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Year 2008, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 162 - 173, 01.12.2008


Bu çalışmada tuz stresi altında çimlendirilen arpa tohumlarının (Hordeum vulgare L.
var. Bülbül 89) mitotik indeks ve kromozom anormallikleri üzerine gibberellik asit (GA3),
kinetin (Kin), benziladenin (BA), 24-epibrassinolid (EBR), etilen (E) ve poliamilerin
(kadaverin-Kad, putressin-Put, spermidin-Spd, spemin-Spm) ikili, üçlü ve dörtlü
kombinasyonlarının etkileri araştırılmıştır. Tuz konsantrasyonunun artışına paralel olarak
mitotik aktivite önemli ölçüde azalmış ve kromozom anormallik yüzdesi artmıştır. Çalışılan
büyüme düzenleyicisi kombinasyonlarının büyük bir çoğunluğu yüksek tuz
konsantrasyonlarında mitotik aktivitesi üzerinde olumlu bir etki göstermiştir. Ayrıca bu
büyüme düzenleyicilerinin büyük bir çoğunluğu tüm tuz seviyelerinde kromozom anormallik
yüzdesi üzerindeki olumsuz etkiyi önemli ölçüde hafifletmiştir. Sonuç olarak, söz konusu
bitki büyüme düzenleyicisi kombinasyonlarının arpa tohumlarının mitotik indeks ve
kromozom anormallikleri üzerinde farklı derecelerde etkili oldukları ve bu farkın istatistiksel
açıdan önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • AL-KARAKI GN, 2001. Germination, sodium and potassium concentration of barley seeds as influenced by salinity. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 24, 511-522.
  • ANURADHA S, RAO SSR, 2001. Effect of brassinosteroids on salinity stress induced inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Growth Regulation, 33 (2), 151-153.
  • ASHRAF MY, SARWAR G, ASHRAF M, AFAF R, SATTAR A, 2002. Salinity induced changes in a-amylase activity during germination and early cotton seedling growth. Biologia Plantarum, 45 (4), 589-591.
  • BARLOW PW, 1976. Towards an understanding of the behavior of root meristems. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 57, 433-451.
  • BESNARD-WIBANT C, NOIN M, ZEEVAART JAD, 1983. Mitotic activities and levels of nuclear DNA in the apical meristem of Silene armeria (strain SI.2) following application of gibberellin A3. Plant and Cell Physiology, 24, 1269-1279.
  • BOZCUK S, 1978. Domates (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), arpa (Hordeum vulgare L.) ve pamuk (Gossypium hirsitum L.) bitkilerinin büyüme ve gelişmesinde tuz-kinetin etkileşimi üzerinde araştırmalar, Doçentlik tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi.
  • BRAUN JW, KHAN AA, 1976. Alleviation of salinity and high temperature stress by plant growth regulators permeated into lettuce seeds via acetone. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 101, 716-721.
  • CLOUSE SD, ZUREK D, 1991. Molecular analysis of brassinolide action in plant growth and development. Acs-Symposium Series American Chemical Society, 474, 122-140.
  • COSTA G, BAGNI N, 1983. Effects of polyamines on fruit-set of apple. Hortscience, 18 (1), 59-61.
  • DASH M, PANDA, SK, 2001. Salt stress induced changes in growth and enzyme activities in germinating Phaseolus muingo seeds. Biologia Plantarum, 44, 587-589.
  • DE AGAZIO M, FEDERICO R, ANGELINI R, DE CESARE F, GREGO S, 1992. Spermidine pretreatment or root tip removal in maize seedlings: effect on K+ uptake and tissues modifications. Journal of Plant Physiology, 140, 741-746.
  • ELÇİ Ş, 1982. Sitogenetikte Gözlemler ve Araştırma Yöntemleri. Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, 3, 37-85. Elazığ.
  • EL-MASHAD AA, KAMEL EA, 2001. Amelioration of NaCl stress in Pisum sativum. Indian Journal Experimental Biology, 39(5), 469-475.
  • FOX DP, 1969. Some characteristic of the cold hydrolysis technique for staining plant tissues by the feulgen reaction. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 17, 266.
