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Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 95 - 99, 13.08.2013



  • Ageel AM, Mossa JS, Al-Yahya MA, Tariq M, Al-Said MS. 1987. Plants used in Saudi Folk Medicine, King Saud University Press, KACST, Riyadh, pp 106.
  • Al-Enazi MM. 2007. Effect of thymoquinone on malformations and oxidative stress-induced diabetic mice. Pak J Biol Sci 10(18):3115-3119.
  • Al-Hader A, Aqel M, Hasan Z. 1993. Hypoglycemic effects of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds. Int J Pharm 31:96-100.
  • Ali BH. 2004. The effect of Nigella sativa oil on gentamicin nephrotoxicity in rats. Am J Chin Med 32(1):49-55.
  • Al-Johar D, Shinwari N, Arif J, Al-Sanea N, Jabbar AA, El-Sayed R, Mashhour A, Billedo G, El-Doush I, Al-Saleh I. 2008. Role of Nigella sativa and a number of its antioxidant constituents towards azoxymethane-induced genotoxic effects and colon cancer in rats. Phytother Res 22(10):1311-1323.
  • Al-Yahya MA. 1986. Phytochemical studies of the plants used in traditional medicine of Saudi Arabia. Fitoterapia 57: 179-182.
  • Badary OA, Gamal El-Din AM. 2001. Inhibitory effects of thymoquinone against 20-methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma tumorigenesis. Cancer Detect Prev 25(4):362-368.
  • Badary OA, Taha RA, Gamal el-Din AM, Abdel-Wahab MH. 2003. Thymoquinone is a potent superoxide anion scavenger. Drug Chem Toxicol 26:87-98.
  • Badary OA. 1999. Thymoquinone attenuates ifosfamide-induced Fanconi syndrome in rats and enhances its antitumor activity in mice. J Ethnopharmacol 67(2):135-142.
  • Bayrak O, Bavbek N, Karatas OF, Bayrak R, Catal F, Cimentepe E, Akbas A, Yildirim E, Unal D, Akcay A. 2008. Nigella sativa protects against ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. Nephrol Dial Transplant 23(7): 2206-2212.
  • Beutler E, Dubon OB, Kelly M. 1963. Improved method for the determination of blood glutathione. J Lab Clin Med 61:882-888.
  • Burits M, Bucar F. 2000. Antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa essential oil. Phytother Res 14:323-328.
  • Cimen B. 2008. Free radical metabolism in human erythrocytes. Clin Chim Acta 390:1-11.
  • Daba M, Abdel Rahman M. 1998. Hepatoprotective activity of thymoquinone in isolated rat hepatocytes. Toxicol Lett, 95: 23-29.
  • Davis PH. 1965. Nigella L., In: Davis P.H. editor. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol.1, Edinburgh Univ. Press: Edinburgh, England. pp 98-105.
  • Ebru U, Burak U, Yusuf S, Reyhan B, Arif K, Faruk TH, Emin M, Aydin K, Atilla II, Semsettin S, Kemal E. 2008. Cardioprotective effects of Nigella sativa oil on cyclosporine A-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 103(6): 574-580.
  • El Shenawy NS, Soliman MFM, Reyad SI. 2008. The effect of antoxidant properties of aqueous garlic extract and Nigella sativa as anti-schistosomiasis agents in mice. Rev Inst Med trop S Paulo 50(1):29-36.
  • El-Abhar HS, Abdallah DM, Saleh S. 2003. Gastroprotective activity of Nigella sativa oil and its constituent, thymoquinone, against gastric mucosal injury induced by ischaemia/reperfusion in rats. J Ethnopharmacol 84:251-258.
  • El-Dakhakhny M, Mady N, Lembert N, Ammon HP. 2002. The hypoglycemic effect of Nigella sativa oil is mediated by extrapancreatic actions. Planta Med 68:465-466.
  • El-Daly ES. 1998. Protective effect of cysteine and vitamin E, Crocus sativus and Nigella sativa extracts on cisplatin-induced toxicity in rats. J Pharm Belg 53:87-93.
