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Sabuncuoğlu Şerefeddin’s Surgical Treatise Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye and Its Significance in the History of Turkish Medicine

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 7, 30.08.2019


Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye is a work that has an important place in
the history of Turkish medicine. The work which has
been written by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468?), a physician and surgeon
from Amasya, gives us peerless information about the medical practices from 15th
century Anatolia. The work is actually a surgical treatise and consists of
three chapters: cauterization treatments, surgical procedures, and fractures
and dislocations. Information related with almost every medical specialty of
modern-day medicine appears in Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye. Medical treatment options
(creams, pomades, ointments, lotions) were also discussed in detail in the


  • (2015a) Acar, H.V. 2015. Acupuncture points in the book of Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, a 15th century Turkish physician. Acupunct Med, 33: 72-76.
  • (2015b) Acar, H.V. 2015. Yazılışının 550. yılında Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye hakkında SCI-E kapsamındaki dergilerde yayınlanan Türkiye kaynaklı makaleler. Lokman Hekim Dergisi, 5: 37-44.
  • Adıvar, A.A. 1982. Osmanlı Türklerinde ilim. Geliştirilmiş IV. basımı hazırlayan: Prof. Dr. Aykut Kazancıgil, Prof. Dr. Sevim Tekeli. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Aygen, G., Karasu A., Ofluoglu, A.E., Pait, G., Toplamaoglu, H. 2009. The first Anatolian contribution to treatment of sciatica by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Surg Neurol, 71: 130-133.
  • Bademci, G., Batay, F., Sabuncuoglu, H. 2005. First detailed description of axial traction techniques by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Eur Spine J, 14: 810–812.
  • Bademci, G. 2006. First illustrations of female “Neurosurgeons” in the fifteenth century by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu. Neurocirugía, 17: 162-165.
  • Basagaoglu, İ., Karaca, S., Salihoglu, Z. 2006. Anesthesia techniques in the fifteenth century by Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu. Anesth Analg, 102: 1289.
  • Batırel, H.F., Yüksel, M. 1997. Thoracic surgery techniques of Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the fifteenth century. Ann Thorac Surg, 63: 575–577.
  • Bekraki, A., Görkey, Ş., Aktan, Ö. 2000. Anal surgical techniques in early Ottoman period performed by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu. World J Surg, 24: 130-132.
  • Büyükünal, S.N., Sarı, N. 1991. Serafeddin Sabuncuoğlu, the author of the earliest pediatric surgical atlas: Cerrahiye-i Ilhaniye. J Pediatr Surg, 26: 1148-1151.
  • Çantay, G. 1991. Amasya Darüşşifası. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 3. Cilt, pp. 5-6. İstanbul.
  • Darçın, O.T., Andaç, M.H. 2003. Surgery on varicose veins in the early Ottoman period performed by Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu. Ann Vasc Surg, 17: 468-472.
  • Dinc, G., Yildirim, I. 2007. First colored illustration and detailed description of hermaphroditism by a Turkish surgeon, Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, in the 15th century. Ann Plast Surg, 59: 720–722.
  • Doğan, T., Bayramiçli, M., Numanoğlu, A. 1997. Plastic surgical techniques in the fifteenth century by Serafeddin Sabuncuoğlu. Plast Reconstr Surg, 99: 1775-1779.
  • Elçioğlu, O., Ozden, H., Guven, G., Kabay., S. 2010. Urinary bladder stone extraction and instruments compared in textbooks of Abul-Qasim Khalaf Ibn Abbas Alzahrawi (Albucasis) (930-1013) and Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu (1385-1470). J Endourol, 24: 1463-1468.
  • Elmacı, İ. 2000. Color illustrations and neurosurgical techniques of Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the 15th century. Neurosurgery, 47: 951-954.
  • Er, U., Pamir, M.N. 2013. Ottoman surgical treatises and their influences on modern neurosurgery in Turkey. World Neurosurg, 80: e165-169.
  • Ganidagli, S., Cengiz, M., Aksoy, S., Verit, A. 2004. Approach to painful disorders by Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the fifteenth century Ottoman period. Anesthesiology, 100: 165-169.