  • GATTA L, MARHITELLI C, FEDERICO R, 1992. Effect of polyamines and their oxydative product on maize and lentil root growth. Annals of Botany, 50, 43-48.
  • GILL KS, SINGH OS, 1985. Effect of salinity on carbohydrate metabolism during paddy (Oryza sativa) seed germination under salt stress condition. Journal of Experimental Biology, 23, 384-386.
  • HOWELL WM, KELLER III GE, KIRKPATRICK JD, JENKINS RL, HUNSINGER RN, MCLAUGHLIN EW, 2007. Effects of the plant steroidal hormone, 24- epibrassinolide, on the mitotic index and growth of onion (Allium cepa) root tips. Genetics Molecular Research, 6 (1), 50-58.
  • HU Y, BAO F, Lİ J, 2000. Promotive effect of brassinosteroids on cell division involves a distinct CycD3-induction pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 24, 693-701.
  • HUANG CX, VAN STEVENINCK RFM, 1988. Effect of moderate salinity on patterns of potassium, sodium and chloride accumulation in cells near the root tip of barley: role of differentiating metaxylem vessels. Physiologia Plantarum, 73, 525-533.
  • HUANG CX, VAN STEVENINCK RFM, 1990. Salinity induced structural changes in meristematic cells of barley roots. New Phytologist, 115, 17-22.
  • İSMAİLOĞLU I, ÜNAL M, PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, 2004. Effects of spermidine, spermine and cyclohexylamine on mitotic activity of 2X, 4X and 6X wheats. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 3, 83-88.
  • KABAR K, 1987. Alleviation of salinity stress by plant growth regulators on seed germination, Journal of Plant Physiology, 128, 179-183.
  • KABAR K, 1989. Interactions among salt (NaCI), kinetin and gibberellic acid in the germination of Lettuce seeds. Doğa Turkish Journal of Botany, 13, 296-300.
  • KABAR K, BALTEPE Ş, 1987. Alleviation of Salinity Stress on Germination of Barley Seeds by Plant Growth Regulators. Doğa Turkish Journal of Biology, 11, 108-117.
  • KATSUHARA M, KAWASAKI T, 1996. Salt stress induced nuclear and DNA degradation in meristematic cells of barley roots. Plant and Cell Physiology, 37, 169-173.
  • KHAN AA, 1971. Cytokinin: Permissive role in seed germination. Science, 171, 853-859.
  • KHAN AA, 1978. Incorporation of bioactive chemicals into seeds to alleviate. environmental stres. Acta Horticulturae, 83, 225-234.
  • KHAN MA, 1991. Studies on germination of Cressa cretica. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research, 4, 89-98.
  • KHAN MA, WEBER DJ, 1986. Factors influencing seed germination in Salicornia pacifica var. Utahensis, American Journal of Botany, 73, 1163-1167.
  • LIU PBW, LOY, JB, 1976. Action of gibberellic acid on cell proliferation in the subapical shoot meristem of watermelon seedlings. American Journal of Botany, 63 (5), 700- 704.
  • LUTSENKO EK, MARUSHKOEA, KONONENKO NV, LEONOVA TG, 2005. Effects of fusicoccin on the early stages of sorghum growth at high NaCl concentrations. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 52, 332-337.
  • MIRZA JI, BAGNI N, 1991. Effects of exogenous polyamines and difluoromethylornithine on seed germination and root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation, 10, 163-168.
  • MIYAZAWA Y, NAKAJIMA N, ABE T, SAKAI A, 2003. Activation of cell proliferation by brassinolide application in tobacco BY-2 cells: effects of brassinolide on cell multiplication, cell-cycle-related gene expression, and organellar DNA contents. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54, 2669-2678.
  • MUTLU F, BOZCUK S, 2000. Tuzlu koşullarda ayçiçeği tohumların çimlenmesi ve erken büyüme üzerine dışsal spermin’in etkileri. Turkish Journal of Biology, 24, 635-643.
  • NIEMAN RH, 1965. Expansion of bean leaves and its suppression by salinity. Plant Physiology, 40, 156-161.