  • El-Kadi A, Kandil O. 1987. The black seed (Nigella sativa) and immunity: its effect on human T cell subset. Fed Proc 46: 1222. Elkamali HH, Ahmed AH, Mohamed AS, Yahia AAM, Eltayeb IH,
  • Ali AA. 1998. Antibacterial properties of essential oils from Nigella sativa seeds, Cymbopogon citratus leaves and Pulicaria undulata aerial parts. Fitoterapia 69: 77-78.
  • El-Shabrawy OA, Nada SA. 1996. Biological evaluation of multicomponent tea used as hypoglycemic in rats. Fitoterapia 67:99-102.
  • El-Tahir KEH, Ashour MMS, Al-Harbi M.M. 1993. The respiratory effects of the volatile oil of the black seed (Nigella sativa) in guineapigs: elucidation of the mechanism(s) of action. Gen Pharmacol 24:1115-1122.
  • Gilani AH, Jabeen Q, Khan MAU. 2004. A Review of Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Activities of Nigella sativa. Pakistan J Biol Sci 7:441-451.
  • Guler T, Dalkilic B, Ertas ON, Ciftci M. 2006. The Effect of Dietary Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella Sativa L.) on the Performance of Broilers. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 19: 425-430.
  • Guler T, Ertas ON, Kızıl M, Dalkilic B, Ciftci M. 2007. Effect of dietary supplemental black cumin seeds on antioxidant activity in broilers. Medycyna Wet 63(9):1060-1063.
  • Hanafy MSM, Hatem ME. 1991. Studies on the antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa seed (black cumin). J Ethnopharmacol 34:275-278.
  • Hosseinzadeh H, Parvardeh S, Asl MN, Sadeghnia HR, Ziaee T. 2007. Effect of thymoquinone and Nigella sativa seeds oil on lipid peroxidation level during global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat hippocampus. Phytomedicine14(9):621-627.
  • Houghton PJ, Zarka R, De las Heras B, Hoult JR. 1995. Fixed oil of Nigella sativa and derived thymoquinone inhibit eicosanoid generation in leukocytes and membrane lipid peroxidation. Planta Med 61:33-36.
  • Jain SK, McVie R, Duett J, Herbst JJ. 1989. Erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation and glycolylated hemoglobin in diabetes. Diabetes 38:1539-1543.
  • Kanter M, Coskun O, Korkmaz A, Oter S. 2004. Effects of Nigella sativa on oxidative stress and beta-cell damage in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol 279(1):685-691.
  • Kanter M, Demir H, Karakaya C, Ozbek H. 2005. Gastroprotective activity of Nigella sativa L oil and its constituent, thymoquinone against acute alcohol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. World J Gastroenterol 11(42):6662-6666.
  • Kanter M, Meral I, Dede S, Gunduz H, Cemek M, Ozbek H. 2003b. Effects of Nigella sativa L. and Urtica dioica L. on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme systems and some liver enzymes in CCl4treated rats. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 50:264-268.
  • Kanter M, Meral I, Yener Z, Ozbek H, Demir H. 2003a. Partial regeneration/proliferation of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans by Nigella sativa L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Tohoku J Exp Med 201:213-219.
  • Khan M, Shaila Jabbar TH, Choudhuri MSK, Ghafur MA. 1999. Analgesic and antiinflammatory activity of Nigella sativa Linn. Hamdard Medicus 42:22-29.
  • Khan N, Sultana S. 2005. Inhibition of two stage renal carsinogenesis, oxidative damage and hyperproliferative response by Nigella sativa. European J Cancer Prevent 14:159-168.
  • Khattab MM, Nagi MN. 2007. Thymoquinone supplementation attenuates hypertension and renal damage in nitric oxide deficient hypertensive rats. Phytother Res 21(5):410-414.
  • Kovacic P, Somanathan R. 2008. Unifying mechanism for eye toxicity: electron transfer, reactive oxygen species, antioxidant benefits, cell signaling and cell membranes. Cell Membr Free Radic Res 2:56-69.