  • Gürsoy, F. 2013. Minyatür sanatında dermatoloji. Turk J Dermatol, 7: 116-118.
  • Hiçdönmez, T., Özek, M.M. 2006. Hydrocephalus in Sabuncuoğlu’s textbook of surgery: Cerrahiyyet’ul Haniyye. Childs Nerv Syst, 22: 545–546.
  • Kadıoğlu, N.S., Ögenler, O., Uzel, İ. 2011. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu’s drawings of gyneco-obstetric instruments. Turk J Med Sci, 41: 1-5.
  • Kafalı, H., Aksoy., S., Atmaca, F., San, I. 2002. Colored illustrations of obstetrics manipulations and instrumentation techniques of a Turkish surgeon Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 105: 197-202.
  • Kaya, S.O., Karatepe, M, Tok, T., Onem, G., Dursunoglu, N., Goksin, I. 2009. Were pneumothorax and its management known in 15th-century Anatolia? Tex Heart Inst J, 36: 152-153.
  • Kaynaroğlu, V., Kiliç, Y.A. 2012. Archery-related sports injuries. In: Doral, M.N., Tandoğan, R., N., Mann, G., Verdonk, G. (Eds.). Sports Injuries. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 1081-1086.
  • Kendirci, M., Kadioglu, A., Boylu, U., Miroglu, C. 2005. Urogenital surgery of the 15th century in Anatolia. J Urol, 173: 1879-1882.
  • Kesgin, E. 2017. A miniature form the 15th century that narrates shoulder reduction. EJMO, 1: 179-182.
  • Keskil, S., Sabuncuoğlu, H. 2002. Endoscopy in the 15th century. Minim Invas Neurosurg, 45: 45-46.
  • Keskinbora, H.K. 2013. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu’nun Cerrahiyet-ül Haniye kitabında göz hastalıkları konuları. Lokman Hekim Dergisi, 3: 16-24.
  • Kılıçoğlu, V. 1956. Cerrahiye-i Ilhaniye. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Koç, A., Erginoğlu, U., Karaaslan, O. 2004. Otorhinolaryngological procedures in the fifteenth century in Anatolia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 113: 414-417.
  • Kurt, Ü.E. 2011. Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu’nun mıhceme ve mişrat adlı aletler ile yaptığı hacamat uygulamaları. Yeni Tıp Tarihi Araştırmaları, 17: 53-62.
  • Ladino, L.D., Hunter, G., Tellez-Zenteno, J.F. 2013. Art and epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy & Behavior, 29: 82–89.
  • Naderi, S., Acar, F., Arda, M.N. 2002. History of spinal disorders and Cerrahiyetül Haniye (Imperial Surgery). A review of a Turkish treatise written by Serefeddin Sabuncuoğu in the 15th century. J Neurosurg, 96: 352–356.
  • Numanoğlu, İ. 1973. Cerrahiyei Ilhaniye: the earliest known book containing pediatric surgical procedures. J Pediatr Surg, 8: 547-548.
  • Oguz, H., San, I., Verit, A., Uzel, I. 2004. Ophthalmic techniques described by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468 AD). Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 32: 192-195.
  • Oguz, H. 2005. Comment on ‘An eye on the past’. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 33: 337.
  • Oğuz, H. 2009. History of ophthalmology: A distinguished or extinguished field of scholarly activity? Acta Ophthalmol, 87: 359.
  • Orhan Sungur, M., Pembeci, K. 2009. Anaesthesia and surgery in 15th century in Anatolia: Art and illustrations of Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu. Anestezjologia i Ratownictwo, 3: 10-12.
  • Önler, Z. Cerrahiyetu’l-Haniyye’deki tıp terimleri üzerine. Uluslararası Amasya Sempozyumu, 1317-1327, 4-7 Ekim 2017, Türkiye.Sabuncuoglu, O. 2006. Early color illustrations of psychiatric treatment methods, as drawn by physician Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu (1385–1470). Am J Psychiatry, 163: 2071.
