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Simultaneous search of multiple groups of antibiotics and their different components in the honey

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 15 - 33, 30.08.2019


The honey is a bee (Apis
mellifera) product formed by the chemical change of the nectars that the bees
collect from the flowers. Honey is more or less affected by the antibiotics
used in bee diseases. This contagion has vital importance in terms of public
health. For this reason, simultaneous and rapid detection of different
antibiotic groups in the remnants of used veterinary medications is important.
Simultaneous identification of different groups of antibiotics depends on the
detection method of each group, the performances of the devices, and the
success of the validation. This study was carried out to realize the
identification, validation and method development of the multiplex-group
antibiotic residues, in the direction of EU Directive 2002/657 EEC. A different
method has been developed for a total of 35 antibiotics from many groups, and
the detection limits, deviations, LOD, LOQ and validations are presented. It
has been identified in this study that the simultaneous detection and
validation of multiplex-groups of antibiotics, which have not yet been
routinely practised, is possible. With this study, a unique method and a
validation technique, which may be used by national competent authorities, has
been developed.

Destekleyen Kurum

Karabük Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



Acknowledgement: This study was supported by Karabük University Scientific Research Projects Unit with the number of KBU-BAP-15/1-KP-037. I would like to thank Karabük University for their support and following this tough and long-lasting process together with me.