  • Mabrouk GM, Moselhy SS, Zohny SF, Ali EM, Helal TE, Amin AA, Khalifa AA. 2002. Inhibition of methylnitrosourea (MNU) induced oxidative stress and carcinogenesis by orally administered bee honey and Nigella grains in Sprague Dawley rats. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 21(3):341-346.
  • Mahfouz M, Dakhakhny M, Gemei A, Moussa H. 1962. Choleretic action of Nigella sativa seed oil. Egyp Pharmacol Bullet 44: 225-229.
  • Mahmoud MR, El-Abhar HS, Saleh S. 2002. The effect of Nigella sativa oil against the liver damage induced by Schistosoma mansoni infection in mice. J Ethnopharmacol 79:1-11.
  • Mansour MA, Ginawi OT, El-Hadiyah T, El-Khatib AS, Al-Shabanah OA, Al-Sawaf HA. 2001. Effects of volatile oil constituents of Nigella sativa on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice: evidence for antioxidant effects of thymoquinone. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol 110(3-4):239-351.
  • Meral I, Yener Z, Kahraman T, Mert N. 2001. Effect of Nigella sativa on glucose concentration, lipid peroxidation, anti-oxidant defence system and liver damage in experimentally-induced diabetic rabbits. J Vet Med A 48:593-599.
  • Nagi MN, Alam K, Badary OA, al-Shabanah OA, al-Sawaf HA, al-Bekairi AM. 1999. Thymoquinone protects against carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in mice via an antioxidant mechanism. Biochem Mol Biol Int 47:153-159.
  • Salomi N, Nair SC, Jayawarahanan KK, Varghese CD. 1992. Antitumor principles from Nigella sativa seeds. Johns Hopkins Al Mag 63:33-36.
  • Sayed-Ahmed MM, Nagi MN. 2007. Thymoquinone supplementation prevents the development of gentamicin-induced acute renal toxicity in rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 34(5-6):399-405.
  • Sogut B, Celik I, Tuluce Y. 2008. The Effects of Diet Supplemented with the Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) upon Immune Potential and Antioxidant Marker Enzymes and Lipid Peroxidation in Broiler Chicks. J Anim Vet Adv 7 (10): 1196-1199.
  • Wu G, Fang YZ, Yang S, Lupton JR, Turner ND. 2004. Glutathione metabolism and its implications for health. J Nutr 134:489-492.
  • Zaoui A, Cherrah Y, Lacaille-Dubois MA, Settaf A, Amarouch H, Hassar M. 2000. Diuretic and hypotensive effects of Nigella sativa in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Therapie 55:379-382.

Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens

Year 2009, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 95 - 99, 13.08.2013


We aimed to determine the effect of Nigella sativa L. on reduced glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (as
malondialdehyde, MDA) in erythrocytes of broiler chickens.
We used 100 Ross 308 chickens and they were equally divided into four groups namely control, 0.5 %, 1 %
and 1.5 % containing Nigella sativa L. The control group received control broiler fattening feed whereas, the
treatments groups were fed by the feed containing 0.5 %, 1 % and 1.5 % grinded Nigella sativa L. seeds for
6 weeks, respectively.
Erythrocyte MDA levels were significantly lower in 0.5 % (p<0.002) and 1 % (p<0.005) of Nigella sativa L.
groups than in control although GSH levels were significantly (p<0.005) higher in 0.5 % and 1 % of Nigella
sativa L. groups. The 1.5 % of Nigella sativa L. did not induce on MDA and GSH levels in the animals.
In conclusion, Nigella sativa L. caused protective effects on the oxidative stress-induced erythrocyte injury by
inhibiting free radical production and regulation of GSH.


  • Ageel AM, Mossa JS, Al-Yahya MA, Tariq M, Al-Said MS. 1987. Plants used in Saudi Folk Medicine, King Saud University Press, KACST, Riyadh, pp 106.