  • OH MH, CLOUSE SD, 1998. Brassinosteroid affects the rate of cell division in isolated leaf protoplasts of Petunia hybrida. Plant Cell Reports, 17, 921-924.
  • PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, 1987. Polyamine metabolism in the root of Phaseolus vulgaris interaction of the inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis with putrescine in growth and polyamine biosynthesis. Plant Cell Physiology, 28, 565-572.
  • PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, ZEHİR Z, SAĞLAM S, 1990. Inhibition of alpha-amylase release from germinating wheat embryos by abcisic acid cyclohexylammonium, polyamines and ethylene. In: FLORES HE. ARTECA RN. SHANNON JC. (Eds.) Biochemistry, Physiology and Interactions. American Society of Plant Physiologist, 353-357.
  • PALMER MV, GUNNING BES, 1984. Cytokinin-induced mitosis in cultured explants of Helianthus tuberosus L. tuber tissue. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 11, 1-6.
  • PRAKASH L, PRATHAPASENAN G, 1988. Effect of NaCl salinity and putrescine on shoot growth, tissue ion concentration and yield of rice. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 160, 325-334.
  • PRAKASH L, PRATHAPASENAN G, 1990. Interactive effect of. NaCl salinity and gibberellic acid and gibberellin like substances and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. G.R.3). Proceedings of the Indian Academy Science, 100, 173-181.
  • RAO VS, SANKHLA N, KHAN AA, 1975. Additive ergistic effects of kinetin and ethrel on germination, thermodormancy and polyribosome formation in lettuce seeds. Plant Physiologia, 56, 263-266.
  • ROST S, FRANK C, BECK E, 1996. The chloroplast envelope is permeable for maltose but not for maltodextrins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1291, 221-227.
  • SALA C, SALA F, 1985. Effect of brassinosteroid on cell division and enlargement in culture carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. Plant Cell Reports, 4, 144-147.
  • SALISBURY FB, ROSS CW, 1992. Plant Physiology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 682.
  • SCHMIDHALTER U, OERTLI JJ, 1991. Germination and seedling growth of carrots under salinity and moisture stres. Plant and Soil, 132, 243-251.
  • SHEORAN IS, 1980. Changes in amylase during germination and early seedling growth of mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Eilczek) under different salts. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23, 169-173.
  • SMITH TA, BEST GR, 1977. Polyamines in barley seedlings. Phytochemistry, 16, 814-843.
  • TAJBAKHSH M, ZHOU MX, CHEN ZH, MENDHAM NJ, 2006. Physiological and cytological response of salt-tolerant and non-tolerant barley to salinity during germination and early growth. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46 (4), 555-562.
  • TAL M, 1977. Physiology of polyploid plants: DNA, RNA, protein and abscisic acid in autotetraploid and diploid tomato under low and high salinity. Botanical Gazette, 138.
  • TOMASZEWSKA-SOWA M, DROZDOWSKA L, SZOTA M, 2002. Effect of cytokinins on in vitro morphogenesis and ploidy of pepper Capsicum annuum L. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, Agronomy, 5, Issue 1.
  • UNGAR IA, BINET P, 1975. Factors influencing seed dormancy in Spergularia media (L.) C. Presl. Aquatic Botany, 1, 45-55.
  • ÜNAL M., PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, TÜFEKÇİ MA, 2002. Role of putrescine and its biosynthetic inhibitor on seed germination root elongation and mitosis in Hordeum vulgare L. Bulletin Pure and Applied Science Section B-Botany, 21, 33-38.
  • VAN-DERZANDEN AM, 1999. Oregon State University Extension Service, Master Gardener Handbook, Chapter 1, Botany Basics, İnternet Sitesi: Erişim 04.05.2006. Tarihi:
  • YÜREKLİ F, TÜRKAN I, PORGALI ZB, TOPÇUOĞLU F, 2001. Indoleacetic acid, giberellic acid, zeatin and abscisic acid levels in NaCl-treated tomato species differing in salt tolerance. Israel Journal of Plant Science, 49 (4), 269-277.