  • 1. Adams, S.J., Fussel, R.J., Dickinson, M., Wilkins, S., Sharman, M. (2009). Study of the depletion of lincomycin residues in honey Extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies and the effect of the shook swarm procedure. Analytica chimica acta, (637): 315-320.
  • 2. Adams, S.J., Henrich, K., Hetmanski, M., Fussel, R.J., Wilkins, S., Thompson, H.M., Sharman, M. (2007). Study of the depletion of tylosin residues in honey extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies and the effect of the shook swarm procedure. Apidologie 38 (2007): 315-322.
  • 3. Anadon, A., Arnold, D., Boobis, A.R., Ellis, R., Suarez, A.F., Friedlander, L.G., Greenlees, K., Larsen, J.C., McLean, J.G., Neto, J.P., Reeves, P., Sanders, P., Swan, G.E., Barlow, S., Bulder, A., Cerniglia, C.E., Chamberlain, P.L., Choi, M., Dunham , B., Grant, D., Imai, T., Jeong, S.H., Bizec, B.L., Lewicki, J., Ritter, L., Roberts, G., Nunez, B.S.M., Sheffer,M., Tritscher, A., Wennberg, A., Xu, S.X. (2009). Residue evaluation of certain veterinary drugs. Joint FAO/WHO expert commitee on food additives. FAO JECFA Monographs (6): 9-285.
  • 4. Barganska, Z., Slebioda, M., Namiesnik, J. (2011). Determination of antibiotic residues inhoney. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 30 (7):1035-1041.
  • 5. Benetti, C., Piro,R., Binota,G., Angeletti, R., Biancotto, G. (2006). Simultaneous determination of Lincomycin and five macrolide antibiotic residues in honey by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants. 23(11): 1099-1108.
  • 6. Bernal, J., Nozal, M.J., Jimenez, J.J., Martin, M.T., Sanz, E. (2009). A new and simple method to determine trace levels of sulfonamides in honey by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (2009): 7275-7280.
  • 7. Bogdanov, St. (2006): Contaminants of Bee Products. Apidologie 37 (2006). 1-18.
  • 8. Bondi, M.C.M., Marazuela, M.D., Herranz, S., Rodriguez, E. (2009). An overview of sample preparation procedures for LC-MS multiclass antibiotic determination in environmental and food samples. A review. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry. (395):921-946.
  • 9. Budak, H.N., Şanlı, N., Alsancak, G., Seydim, Z.G. (2008). Balda Sülfonamit Kalıntılarının Analizlerinde LC ve LC/MS Yöntemleri. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi; 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum. Kongre Bildirileri, (2008): 333-336.
  • 10. Bruijnsvoort, M. V., Ottnik, S.J.M., Jonker, K.M., Boer, E.D., (2004): Determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in milk and honey by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1058 (2004): 137-142.
  • 11. Carrasco-Pancorbo, A., Terrones, S.C., Carretero, A.S., Gutierrez, A.F. (2008). Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet and electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry on¬line detection for the separation of eight tetracyclines in honey samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1195 (2008): 107-116.
  • 12. Chéneau, E.D., Pirotais, Y., Verdom, E, Pessel, D.H., (2014): Confirmation of 13 sulfonamides in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for monitoring plans: Validation according to European Union Decision 2002/657/EC. Journal of Chromatography A, 1339 (2014): 128-136.
  • 13. Cronly, M., Behan, P., Foley, B, Martin, S., Doyle, M., Malone, E., Regan, L., (2010): Rapid multi-class multi-residue method for the confirmation of chloramphenicol and eleven nitroimidazoles in milk and honey by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometri. Food Additives and Contaminants. 27(9):1233-46. doi: 10.1080/19440049.2010.489579.
  • 14. De Alwis, H., Heller, D.N., (2010). Multiclass, multiresidue method for the detection of antibiotic residues in distillers grains by liquid chromatography and ion trap tandem mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010): 3076-3084.15. Derebaşı., Bulut, G., Col,M., Güney, F., Yaşar, N., Ertürk, Ö. (2014). Physıcochemıcal and resıdue analysıs of honey from black sea regıon of turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 23 (1):10-17.
  • 16. EMEA (1999). Amitraz (bees) MRL Summary report 2. (Accessed 5.2.2009).
