Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 12 - 23, 07.07.2024



  • REFERENCES Baudry, V., Babarit, A & Clement, A. H. (2019). An overview of analytical, numerical and experimental methods for modelling oscillating water columns. EWTEC, 2013, Aalborg, Denmark. hal-01158853f.
  • Budal, K. (1977). Theory for Absorption of Wave Power by a System of Interacting Bodies. Journal of Ship Research, 21(04), 248–254.
  • Doyle, S., & Aggidis, G. A. (2021). Experimental investigation and performance comparison of a 1 single OWC, array and M-OWC. Renewable Energy, 168, 365–374.
  • Drew, B., Plummer, A. R., & Sahinkaya, M. N. (2009). A review of wave energy converter technology. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part a: Journal of Power and Energy, 223(8), 887– 902.
  • Evans, D. V. (1978). The Oscillating Water Column Wave- energy Device. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 22(4), 423–433.
  • Evans, D. V. (1979). Some theoretical aspects of three- dimensional wave-energy absorbers. Proceeding of the 1st Symposium On Wave Energy Utilization.
  • Evans, D. V. (1982). Wave-power absorption by systems of oscillating surface pressure distributions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 114(1), Article 481.
  • Falcão, A. F. (2002). Wave-power absorption by a periodic linear array of oscillating water columns. Ocean Engineering, 29(10), 1163–1186.
  • Falcão, A. F. d. O. (2010). Wave energy utilization: A review of the technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(3), 899–918.
  • Falcão, A. F., & Henriques, J. C. (2016). Oscillating-water- column wave energy converters and air turbines: A review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1391–1424.
  • Falnes, J. (2007). A review of wave-energy extraction. Marine Structures, 20(4), 185–201.
  • Hirt, C., & Nichols, B. (1981). Volume of fluid (VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries. Journal of Computational Physics, 39(1), 201–225.
  • Iturrioz, A., Guanche, R., Armesto, J. A., Alves, M. A., Vidal, C., & Losada, I. J. (2014). Time-domain modeling of a fixed detached oscillating water column towards a floating multi-chamber device. Ocean Engineering, 76, 65–74.
  • Iturrioz, A., Guanche, R., Lara, J. L., Vidal, C., & Losada, I. J. (2015). Validation of OpenFOAM® for Oscillating Water Column three-dimensional modeling. Ocean Engineering, 107, 222–236.
  • Konispoliatis, D. N., & Mavrakos, S. A. (2016). Hydrodynamic analysis of an array of interacting free-floating oscillating water column (OWC's) devices. Ocean Engineering, 111, 179–197.
  • López, I., Andreu, J., Ceballos, S., Martínez de Alegría, I., & Kortabarria, I. (2013). Review of wave energy technologies and the necessary power-equipment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 27, 413–434.
  • Malmo, O., & Reitan, A. (1985). Wave-power absorption by an oscillating water column in a channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 158, 153–175.
  • Manimaran, R. (2024). Numerical analysis and performance assessment of trapezoidal oscillating water columns. Ships and Offshore Structures, 19(3), 392–408.
  • Morris-Thomas, M. T., Irvin, R. J., & Thiagarajan, K. P. (2007). An Investigation Into the Hydrodynamic Efficiency of an Oscillating Water Column. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 129(4), 273–278.
  • Nader, J.-R., Zhu, S.-P., Cooper, P., & Stappenbelt, B. (2012). A finite-element study of the efficiency of arrays of oscillating water column wave energy converters. Ocean Engineering, 43, 72–81.
  • Newman, J. N. (1974). Interaction of water waves with two closely spaced vertical obstacles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 66(1), 97–106.
  • Ning, D.-Z., Shi, J., Zou, Q.-P., & Teng, B. (2015). Investigation of hydrodynamic performance of an OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device using a fully nonlinear HOBEM (higher- order boundary element method). Energy, 83, 177– 188.
  • O’Boyle, L., Elsäßer, B., & Whittaker, T. (2017). Experimental measurement of wave field variations around wave energy converter arrays. Sustainability, 9(1), Article 70.
  • Qiao, D., Haider, R., Yan, J., Ning, D., & Li, B. (2020). Review of Wave Energy Converter and Design of Mooring System. Sustainability, 12(19), Article 8251.
  • Ross, D. (1995). Power from sea waves. Oxford University Press.
  • Siemens Digital Industries Software. (2020). UserGuide Simcenter Star CCM+ Version 2020.1.
  • Windt, C., Davidson, J., & Ringwood, J. V. (2018). High- fidelity numerical modelling of ocean wave energy systems: A review of computational fluid dynamics-based numerical wave tanks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 93, 610–630.
  • Yacob, D. H., Sarip, S., Kaidi, H. M., Ardila-Rey, J. A., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2022). Oscillating Water Column Geometrical Factors and System Performance: A Review. IEEE Access, 10, 32104– 32122.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Sun, W., & Li, J. (2021). Ocean wave energy converters: Technical principle, device realization, and performance evaluation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141, Article 110764.
  • Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Liang, D., & Cai, S. (2021). Nonlinear hydrodynamic analysis of an offshore oscillating water column wave energy converter. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, Article 111086.
  • Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Liang, D., & Qiao, D. (2022). Nonlinear wave loads on an offshore oscillating-water- column wave energy converter array. Applied Ocean Research, 118, Article 103003.