  • Al-Enazi MM. 2007. Effect of thymoquinone on malformations and oxidative stress-induced diabetic mice. Pak J Biol Sci 10(18):3115-3119.
  • Al-Hader A, Aqel M, Hasan Z. 1993. Hypoglycemic effects of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa seeds. Int J Pharm 31:96-100.
  • Ali BH. 2004. The effect of Nigella sativa oil on gentamicin nephrotoxicity in rats. Am J Chin Med 32(1):49-55.
  • Al-Johar D, Shinwari N, Arif J, Al-Sanea N, Jabbar AA, El-Sayed R, Mashhour A, Billedo G, El-Doush I, Al-Saleh I. 2008. Role of Nigella sativa and a number of its antioxidant constituents towards azoxymethane-induced genotoxic effects and colon cancer in rats. Phytother Res 22(10):1311-1323.
  • Al-Yahya MA. 1986. Phytochemical studies of the plants used in traditional medicine of Saudi Arabia. Fitoterapia 57: 179-182.
  • Badary OA, Gamal El-Din AM. 2001. Inhibitory effects of thymoquinone against 20-methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma tumorigenesis. Cancer Detect Prev 25(4):362-368.
  • Badary OA, Taha RA, Gamal el-Din AM, Abdel-Wahab MH. 2003. Thymoquinone is a potent superoxide anion scavenger. Drug Chem Toxicol 26:87-98.
  • Badary OA. 1999. Thymoquinone attenuates ifosfamide-induced Fanconi syndrome in rats and enhances its antitumor activity in mice. J Ethnopharmacol 67(2):135-142.
  • Bayrak O, Bavbek N, Karatas OF, Bayrak R, Catal F, Cimentepe E, Akbas A, Yildirim E, Unal D, Akcay A. 2008. Nigella sativa protects against ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rat kidneys. Nephrol Dial Transplant 23(7): 2206-2212.
  • Beutler E, Dubon OB, Kelly M. 1963. Improved method for the determination of blood glutathione. J Lab Clin Med 61:882-888.
  • Burits M, Bucar F. 2000. Antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa essential oil. Phytother Res 14:323-328.
  • Cimen B. 2008. Free radical metabolism in human erythrocytes. Clin Chim Acta 390:1-11.
  • Daba M, Abdel Rahman M. 1998. Hepatoprotective activity of thymoquinone in isolated rat hepatocytes. Toxicol Lett, 95: 23-29.
  • Davis PH. 1965. Nigella L., In: Davis P.H. editor. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol.1, Edinburgh Univ. Press: Edinburgh, England. pp 98-105.
  • Ebru U, Burak U, Yusuf S, Reyhan B, Arif K, Faruk TH, Emin M, Aydin K, Atilla II, Semsettin S, Kemal E. 2008. Cardioprotective effects of Nigella sativa oil on cyclosporine A-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 103(6): 574-580.
  • El Shenawy NS, Soliman MFM, Reyad SI. 2008. The effect of antoxidant properties of aqueous garlic extract and Nigella sativa as anti-schistosomiasis agents in mice. Rev Inst Med trop S Paulo 50(1):29-36.
  • El-Abhar HS, Abdallah DM, Saleh S. 2003. Gastroprotective activity of Nigella sativa oil and its constituent, thymoquinone, against gastric mucosal injury induced by ischaemia/reperfusion in rats. J Ethnopharmacol 84:251-258.
  • El-Dakhakhny M, Mady N, Lembert N, Ammon HP. 2002. The hypoglycemic effect of Nigella sativa oil is mediated by extrapancreatic actions. Planta Med 68:465-466.
  • El-Daly ES. 1998. Protective effect of cysteine and vitamin E, Crocus sativus and Nigella sativa extracts on cisplatin-induced toxicity in rats. J Pharm Belg 53:87-93.