  • 17. EFSA (2007). Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food additives, Flavourings, Processing aids and Materials in Contact with Food (AFC) on a request from the Commission on the safety in use of beeswax. The EFSA Journal, 615, 1-28. (Accessed 6 February 2009).
  • 18. FAO/WHO (1998). Report of JMPR, 25-30.
  • 19. Galarini, R., Saluti, G., Giosepponi, D., Rossi, R., Moretti, S., (2014). Multiclass determination of 27 antibiotics in honey. Food Control. (2014): 1-13.
  • 20. Gaudin, V., Hedou, C., Verdon, E. (2012):.Validation of two ELISA kits for the screening of tylosin and streptomycin in honey according to the European decision 2002/657/EC. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, (2012), 1-17.
  • 21. Gaudin, V., Rault, A., Verdon, (2012). Validation of a commercial receptor kit for tetracycline residues in honey according to the European guideline for screening methods’’. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 24 (1): 111-128.
  • 22. Gomez-Perez, M.L., Bolanos, P.P., Gonzalez, R.R., Vidal, J.L.M., Frenich, A.G., (2012). Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative determination of pesticides and veterinary drugs in honey using liquid chromatography-Orbitrap high Resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1248 (2012): 130- 138.
  • 23. Granja, R. H.M.M., Nino, A.M.M., Zucchetti, R.A.M., Nino, R.E.M., Patel, R., Salerno, A.G., (2009). Determination of streptomycin residues in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 637 (2009): 64-67.
  • 24. Hammel, Y.A., Mohamed, R., Gremaud,., LeBreton, M.H., Guy, P.A., (2008). Multi-screening approach to monitör and quantify 42 antibiotic residues in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem Mass-spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 1177 (2008): 58-76.
  • 25. Jing,T, Gao, X.D., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Lin, Y.F., Hu, X.Z., Hao, Q.L., Zhou, Y.K., Mei, S.R. (2009). Determination of trace tetracycline antibiotics in foodstuffs by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry coupled with selective molecular-imprinted solid-phase extraction. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry.2009 (393): 2009-2018.
  • 26. Karazafiris, E., Tananaki, C., Thrasyvoulou,A., Spiroudi, U.M. (2007). ‘’Pesticide Residues in Bee Products.’’ Laboratory of Apiculture-Sericulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. p :98-101.
  • 27. Kay, J., Ellis, R., (2005). ‘’ Residues of veterinary drugs in honey and possible approaches to derive MRL’s for this commodity. ‘’The 66th meeting of the Committee discussed the report of the 2005 meeting of the Joint FAO/RIVM/WHO workshop “Updating the Principles and Methods of Risk Assessment: Maximum ResidueLevels (MRL’s) for Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs” (FAO/WHO, 2005).
  • 28. Kochansky, J, (2004). Degradation of tylosin residues in honey. Journal of ApiculturalResearch, (43):65- 68.
  • 29. Lafontaine, C., Shi, Y., Espourteille, F.A., (2009): Multi-class Antibiotic Screening of Honey Using Online Extraction with LC-MS/MS. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Application Note: (464):1-4
  • 30. Lewicki, J., Reeves, P.T., Swan, G.E., (2009). Tylosin. Addendum to the monograph prepared by the 38th Meeting of the Committee and published in FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 41(4): 1-37.
  • 31. López, D.R., (2014). Evaluation of pesticide residues in honey from different geographic regions of Colombia. Journal of Food Control. 37 (2014): 33-40.
  • 32. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare FDA. (2012). Manual of methods of analysis of foods Antibiotics and Hormones’’ (2012). Food safety and standards authority of India (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. LAB. MANUAL:15, FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002.(15): 1-54.
  • 33. Nebot, C., Iglesias, A., Regal P., Miranda, J., Cepeda, A., Fente, C., (2012). Development of a multi-class method for the identification and quantification of residues of antibiotics, coccidiostats and corticosteroids in milk by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. International Dairy Journal 22 (2012): 78-85.
  • 34. Nozal, M.J., Bernal, J.L., Martin,M.T., Bernal, J., Alvaro, A., Martin, R., Higes, M., (2008): Trace analysis of fumagillin in honey by liquid chromatography-diodearray-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1190(2008): 224-231.