  • YÜREKLİ F, PORGALI ZB, TÜRKAN I, 2004. Variations in abscisic acid, indole-3acetic acid, gibberellic acid and zeatin concentrations in two bean species subjected to salt stress. Acta Biologia Cracovensia Series Botanica, 46, 201-212.
  • ZHU JK, 2001. Over expession of a delta-pyroline-5-carboxylate synthetase gene and analysis of tolerance to water and salt stres in transgenic rice. Trends in Plant Science, 6, 66-72.
Year 2008, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 162 - 173, 01.12.2008



  • AL-KARAKI GN, 2001. Germination, sodium and potassium concentration of barley seeds as influenced by salinity. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 24, 511-522.
  • ANURADHA S, RAO SSR, 2001. Effect of brassinosteroids on salinity stress induced inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Growth Regulation, 33 (2), 151-153.
  • ASHRAF MY, SARWAR G, ASHRAF M, AFAF R, SATTAR A, 2002. Salinity induced changes in a-amylase activity during germination and early cotton seedling growth. Biologia Plantarum, 45 (4), 589-591.
  • BARLOW PW, 1976. Towards an understanding of the behavior of root meristems. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 57, 433-451.
  • BESNARD-WIBANT C, NOIN M, ZEEVAART JAD, 1983. Mitotic activities and levels of nuclear DNA in the apical meristem of Silene armeria (strain SI.2) following application of gibberellin A3. Plant and Cell Physiology, 24, 1269-1279.
  • BOZCUK S, 1978. Domates (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), arpa (Hordeum vulgare L.) ve pamuk (Gossypium hirsitum L.) bitkilerinin büyüme ve gelişmesinde tuz-kinetin etkileşimi üzerinde araştırmalar, Doçentlik tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi.
  • BRAUN JW, KHAN AA, 1976. Alleviation of salinity and high temperature stress by plant growth regulators permeated into lettuce seeds via acetone. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 101, 716-721.
  • CLOUSE SD, ZUREK D, 1991. Molecular analysis of brassinolide action in plant growth and development. Acs-Symposium Series American Chemical Society, 474, 122-140.
  • COSTA G, BAGNI N, 1983. Effects of polyamines on fruit-set of apple. Hortscience, 18 (1), 59-61.
  • DASH M, PANDA, SK, 2001. Salt stress induced changes in growth and enzyme activities in germinating Phaseolus muingo seeds. Biologia Plantarum, 44, 587-589.
  • DE AGAZIO M, FEDERICO R, ANGELINI R, DE CESARE F, GREGO S, 1992. Spermidine pretreatment or root tip removal in maize seedlings: effect on K+ uptake and tissues modifications. Journal of Plant Physiology, 140, 741-746.
  • ELÇİ Ş, 1982. Sitogenetikte Gözlemler ve Araştırma Yöntemleri. Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, 3, 37-85. Elazığ.
  • EL-MASHAD AA, KAMEL EA, 2001. Amelioration of NaCl stress in Pisum sativum. Indian Journal Experimental Biology, 39(5), 469-475.
  • FOX DP, 1969. Some characteristic of the cold hydrolysis technique for staining plant tissues by the feulgen reaction. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 17, 266.
  • GATTA L, MARHITELLI C, FEDERICO R, 1992. Effect of polyamines and their oxydative product on maize and lentil root growth. Annals of Botany, 50, 43-48.
  • GILL KS, SINGH OS, 1985. Effect of salinity on carbohydrate metabolism during paddy (Oryza sativa) seed germination under salt stress condition. Journal of Experimental Biology, 23, 384-386.
  • HOWELL WM, KELLER III GE, KIRKPATRICK JD, JENKINS RL, HUNSINGER RN, MCLAUGHLIN EW, 2007. Effects of the plant steroidal hormone, 24- epibrassinolide, on the mitotic index and growth of onion (Allium cepa) root tips. Genetics Molecular Research, 6 (1), 50-58.
  • HU Y, BAO F, Lİ J, 2000. Promotive effect of brassinosteroids on cell division involves a distinct CycD3-induction pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 24, 693-701.
