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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 1 - 13, 31.08.2021



  • Abdel-Daim, M. M., Aleya, L., El-Bialy, B. E., Abushouk, A. I., Alkahtani, S., Alarifi, S., ... & Bungau, S. G. (2019). The ameliorative effects of ceftriaxone and vitamin E against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Environmental science and pollution research, 26(15), 15248-15254.
  • Ahmed, R. A., Alawin, O. A., & Sylvester, P. W. (2016). γ‐Tocotrienol reversal of epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition in human breast cancer cells is associated with inhibition of canonical Wnt signalling. Cell proliferation, 49(4), 460-470.
  • Akman, A . (2021). Methotrexate Induced Hepatotoxicity and Antioxidants . Sabuncuoglu Serefeddin Health Sciences , 3 (1) , 22-35 . Retrieved from
  • Barnett, K. T., Fokum, F. D., & Malafa, M. P. (2002). Vitamin E succinate inhibits colon cancer liver metastases. Journal of Surgical Research, 106(2), 292-298.
  • Boothby, L. A., & Doering, P. L. (2005). Vitamin C and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 39(12), 2073-2080.
  • Bril, F., Biernacki, D. M., Kalavalapalli, S., Lomonaco, R., Subbarayan, S. K., Lai, J., ... & Cusi, K. (2019). Role of vitamin E for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care, 42(8), 1481-1488.
  • Constantinou, C., Papas, A., & Constantinou, A. I. (2008). Vitamin E and cancer: an insight into the anticancer activities of vitamin E isomers and analogs. International journal of cancer, 123(4), 739-752.
  • Copp, R. P., Wisniewski, T., Hentati, F., Larnaout, A., Hamida, M. B., & Kayden, H. J. (1999). Localization of α-tocopherol transfer protein in the brains of patients with ataxia with vitamin E deficiency and other oxidative stress related neurodegenerative disorders. Brain research, 822(1-2), 80-87.
  • Daniel, O. O., Adeoye, A. O., Ojowu, J., & Olorunsogo, O. O. (2018). Inhibition of liver mitochondrial membrane permeability transition pore opening by quercetin and vitamin E in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 504(2), 460-469.
  • Di Donato, I., Bianchi, S., & Federico, A. (2010). Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency: update of molecular diagnosis. Neurological sciences, 31(4), 511-515.
  • El Kotb, S. M., El-ghazouly, D. E. S., & Ameen, O. (2020). The potential cytoprotective effect of Vitamin C and Vitamin E on monosodium glutamate-induced testicular toxicity in rats. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 56(1), 134-147.
  • Ghaffari, J., Ashrafi, H., Ranjbar, A. R., & Nazari, Z. (2014). Vitamin E in children with asthma: A review. Journal of Pediatrics Review, 2(2), 57-65.
  • Gohil, K., Oommen, S., Quach, H. T., Vasu, V. T., Aung, H. H., Schock, B., ... & Vatassery, G. T. (2008). Mice lacking α-tocopherol transfer protein gene have severe α-tocopherol deficiency in multiple regions of the central nervous system. Brain research, 1201, 167-176.
  • Gomez-Pomar, E., Hatfield, E., Garlitz, K., Westgate, P. M., & Bada, H. S. (2018). Vitamin E in the preterm infant: a forgotten cause of Hemolytic Anemia. American journal of perinatology, 35(03), 305-310.
  • Harrison, S. A., Torgerson, S., Hayashi, P., Ward, J., & Schenker, S. (2003). Vitamin E and vitamin C treatment improves fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The American journal of gastroenterology, 98(11), 2485-2490.
  • Herrera, E., & Barbas, C. (2001). Vitamin E: action, metabolism and perspectives. Journal of physiology and biochemistry, 57(1), 43-56.
  • Huang, Y., Wu, R., Su, Z. Y., Guo, Y., Zheng, X., Yang, C. S., & Kong, A. N. (2017). A naturally occurring mixture of tocotrienols inhibits the growth of human prostate tumor, associated with epigenetic modifications of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 40, 155-163.
  • Isaac, M. G. E. K. N., Quinn, R., & Tabet, N. (2008). Vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).
