Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 13 - 23, 01.03.2021



  • [1] Tunca, E., Atasagun, S., Saygı Y., (2012). Yeniçağa Lake (Bolu, Turkey) water, sediment and in crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) A Preliminary Study on Accumulation of some heavy metals. Ecological 21, 83, 68-76.
  • [2] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Bal, C., Selamoglu, Z., (2018). Phenolic contents, oxidant/antioxidant potential and heavy metal levels in Cyclocybe cylindracea. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 52(3), 437-441.
  • [3] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Akata, I., Alli, H., Selamoglu, Z., (2017). Fomitopsis pinicola in healthful dietary approach and their therapeutic potentials. Acta alimentaria, 46(4), 464-469.
  • [4] Seilheimer, T.S., Wei, A., Chow-Fraser, P., Eyles, N., (2007). Impact of urbanization on the water quality, fish habitat, and fish community of a Lake Ontario marsh, Frenchman’s Bay. Urban Ecosyst. 10, 299–319.
  • [5] Zeitoun, M. M., Sayed, E., Mehana, E., (2014). Impact of water pollution with heavy metals on fish health: overview and updates. Global Veterinaria 12, 219–231.
  • [6] Miao, X., Tang, Y., Wong, C. W. Y., Zang, H., (2015). The latent causal chain of industrial water pollution in China. Environ. Pollut. 196, 473–477.
  • [7] Wang, Y., Yang, L., Kong, L., Liu, E., Wang, L., Zhu, J., (2014). Spatial distribution, ecological risk assessment and source ıdentification for heavy metals in surface sediments from dongping lake, Shandong, East China. 125. pp. 200–205.
  • [8] Xu, F., Liu, Z., Yuan, S., Zhang, X., Sun, Z., Xu, F., Jiang, Z., Li, A., Yin, X., (2017). Environmental background values of trace elements in sediments from the Jiaozhou Bay catchment, Qingdao, China. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 121, 367-371.
  • [9] Tepe, Y., & Aydin, H. (2017). Water quality assessment of an urban water, Batlama Creek (Giresun), Turkey by applying multivariate statistical techniques. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(11), 6413-6420.
  • [10] EPA Method 3051 (1998). Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soils, and Oils.
  • [11] Hakanson, L., (1980). Ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control, a sedimentological approach. Water Research, 14, 975–1001.
  • [12] MacDonald, D. D., Ingersoll, C. G., Berger, T. A,. (2000). Development and Evaluation of Consensus-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines for Freshwater Ecosystems. Archives of Environmental Contamination Toxicology 39: 20-31.
  • [13] Persaud, D., Jaagumagi, R., Hayton, A., (1993). Guidelines for the protection and management of aquatic sediment quality in Ontario. Water Resources Branch, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Canada.
  • [14] Krauskopf, K.B., (1979) Introduction to geochemistry. International series in the earth and planetary sciences. McGraw-Hill, Tokyo.
  • [15] WHO. (2001). Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [16] WHO, (2010). Exposure to cadmium: a major public health concern. Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments, 27,Geneva.
  • [17] ATSDR, (2012). Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. Toxicological profile for cadmium. Available at:
  • [18] Ustaoğlu, F. and Tepe, Y. (2018). Determination of the Sediment Quality of Pazarsuyu Stream (Giresun, Turkey) by Multivariate Statistical Methods. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 6(3), 304-312.
  • [19] Kır, İ., Tekin Özan, S., Tuncay, Y., (2007). Seasonal Variation of Some Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment of Lake Kovada. EU Journal of Fisheries 24(1-2): 155-158.
  • [20] Kruopiene, J., (2007). Distribution of heavy metals in sediments of the Nemunas River (Lithuania). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 16(5), 715–722.
  • [21] Akbulut, N. E., and Tuncer, A. M., (2011). Accumulation of heavy metals with water quality parameters in Kızılırmak River Basin (Delice River) in Turkey. Environ. Monit. Assess. 173, 387–395.
