Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 5, 1555 - 1562, 04.10.2024



  • [1] Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü. (son). Deprem Nedir?. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi. Accessed on March 15, 2023. Available at:
  • [2] Erkal T, Değerliyurt M. Türkiye’de afet yönetimi. Doğu Coğrafya Derg 2009;14:147164.
  • [3] Li B, Xu Z, Zhang Y. Two-stage multi-sided matching dispatching models based on improved BPR function with probabilistic linguistic term sets. Int J Mach Learn Cybern 2021;12:151169. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Fei L, Wang Y. An optimization model for rescuer assignments under an uncertain environment by using Dempster–Shafer theory. Knowl-Based Syst 2022;255:109680. [CrossRef]
  • [5] INSARAG. Insarag Guidelines 2020. International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Preperadness and Response. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarians Affairs (OCHA). Accessed on Mar 18, 2023. Available at:
  • [6] Elazığ AFAD. İRAP Elazığ İl Afet ve Risk Azaltma Planı, T.C. Bingöl Valiliği İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü. Accessed on Sep 10, 2024. Available at: Kutuphane/Il-Planlari/Elazig_irap__3103.pdf
  • [7] Fiedrich F, Gehbauer F, Rickers U. Optimized resource allocation for emergency response after earthquake disasters. Safe Sci 2000;35:4157. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Nolz PC, Semet F, Doerner KF. Risk approaches for delivering disaster relief supplies. OR Spect 2011;33:543569. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Wex F, Schryen G, Neumann D. Decision Modeling for Assignments of Collaborative Rescue Units during Emergency Response. In 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, 2013;166175. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Cunha V, Pessoa L, Vellasco M, Tanscheit R, Pacheco MA. A Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for the Rescue Unit Allocation and Scheduling Problem. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2018;16. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Rezapour S, Nader N, Morshedlou N, Rezapourbehnagh S. Optimal deployment of emergency resources in sudden onset disasters. Int J Product Econ 2018;204:365382. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Li MY, Zhao XJ, Fan ZP, Cao PP, Qu XN. A model for assignment of rescuers considering multiple disaster areas. Int J Dis Risk Reduct 2019;38:101201. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Santoso A, Sutanto RAP, Prayogo DN, Parung J. Development of fuzzy RUASP model-Grasp metaheuristics with time window: Case study of Mount Semeru eruption in East Java. IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 2019;235:012081. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Tirkolaee EB, Aydın SN, Ranjbar-Bourani M, Weber GW. A robust bi-objective mathematical model for disaster rescue units allocation and scheduling with learning effect. Comput Ind Eng 2020;149:106790. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Hooshangi N, Alesheikh AA, Panahi M, Lee S. Urban search and rescue (USAR) simulation system: spatial strategies for agent task allocation under uncertain conditions. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 2021;21:34493463. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Danışan T, Eren T. Afetlere Etkin Müdahale İçin Ekiplerin Çizelgelenmesinde Matematiksel Modellemenin Kullanılması. 3rd International Disaster Management Congress, 9 Haziran 2022(a), Tokat, Türkiye, 2022.
  • [17] Danışan T, Eren T. Uluslararası Etkin Müdahale Ekiplerinin Çökv Yöntemleri İle Belirlenmesi. 3rd International Disaster Management Congress, 9 Haziran 2022(b), Tokat, Türkiye, 2022.
  • [18] Hooshangi N, Gharakhanlou NM, Ghaffari-Razin SR. Urban search and rescue (USAR) simulation in earthquake environments using queuing theory: estimating the appropriate number of rescue teams. Int J Dis Resil Built Environ 2022;100:115. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Nayeri S, Sazvar Z, Heydari J. A fuzzy robust planning model in the disaster management response phase under precedence constraints. Oper Res 2022;22:35713605. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Cao P, Zheng J, Li M, Fu Y. A model for the assignment of emergency rescuers considering collaborative information. Sustainability 2023;15:1203. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Akdaş E, Eren T. Arama Kurtarma ve Psikosoyal Destek Ekiplerinin Afet İllerine Atanması ve Çizelgelenmesi: Erzincan Depremi Örneği, Uluslararası Veri Bilimi ve Güvenliği Konferansı, ICDASS2023, 6-7 Temmuz 2023, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum, Türkiye, 2023. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Akdaş E, Eren T. Doğal Afetlerde Arama Kurtarma Ekiplerinin Çizelgelenmesi: Aydın Depremi Senaryosu, 5th Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2023;1:718724, Konya, Türkiye.Duffie JA, Beckman WA. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1991. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Özcan EC, Varlı E, Eren T. Goal programming approach for shift scheduling problems in hydroelectric power plants. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi 2017;10:363370. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [24] Bedir N, Eren T, Dizdar EN. Ergonomic staff scheduling and an application in the retail sector. Müh Bil Tasarım Derg 2017;5:657674. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [25] Eren T, Güner E. A literature survey for multicriteria scheduling problems on single and parallel machines. Gazi Üniversitesi Müh Mimarlık Fak Derg 2002;17:3769. [Turkish]
  • [26] Eren T, Güner E. A literature survey for multicriteria flowshop scheduling problems. Pamukkale Üniv Müh Bil Derg 2004;10:1930. [Turkish]
  • [27] Varlı E, Eren T. Shift scheduling problems and a case study. Biliş Teknol Derg 2017a;10:185197. [Turkish]
  • [28] Özder EH, Özcan E, Eren T. Staff task-based shift scheduling solution with an ANP and goal programming method in a natural gas combined cycle power plant. Mathematics 2019a;7:192. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Eren T, Şahiner M, Aktürk MS, Bedir N, Ünlüsoy S. A nursing scheduling for model suggestion: A case study. Trakya Üniv İktisadi İdari Bil Fak Derg 2017;6:6277. [Turkish]
  • [30] Varlı E, Eren T. Nurse scheduling problems and an application in hospital. Acad Platf-J Eng Sci 2017b;5:3440.
  • [31] Koçtepe S, Bedir N, Eren T, Gür Ş. Solution of personnel scheduling problem for organization officers with 0-1 integer programming. Ekonomi İşletme ve Yönetim Dergisi 2018;2:2546. [Turkish]
  • [32] Cürebal A, Koçtepe S, Eren T. The solution of the organization company monthly personnel assignment and scheduling problem during the COVID-19 pandemic: an application. J Turk Oper Manag 2020;4:479493. [Turkish]
  • [33] Özcan E, Özder EH, Eren T. The security staff scheduling problem with goal programming approach. J Trends Dev Mach Assoc Technol 2018;21:8588.
  • [34] Aksüt G, Alakaş HM, Eren T, Karaçam H. Model proposal for physically ergonomic risky personnel scheduling problem: An application in textile industry for female employees. Gazi Üniv Müh Mimarlık Fak Derg 2023;38:245256. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [35] Gür Ş, Eren T. Scheduling and planning in service systems with goal programming: Literature review. Mathematics 2018;6:265. [CrossRef]
  • [36] Özder EH, Özcan E, Eren T. A systematic literature review for personnel scheduling problems. Uluslararası Bilgi Teknolojisi ve Karar Verme Dergisi 2020;19:16951735. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [37] Özder EH. Eren T. Tedarikçi Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi ve Hedef Programlama Yöntemlerinin Entegrasyonu: Örnek Bir Uygulama. 15. Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 14-16 Ekim 2015, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • [38] Özder EH, Eren T. Supplier selection with in multi criteria decision making method and goal programming techniques. Selçuk Üniv Müh Bil Teknol Derg 2016;4:196207. [Turkish]
  • [39] Gür Ş, Hamurcu M, Eren T. Using analytic network process and goal programming methods for project selection in the public institution. Les Cahiers du MECAS 2016;13:3651.
  • [40] Gür Ş, Hamurcu M, Eren T. Selecting of Monorail projects with analytic hierarchy process and 0-1 goal programming methods in Ankara. Pamukkale Univ J Eng Sci 2017;23:437443. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Gür Ş, Eren T, Alakaş HM. Surgical operation scheduling with goal programming and constraint programming: A case study. Mathematics 2019;7:251. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Özder EH, Özcan E, Eren T. Sustainable personnel scheduling problem optimization in a natural gas combined-cycle power plant. Processes 2019b;7:702. [CrossRef]
  • [43] Gür Ş, Pınarbaşı M, Alakaş HM, Eren T. Operating room scheduling with surgical team: a new approach with constraint programming and goal programming. Central Eur J Oper Res 2022;125. [CrossRef]
  • [44] Taha AH. Yöneylem Araştırması. İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık; 2000. [Turkish]