  • Jaja, S. I., Aigbe, P. E., Gbenebitse, S., & Temiye, E. O. (2005). Changes in erythrocytes following supplementation with alpha-tocopherol in children suffering from sickle cell anaemia. The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal, 12(2), 110-114.
  • Jordão Jr, A. A., Chiarello, P. G., Arantes, M. R., Meirelles, M. S., & Vannucchi, H. (2004). Effect of an acute dose of ethanol on lipid peroxidation in rats: action of vitamin E. Food and chemical toxicology, 42(3), 459-464.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, L., Kalaycıoğlu, L., Serpek, B., Nizamlıoğlu, M., Başpınar, N., & Tiftik, A. M. (2006). Biyokimya. Nobel Yayın.
  • Kanter, M., Tarladaçalışır, Y. T., & Uygun, M. (2007). Cisplatin nefrotoksisitesinde E vitamininin koruyucu etkileri: Işık ve elektron mikroskopik çalışma. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(3), 83-90.
  • Kayaalp, S. O. (2002). Rasyonal tedavi yonunden tibbi farmakoloji. Ankara, Hacettepe-Tas.
  • Kumar, V., Abbas, A. K., & Aster, J. C. (2017). Robbins basic pathology e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Kurt, Ş., Erişgin, Z., Tekelioğlu, Y., Akman, A.U., Türedi, S. (2020). Protective Effects of Vitamin E against Methotrexate-Induced Testicular Damage in Rats: Histopathologic and flow cytometric study . Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi , 7 (3): 278-284. DOI: 10.34087/cbusbed.674829.
  • Lawson, K. A., Anderson, K., Snyder, R. M., Simmons-Menchaca, M., Atkinson, J., Sun, L. Z., ... & Kline, K. (2004). Novel vitamin E analogue and 9-nitro-camptothecin administered as liposome aerosols decrease syngeneic mouse mammary tumor burden and inhibit metastasis. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, 54(5), 421-431.
  • Lim, S. W., Loh, H. S., Ting, K. N., Bradshaw, T. D., & Zeenathul, N. A. (2014). Antiproliferation and induction of caspase-8-dependent mitochondria-mediated apoptosis by β-tocotrienol in human lung and brain cancer cell lines. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 68(8), 1105-1115.
  • Malafa, M. P., Fokum, F. D., Mowlavi, A., Abusief, M., & King, M. (2002). Vitamin E inhibits melanoma growth in mice. Surgery, 131(1), 85-91.
  • Mamede, A. C., Tavares, S. D., Abrantes, A. M., Trindade, J., Maia, J. M., & Botelho, M. F. (2011). The role of vitamins in cancer: a review. Nutrition and cancer, 63(4), 479-494.
  • Marelli, M. M., Marzagalli, M., Moretti, R. M., Beretta, G., Casati, L., Comitato, R., ... & Limonta, P. (2016). Vitamin E δ-tocotrienol triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis in human melanoma cells. Scientific reports, 6(1), 1-14.
  • Meydani, M. (2004). Vitamin E modulation of cardiovascular disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1031(1), 271-279.
  • Neuzil, J., Schröder, A., von Hundelshausen, P., Zernecke, A., Weber, T., Gellert, N., & Weber, C. (2001). Inhibition of inflammatory endothelial responses by a pathway involving caspase activation and p65 cleavage. Biochemistry, 40(15), 4686-4692.
  • Oakes EH (2007), "Emerson, Gladys Anderson", Encyclopedia of World Scientists, pp. 211–212, ISBN 978-1-4381-1882-6.
  • Okebukola, P. O., Kansra, S., & Barrett, J. (2020). Vitamin E supplementation in people with cystic fibrosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9).
  • Ren, Ghebremeskel, Okpala, Ibegbulam, & Crawford. (2008). Patients with sickle cell disease have reduced blood antioxidant protection. International journal for vitamin and nutrition research, 78(3), 139-147.
  • Rezaieyazdi, Z., Sahebari, M., Saadati, N., & Khodashahi, M. (2018). vitamin E and Autoimmune Diseases: A narrative Review. Reviews in Clinical Medicine, 5(2), 42-48.
  • Sahu, S., Abraham, R., Vedavalli, R., & Daniel, M. (2009). Study of lipid profile, lipid peroxidation and vitamin E in pregnancy induced hypertension. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 53(4), 365-369.