  • [22] Anonym, (2014). Giresun Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, Giresun Province 2013 Environmental Status Report, Giresun.
  • [23] Köleli, N., Kantar, Ç., (2005). Toxic Heavy Metal (Cd, Pb, Ni, As) Concentration in Phosphate Rock, Phosphoric Acid and Phosphorus Fertilizers. Ecology 14(55): 1-5.
  • [24] Kumbur, H., Özsoy, H.D., Özer, Z., (2008). Determination of the Effects of Chemicals Used in Agricultural Areas on Water Quality in Mersin. Ecology 17(68): 54-58.
  • [25] Jiao, Z., Li, H., Song, M., & Wang, L., (2018). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in water and sediment of the Pearl River Estuary, China. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 394, No. 5, p. 052055). IOP Publishing.
  • [26] Suresh, G., Sutharsan, P., Ramasamy, V., & Venkatachalapathy, R., (2012). Assessment of spatial distribution and potential ecological risk of the heavy metals in relation to granulometric contents of Veeranam lake sediments, India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 84, 117-124.
  • [27] Suresh G., Ramasamy V., Meenakshisundaram V., Venkatachalapathy R., Ponnusamy V., (2011). Influence of mineralogical and heavy metal composition on natural radionuclide contents in the river sediments. Appl Radiat Isot 69:1466–1474
  • [28] Li, N., Tian, Y., Zhang, J., Zuo, W., Zhan, W., Zhang, J., (2016). Heavy Metal Contamination Status and Source Apportionment in Sediments of Songhua River Harbin Region, Northeast China.
  • [29] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Bal, C., Selamoglu, Z., (2018). Phenolic contents, oxidant/antioxidant potential and heavy metal levels in Cyclocybe cylindracea. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 52(3), 437-441.
  • [30] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Akata, I., Alli, H., Selamoglu, Z., (2017). Fomitopsis pinicola in healthful dietary approach and their therapeutic potentials. Acta alimentaria, 46(4), 464-469.
  • [31] Abdullah, M. Z., Louis, V.C., Abas, M.T., (2015). Metal pollution and ecological risk assessment of Balok River sediment, Pahang Malaysia. Am. J. Environ. Eng. 5, 1–7.
  • [32] Suthar, S., Nema, A.K., Chabukdhara, M., Gupta, S.K., (2009). Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: impact of industrial and urban discharges. J. Hazard. Mater. 171, 1088–1095.
  • [33] Aprile, F. M., Bouvy, M., (2008). Distribution and enrichment of heavy metals in sediments at the Tapacurá River basin, north eastern Brazil. Braz. J. Aquat. Sci. Technol. 12, 1–8.
  • [34] Chen, H., Teng, Y., Lu, S., Wang, Y., Wang, J., (2015). Contamination features and health risk of soil heavy metals in China. Science Total Environenmat 512, 143–153.
  • [35] Islam, M. S., Ahmed, M. K., Raknuzzaman, M., Habibullah -Al- Mamun M., Islam M.K., (2015). Heavy Metal Pollution İn Surface Water And Sediment: A Preliminary Assessment of an urban river in a developing country. Ecol. Indic. 48, 282-291.
  • [36] Malvandi, H., (2017). Preliminary evaluation of heavy metal contamination in the Zarrin-Gol River sediments, Iran. Marine Pollution Bullettin, 117, 547-553.
  • [37] Zarei, I., Pourkhabbaz, A., Khuzestani, R. B., (2014). An assessment of metal contamination risk in sediments of Hara Biosphere Reserve, southern Iran with a focus on application of pollution indicators. Environ. Monit. Assess. 186, 6047–6060.
  • [38] Zhang, J., Liu, C. L., (2002). Riverine composition and estuarine geochemistry of particulate metals in China—weathering features, anthropogenic impact and chemical fluxes. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 54, 1051–1070.
  • [39] Sutherland RA. (2000). Bed sediment associated trace metals in an urban stream, Oahu. Hawaii Environmental Geology, 39: 611–627.