Analyzing tandem effects in oscillating water column WEC arrays: a numerical study of diverse geometries and inter-device gaps

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 12 - 23, 07.07.2024


The utilization of wave energy holds significant promise as a renewable energy source, with Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converters (WECs) being one of the most established technologies in this domain. This study examines the influence of various spacing configurations and different shapes of OWCs on device-device interaction, aiming to assess their impact on hydrodynamic performance. Employing a fully nonlinear 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on RANS equations and a VOF surface capturing scheme, numerical analyses of six array cases are conducted using Star CCM+. To refine free surface wave representations, the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) technique is employed, ensuring accuracy. The model is rigorously validated against published physical measurements, encompassing chamber vertical velocity and chamber differential air pressure. After validation, a series of simulations was conducted to explore the effects of two key array layout factors: device spacing and shape, on the hydrodynamic performance. These investigations reveal significant influences on wave power and device efficiency. By providing insight into the complex dynamics between array geometries, spacing arrangements, and energy extraction, this study pushes the boundaries of wave energy conversion research, offering valuable insights for future design and implementation strategies.

Ethical Statement

There are no ethical issues with the publication of this manuscript.


  • REFERENCES Baudry, V., Babarit, A & Clement, A. H. (2019). An overview of analytical, numerical and experimental methods for modelling oscillating water columns. EWTEC, 2013, Aalborg, Denmark. hal-01158853f.
  • Budal, K. (1977). Theory for Absorption of Wave Power by a System of Interacting Bodies. Journal of Ship Research, 21(04), 248–254.
  • Doyle, S., & Aggidis, G. A. (2021). Experimental investigation and performance comparison of a 1 single OWC, array and M-OWC. Renewable Energy, 168, 365–374.
  • Drew, B., Plummer, A. R., & Sahinkaya, M. N. (2009). A review of wave energy converter technology. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part a: Journal of Power and Energy, 223(8), 887– 902.
  • Evans, D. V. (1978). The Oscillating Water Column Wave- energy Device. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 22(4), 423–433.
  • Evans, D. V. (1979). Some theoretical aspects of three- dimensional wave-energy absorbers. Proceeding of the 1st Symposium On Wave Energy Utilization.
  • Evans, D. V. (1982). Wave-power absorption by systems of oscillating surface pressure distributions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 114(1), Article 481.
  • Falcão, A. F. (2002). Wave-power absorption by a periodic linear array of oscillating water columns. Ocean Engineering, 29(10), 1163–1186.
  • Falcão, A. F. d. O. (2010). Wave energy utilization: A review of the technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(3), 899–918.
  • Falcão, A. F., & Henriques, J. C. (2016). Oscillating-water- column wave energy converters and air turbines: A review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1391–1424.
  • Falnes, J. (2007). A review of wave-energy extraction. Marine Structures, 20(4), 185–201.
  • Hirt, C., & Nichols, B. (1981). Volume of fluid (VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries. Journal of Computational Physics, 39(1), 201–225.
  • Iturrioz, A., Guanche, R., Armesto, J. A., Alves, M. A., Vidal, C., & Losada, I. J. (2014). Time-domain modeling of a fixed detached oscillating water column towards a floating multi-chamber device. Ocean Engineering, 76, 65–74.