  • HUANG CX, VAN STEVENINCK RFM, 1988. Effect of moderate salinity on patterns of potassium, sodium and chloride accumulation in cells near the root tip of barley: role of differentiating metaxylem vessels. Physiologia Plantarum, 73, 525-533.
  • HUANG CX, VAN STEVENINCK RFM, 1990. Salinity induced structural changes in meristematic cells of barley roots. New Phytologist, 115, 17-22.
  • İSMAİLOĞLU I, ÜNAL M, PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, 2004. Effects of spermidine, spermine and cyclohexylamine on mitotic activity of 2X, 4X and 6X wheats. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 3, 83-88.
  • KABAR K, 1987. Alleviation of salinity stress by plant growth regulators on seed germination, Journal of Plant Physiology, 128, 179-183.
  • KABAR K, 1989. Interactions among salt (NaCI), kinetin and gibberellic acid in the germination of Lettuce seeds. Doğa Turkish Journal of Botany, 13, 296-300.
  • KABAR K, BALTEPE Ş, 1987. Alleviation of Salinity Stress on Germination of Barley Seeds by Plant Growth Regulators. Doğa Turkish Journal of Biology, 11, 108-117.
  • KATSUHARA M, KAWASAKI T, 1996. Salt stress induced nuclear and DNA degradation in meristematic cells of barley roots. Plant and Cell Physiology, 37, 169-173.
  • KHAN AA, 1971. Cytokinin: Permissive role in seed germination. Science, 171, 853-859.
  • KHAN AA, 1978. Incorporation of bioactive chemicals into seeds to alleviate. environmental stres. Acta Horticulturae, 83, 225-234.
  • KHAN MA, 1991. Studies on germination of Cressa cretica. Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research, 4, 89-98.
  • KHAN MA, WEBER DJ, 1986. Factors influencing seed germination in Salicornia pacifica var. Utahensis, American Journal of Botany, 73, 1163-1167.
  • LIU PBW, LOY, JB, 1976. Action of gibberellic acid on cell proliferation in the subapical shoot meristem of watermelon seedlings. American Journal of Botany, 63 (5), 700- 704.
  • LUTSENKO EK, MARUSHKOEA, KONONENKO NV, LEONOVA TG, 2005. Effects of fusicoccin on the early stages of sorghum growth at high NaCl concentrations. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 52, 332-337.
  • MIRZA JI, BAGNI N, 1991. Effects of exogenous polyamines and difluoromethylornithine on seed germination and root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation, 10, 163-168.
  • MIYAZAWA Y, NAKAJIMA N, ABE T, SAKAI A, 2003. Activation of cell proliferation by brassinolide application in tobacco BY-2 cells: effects of brassinolide on cell multiplication, cell-cycle-related gene expression, and organellar DNA contents. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54, 2669-2678.
  • MUTLU F, BOZCUK S, 2000. Tuzlu koşullarda ayçiçeği tohumların çimlenmesi ve erken büyüme üzerine dışsal spermin’in etkileri. Turkish Journal of Biology, 24, 635-643.
  • NIEMAN RH, 1965. Expansion of bean leaves and its suppression by salinity. Plant Physiology, 40, 156-161.
  • OH MH, CLOUSE SD, 1998. Brassinosteroid affects the rate of cell division in isolated leaf protoplasts of Petunia hybrida. Plant Cell Reports, 17, 921-924.
  • PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, 1987. Polyamine metabolism in the root of Phaseolus vulgaris interaction of the inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis with putrescine in growth and polyamine biosynthesis. Plant Cell Physiology, 28, 565-572.
  • PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, ZEHİR Z, SAĞLAM S, 1990. Inhibition of alpha-amylase release from germinating wheat embryos by abcisic acid cyclohexylammonium, polyamines and ethylene. In: FLORES HE. ARTECA RN. SHANNON JC. (Eds.) Biochemistry, Physiology and Interactions. American Society of Plant Physiologist, 353-357.
  • PALMER MV, GUNNING BES, 1984. Cytokinin-induced mitosis in cultured explants of Helianthus tuberosus L. tuber tissue. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 11, 1-6.