  • Saremi, A., & Arora, R. (2010). Vitamin E and cardiovascular disease. American journal of therapeutics, 17(3), e56-e65.
  • Sazli, F. A. R., Jubri, Z., Rahman, M. A., Karsani, S. A., Top, A. G. M., & Ngah, W. Z. W. (2015). Gamma-tocotrienol treatment increased peroxiredoxin-4 expression in HepG2 liver cancer cell line. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Singh, R. B., Ghosh, S., Niaz, M. A., Singh, R., Beegum, R., Chibo, H., ... & Postiglione, A. (1995). Dietary intake, plasma levels of antioxidant vitamins, and oxidative stress in relation to coronary artery disease in elderly subjects. The American journal of cardiology, 76(17), 1233-1238.
  • Stratton, S. P., & Liebler, D. C. (1997). Determination of singlet oxygen-specific versus radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in photosensitized oxidation of lipid bilayers: effect of β-carotene and α-tocopherol. Biochemistry, 36(42), 12911-12920.
  • Sutipornpalangkul, W., Phumala, N., Unchern, S., Sanvarinda, Y., Chantharaksri, U., & Fucharoen, S. (2012). Vitamin E supplement improves erythrocyte membrane fluidity of thalassemia: an ESR spin labeling study. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 95(1), 29.
  • Ulatowski, L. M., & Manor, D. (2015). Vitamin E and neurodegeneration. Neurobiology of disease, 84, 78-83.
  • Wada, S. (2012). Cancer preventive effects of vitamin E. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 13(1), 156-164.
  • Wang, C., Husain, K., Zhang, A., Centeno, B. A., Chen, D. T., Tong, Z., ... & Malafa, M. P. (2015). EGR-1/Bax pathway plays a role in vitamin E δ-tocotrienol-induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 26(8), 797-807.
  • Weber, T., Dalen, H., Andera, L., Nègre-Salvayre, A., Augé, N., Sticha, M., ... & Neuzil, J. (2003). Mitochondria play a central role in apoptosis induced by α-tocopheryl succinate, an agent with antineoplastic activity: comparison with receptor-mediated pro-apoptotic signaling. Biochemistry, 42(14), 4277-4291.
  • Xu, W., Mi, Y., He, P., He, S., & Niu, L. (2017). γ-Tocotrienol inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway in human cervical cancer HeLa cells. Molecules, 22(8), 1299.
  • Yamamoto, S., Tamai, H., Ishisaka, R., Kanno, T., Arita, K., Kobuchi, H., & Utsumi, K. (2000). Mechanism of α-tocopheryl succinate-induced apoptosis of promyelocytic leukemia cells. Free radical research, 33(4), 407-418.
  • Yang, C. S., Suh, N., & Kong, A. N. T. (2012). Does vitamin E prevent or promote cancer?. Cancer prevention research, 5(5), 701-705.
  • Ye, C., Zhao, W., Li, M., Zhuang, J., Yan, X., Lu, Q., ... & Guo, H. (2015). δ-tocotrienol induces human bladder cancer cell growth arrest, apoptosis and chemosensitization through inhibition of STAT3 pathway. PloS one, 10(4), e0122712.
  • Zainal, Z., Rahim, A. A., Radhakrishnan, A. K., Chang, S. K., & Khaza’ai, H. (2019). Investigation of the curative effects of palm vitamin E tocotrienols on autoimmune arthritis disease in vivo. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-11.
  • Zhang, J. S., Zhang, S. J., Li, Q., Liu, Y. H., He, N., Zhang, J., ... & Liu, J. R. (2015). Tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) suppresses the growth of human colon cancer xenografts in Balb/C nude mice by the Wnt pathway. PLoS One, 10(3), e0122175.
  • Zhang, Y. H., Ma, K., Liu, J. R., Wang, H. X., Tian, W. X., Tu, Y. H., & Sun, W. G. (2018). γ-tocotrienol inhibits the invasion and migration of human gastric cancer cells through downregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression. Oncology reports, 40(2), 999-1007.
  • Zhao, Y., Neuzil, J., & Wu, K. (2009). Vitamin E analogues as mitochondria‐targeting compounds: From the bench to the bedside?. Molecular nutrition & food research, 53(1), 129-139.