  • 35. Olaitan, P. B., . Adeleke, O. E., Ola, I. O., (2007). Honey: a reservoir for microorganisms and an inhibitory agent for microbes. African Health Sciences. 7(3): 159-165.
  • 36. Pang, G.F., Cao, Y.Z., Fan, C.L., Zhang, J.J., Li, Z.Y., Jia, Q.J. (2003). Liquid chromatography- fluorescence detection for simultaneous analysis of sulfonamide residues in honey. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry. Anal Bioanal Chem (376) : 534-541.
  • 37. Pang, G.F., Fan, C.L., Cao, Y.z., Zhang, J.J., Fu, B.L., Li, X.M., Li, Z.Y., Wu, Y.P., (2006). Multi-residue method for the determination of 450 pesticide residues in honey, fruit juice and wine by double-cartridge solid¬phase extraction/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants, 23 (8): 777-810.
  • 38. Peres, G. T., (2010). A HPLC with fluorescence detection method for the determination Of tetracyclines residues and evaluation of theirstability in honey ‘’. Journal of Food Control 21(2010): 620-625.
  • 39. Resmi Gazete (2005). Türk Gıda Kodeksi Yönetmeliği. Tebliğ No: 2005/49/17.12.2005, Sayı: 26026 (Official Gazette (2005). Turkish Food Codex Regulation. Communiqué No: 2005/49 / 17.12.2005, No: 26026)
  • 40. Resmi Gazete (2013). Canlı hayvan ve hayvansal ürünlerde kalıntı izleme genelgesi. Resmi Gazete Tarih: 17.12.2011, Sayı: 28145. (Official Gazette (2013). Public Mandate on Residue Monitoring in Live Animals and Animal Products. Official Gazette Date: 17.12.2011, Issue: 28145)
  • 41. Regulation EC (2002). (EC) No 178/2002 Of The European Parlıament And Of The Councıl. 28 January2002. Official Journal of the European Communities. (31): 1-23.
  • 42. Reybroeck, W., Ooghe, S., Brabander,H.D., Daeseleire, E., (2007): Validation of the Tetrasensor Honey Test Kit for the Screening of Tetracyclines in Honey. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry. 55 (21): 8359-8366.
  • 48. Sajid, M., Safdar, N.N.M., Lu, X., Ma,L., He, L., Ouyang, J., (2013). Rapid trace level determination of sulfonamide residues in honey with online extraction usingshort C-18 column by high- performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 1314 (2013):173- 179.
  • 49. Samsonova, J. V., Cannavan, A., Elliott,C. T. (2012). A Critical Review of Screening Methods for the Detection of Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol, and Florfenicol Residues in Food stuffs, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 42 (1):50-78,
  • 50. Seğmenoğlu, M.S., Baydan, E., (2012): Ballarda Rastlanabilen İlaç Kalıntıları ve Bulaşanlar. Adana Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2012 (2): 24-28.
  • 51. Song, B., Zhou, Y., Jin, H., Jing, T., Zhou, T., Hao, Q., Zhou, Y., Mei, S., Lee,Y.I. (2014). Selective and sensitive determination of erythromycin in honey and dairy products by molecularly imprinted polymers based electrochemical sensor. Microchemical Journal 116 (2014): 183-190.
  • 52. Thompson, T.S., Heever, J.P.V.D., (2012). Degradation of erythromycin in honey and selection of suitable marker residues for food safety analysis. Food Chemistry 133 (2012): 1510-1520.
  • 53. Venable, R., Haynes, C., Cook, J.M. (2014): Reported prevalence and quantitative LC-MS methods for the analysis of veterinary drug residues in honey: a review. Food Additives et Contaminants: Part A, 31 (4):1-20.
  • 54. Vidal, J.L.M., Luiz, M.D.M.A., Gonzalez, R.R., Frenich, A.G. (2009). Multiclass Analysis of Antibiotic Residues in Honey By Ultra performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem MassSpectrometry. Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (5):1760-1767.
  • 55. Wan, G. H., Zheng, H.S., Zhou, J., Liu, L.J., Yu, X.F., (2005). Determination of tetracyclines residues in honey using high-performance liquid chromatography with potassium permanganate-sodium sulfite--cyclodextrin chemiluminescence detection. Journal of Chromatography B, 824 (2005): 57-64.
  • 56. Zhou, Y.Y., Lavorato, D., Mathews,T., Countryman, S. (2010). Rapid LC/MS/MS analysis of antibiotics in meat for human consumption using kinetex™ 2.6 pm core-shell lc column. Phenomenex applications. Technical notes. TN- 1074. (2010): 1-4.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 15 - 33, 30.08.2019