  • [40] Han, D., Cheng, J., Hu, X., Jiang, Z., Mo, L., Xu, H., Ma, Y., Chen, X., Wang, H., (2016) Spatial distribution, risk assessment and source identification of heavy metals in sediments of the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bullettin, 115, 141-148.
  • [41] Ustaoğlu, F. and Tepe, Y., (2019). Water quality and sediment contamination assessment of Pazarsuyu Stream, Turkey using multivariate statistical methods and pollution indicators. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 7(1), 47-56.
  • [42] Ustaoglu, F., Islam Md, S (2020). Potential toxic elements in sediment of some rivers at Giresun, Northeast Turkey: A preliminary assessment for ecotoxicological status and health risk. Ecological Indicators,113.
  • [43] Ustaoglu, F., (2020). Ecotoxicological risk assessment and source identification of heavy metals in the surface sediments of Çömlekci stream, Giresun, Turkey. Environmental Forensics.
  • [44] Ustaoglu, F., Tepe, Y., Aydın, H., (2020). Heavy metals in sediments of two nearby streams from Southeastern Black Sea coast: Contamination and ecological risk assessment. Environmental Forensics 21 (2).
  • [45] Alahabadi, A. and Malvandi, H., (2018). Contamination and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals and metalloids in surface sediments of the Tajan River, Iran. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 133, 741-749.
  • [46] Decena, S. C. P., Arguilles, M. S., & Robel, L. L., (2018). Assessing heavy metal contamination in surface sediments in an urban river in the Philippines. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27(5), 1983-1995.
  • [47] Pandey, J., & Singh, R. (2017). Heavy metals in sediments of Ganga River: up-and downstream urban influences. Applied Water Science, 7(4), 1669-1678.
  • [48] Gupta, S. K., Chabukdhara, M., Kumar P.,Sıngh J., Bux F., (2014). Evaluation of ecological risk of metal contamination in river Gomti, India: A biomonitoring approach. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 110, 49-55.
  • [49] Kadhum, S. A., Ishak, M. Y., Zulkifli, S. Z., & binti Hashim, R., (2015). Evaluation of the status and distributions of heavy metal pollution in surface sediments of the Langat River Basin in Selangor Malaysia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101(1), 391-396.
  • [50] Wang J., Lıu G., Lu L., Lıu H., (2016). Metal distribution and bioavailability in surface sediments from the Huaihe River,Anhui, China. Environmental Monit. Assess. 188 (1): 1-13.
  • [51] Fu J., Zhao C., Luo Y., Lıu C., Kyzas G.Z., Luo Y., Zhao D., An S., Zhu H., (2014). Heavy metals in surface sediments of the Jialu River, China: Their relations to environmental factors. J. Hazard. Mater. 270, 102-109.
  • [52] Karbassi, A. R., Monavari, S. M., Nabi Bidhendi, Gh. R., Nouri, J., Nematpour, K. (2008). Metal pollution assessment of sediment and water in the Shur River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 147, 107–116.
  • [53] Varol M., Şen B., (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena. 92, 1-10.

Dissemination of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments of batlama stream, Giresun, Turkey

Year 2021, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 13 - 23, 01.03.2021


The aim of this study is to detect the heavy metal contamination in the sediment of Batlama Stream and to evaluate the anthropogenic effect. Field studies were seasonally carried out in 3 stations between June 2014 and July 2015. In the sampling studies carried out in Batlama Stream, contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk factor (Eri), lowest effect level (LEL), geoaccumulation index (Igeo) contamination indicators were used in order to evaluate sediment contamination. In Batlama Stream, average heavy metal level of three stations was detected in mg/dry kg in the sediment as Cr 7.08, Mn 63.62, Fe 858.04, Co 5.47, Ni 4.99, Cu 20.61, Zn 49.60, Cd 0.09, and Pb 20.68. Elements which the sediment has most are Fe, Mn, and Zn. According to EF, Pb was detected as an enriching element. Eri Pb is in the low risk group. In LEL value, the highest Pb average was found as 31. According to Igeo values, Pb is a moderate contaminant. This metal has anthropogenic sources and it is caused by domestic, agricultural, and waste waters. In the elements analysed in Batlama Stream sediment (apart from Pb), it is indicated that it is generally a clean stream and considered reference stream.