  • Zielinski, H. (2008). Tocotrienols: distribution and sources cereals–role in human health. Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols. Boca Raton: CRC Press. p, 23-42.
  • Zingg, J. M. (2007). Vitamin E: an overview of major research directions. Molecular aspects of medicine, 28(5-6), 400-422.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 1 - 13, 31.08.2021


Vitamin E is a tocol due to its chemical structure and is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin E can be isolated from various plant sources. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and, since it is fat-soluble, it has important functions, especially in cell membranes and lipoproteins. Vitamin E was first discovered as a micronutrient by Evans and Bishop in 1922. And after that, its effects began to be investigated. Different compounds of tocols (tocopherol and tocotrienol) show vitamin E activity. The most active form is alpha-tocopherol. Studies show that vitamin E reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, many types of cancer, and various chronic diseases and improves these diseases. Studies on the effects of vitamin E on physiological and pathological conditions are still ongoing, and studies are being conducted to investigate its protective and curative effects. The purpose of this article is to talk about some of the effects of vitamin E on the body by making use of the existing literature.


  • Abdel-Daim, M. M., Aleya, L., El-Bialy, B. E., Abushouk, A. I., Alkahtani, S., Alarifi, S., ... & Bungau, S. G. (2019). The ameliorative effects of ceftriaxone and vitamin E against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Environmental science and pollution research, 26(15), 15248-15254.
  • Ahmed, R. A., Alawin, O. A., & Sylvester, P. W. (2016). γ‐Tocotrienol reversal of epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition in human breast cancer cells is associated with inhibition of canonical Wnt signalling. Cell proliferation, 49(4), 460-470.
  • Akman, A . (2021). Methotrexate Induced Hepatotoxicity and Antioxidants . Sabuncuoglu Serefeddin Health Sciences , 3 (1) , 22-35 . Retrieved from
  • Barnett, K. T., Fokum, F. D., & Malafa, M. P. (2002). Vitamin E succinate inhibits colon cancer liver metastases. Journal of Surgical Research, 106(2), 292-298.
  • Boothby, L. A., & Doering, P. L. (2005). Vitamin C and vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 39(12), 2073-2080.
  • Bril, F., Biernacki, D. M., Kalavalapalli, S., Lomonaco, R., Subbarayan, S. K., Lai, J., ... & Cusi, K. (2019). Role of vitamin E for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care, 42(8), 1481-1488.
  • Constantinou, C., Papas, A., & Constantinou, A. I. (2008). Vitamin E and cancer: an insight into the anticancer activities of vitamin E isomers and analogs. International journal of cancer, 123(4), 739-752.
  • Copp, R. P., Wisniewski, T., Hentati, F., Larnaout, A., Hamida, M. B., & Kayden, H. J. (1999). Localization of α-tocopherol transfer protein in the brains of patients with ataxia with vitamin E deficiency and other oxidative stress related neurodegenerative disorders. Brain research, 822(1-2), 80-87.
  • Daniel, O. O., Adeoye, A. O., Ojowu, J., & Olorunsogo, O. O. (2018). Inhibition of liver mitochondrial membrane permeability transition pore opening by quercetin and vitamin E in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 504(2), 460-469.
  • Di Donato, I., Bianchi, S., & Federico, A. (2010). Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency: update of molecular diagnosis. Neurological sciences, 31(4), 511-515.
  • El Kotb, S. M., El-ghazouly, D. E. S., & Ameen, O. (2020). The potential cytoprotective effect of Vitamin C and Vitamin E on monosodium glutamate-induced testicular toxicity in rats. Alexandria Journal of Medicine, 56(1), 134-147.
  • Ghaffari, J., Ashrafi, H., Ranjbar, A. R., & Nazari, Z. (2014). Vitamin E in children with asthma: A review. Journal of Pediatrics Review, 2(2), 57-65.
  • Gohil, K., Oommen, S., Quach, H. T., Vasu, V. T., Aung, H. H., Schock, B., ... & Vatassery, G. T. (2008). Mice lacking α-tocopherol transfer protein gene have severe α-tocopherol deficiency in multiple regions of the central nervous system. Brain research, 1201, 167-176.
  • Gomez-Pomar, E., Hatfield, E., Garlitz, K., Westgate, P. M., & Bada, H. S. (2018). Vitamin E in the preterm infant: a forgotten cause of Hemolytic Anemia. American journal of perinatology, 35(03), 305-310.