Proje Numarası



  • 1. Adams, S.J., Fussel, R.J., Dickinson, M., Wilkins, S., Sharman, M. (2009). Study of the depletion of lincomycin residues in honey Extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies and the effect of the shook swarm procedure. Analytica chimica acta, (637): 315-320.
  • 2. Adams, S.J., Henrich, K., Hetmanski, M., Fussel, R.J., Wilkins, S., Thompson, H.M., Sharman, M. (2007). Study of the depletion of tylosin residues in honey extracted from treated honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies and the effect of the shook swarm procedure. Apidologie 38 (2007): 315-322.
  • 3. Anadon, A., Arnold, D., Boobis, A.R., Ellis, R., Suarez, A.F., Friedlander, L.G., Greenlees, K., Larsen, J.C., McLean, J.G., Neto, J.P., Reeves, P., Sanders, P., Swan, G.E., Barlow, S., Bulder, A., Cerniglia, C.E., Chamberlain, P.L., Choi, M., Dunham , B., Grant, D., Imai, T., Jeong, S.H., Bizec, B.L., Lewicki, J., Ritter, L., Roberts, G., Nunez, B.S.M., Sheffer,M., Tritscher, A., Wennberg, A., Xu, S.X. (2009). Residue evaluation of certain veterinary drugs. Joint FAO/WHO expert commitee on food additives. FAO JECFA Monographs (6): 9-285.
  • 4. Barganska, Z., Slebioda, M., Namiesnik, J. (2011). Determination of antibiotic residues inhoney. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 30 (7):1035-1041.
  • 5. Benetti, C., Piro,R., Binota,G., Angeletti, R., Biancotto, G. (2006). Simultaneous determination of Lincomycin and five macrolide antibiotic residues in honey by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants. 23(11): 1099-1108.
  • 6. Bernal, J., Nozal, M.J., Jimenez, J.J., Martin, M.T., Sanz, E. (2009). A new and simple method to determine trace levels of sulfonamides in honey by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216 (2009): 7275-7280.
  • 7. Bogdanov, St. (2006): Contaminants of Bee Products. Apidologie 37 (2006). 1-18.
  • 8. Bondi, M.C.M., Marazuela, M.D., Herranz, S., Rodriguez, E. (2009). An overview of sample preparation procedures for LC-MS multiclass antibiotic determination in environmental and food samples. A review. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry. (395):921-946.
  • 9. Budak, H.N., Şanlı, N., Alsancak, G., Seydim, Z.G. (2008). Balda Sülfonamit Kalıntılarının Analizlerinde LC ve LC/MS Yöntemleri. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi; 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum. Kongre Bildirileri, (2008): 333-336.
  • 10. Bruijnsvoort, M. V., Ottnik, S.J.M., Jonker, K.M., Boer, E.D., (2004): Determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in milk and honey by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1058 (2004): 137-142.
  • 11. Carrasco-Pancorbo, A., Terrones, S.C., Carretero, A.S., Gutierrez, A.F. (2008). Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to ultraviolet and electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry on¬line detection for the separation of eight tetracyclines in honey samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1195 (2008): 107-116.
  • 12. Chéneau, E.D., Pirotais, Y., Verdom, E, Pessel, D.H., (2014): Confirmation of 13 sulfonamides in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for monitoring plans: Validation according to European Union Decision 2002/657/EC. Journal of Chromatography A, 1339 (2014): 128-136.
  • 13. Cronly, M., Behan, P., Foley, B, Martin, S., Doyle, M., Malone, E., Regan, L., (2010): Rapid multi-class multi-residue method for the confirmation of chloramphenicol and eleven nitroimidazoles in milk and honey by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometri. Food Additives and Contaminants. 27(9):1233-46. doi: 10.1080/19440049.2010.489579.
  • 14. De Alwis, H., Heller, D.N., (2010). Multiclass, multiresidue method for the detection of antibiotic residues in distillers grains by liquid chromatography and ion trap tandem mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217 (2010): 3076-3084.15. Derebaşı., Bulut, G., Col,M., Güney, F., Yaşar, N., Ertürk, Ö. (2014). Physıcochemıcal and resıdue analysıs of honey from black sea regıon of turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 23 (1):10-17.
  • 16. EMEA (1999). Amitraz (bees) MRL Summary report 2. (Accessed 5.2.2009).
  • 17. EFSA (2007). Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food additives, Flavourings, Processing aids and Materials in Contact with Food (AFC) on a request from the Commission on the safety in use of beeswax. The EFSA Journal, 615, 1-28. (Accessed 6 February 2009).
  • 18. FAO/WHO (1998). Report of JMPR, 25-30.
  • 19. Galarini, R., Saluti, G., Giosepponi, D., Rossi, R., Moretti, S., (2014). Multiclass determination of 27 antibiotics in honey. Food Control. (2014): 1-13.
  • 20. Gaudin, V., Hedou, C., Verdon, E. (2012):.Validation of two ELISA kits for the screening of tylosin and streptomycin in honey according to the European decision 2002/657/EC. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, (2012), 1-17.
  • 21. Gaudin, V., Rault, A., Verdon, (2012). Validation of a commercial receptor kit for tetracycline residues in honey according to the European guideline for screening methods’’. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 24 (1): 111-128.
  • 22. Gomez-Perez, M.L., Bolanos, P.P., Gonzalez, R.R., Vidal, J.L.M., Frenich, A.G., (2012). Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative determination of pesticides and veterinary drugs in honey using liquid chromatography-Orbitrap high Resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1248 (2012): 130- 138.
  • 23. Granja, R. H.M.M., Nino, A.M.M., Zucchetti, R.A.M., Nino, R.E.M., Patel, R., Salerno, A.G., (2009). Determination of streptomycin residues in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 637 (2009): 64-67.
  • 24. Hammel, Y.A., Mohamed, R., Gremaud,., LeBreton, M.H., Guy, P.A., (2008). Multi-screening approach to monitör and quantify 42 antibiotic residues in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem Mass-spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 1177 (2008): 58-76.