  • PRAKASH L, PRATHAPASENAN G, 1988. Effect of NaCl salinity and putrescine on shoot growth, tissue ion concentration and yield of rice. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 160, 325-334.
  • PRAKASH L, PRATHAPASENAN G, 1990. Interactive effect of. NaCl salinity and gibberellic acid and gibberellin like substances and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. G.R.3). Proceedings of the Indian Academy Science, 100, 173-181.
  • RAO VS, SANKHLA N, KHAN AA, 1975. Additive ergistic effects of kinetin and ethrel on germination, thermodormancy and polyribosome formation in lettuce seeds. Plant Physiologia, 56, 263-266.
  • ROST S, FRANK C, BECK E, 1996. The chloroplast envelope is permeable for maltose but not for maltodextrins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1291, 221-227.
  • SALA C, SALA F, 1985. Effect of brassinosteroid on cell division and enlargement in culture carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells. Plant Cell Reports, 4, 144-147.
  • SALISBURY FB, ROSS CW, 1992. Plant Physiology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 682.
  • SCHMIDHALTER U, OERTLI JJ, 1991. Germination and seedling growth of carrots under salinity and moisture stres. Plant and Soil, 132, 243-251.
  • SHEORAN IS, 1980. Changes in amylase during germination and early seedling growth of mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Eilczek) under different salts. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 23, 169-173.
  • SMITH TA, BEST GR, 1977. Polyamines in barley seedlings. Phytochemistry, 16, 814-843.
  • TAJBAKHSH M, ZHOU MX, CHEN ZH, MENDHAM NJ, 2006. Physiological and cytological response of salt-tolerant and non-tolerant barley to salinity during germination and early growth. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 46 (4), 555-562.
  • TAL M, 1977. Physiology of polyploid plants: DNA, RNA, protein and abscisic acid in autotetraploid and diploid tomato under low and high salinity. Botanical Gazette, 138.
  • TOMASZEWSKA-SOWA M, DROZDOWSKA L, SZOTA M, 2002. Effect of cytokinins on in vitro morphogenesis and ploidy of pepper Capsicum annuum L. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, Agronomy, 5, Issue 1.
  • UNGAR IA, BINET P, 1975. Factors influencing seed dormancy in Spergularia media (L.) C. Presl. Aquatic Botany, 1, 45-55.
  • ÜNAL M., PALAVAN-ÜNSAL N, TÜFEKÇİ MA, 2002. Role of putrescine and its biosynthetic inhibitor on seed germination root elongation and mitosis in Hordeum vulgare L. Bulletin Pure and Applied Science Section B-Botany, 21, 33-38.
  • VAN-DERZANDEN AM, 1999. Oregon State University Extension Service, Master Gardener Handbook, Chapter 1, Botany Basics, İnternet Sitesi: Erişim 04.05.2006. Tarihi:
  • YÜREKLİ F, TÜRKAN I, PORGALI ZB, TOPÇUOĞLU F, 2001. Indoleacetic acid, giberellic acid, zeatin and abscisic acid levels in NaCl-treated tomato species differing in salt tolerance. Israel Journal of Plant Science, 49 (4), 269-277.
  • YÜREKLİ F, PORGALI ZB, TÜRKAN I, 2004. Variations in abscisic acid, indole-3acetic acid, gibberellic acid and zeatin concentrations in two bean species subjected to salt stress. Acta Biologia Cracovensia Series Botanica, 46, 201-212.
  • ZHU JK, 2001. Over expession of a delta-pyroline-5-carboxylate synthetase gene and analysis of tolerance to water and salt stres in transgenic rice. Trends in Plant Science, 6, 66-72.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Kıymet Demir This is me

Selma Tabur

Publication Date December 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


IEEE K. Demir and S. Tabur, “TUZ STRESİ (NaCl) ALTINDA ÇİMLENDİRİLEN ARPA TOHUMLARININ MİTOTİK İNDEKS VE KROMOZOM ANORMALLİKLERİ ÜZERİNE BAZI BİTKİ BÜYÜME DÜZENLEYİCİSİ KOMBİNASYONLARININ ETKİLERİ”, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Science Journal of Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 162–173, 2008, doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.134652.