  • [1] Tunca, E., Atasagun, S., Saygı Y., (2012). Yeniçağa Lake (Bolu, Turkey) water, sediment and in crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) A Preliminary Study on Accumulation of some heavy metals. Ecological 21, 83, 68-76.
  • [2] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Bal, C., Selamoglu, Z., (2018). Phenolic contents, oxidant/antioxidant potential and heavy metal levels in Cyclocybe cylindracea. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 52(3), 437-441.
  • [3] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Akata, I., Alli, H., Selamoglu, Z., (2017). Fomitopsis pinicola in healthful dietary approach and their therapeutic potentials. Acta alimentaria, 46(4), 464-469.
  • [4] Seilheimer, T.S., Wei, A., Chow-Fraser, P., Eyles, N., (2007). Impact of urbanization on the water quality, fish habitat, and fish community of a Lake Ontario marsh, Frenchman’s Bay. Urban Ecosyst. 10, 299–319.
  • [5] Zeitoun, M. M., Sayed, E., Mehana, E., (2014). Impact of water pollution with heavy metals on fish health: overview and updates. Global Veterinaria 12, 219–231.
  • [6] Miao, X., Tang, Y., Wong, C. W. Y., Zang, H., (2015). The latent causal chain of industrial water pollution in China. Environ. Pollut. 196, 473–477.
  • [7] Wang, Y., Yang, L., Kong, L., Liu, E., Wang, L., Zhu, J., (2014). Spatial distribution, ecological risk assessment and source ıdentification for heavy metals in surface sediments from dongping lake, Shandong, East China. 125. pp. 200–205.
  • [8] Xu, F., Liu, Z., Yuan, S., Zhang, X., Sun, Z., Xu, F., Jiang, Z., Li, A., Yin, X., (2017). Environmental background values of trace elements in sediments from the Jiaozhou Bay catchment, Qingdao, China. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 121, 367-371.
  • [9] Tepe, Y., & Aydin, H. (2017). Water quality assessment of an urban water, Batlama Creek (Giresun), Turkey by applying multivariate statistical techniques. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(11), 6413-6420.
  • [10] EPA Method 3051 (1998). Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soils, and Oils.
  • [11] Hakanson, L., (1980). Ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control, a sedimentological approach. Water Research, 14, 975–1001.
  • [12] MacDonald, D. D., Ingersoll, C. G., Berger, T. A,. (2000). Development and Evaluation of Consensus-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines for Freshwater Ecosystems. Archives of Environmental Contamination Toxicology 39: 20-31.
  • [13] Persaud, D., Jaagumagi, R., Hayton, A., (1993). Guidelines for the protection and management of aquatic sediment quality in Ontario. Water Resources Branch, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Canada.
  • [14] Krauskopf, K.B., (1979) Introduction to geochemistry. International series in the earth and planetary sciences. McGraw-Hill, Tokyo.
  • [15] WHO. (2001). Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [16] WHO, (2010). Exposure to cadmium: a major public health concern. Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments, 27,Geneva.
  • [17] ATSDR, (2012). Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. Toxicological profile for cadmium. Available at:
  • [18] Ustaoğlu, F. and Tepe, Y. (2018). Determination of the Sediment Quality of Pazarsuyu Stream (Giresun, Turkey) by Multivariate Statistical Methods. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 6(3), 304-312.
  • [19] Kır, İ., Tekin Özan, S., Tuncay, Y., (2007). Seasonal Variation of Some Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment of Lake Kovada. EU Journal of Fisheries 24(1-2): 155-158.