  • El-Kadi A, Kandil O. 1987. The black seed (Nigella sativa) and immunity: its effect on human T cell subset. Fed Proc 46: 1222. Elkamali HH, Ahmed AH, Mohamed AS, Yahia AAM, Eltayeb IH,
  • Ali AA. 1998. Antibacterial properties of essential oils from Nigella sativa seeds, Cymbopogon citratus leaves and Pulicaria undulata aerial parts. Fitoterapia 69: 77-78.
  • El-Shabrawy OA, Nada SA. 1996. Biological evaluation of multicomponent tea used as hypoglycemic in rats. Fitoterapia 67:99-102.
  • El-Tahir KEH, Ashour MMS, Al-Harbi M.M. 1993. The respiratory effects of the volatile oil of the black seed (Nigella sativa) in guineapigs: elucidation of the mechanism(s) of action. Gen Pharmacol 24:1115-1122.
  • Gilani AH, Jabeen Q, Khan MAU. 2004. A Review of Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Activities of Nigella sativa. Pakistan J Biol Sci 7:441-451.
  • Guler T, Dalkilic B, Ertas ON, Ciftci M. 2006. The Effect of Dietary Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella Sativa L.) on the Performance of Broilers. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 19: 425-430.
  • Guler T, Ertas ON, Kızıl M, Dalkilic B, Ciftci M. 2007. Effect of dietary supplemental black cumin seeds on antioxidant activity in broilers. Medycyna Wet 63(9):1060-1063.
  • Hanafy MSM, Hatem ME. 1991. Studies on the antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa seed (black cumin). J Ethnopharmacol 34:275-278.
  • Hosseinzadeh H, Parvardeh S, Asl MN, Sadeghnia HR, Ziaee T. 2007. Effect of thymoquinone and Nigella sativa seeds oil on lipid peroxidation level during global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat hippocampus. Phytomedicine14(9):621-627.
  • Houghton PJ, Zarka R, De las Heras B, Hoult JR. 1995. Fixed oil of Nigella sativa and derived thymoquinone inhibit eicosanoid generation in leukocytes and membrane lipid peroxidation. Planta Med 61:33-36.
  • Jain SK, McVie R, Duett J, Herbst JJ. 1989. Erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation and glycolylated hemoglobin in diabetes. Diabetes 38:1539-1543.
  • Kanter M, Coskun O, Korkmaz A, Oter S. 2004. Effects of Nigella sativa on oxidative stress and beta-cell damage in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol 279(1):685-691.
  • Kanter M, Demir H, Karakaya C, Ozbek H. 2005. Gastroprotective activity of Nigella sativa L oil and its constituent, thymoquinone against acute alcohol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. World J Gastroenterol 11(42):6662-6666.
  • Kanter M, Meral I, Dede S, Gunduz H, Cemek M, Ozbek H. 2003b. Effects of Nigella sativa L. and Urtica dioica L. on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme systems and some liver enzymes in CCl4treated rats. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 50:264-268.
  • Kanter M, Meral I, Yener Z, Ozbek H, Demir H. 2003a. Partial regeneration/proliferation of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans by Nigella sativa L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Tohoku J Exp Med 201:213-219.
  • Khan M, Shaila Jabbar TH, Choudhuri MSK, Ghafur MA. 1999. Analgesic and antiinflammatory activity of Nigella sativa Linn. Hamdard Medicus 42:22-29.
  • Khan N, Sultana S. 2005. Inhibition of two stage renal carsinogenesis, oxidative damage and hyperproliferative response by Nigella sativa. European J Cancer Prevent 14:159-168.
  • Khattab MM, Nagi MN. 2007. Thymoquinone supplementation attenuates hypertension and renal damage in nitric oxide deficient hypertensive rats. Phytother Res 21(5):410-414.
  • Kovacic P, Somanathan R. 2008. Unifying mechanism for eye toxicity: electron transfer, reactive oxygen species, antioxidant benefits, cell signaling and cell membranes. Cell Membr Free Radic Res 2:56-69.
  • Mabrouk GM, Moselhy SS, Zohny SF, Ali EM, Helal TE, Amin AA, Khalifa AA. 2002. Inhibition of methylnitrosourea (MNU) induced oxidative stress and carcinogenesis by orally administered bee honey and Nigella grains in Sprague Dawley rats. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 21(3):341-346.
