Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 270 - 275, 24.10.2023


Objective: The current research examined if there is a variance in the frequency of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency among adults visiting the hospital for medical problems in winter and summer, and whether comorbidities have an impact on this.
Material and Method: A total of 1155 patients (771 women, 384 men, mean age:48±15 years) who were admitted to the outpatient clinics of Istanbul Medeniyet University Goztepe Training and Research Hospital in August and February were tested for 25(OH)D levels for any reason were included. A 25(OH)D level of<20 ng/ml was stated as inadequacte, and 20–29 ng/ml was defined as insufficient. The two groups were examined in contrast in terms of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency and the frequency of comorbidities.
Results: 25(OH)D levels were inferior in the winter compared to the summer (16.1±12.5 ng/ml versus 22.2±15.8 ng/ml, p<0.001). Vitamin D deficiency was detected in 769 (66.6%) patients, and vitamin D insufficiency was detected in 226 (19.6%). Furthermore, 51.9% and 78.6% of patients had vitamin D deficiency (p< 0.001) and 27.3% and 13.1% had vitamin D insufficiency (p<0.001) during summer and winter, respectively. Prevalence rates of diabetes (60.1% and 39.9%, respectively, p=0.04) and hypertension (62.7% and 37.3%, accordingly, p<0.01) were more common in the winter compared to the summer.
Conclusion: The findings of this research show that vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency are well-known health issues in Turkey, and although there has been some improvement, the problem persists even during the sunny seasons.


  • 1. Palacios C, Gonzalez L. Is vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem? J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2014;144 Pt A:138-45 google scholar
  • 2. Gröber U, Reichrath J, Holick MF. Live longer with vitamin D? Nutrients 2015;7(3):1871-80. google scholar
  • 3. LeBlanc ES, Zakher B, Daeges M, Pappas M, Chou R. Screening for vitamin D deficiency: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2015;162(2):109-22. google scholar
  • 4. Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med 2007;357(3):266-81. google scholar
  • 5. Forests KY, Stuhidreher WL. Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US Adults. Nutr Res 2011;31(1):48-54 google scholar
  • 6. Mithal A, Wahl DA, Bonjour JP, Dawson-Hughes B, Eisman JA, El-Hajj Fuleihan G, et al. Global Vitamin DStatus and Determinants of Hypovitaminosis D. Osteoporos Int 2009;20(11):1807-20 google scholar
  • 7. Nanri A, Foo LH, Nakamura K, Hori A, Poudel-Tandukar K, Matsushita Y, et al. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d concentrations and season spesific correlates in Japanese adults. J Epidemiol 2011;21(5):346-53 google scholar
  • 8. Hyppönen E, Power C. Hypovitaminosis D in British adults at age 45y: nationwide cohort study of dietary and lifestyle predictors. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(3):860-8 google scholar
  • 9. SSA. Medula pharmacy system general information and medula pharmacy introduction. Social security agency (sosyal güvenlik kurumu) official web site 2014-2015. Available from: URL: https:// google scholar
  • 10. Çelik S, Çelik M, Takır M. Seasonal variability of Serum 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D levels in the adult population living in Bilecik province: A follow-up study from Turkey. Med Med J 2018;33(4):296-9. google scholar
  • 11. Cinar N, Harmanci A, Yildiz BO, Bayraktar M. Vitamin D status and seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in office workers in Ankara, Turkey. Eur J Intern Med 2014;25(2):197-201. google scholar
  • 12. Uçar F, Taşlıpınar M, Soydaş A, Özcan N. 25-OH vitamin D levels in patients admitted to Ankara Etlik İhtisas Training and Research Hospital. Eur J Basic Med Sci 2012;2(1):12-5. google scholar
  • 13. Heidari B, Mirghassemi MBH. Seaasonal variations in serum vitamin D according to age and sex. Caspian J Internal Med 2012;3(4):535-40 google scholar
  • 14. Burnand B, Sloutskis D, Gianoli F, Cornuz J, Rickenbach M, Paccaud F. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: distribution and determinants in the Swiss population. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;56(3):537-42. google scholar
  • 15. Atli T, Gullu S, Uysal AR, Erdogan G. The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and effects of ultraviolet light on Vitamin D levels in elderly Turkish population. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2005;40(1):53-60. google scholar
  • 16. Mezza T, Muscogiuri G, Sorice GP, Prioletta A, Salomone E, Pontecorvi A, et al. Vitamin D deficiency: a new risk factor for type 2 diabetes? Ann Nutr Metab 2012;61(4):337-48 google scholar
  • 17. Scragg R, Sowers M, Bell C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, ethnicity, and blood pressure in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Am J Hypertens 2007;20(7):713-9. google scholar
  • 18. Bhandari SK, Pashayan S, Liu IL, Rasgon SA, Kujubu DA, Tom TY, et al. 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and hypertension rates. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2011;13(3):170-7. google scholar


Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 270 - 275, 24.10.2023


Amaç: Vitamin D [25(OH)D] eksikliği veya yetersizliğinin mevsimsel değişiklik gösterdiği bildirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada hastaneye başvuran erişkinlerde vitamin D eksikliği veya yetersizliği sıklığının kış ve yaz aylarında farklılık gösterip göstermediği ve komorbid durumlardan etkilenip etkilenmediği araştırıldı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya Ağustos 2014 (yaz grubu) ile Şubat 2015 (kış grubu) aylarında İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi polikliniklerine müracaat eden ve belirli bir sebeple 25(OH)D vitamini seviyelerine bakılan toplam 1155 olgu (771 kadın, 384 erkek, ortalama yaş: 48±15) dahil edildi. Vitamin D eksikliği<20 ng/ml, vitamin D yetersizligi 20-29 ng/ml olarak tanımlandı. Gruplar vitamin D ihtiyacı, yetersizliği ve komorbidite sıklıklarına göre karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: Tüm olgularda ortalama vitamin D düzeyi 18,9±14,4 ng/ml (kadınlarda 18,9±15,5 ng/mL, erkeklerde 18,9±12,1 ng/mL) idi. Vitamin D düzeyleri; kış grubunda yaz grubuna göre daha düşük (16,1±12,5 ng/mL’ye karşılık 22,2±15,8 ng/mL, p<0,001) bulundu. Vitamin D eksikliği 769 hastada (%66,6), vitamin D yetersizliği 226 hastada (%19,6) saptandı. Vitamin D eksikliği %51,9’u yaz aylarında, %78,6’sı kış aylarında (p<0,001), D vitamini yetersizliği % 27,3’ü yaz aylarında ve %13,1’i kış aylarında (p<0,001) idi. Kış grubunda yaz grubuna göre diyabet (sırasıyla %60,1 ve %39,9, p=0,04) ve hipertansiyon sıklığı (sırasıyla %62,7 ve %37.3, p<0,01) yüksekti.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada güneşli yaz aylarında dahi populasyonumuzun yaklaşık yarısında, kış aylarında ise yaklaşık her 4 kişiden 3’ünde vitamin D eksikliği olduğu görülmüştür. Bu bulgular ülkemizde D vitamini eksiklik ve yetersizliğinin yaygın bir sağlık problemi olduğunu, güneşli mevsimlerde bu problemin kısmen azalsa da devam ettiğini göstermiştir.


  • 1. Palacios C, Gonzalez L. Is vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem? J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2014;144 Pt A:138-45 google scholar
  • 2. Gröber U, Reichrath J, Holick MF. Live longer with vitamin D? Nutrients 2015;7(3):1871-80. google scholar
  • 3. LeBlanc ES, Zakher B, Daeges M, Pappas M, Chou R. Screening for vitamin D deficiency: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2015;162(2):109-22. google scholar
  • 4. Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med 2007;357(3):266-81. google scholar
  • 5. Forests KY, Stuhidreher WL. Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US Adults. Nutr Res 2011;31(1):48-54 google scholar
  • 6. Mithal A, Wahl DA, Bonjour JP, Dawson-Hughes B, Eisman JA, El-Hajj Fuleihan G, et al. Global Vitamin DStatus and Determinants of Hypovitaminosis D. Osteoporos Int 2009;20(11):1807-20 google scholar
  • 7. Nanri A, Foo LH, Nakamura K, Hori A, Poudel-Tandukar K, Matsushita Y, et al. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d concentrations and season spesific correlates in Japanese adults. J Epidemiol 2011;21(5):346-53 google scholar
  • 8. Hyppönen E, Power C. Hypovitaminosis D in British adults at age 45y: nationwide cohort study of dietary and lifestyle predictors. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(3):860-8 google scholar
  • 9. SSA. Medula pharmacy system general information and medula pharmacy introduction. Social security agency (sosyal güvenlik kurumu) official web site 2014-2015. Available from: URL: https:// google scholar
  • 10. Çelik S, Çelik M, Takır M. Seasonal variability of Serum 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D levels in the adult population living in Bilecik province: A follow-up study from Turkey. Med Med J 2018;33(4):296-9. google scholar
  • 11. Cinar N, Harmanci A, Yildiz BO, Bayraktar M. Vitamin D status and seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in office workers in Ankara, Turkey. Eur J Intern Med 2014;25(2):197-201. google scholar
  • 12. Uçar F, Taşlıpınar M, Soydaş A, Özcan N. 25-OH vitamin D levels in patients admitted to Ankara Etlik İhtisas Training and Research Hospital. Eur J Basic Med Sci 2012;2(1):12-5. google scholar
  • 13. Heidari B, Mirghassemi MBH. Seaasonal variations in serum vitamin D according to age and sex. Caspian J Internal Med 2012;3(4):535-40 google scholar
  • 14. Burnand B, Sloutskis D, Gianoli F, Cornuz J, Rickenbach M, Paccaud F. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: distribution and determinants in the Swiss population. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;56(3):537-42. google scholar
  • 15. Atli T, Gullu S, Uysal AR, Erdogan G. The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and effects of ultraviolet light on Vitamin D levels in elderly Turkish population. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2005;40(1):53-60. google scholar
  • 16. Mezza T, Muscogiuri G, Sorice GP, Prioletta A, Salomone E, Pontecorvi A, et al. Vitamin D deficiency: a new risk factor for type 2 diabetes? Ann Nutr Metab 2012;61(4):337-48 google scholar
  • 17. Scragg R, Sowers M, Bell C. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, ethnicity, and blood pressure in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Am J Hypertens 2007;20(7):713-9. google scholar
  • 18. Bhandari SK, Pashayan S, Liu IL, Rasgon SA, Kujubu DA, Tom TY, et al. 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and hypertension rates. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2011;13(3):170-7. google scholar
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Erhan Eken 0000-0002-8602-5940

Mehmet Uzunlulu 0000-0001-8754-1069

Osman Köstek 0000-0002-1901-5603

Ferruh İşman 0000-0003-4278-4651

Aytekin Oğuz 0000-0002-2595-5167

Publication Date October 24, 2023
Submission Date May 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


MLA Eken, Erhan et al. “SEASONAL VARIATION OF VITAMIN-D LEVELS IN THE ADULT POPULATION IN ISTANBUL/TURKEY: A POPULATION-BASED STUDY”. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. 3, 2023, pp. 270-5, doi:10.26650/JARHS2023-1293558.