  • San, I., Oguz, H., Kafali, H. 2005. Colored illustrations of pediatric otorhinolaryngologic surgical techniques of a Turkish surgeon, Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, in the 15th century. Int J Ped Otorhinolaryn, 69: 885-891.
  • Sarban, S., Aksoy, Ş., Uzel, İ., Işıkan, U.E., Atik, Ş. 2005. Orthopaedic techniques of Sabuncuoğlu in the 15th century Ottoman period. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 439: 253-259.
  • Sarı, N. Cerrahiyetü’l Haniye’de dağlama yoluyla “mâl-i hülyâ” tedavisi ve akupunktur yöntemi ile karşılaştırılması. Gevher Nesibe Sultan Anısına Düzenlenen Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu Kongresi, 171-177, 14 Mart 1985, Türkiye.
  • Senayli, A., Aksu, M., Atalar, M. 2014. A circumcision method in an old surgical textbook (Cerrahiyyetul Haniyye): reminding of a forgotten procedure. Urol J, 11: 1731-1734.
  • Solaroglu, I., Acar, F., Bavbek, M., Ture, U., Beskonakli, E. 2013. The history of neurosurgery in Anatolia and Turkey: The Turkish neurosurgical society. World Neurosurg, 79: 16-24.
  • Spink, M.S., Lewis, G.L. 1973. Albucasis. On surgery and instruments. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • Süheyl, A. 1931. Beş asırlık tıbbi bir kitabımız. Cerrahname. İstanbul Belediyesi İstatistik ve Neşriyat Müdürlüğü, İstanbul.
  • Turgut, M. 2007. Illustrations of neurosurgical techniques in early period of Ottoman Empire by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 149: 1063–1069.
  • (2008a) Turgut, M. 2008. Surgical instruments utilized in foetal hydrocephalus to prevent the mother’s death at the time of Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385−1468 AD). Childs Nerv Syst, 24: 783.
  • (2008b) Turgut, M. 2008. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385–1468) on pediatric skull fractures. Pediatr Neurosurg, 44: 264–268.
  • (2008c) Turgut, M. 2008. Pediatric neurosurgical techniques in the 15th century. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 15: 1085-1090.
  • Unat, Y. Amasya Darüşşifası’nın tıp tarihi açısından önemini gösteren iki hekim: Aksarayi ve Sabuncuoğlu. Uluslararası Amasya Sempozyumu, 1465-1483, 4-7 Ekim 2017, Türkiye.
  • Uzel, İ. 1975. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu ve Cerrahiyet Al-Haniye eserindeki diş hekimliği bilgileri. Türk Kültürü, 147: 172-180.
  • Uzel, İ. 1992. Cerrahiyet’ül Haniyye. Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Uzel, İ. 1997. Dental chapters of Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu's (1385-1468?) Illustrated surgical book Cerrahiyyetu'l Haniyye. J Hist Dent, 45: 107-112.
  • Uzel, I. 1998. Zwei dermatologische original-kapitel in Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye (Das chirurgische Imperium). H + G. Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten, 73: 689-692.
  • Uzel, İ. 2000. The Ottoman-Turkish dentistry. In: Çiçek, K. (Ed.). The great Ottoman-Turkish civilisation. Volume 3 - Philosophy, science and institutions. Yeni Türkiye, Ankara. pp: 455-70.
  • Ünver, A.S. 1938. İstanbulun zabtından sonra Türklerde tıbbî tekâmüle bir bakış. Vakıflar Dergisi, 1: 71-81.
  • Ünver, A.S. 1966. Osmanlı Türklerinde hekimlik ve eczacılık. Pharmacia, 6: 30-40.
  • Verit, A., Aksoy, Ş., Kafalı, H., Verit, F.F. 2003. Urologic techniques of Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the 15th century Ottoman period. Urology, 62: 776-778.
  • Verit, F.F., Kafali, H. 2005. The oncologic surgery of Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Eur J Surg Oncol, 31: 803–804.