  • Mahfouz M, Dakhakhny M, Gemei A, Moussa H. 1962. Choleretic action of Nigella sativa seed oil. Egyp Pharmacol Bullet 44: 225-229.
  • Mahmoud MR, El-Abhar HS, Saleh S. 2002. The effect of Nigella sativa oil against the liver damage induced by Schistosoma mansoni infection in mice. J Ethnopharmacol 79:1-11.
  • Mansour MA, Ginawi OT, El-Hadiyah T, El-Khatib AS, Al-Shabanah OA, Al-Sawaf HA. 2001. Effects of volatile oil constituents of Nigella sativa on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice: evidence for antioxidant effects of thymoquinone. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol 110(3-4):239-351.
  • Meral I, Yener Z, Kahraman T, Mert N. 2001. Effect of Nigella sativa on glucose concentration, lipid peroxidation, anti-oxidant defence system and liver damage in experimentally-induced diabetic rabbits. J Vet Med A 48:593-599.
  • Nagi MN, Alam K, Badary OA, al-Shabanah OA, al-Sawaf HA, al-Bekairi AM. 1999. Thymoquinone protects against carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity in mice via an antioxidant mechanism. Biochem Mol Biol Int 47:153-159.
  • Salomi N, Nair SC, Jayawarahanan KK, Varghese CD. 1992. Antitumor principles from Nigella sativa seeds. Johns Hopkins Al Mag 63:33-36.
  • Sayed-Ahmed MM, Nagi MN. 2007. Thymoquinone supplementation prevents the development of gentamicin-induced acute renal toxicity in rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 34(5-6):399-405.
  • Sogut B, Celik I, Tuluce Y. 2008. The Effects of Diet Supplemented with the Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) upon Immune Potential and Antioxidant Marker Enzymes and Lipid Peroxidation in Broiler Chicks. J Anim Vet Adv 7 (10): 1196-1199.
  • Wu G, Fang YZ, Yang S, Lupton JR, Turner ND. 2004. Glutathione metabolism and its implications for health. J Nutr 134:489-492.
  • Zaoui A, Cherrah Y, Lacaille-Dubois MA, Settaf A, Amarouch H, Hassar M. 2000. Diuretic and hypotensive effects of Nigella sativa in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Therapie 55:379-382.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Original Articles

Yasin Tuluce This is me

Halil Ozkol This is me

Bunyamin Sogut This is me

Ismail Celik This is me

Publication Date August 13, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Tuluce, Y., Ozkol, H., Sogut, B., Celik, I. (2013). Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research, 1(3), 95-99.
AMA Tuluce Y, Ozkol H, Sogut B, Celik I. Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research. August 2013;1(3):95-99.
Chicago Tuluce, Yasin, Halil Ozkol, Bunyamin Sogut, and Ismail Celik. “Effects of Nigella Sativa L. On Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens”. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research 1, no. 3 (August 2013): 95-99.
EndNote Tuluce Y, Ozkol H, Sogut B, Celik I (August 1, 2013) Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research 1 3 95–99.
IEEE Y. Tuluce, H. Ozkol, B. Sogut, and I. Celik, “Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens”, Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 95–99, 2013.
ISNAD Tuluce, Yasin et al. “Effects of Nigella Sativa L. On Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens”. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research 1/3 (August 2013), 95-99.
JAMA Tuluce Y, Ozkol H, Sogut B, Celik I. Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research. 2013;1:95–99.
MLA Tuluce, Yasin et al. “Effects of Nigella Sativa L. On Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens”. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research, vol. 1, no. 3, 2013, pp. 95-99.
Vancouver Tuluce Y, Ozkol H, Sogut B, Celik I. Effects of Nigella sativa L. on Lipid Peroxidation and Reduced Glutathione Levels in Erythrocytes of Broiler Chickens. Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research. 2013;1(3):95-9.