A sample application for scheduling search and rescue teams in an earthquake disaster

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 5, 1555 - 1562, 04.10.2024


Disasters that occur unexpectedly cause many material and moral losses. Türkiye is an earthquake zone that frequently experiences earthquakes as a result of the convergence of the plates. The period in which earthquakes will occur is unknown, but the damage caused by the necessary planning can be reduced. Disaster management, which is a dynamic and versatile process, is a system that requires effective organization to minimize losses and damages. In the response phase of disaster management, search, and rescue teams work against time pressure by undertaking complex tasks in their live-focused debris work in multiple and scattered disaster areas. In the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, it has been seen how important it is to dispatch the teams to the regions quickly. In this study, the problem of scheduling 380 Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) search and rescue teams to be dispatched to 8 areas where destruction was experienced was handled by considering the earthquake scenario in a province located in a risky region. The purpose of the problem is to dispatch the appropriate number of teams to the correct disaster areas. The mathematical model created with the goal programming method is solved with the IBM ILOG optimization program. According to the solution results obtained, the optimal assignment and schedule of the teams are created by providing the targeted constraints.


  • [1] Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü. (son). Deprem Nedir?. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi. Accessed on March 15, 2023. Available at:
  • [2] Erkal T, Değerliyurt M. Türkiye’de afet yönetimi. Doğu Coğrafya Derg 2009;14:147164.
  • [3] Li B, Xu Z, Zhang Y. Two-stage multi-sided matching dispatching models based on improved BPR function with probabilistic linguistic term sets. Int J Mach Learn Cybern 2021;12:151169. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Fei L, Wang Y. An optimization model for rescuer assignments under an uncertain environment by using Dempster–Shafer theory. Knowl-Based Syst 2022;255:109680. [CrossRef]
  • [5] INSARAG. Insarag Guidelines 2020. International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) Preperadness and Response. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarians Affairs (OCHA). Accessed on Mar 18, 2023. Available at:
  • [6] Elazığ AFAD. İRAP Elazığ İl Afet ve Risk Azaltma Planı, T.C. Bingöl Valiliği İl Afet ve Acil Durum Müdürlüğü. Accessed on Sep 10, 2024. Available at: Kutuphane/Il-Planlari/Elazig_irap__3103.pdf
  • [7] Fiedrich F, Gehbauer F, Rickers U. Optimized resource allocation for emergency response after earthquake disasters. Safe Sci 2000;35:4157. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Nolz PC, Semet F, Doerner KF. Risk approaches for delivering disaster relief supplies. OR Spect 2011;33:543569. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Wex F, Schryen G, Neumann D. Decision Modeling for Assignments of Collaborative Rescue Units during Emergency Response. In 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, 2013;166175. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Cunha V, Pessoa L, Vellasco M, Tanscheit R, Pacheco MA. A Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for the Rescue Unit Allocation and Scheduling Problem. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2018;16. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Rezapour S, Nader N, Morshedlou N, Rezapourbehnagh S. Optimal deployment of emergency resources in sudden onset disasters. Int J Product Econ 2018;204:365382. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Li MY, Zhao XJ, Fan ZP, Cao PP, Qu XN. A model for assignment of rescuers considering multiple disaster areas. Int J Dis Risk Reduct 2019;38:101201. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Santoso A, Sutanto RAP, Prayogo DN, Parung J. Development of fuzzy RUASP model-Grasp metaheuristics with time window: Case study of Mount Semeru eruption in East Java. IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 2019;235:012081. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Tirkolaee EB, Aydın SN, Ranjbar-Bourani M, Weber GW. A robust bi-objective mathematical model for disaster rescue units allocation and scheduling with learning effect. Comput Ind Eng 2020;149:106790. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Hooshangi N, Alesheikh AA, Panahi M, Lee S. Urban search and rescue (USAR) simulation system: spatial strategies for agent task allocation under uncertain conditions. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 2021;21:34493463. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Danışan T, Eren T. Afetlere Etkin Müdahale İçin Ekiplerin Çizelgelenmesinde Matematiksel Modellemenin Kullanılması. 3rd International Disaster Management Congress, 9 Haziran 2022(a), Tokat, Türkiye, 2022.
  • [17] Danışan T, Eren T. Uluslararası Etkin Müdahale Ekiplerinin Çökv Yöntemleri İle Belirlenmesi. 3rd International Disaster Management Congress, 9 Haziran 2022(b), Tokat, Türkiye, 2022.