  • Yıldırım, N. On beşinci yüzyıla ait Türkçe cerrahnameler. 2011. Lokman Hekim Dergisi, 1: 19-28.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 1 - 7, 30.08.2019



  • (2015a) Acar, H.V. 2015. Acupuncture points in the book of Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, a 15th century Turkish physician. Acupunct Med, 33: 72-76.
  • (2015b) Acar, H.V. 2015. Yazılışının 550. yılında Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye hakkında SCI-E kapsamındaki dergilerde yayınlanan Türkiye kaynaklı makaleler. Lokman Hekim Dergisi, 5: 37-44.
  • Adıvar, A.A. 1982. Osmanlı Türklerinde ilim. Geliştirilmiş IV. basımı hazırlayan: Prof. Dr. Aykut Kazancıgil, Prof. Dr. Sevim Tekeli. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Aygen, G., Karasu A., Ofluoglu, A.E., Pait, G., Toplamaoglu, H. 2009. The first Anatolian contribution to treatment of sciatica by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Surg Neurol, 71: 130-133.
  • Bademci, G., Batay, F., Sabuncuoglu, H. 2005. First detailed description of axial traction techniques by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Eur Spine J, 14: 810–812.
  • Bademci, G. 2006. First illustrations of female “Neurosurgeons” in the fifteenth century by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu. Neurocirugía, 17: 162-165.
  • Basagaoglu, İ., Karaca, S., Salihoglu, Z. 2006. Anesthesia techniques in the fifteenth century by Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu. Anesth Analg, 102: 1289.
  • Batırel, H.F., Yüksel, M. 1997. Thoracic surgery techniques of Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the fifteenth century. Ann Thorac Surg, 63: 575–577.
  • Bekraki, A., Görkey, Ş., Aktan, Ö. 2000. Anal surgical techniques in early Ottoman period performed by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu. World J Surg, 24: 130-132.
  • Büyükünal, S.N., Sarı, N. 1991. Serafeddin Sabuncuoğlu, the author of the earliest pediatric surgical atlas: Cerrahiye-i Ilhaniye. J Pediatr Surg, 26: 1148-1151.
  • Çantay, G. 1991. Amasya Darüşşifası. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. 3. Cilt, pp. 5-6. İstanbul.
  • Darçın, O.T., Andaç, M.H. 2003. Surgery on varicose veins in the early Ottoman period performed by Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu. Ann Vasc Surg, 17: 468-472.
  • Dinc, G., Yildirim, I. 2007. First colored illustration and detailed description of hermaphroditism by a Turkish surgeon, Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, in the 15th century. Ann Plast Surg, 59: 720–722.
  • Doğan, T., Bayramiçli, M., Numanoğlu, A. 1997. Plastic surgical techniques in the fifteenth century by Serafeddin Sabuncuoğlu. Plast Reconstr Surg, 99: 1775-1779.
  • Elçioğlu, O., Ozden, H., Guven, G., Kabay., S. 2010. Urinary bladder stone extraction and instruments compared in textbooks of Abul-Qasim Khalaf Ibn Abbas Alzahrawi (Albucasis) (930-1013) and Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu (1385-1470). J Endourol, 24: 1463-1468.
  • Elmacı, İ. 2000. Color illustrations and neurosurgical techniques of Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the 15th century. Neurosurgery, 47: 951-954.
  • Er, U., Pamir, M.N. 2013. Ottoman surgical treatises and their influences on modern neurosurgery in Turkey. World Neurosurg, 80: e165-169.
  • Ganidagli, S., Cengiz, M., Aksoy, S., Verit, A. 2004. Approach to painful disorders by Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the fifteenth century Ottoman period. Anesthesiology, 100: 165-169.
  • Gürsoy, F. 2013. Minyatür sanatında dermatoloji. Turk J Dermatol, 7: 116-118.
  • Hiçdönmez, T., Özek, M.M. 2006. Hydrocephalus in Sabuncuoğlu’s textbook of surgery: Cerrahiyyet’ul Haniyye. Childs Nerv Syst, 22: 545–546.
  • Kadıoğlu, N.S., Ögenler, O., Uzel, İ. 2011. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu’s drawings of gyneco-obstetric instruments. Turk J Med Sci, 41: 1-5.