  • Iturrioz, A., Guanche, R., Lara, J. L., Vidal, C., & Losada, I. J. (2015). Validation of OpenFOAM® for Oscillating Water Column three-dimensional modeling. Ocean Engineering, 107, 222–236.
  • Konispoliatis, D. N., & Mavrakos, S. A. (2016). Hydrodynamic analysis of an array of interacting free-floating oscillating water column (OWC's) devices. Ocean Engineering, 111, 179–197.
  • López, I., Andreu, J., Ceballos, S., Martínez de Alegría, I., & Kortabarria, I. (2013). Review of wave energy technologies and the necessary power-equipment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 27, 413–434.
  • Malmo, O., & Reitan, A. (1985). Wave-power absorption by an oscillating water column in a channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 158, 153–175.
  • Manimaran, R. (2024). Numerical analysis and performance assessment of trapezoidal oscillating water columns. Ships and Offshore Structures, 19(3), 392–408.
  • Morris-Thomas, M. T., Irvin, R. J., & Thiagarajan, K. P. (2007). An Investigation Into the Hydrodynamic Efficiency of an Oscillating Water Column. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 129(4), 273–278.
  • Nader, J.-R., Zhu, S.-P., Cooper, P., & Stappenbelt, B. (2012). A finite-element study of the efficiency of arrays of oscillating water column wave energy converters. Ocean Engineering, 43, 72–81.
  • Newman, J. N. (1974). Interaction of water waves with two closely spaced vertical obstacles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 66(1), 97–106.
  • Ning, D.-Z., Shi, J., Zou, Q.-P., & Teng, B. (2015). Investigation of hydrodynamic performance of an OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device using a fully nonlinear HOBEM (higher- order boundary element method). Energy, 83, 177– 188.
  • O’Boyle, L., Elsäßer, B., & Whittaker, T. (2017). Experimental measurement of wave field variations around wave energy converter arrays. Sustainability, 9(1), Article 70.
  • Qiao, D., Haider, R., Yan, J., Ning, D., & Li, B. (2020). Review of Wave Energy Converter and Design of Mooring System. Sustainability, 12(19), Article 8251.
  • Ross, D. (1995). Power from sea waves. Oxford University Press.
  • Siemens Digital Industries Software. (2020). UserGuide Simcenter Star CCM+ Version 2020.1.
  • Windt, C., Davidson, J., & Ringwood, J. V. (2018). High- fidelity numerical modelling of ocean wave energy systems: A review of computational fluid dynamics-based numerical wave tanks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 93, 610–630.
  • Yacob, D. H., Sarip, S., Kaidi, H. M., Ardila-Rey, J. A., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2022). Oscillating Water Column Geometrical Factors and System Performance: A Review. IEEE Access, 10, 32104– 32122.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Sun, W., & Li, J. (2021). Ocean wave energy converters: Technical principle, device realization, and performance evaluation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141, Article 110764.
  • Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Liang, D., & Cai, S. (2021). Nonlinear hydrodynamic analysis of an offshore oscillating water column wave energy converter. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, Article 111086.
  • Zhou, Y., Ning, D., Liang, D., & Qiao, D. (2022). Nonlinear wave loads on an offshore oscillating-water- column wave energy converter array. Applied Ocean Research, 118, Article 103003.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Burcu Ozselek 0009-0009-5369-9728

Yonglai Zheng This is me 0000-0002-5744-2227

Publication Date July 7, 2024
Submission Date April 15, 2024
Acceptance Date May 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Ozselek, B., & Zheng, Y. (2024). Analyzing tandem effects in oscillating water column WEC arrays: a numerical study of diverse geometries and inter-device gaps. Seatific Journal, 4(1), 12-23.

Seatific Journal

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