  • 25. Jing,T, Gao, X.D., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Lin, Y.F., Hu, X.Z., Hao, Q.L., Zhou, Y.K., Mei, S.R. (2009). Determination of trace tetracycline antibiotics in foodstuffs by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry coupled with selective molecular-imprinted solid-phase extraction. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry.2009 (393): 2009-2018.
  • 26. Karazafiris, E., Tananaki, C., Thrasyvoulou,A., Spiroudi, U.M. (2007). ‘’Pesticide Residues in Bee Products.’’ Laboratory of Apiculture-Sericulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. p :98-101.
  • 27. Kay, J., Ellis, R., (2005). ‘’ Residues of veterinary drugs in honey and possible approaches to derive MRL’s for this commodity. ‘’The 66th meeting of the Committee discussed the report of the 2005 meeting of the Joint FAO/RIVM/WHO workshop “Updating the Principles and Methods of Risk Assessment: Maximum ResidueLevels (MRL’s) for Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs” (FAO/WHO, 2005).
  • 28. Kochansky, J, (2004). Degradation of tylosin residues in honey. Journal of ApiculturalResearch, (43):65- 68.
  • 29. Lafontaine, C., Shi, Y., Espourteille, F.A., (2009): Multi-class Antibiotic Screening of Honey Using Online Extraction with LC-MS/MS. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Application Note: (464):1-4
  • 30. Lewicki, J., Reeves, P.T., Swan, G.E., (2009). Tylosin. Addendum to the monograph prepared by the 38th Meeting of the Committee and published in FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 41(4): 1-37.
  • 31. López, D.R., (2014). Evaluation of pesticide residues in honey from different geographic regions of Colombia. Journal of Food Control. 37 (2014): 33-40.
  • 32. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare FDA. (2012). Manual of methods of analysis of foods Antibiotics and Hormones’’ (2012). Food safety and standards authority of India (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. LAB. MANUAL:15, FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002.(15): 1-54.
  • 33. Nebot, C., Iglesias, A., Regal P., Miranda, J., Cepeda, A., Fente, C., (2012). Development of a multi-class method for the identification and quantification of residues of antibiotics, coccidiostats and corticosteroids in milk by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. International Dairy Journal 22 (2012): 78-85.
  • 34. Nozal, M.J., Bernal, J.L., Martin,M.T., Bernal, J., Alvaro, A., Martin, R., Higes, M., (2008): Trace analysis of fumagillin in honey by liquid chromatography-diodearray-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1190(2008): 224-231.
  • 35. Olaitan, P. B., . Adeleke, O. E., Ola, I. O., (2007). Honey: a reservoir for microorganisms and an inhibitory agent for microbes. African Health Sciences. 7(3): 159-165.
  • 36. Pang, G.F., Cao, Y.Z., Fan, C.L., Zhang, J.J., Li, Z.Y., Jia, Q.J. (2003). Liquid chromatography- fluorescence detection for simultaneous analysis of sulfonamide residues in honey. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry. Anal Bioanal Chem (376) : 534-541.
  • 37. Pang, G.F., Fan, C.L., Cao, Y.z., Zhang, J.J., Fu, B.L., Li, X.M., Li, Z.Y., Wu, Y.P., (2006). Multi-residue method for the determination of 450 pesticide residues in honey, fruit juice and wine by double-cartridge solid¬phase extraction/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants, 23 (8): 777-810.
  • 38. Peres, G. T., (2010). A HPLC with fluorescence detection method for the determination Of tetracyclines residues and evaluation of theirstability in honey ‘’. Journal of Food Control 21(2010): 620-625.
  • 39. Resmi Gazete (2005). Türk Gıda Kodeksi Yönetmeliği. Tebliğ No: 2005/49/17.12.2005, Sayı: 26026 (Official Gazette (2005). Turkish Food Codex Regulation. Communiqué No: 2005/49 / 17.12.2005, No: 26026)
  • 40. Resmi Gazete (2013). Canlı hayvan ve hayvansal ürünlerde kalıntı izleme genelgesi. Resmi Gazete Tarih: 17.12.2011, Sayı: 28145. (Official Gazette (2013). Public Mandate on Residue Monitoring in Live Animals and Animal Products. Official Gazette Date: 17.12.2011, Issue: 28145)
  • 41. Regulation EC (2002). (EC) No 178/2002 Of The European Parlıament And Of The Councıl. 28 January2002. Official Journal of the European Communities. (31): 1-23.
  • 42. Reybroeck, W., Ooghe, S., Brabander,H.D., Daeseleire, E., (2007): Validation of the Tetrasensor Honey Test Kit for the Screening of Tetracyclines in Honey. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry. 55 (21): 8359-8366.
  • 48. Sajid, M., Safdar, N.N.M., Lu, X., Ma,L., He, L., Ouyang, J., (2013). Rapid trace level determination of sulfonamide residues in honey with online extraction usingshort C-18 column by high- performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 1314 (2013):173- 179.
  • 49. Samsonova, J. V., Cannavan, A., Elliott,C. T. (2012). A Critical Review of Screening Methods for the Detection of Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol, and Florfenicol Residues in Food stuffs, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 42 (1):50-78,
  • 50. Seğmenoğlu, M.S., Baydan, E., (2012): Ballarda Rastlanabilen İlaç Kalıntıları ve Bulaşanlar. Adana Veteriner Kontrol Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2012 (2): 24-28.
  • 51. Song, B., Zhou, Y., Jin, H., Jing, T., Zhou, T., Hao, Q., Zhou, Y., Mei, S., Lee,Y.I. (2014). Selective and sensitive determination of erythromycin in honey and dairy products by molecularly imprinted polymers based electrochemical sensor. Microchemical Journal 116 (2014): 183-190.
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Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Namık Bilici

Yılmaz Altuner

Erol Kabil

Hatice Kübra Koç Topçuoğlu Bu kişi benim

Ümit Topçuoğlu Bu kişi benim

Proje Numarası KBU-BAP-15/1-KP-037
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilici, N., Altuner, Y., Kabil, E., Koç Topçuoğlu, H. K., vd. (2019). Simultaneous search of multiple groups of antibiotics and their different components in the honey. Sabuncuoglu Serefeddin Health Sciences, 1(1), 15-33.