  • Kafalı, H., Aksoy., S., Atmaca, F., San, I. 2002. Colored illustrations of obstetrics manipulations and instrumentation techniques of a Turkish surgeon Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 105: 197-202.
  • Kaya, S.O., Karatepe, M, Tok, T., Onem, G., Dursunoglu, N., Goksin, I. 2009. Were pneumothorax and its management known in 15th-century Anatolia? Tex Heart Inst J, 36: 152-153.
  • Kaynaroğlu, V., Kiliç, Y.A. 2012. Archery-related sports injuries. In: Doral, M.N., Tandoğan, R., N., Mann, G., Verdonk, G. (Eds.). Sports Injuries. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 1081-1086.
  • Kendirci, M., Kadioglu, A., Boylu, U., Miroglu, C. 2005. Urogenital surgery of the 15th century in Anatolia. J Urol, 173: 1879-1882.
  • Kesgin, E. 2017. A miniature form the 15th century that narrates shoulder reduction. EJMO, 1: 179-182.
  • Keskil, S., Sabuncuoğlu, H. 2002. Endoscopy in the 15th century. Minim Invas Neurosurg, 45: 45-46.
  • Keskinbora, H.K. 2013. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu’nun Cerrahiyet-ül Haniye kitabında göz hastalıkları konuları. Lokman Hekim Dergisi, 3: 16-24.
  • Kılıçoğlu, V. 1956. Cerrahiye-i Ilhaniye. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Koç, A., Erginoğlu, U., Karaaslan, O. 2004. Otorhinolaryngological procedures in the fifteenth century in Anatolia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 113: 414-417.
  • Kurt, Ü.E. 2011. Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu’nun mıhceme ve mişrat adlı aletler ile yaptığı hacamat uygulamaları. Yeni Tıp Tarihi Araştırmaları, 17: 53-62.
  • Ladino, L.D., Hunter, G., Tellez-Zenteno, J.F. 2013. Art and epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy & Behavior, 29: 82–89.
  • Naderi, S., Acar, F., Arda, M.N. 2002. History of spinal disorders and Cerrahiyetül Haniye (Imperial Surgery). A review of a Turkish treatise written by Serefeddin Sabuncuoğu in the 15th century. J Neurosurg, 96: 352–356.
  • Numanoğlu, İ. 1973. Cerrahiyei Ilhaniye: the earliest known book containing pediatric surgical procedures. J Pediatr Surg, 8: 547-548.
  • Oguz, H., San, I., Verit, A., Uzel, I. 2004. Ophthalmic techniques described by Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385-1468 AD). Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 32: 192-195.
  • Oguz, H. 2005. Comment on ‘An eye on the past’. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, 33: 337.
  • Oğuz, H. 2009. History of ophthalmology: A distinguished or extinguished field of scholarly activity? Acta Ophthalmol, 87: 359.
  • Orhan Sungur, M., Pembeci, K. 2009. Anaesthesia and surgery in 15th century in Anatolia: Art and illustrations of Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu. Anestezjologia i Ratownictwo, 3: 10-12.
  • Önler, Z. Cerrahiyetu’l-Haniyye’deki tıp terimleri üzerine. Uluslararası Amasya Sempozyumu, 1317-1327, 4-7 Ekim 2017, Türkiye.Sabuncuoglu, O. 2006. Early color illustrations of psychiatric treatment methods, as drawn by physician Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu (1385–1470). Am J Psychiatry, 163: 2071.
  • San, I., Oguz, H., Kafali, H. 2005. Colored illustrations of pediatric otorhinolaryngologic surgical techniques of a Turkish surgeon, Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu, in the 15th century. Int J Ped Otorhinolaryn, 69: 885-891.
  • Sarban, S., Aksoy, Ş., Uzel, İ., Işıkan, U.E., Atik, Ş. 2005. Orthopaedic techniques of Sabuncuoğlu in the 15th century Ottoman period. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 439: 253-259.
