196
Day, Ch., Sammons, P., Leithwood, Ken., Hopkins, D., Gu, Q., Brown, E. & Ahtaridou, E. (2011). Successful school leadership: Linking with learning and achievement. New York: Mac Graw hill, Open University Press.
English, F.W. (2003). The postmodern challenge to the theory and practice of educational administration. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publishers.
Frankel, J. (2020). Identification (with the aggressor). In Stavrakakis, Y. (Eds). Routledge handbook of psychoanalytic political theory. (199-207). New York & London: Routledgeflamer.
Fromm, E. (2022). Escape from freedom. Washington: Washington Post.
Ghayasvand, F. (2017). Examining the external effectiveness of the field of educational management in Tehran universities. Master's thesis of Alzahra University. {in Persian}.
Greenfield, T. & Ribbins, P. (2005). Greenfield on educational administration. London: Routledge.
Griffiths, D.E. (1983). Evolution in research and theory: A study of prominent researchers. Educational Administration Quarterly, 19(3). 201-221. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161X83019003005
Hallinger, P., Hosseingholizadeh, R., Hashemi, N. and Kouhsari, M. (2017). Do beliefs make a difference? Exploring how principal self-efficacy and instructional leadership impact teacher efficacy and commitment in Iran, Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 46 (5), pp. 800-819. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741143217700283
Hatch, M, J. (2018). Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. (Fourth edition). London: Oxford University Press.
Hoseingholizadeh, R., Ahancian, M. R., Nofersti, A., & Kouhsari, M. (2017). A History of Educational Management Thought with Regards to International Experiences. Journal of Foundations of Education, 6(2), 128-152. https://doi.org/10.22067/fedu.v6i2.60913 {In Persian}.
Hosseingholizadeh, R., Sharif, A. & Taghizadeh Kerman, N. (2021). A systematic review of conceptual models and methodologies in research on school principals in Iran. Journal of Educational Administration, 59 (5), 564-581. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-12-2020-0253
Hyung, P.S. (2001). Epistemological underpinnings of theory development in educational administration. Australian Journal of Education, 45(3), 237-248. https://doi.org/10.1177/000494410104500303
Jun, J, S. (2006). Social construction of public administration: interpretive and critical perspective. New York : State University of New York Press.
Katouzian, H. (1981). The political economy of modern Iran: Despotism and pseudo-modernism, 1926-1979. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Katouzian, H. (2003). Iranian history and politics: State and society in perpetual conflict. London: Routledge Curzon Bips Persian studies series.
Katouzian, H. (2010). The Persians: ancient, medieval, and modern Iran. Yale: Yale University Press.
Mertens, D.M. (2010). Research and Evaluation in Educational and Psychology. Ed (2) California: Sage Publication.
Michels, R. (2001). Political Parties; A scocilogy study of ther Oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy, Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Ontario: Batoche Books Kitchener.
Mokhtarian, F.; & Jahed, H. A. (2013). Explaining educational management as a discipline. Second National Conference on Modern Management Sciences, September 5, Gorgan City, Iran, 1-8. {In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh. (2023). The arbitrary in the educational system: a political and social analysis on educational administration. Semnan: Semnan University publication. { In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh. (2022). The unspoken side of academic textbooks on school management, Journal of School Administration, 10(1), 141-160. https://jsa.uok.ac.ir/article_62200.html {In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh. (2019). Explaining the school management based on scientific metaphor or personal experience? A case study on the management approach of successful school principals. Journal of School Administration, 8(3), 95-126. https://doi.org/ 20.1001.1.25384724.2020. { In Persian}.
Mohammadi, Sh., & Nazarzadeh Zare, M. (2014). Why qualitative research is unpopular in the field of Humanities in Iran: a phenomenological research on experts and key informant's views. Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology, 5(2), 125-131. https://www.proquest.com/docview/1746586986?sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals
Moridi, H. (2012). Ten-year content analysis of educational science journals to check the degree of coordination with the research needs of education and to identify the possible gap between the two. Master thesis of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
Nemati, S & Shirbagi, N. (2022). Representation of the concept of "Educational Leadership" in the published articles of journals in the field of education. Journal of Educational Sciences, 29(1), 221-240. https://doi.org/10.22055/edus.2019.29345.2802 {In Persian}.
Nemati, S., Shirbegi, N., Azizi, N., & Naveh Ebrahim, A. (2020). Representing the Identity of the Educational Administration in Iran with Emphasis on the Articles Published in the Specialized Journals. Journal of Management and Planning In Educational System, 13(1), 225-262. https://doi.org/10.29252/mpes.13.1.225 {In Persian}.
Oplatka, I. (2010). The legacy of educational administration: A historical analysis of an academic field. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Pugh, D. & Hickson, D. (2007). Great writers on the organization. (Third omnibus edition). Ashgate: British Library.
Rahimian, H.,Jahani, F & Nouruzi, M. (2018). The employment status of graduates of the field of educational management of Allameh Tabatabai University. Management in Islamic University, 7 (2), 252-235. https://miu.nahad.ir/article_586.html {In Persian}.
Rastehmoghadam, A. (2019). A Reflection on Teaching Educational Administration in Iran: A Critical Approach. In: Samier, E., ElKaleh, E. (eds) Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim Countries. Educational Leadership Theory. Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6818-9_9
Ribbins, P., & Gunter, H. (2002). Mapping Leadership Studies in Education: Towards a Typology of Knowledge Domains. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 30, 359-385. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263211X020304002
Shirazi, A. (1994). Theories and application of educational management: basics and principles. Mashhad: Academic Jihad. {In Persian}.
Smyth, J. (2005). Critical perspectives on educational leadership. New York: Routledgeflamer.
Tuohy, D., Cooney, A., Dowling, M., Murphy, K., & Sixsmith, J. (2013). An overview of interpretive phenomenology as a research methodology. Nurse Researcher, 20(6), 17-20. https://doi.org/10.7748/nr2013.
Wray, K, B & Bornmann, L. (2015). Philosophy of science viewed through the lens of ‘‘Referenced Publication Years Spectroscopy’’ (RPYS). Scientometrics, 102:1987–1996. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-014-1465-6
Mohammadi, S., & Nazarzadeh Zare, M. (2024). Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, 9(4), 475-511. https://doi.org/10.30828/real.1540392
Mohammadi S, Nazarzadeh Zare M. Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration. REAL. December 2024;9(4):475-511. doi:10.30828/real.1540392
Mohammadi, Shirkoh, and Mohsen Nazarzadeh Zare. “Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration”. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership 9, no. 4 (December 2024): 475-511. https://doi.org/10.30828/real.1540392.
Mohammadi S, Nazarzadeh Zare M (December 1, 2024) Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership 9 4 475–511.
S. Mohammadi and M. Nazarzadeh Zare, “Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration”, REAL, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 475–511, 2024, doi: 10.30828/real.1540392.
Mohammadi, Shirkoh - Nazarzadeh Zare, Mohsen. “Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration”. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership 9/4 (December 2024), 475-511. https://doi.org/10.30828/real.1540392.
Mohammadi S, Nazarzadeh Zare M. Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration. REAL. 2024;9:475–511.
Mohammadi, Shirkoh and Mohsen Nazarzadeh Zare. “Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration”. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, vol. 9, no. 4, 2024, pp. 475-11, doi:10.30828/real.1540392.
Mohammadi S, Nazarzadeh Zare M. Scientific Paradigms in Iran’s Educational Administration: A Critical Exploration. REAL. 2024;9(4):475-511.