  • [20] Kruopiene, J., (2007). Distribution of heavy metals in sediments of the Nemunas River (Lithuania). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 16(5), 715–722.
  • [21] Akbulut, N. E., and Tuncer, A. M., (2011). Accumulation of heavy metals with water quality parameters in Kızılırmak River Basin (Delice River) in Turkey. Environ. Monit. Assess. 173, 387–395.
  • [22] Anonym, (2014). Giresun Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, Giresun Province 2013 Environmental Status Report, Giresun.
  • [23] Köleli, N., Kantar, Ç., (2005). Toxic Heavy Metal (Cd, Pb, Ni, As) Concentration in Phosphate Rock, Phosphoric Acid and Phosphorus Fertilizers. Ecology 14(55): 1-5.
  • [24] Kumbur, H., Özsoy, H.D., Özer, Z., (2008). Determination of the Effects of Chemicals Used in Agricultural Areas on Water Quality in Mersin. Ecology 17(68): 54-58.
  • [25] Jiao, Z., Li, H., Song, M., & Wang, L., (2018). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in water and sediment of the Pearl River Estuary, China. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 394, No. 5, p. 052055). IOP Publishing.
  • [26] Suresh, G., Sutharsan, P., Ramasamy, V., & Venkatachalapathy, R., (2012). Assessment of spatial distribution and potential ecological risk of the heavy metals in relation to granulometric contents of Veeranam lake sediments, India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 84, 117-124.
  • [27] Suresh G., Ramasamy V., Meenakshisundaram V., Venkatachalapathy R., Ponnusamy V., (2011). Influence of mineralogical and heavy metal composition on natural radionuclide contents in the river sediments. Appl Radiat Isot 69:1466–1474
  • [28] Li, N., Tian, Y., Zhang, J., Zuo, W., Zhan, W., Zhang, J., (2016). Heavy Metal Contamination Status and Source Apportionment in Sediments of Songhua River Harbin Region, Northeast China.
  • [29] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Bal, C., Selamoglu, Z., (2018). Phenolic contents, oxidant/antioxidant potential and heavy metal levels in Cyclocybe cylindracea. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 52(3), 437-441.
  • [30] Sevindik, M., Akgul, H., Akata, I., Alli, H., Selamoglu, Z., (2017). Fomitopsis pinicola in healthful dietary approach and their therapeutic potentials. Acta alimentaria, 46(4), 464-469.
  • [31] Abdullah, M. Z., Louis, V.C., Abas, M.T., (2015). Metal pollution and ecological risk assessment of Balok River sediment, Pahang Malaysia. Am. J. Environ. Eng. 5, 1–7.
  • [32] Suthar, S., Nema, A.K., Chabukdhara, M., Gupta, S.K., (2009). Assessment of metals in water and sediments of Hindon River, India: impact of industrial and urban discharges. J. Hazard. Mater. 171, 1088–1095.
  • [33] Aprile, F. M., Bouvy, M., (2008). Distribution and enrichment of heavy metals in sediments at the Tapacurá River basin, north eastern Brazil. Braz. J. Aquat. Sci. Technol. 12, 1–8.
  • [34] Chen, H., Teng, Y., Lu, S., Wang, Y., Wang, J., (2015). Contamination features and health risk of soil heavy metals in China. Science Total Environenmat 512, 143–153.
  • [35] Islam, M. S., Ahmed, M. K., Raknuzzaman, M., Habibullah -Al- Mamun M., Islam M.K., (2015). Heavy Metal Pollution İn Surface Water And Sediment: A Preliminary Assessment of an urban river in a developing country. Ecol. Indic. 48, 282-291.
  • [36] Malvandi, H., (2017). Preliminary evaluation of heavy metal contamination in the Zarrin-Gol River sediments, Iran. Marine Pollution Bullettin, 117, 547-553.
  • [37] Zarei, I., Pourkhabbaz, A., Khuzestani, R. B., (2014). An assessment of metal contamination risk in sediments of Hara Biosphere Reserve, southern Iran with a focus on application of pollution indicators. Environ. Monit. Assess. 186, 6047–6060.