  • Sarı, N. Cerrahiyetü’l Haniye’de dağlama yoluyla “mâl-i hülyâ” tedavisi ve akupunktur yöntemi ile karşılaştırılması. Gevher Nesibe Sultan Anısına Düzenlenen Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu Kongresi, 171-177, 14 Mart 1985, Türkiye.
  • Senayli, A., Aksu, M., Atalar, M. 2014. A circumcision method in an old surgical textbook (Cerrahiyyetul Haniyye): reminding of a forgotten procedure. Urol J, 11: 1731-1734.
  • Solaroglu, I., Acar, F., Bavbek, M., Ture, U., Beskonakli, E. 2013. The history of neurosurgery in Anatolia and Turkey: The Turkish neurosurgical society. World Neurosurg, 79: 16-24.
  • Spink, M.S., Lewis, G.L. 1973. Albucasis. On surgery and instruments. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • Süheyl, A. 1931. Beş asırlık tıbbi bir kitabımız. Cerrahname. İstanbul Belediyesi İstatistik ve Neşriyat Müdürlüğü, İstanbul.
  • Turgut, M. 2007. Illustrations of neurosurgical techniques in early period of Ottoman Empire by Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu. Acta Neurochir (Wien), 149: 1063–1069.
  • (2008a) Turgut, M. 2008. Surgical instruments utilized in foetal hydrocephalus to prevent the mother’s death at the time of Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385−1468 AD). Childs Nerv Syst, 24: 783.
  • (2008b) Turgut, M. 2008. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu (1385–1468) on pediatric skull fractures. Pediatr Neurosurg, 44: 264–268.
  • (2008c) Turgut, M. 2008. Pediatric neurosurgical techniques in the 15th century. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 15: 1085-1090.
  • Unat, Y. Amasya Darüşşifası’nın tıp tarihi açısından önemini gösteren iki hekim: Aksarayi ve Sabuncuoğlu. Uluslararası Amasya Sempozyumu, 1465-1483, 4-7 Ekim 2017, Türkiye.
  • Uzel, İ. 1975. Şerefeddin Sabuncuoğlu ve Cerrahiyet Al-Haniye eserindeki diş hekimliği bilgileri. Türk Kültürü, 147: 172-180.
  • Uzel, İ. 1992. Cerrahiyet’ül Haniyye. Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Uzel, İ. 1997. Dental chapters of Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu's (1385-1468?) Illustrated surgical book Cerrahiyyetu'l Haniyye. J Hist Dent, 45: 107-112.
  • Uzel, I. 1998. Zwei dermatologische original-kapitel in Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye (Das chirurgische Imperium). H + G. Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten, 73: 689-692.
  • Uzel, İ. 2000. The Ottoman-Turkish dentistry. In: Çiçek, K. (Ed.). The great Ottoman-Turkish civilisation. Volume 3 - Philosophy, science and institutions. Yeni Türkiye, Ankara. pp: 455-70.
  • Ünver, A.S. 1938. İstanbulun zabtından sonra Türklerde tıbbî tekâmüle bir bakış. Vakıflar Dergisi, 1: 71-81.
  • Ünver, A.S. 1966. Osmanlı Türklerinde hekimlik ve eczacılık. Pharmacia, 6: 30-40.
  • Verit, A., Aksoy, Ş., Kafalı, H., Verit, F.F. 2003. Urologic techniques of Serefeddin Sabuncuoğlu in the 15th century Ottoman period. Urology, 62: 776-778.
  • Verit, F.F., Kafali, H. 2005. The oncologic surgery of Serefeddin Sabuncuoglu in the 15th century. Eur J Surg Oncol, 31: 803–804.
  • Yıldırım, N. On beşinci yüzyıla ait Türkçe cerrahnameler. 2011. Lokman Hekim Dergisi, 1: 19-28.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

H. Volkan Acar 0000-0002-0603-3896

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Acar, H. V. (2019). Sabuncuoğlu Şerefeddin’s Surgical Treatise Cerrahiyetü’l-Haniyye and Its Significance in the History of Turkish Medicine. Sabuncuoglu Serefeddin Health Sciences, 1(1), 1-7.