  • [18] Hooshangi N, Gharakhanlou NM, Ghaffari-Razin SR. Urban search and rescue (USAR) simulation in earthquake environments using queuing theory: estimating the appropriate number of rescue teams. Int J Dis Resil Built Environ 2022;100:115. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Nayeri S, Sazvar Z, Heydari J. A fuzzy robust planning model in the disaster management response phase under precedence constraints. Oper Res 2022;22:35713605. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Cao P, Zheng J, Li M, Fu Y. A model for the assignment of emergency rescuers considering collaborative information. Sustainability 2023;15:1203. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Akdaş E, Eren T. Arama Kurtarma ve Psikosoyal Destek Ekiplerinin Afet İllerine Atanması ve Çizelgelenmesi: Erzincan Depremi Örneği, Uluslararası Veri Bilimi ve Güvenliği Konferansı, ICDASS2023, 6-7 Temmuz 2023, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum, Türkiye, 2023. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Akdaş E, Eren T. Doğal Afetlerde Arama Kurtarma Ekiplerinin Çizelgelenmesi: Aydın Depremi Senaryosu, 5th Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2023;1:718724, Konya, Türkiye.Duffie JA, Beckman WA. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1991. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Özcan EC, Varlı E, Eren T. Goal programming approach for shift scheduling problems in hydroelectric power plants. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi 2017;10:363370. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [24] Bedir N, Eren T, Dizdar EN. Ergonomic staff scheduling and an application in the retail sector. Müh Bil Tasarım Derg 2017;5:657674. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [25] Eren T, Güner E. A literature survey for multicriteria scheduling problems on single and parallel machines. Gazi Üniversitesi Müh Mimarlık Fak Derg 2002;17:3769. [Turkish]
  • [26] Eren T, Güner E. A literature survey for multicriteria flowshop scheduling problems. Pamukkale Üniv Müh Bil Derg 2004;10:1930. [Turkish]
  • [27] Varlı E, Eren T. Shift scheduling problems and a case study. Biliş Teknol Derg 2017a;10:185197. [Turkish]
  • [28] Özder EH, Özcan E, Eren T. Staff task-based shift scheduling solution with an ANP and goal programming method in a natural gas combined cycle power plant. Mathematics 2019a;7:192. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Eren T, Şahiner M, Aktürk MS, Bedir N, Ünlüsoy S. A nursing scheduling for model suggestion: A case study. Trakya Üniv İktisadi İdari Bil Fak Derg 2017;6:6277. [Turkish]
  • [30] Varlı E, Eren T. Nurse scheduling problems and an application in hospital. Acad Platf-J Eng Sci 2017b;5:3440.
  • [31] Koçtepe S, Bedir N, Eren T, Gür Ş. Solution of personnel scheduling problem for organization officers with 0-1 integer programming. Ekonomi İşletme ve Yönetim Dergisi 2018;2:2546. [Turkish]
  • [32] Cürebal A, Koçtepe S, Eren T. The solution of the organization company monthly personnel assignment and scheduling problem during the COVID-19 pandemic: an application. J Turk Oper Manag 2020;4:479493. [Turkish]
  • [33] Özcan E, Özder EH, Eren T. The security staff scheduling problem with goal programming approach. J Trends Dev Mach Assoc Technol 2018;21:8588.
  • [34] Aksüt G, Alakaş HM, Eren T, Karaçam H. Model proposal for physically ergonomic risky personnel scheduling problem: An application in textile industry for female employees. Gazi Üniv Müh Mimarlık Fak Derg 2023;38:245256. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [35] Gür Ş, Eren T. Scheduling and planning in service systems with goal programming: Literature review. Mathematics 2018;6:265. [CrossRef]
  • [36] Özder EH, Özcan E, Eren T. A systematic literature review for personnel scheduling problems. Uluslararası Bilgi Teknolojisi ve Karar Verme Dergisi 2020;19:16951735. [Turkish] [CrossRef]
  • [37] Özder EH. Eren T. Tedarikçi Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi ve Hedef Programlama Yöntemlerinin Entegrasyonu: Örnek Bir Uygulama. 15. Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 14-16 Ekim 2015, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • [38] Özder EH, Eren T. Supplier selection with in multi criteria decision making method and goal programming techniques. Selçuk Üniv Müh Bil Teknol Derg 2016;4:196207. [Turkish]
  • [39] Gür Ş, Hamurcu M, Eren T. Using analytic network process and goal programming methods for project selection in the public institution. Les Cahiers du MECAS 2016;13:3651.
  • [40] Gür Ş, Hamurcu M, Eren T. Selecting of Monorail projects with analytic hierarchy process and 0-1 goal programming methods in Ankara. Pamukkale Univ J Eng Sci 2017;23:437443. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Gür Ş, Eren T, Alakaş HM. Surgical operation scheduling with goal programming and constraint programming: A case study. Mathematics 2019;7:251. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Özder EH, Özcan E, Eren T. Sustainable personnel scheduling problem optimization in a natural gas combined-cycle power plant. Processes 2019b;7:702. [CrossRef]
  • [43] Gür Ş, Pınarbaşı M, Alakaş HM, Eren T. Operating room scheduling with surgical team: a new approach with constraint programming and goal programming. Central Eur J Oper Res 2022;125. [CrossRef]
  • [44] Taha AH. Yöneylem Araştırması. İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık; 2000. [Turkish]
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Kimya
Bölüm Research Articles

Elif Akdaş 0000-0002-3951-3407

Tamer Eren 0000-0001-5282-3138

Yayımlanma Tarihi 4 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Akdaş E, Eren T. A sample application for scheduling search and rescue teams in an earthquake disaster. SIGMA. 2024;42(5):1555-62.