  • [38] Zhang, J., Liu, C. L., (2002). Riverine composition and estuarine geochemistry of particulate metals in China—weathering features, anthropogenic impact and chemical fluxes. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 54, 1051–1070.
  • [39] Sutherland RA. (2000). Bed sediment associated trace metals in an urban stream, Oahu. Hawaii Environmental Geology, 39: 611–627.
  • [40] Han, D., Cheng, J., Hu, X., Jiang, Z., Mo, L., Xu, H., Ma, Y., Chen, X., Wang, H., (2016) Spatial distribution, risk assessment and source identification of heavy metals in sediments of the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bullettin, 115, 141-148.
  • [41] Ustaoğlu, F. and Tepe, Y., (2019). Water quality and sediment contamination assessment of Pazarsuyu Stream, Turkey using multivariate statistical methods and pollution indicators. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 7(1), 47-56.
  • [42] Ustaoglu, F., Islam Md, S (2020). Potential toxic elements in sediment of some rivers at Giresun, Northeast Turkey: A preliminary assessment for ecotoxicological status and health risk. Ecological Indicators,113.
  • [43] Ustaoglu, F., (2020). Ecotoxicological risk assessment and source identification of heavy metals in the surface sediments of Çömlekci stream, Giresun, Turkey. Environmental Forensics.
  • [44] Ustaoglu, F., Tepe, Y., Aydın, H., (2020). Heavy metals in sediments of two nearby streams from Southeastern Black Sea coast: Contamination and ecological risk assessment. Environmental Forensics 21 (2).
  • [45] Alahabadi, A. and Malvandi, H., (2018). Contamination and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals and metalloids in surface sediments of the Tajan River, Iran. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 133, 741-749.
  • [46] Decena, S. C. P., Arguilles, M. S., & Robel, L. L., (2018). Assessing heavy metal contamination in surface sediments in an urban river in the Philippines. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27(5), 1983-1995.
  • [47] Pandey, J., & Singh, R. (2017). Heavy metals in sediments of Ganga River: up-and downstream urban influences. Applied Water Science, 7(4), 1669-1678.
  • [48] Gupta, S. K., Chabukdhara, M., Kumar P.,Sıngh J., Bux F., (2014). Evaluation of ecological risk of metal contamination in river Gomti, India: A biomonitoring approach. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 110, 49-55.
  • [49] Kadhum, S. A., Ishak, M. Y., Zulkifli, S. Z., & binti Hashim, R., (2015). Evaluation of the status and distributions of heavy metal pollution in surface sediments of the Langat River Basin in Selangor Malaysia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101(1), 391-396.
  • [50] Wang J., Lıu G., Lu L., Lıu H., (2016). Metal distribution and bioavailability in surface sediments from the Huaihe River,Anhui, China. Environmental Monit. Assess. 188 (1): 1-13.
  • [51] Fu J., Zhao C., Luo Y., Lıu C., Kyzas G.Z., Luo Y., Zhao D., An S., Zhu H., (2014). Heavy metals in surface sediments of the Jialu River, China: Their relations to environmental factors. J. Hazard. Mater. 270, 102-109.
  • [52] Karbassi, A. R., Monavari, S. M., Nabi Bidhendi, Gh. R., Nouri, J., Nematpour, K. (2008). Metal pollution assessment of sediment and water in the Shur River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 147, 107–116.
  • [53] Varol M., Şen B., (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena. 92, 1-10.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Fikret Ustaoğlu This is me 0000-0002-8195-8557

Banu Kutlu This is me 0000-0001-6348-2754

Yalçın Tepe This is me 0000-0002-8415-3754

Handan Aydın This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2021
Submission Date August 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 39 Issue: 1


Vancouver Ustaoğlu F, Kutlu B, Tepe Y, Aydın H. Dissemination of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments of batlama stream, Giresun, Turkey. SIGMA. 2021;39(1):13-2.