  • Harrison, S. A., Torgerson, S., Hayashi, P., Ward, J., & Schenker, S. (2003). Vitamin E and vitamin C treatment improves fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The American journal of gastroenterology, 98(11), 2485-2490.
  • Herrera, E., & Barbas, C. (2001). Vitamin E: action, metabolism and perspectives. Journal of physiology and biochemistry, 57(1), 43-56.
  • Huang, Y., Wu, R., Su, Z. Y., Guo, Y., Zheng, X., Yang, C. S., & Kong, A. N. (2017). A naturally occurring mixture of tocotrienols inhibits the growth of human prostate tumor, associated with epigenetic modifications of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 40, 155-163.
  • Isaac, M. G. E. K. N., Quinn, R., & Tabet, N. (2008). Vitamin E for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).
  • Jaja, S. I., Aigbe, P. E., Gbenebitse, S., & Temiye, E. O. (2005). Changes in erythrocytes following supplementation with alpha-tocopherol in children suffering from sickle cell anaemia. The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal, 12(2), 110-114.
  • Jordão Jr, A. A., Chiarello, P. G., Arantes, M. R., Meirelles, M. S., & Vannucchi, H. (2004). Effect of an acute dose of ethanol on lipid peroxidation in rats: action of vitamin E. Food and chemical toxicology, 42(3), 459-464.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, L., Kalaycıoğlu, L., Serpek, B., Nizamlıoğlu, M., Başpınar, N., & Tiftik, A. M. (2006). Biyokimya. Nobel Yayın.
  • Kanter, M., Tarladaçalışır, Y. T., & Uygun, M. (2007). Cisplatin nefrotoksisitesinde E vitamininin koruyucu etkileri: Işık ve elektron mikroskopik çalışma. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(3), 83-90.
  • Kayaalp, S. O. (2002). Rasyonal tedavi yonunden tibbi farmakoloji. Ankara, Hacettepe-Tas.
  • Kumar, V., Abbas, A. K., & Aster, J. C. (2017). Robbins basic pathology e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Kurt, Ş., Erişgin, Z., Tekelioğlu, Y., Akman, A.U., Türedi, S. (2020). Protective Effects of Vitamin E against Methotrexate-Induced Testicular Damage in Rats: Histopathologic and flow cytometric study . Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi , 7 (3): 278-284. DOI: 10.34087/cbusbed.674829.
  • Lawson, K. A., Anderson, K., Snyder, R. M., Simmons-Menchaca, M., Atkinson, J., Sun, L. Z., ... & Kline, K. (2004). Novel vitamin E analogue and 9-nitro-camptothecin administered as liposome aerosols decrease syngeneic mouse mammary tumor burden and inhibit metastasis. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, 54(5), 421-431.
  • Lim, S. W., Loh, H. S., Ting, K. N., Bradshaw, T. D., & Zeenathul, N. A. (2014). Antiproliferation and induction of caspase-8-dependent mitochondria-mediated apoptosis by β-tocotrienol in human lung and brain cancer cell lines. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 68(8), 1105-1115.
  • Malafa, M. P., Fokum, F. D., Mowlavi, A., Abusief, M., & King, M. (2002). Vitamin E inhibits melanoma growth in mice. Surgery, 131(1), 85-91.
  • Mamede, A. C., Tavares, S. D., Abrantes, A. M., Trindade, J., Maia, J. M., & Botelho, M. F. (2011). The role of vitamins in cancer: a review. Nutrition and cancer, 63(4), 479-494.
  • Marelli, M. M., Marzagalli, M., Moretti, R. M., Beretta, G., Casati, L., Comitato, R., ... & Limonta, P. (2016). Vitamin E δ-tocotrienol triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis in human melanoma cells. Scientific reports, 6(1), 1-14.
  • Meydani, M. (2004). Vitamin E modulation of cardiovascular disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1031(1), 271-279.
  • Neuzil, J., Schröder, A., von Hundelshausen, P., Zernecke, A., Weber, T., Gellert, N., & Weber, C. (2001). Inhibition of inflammatory endothelial responses by a pathway involving caspase activation and p65 cleavage. Biochemistry, 40(15), 4686-4692.
  • Oakes EH (2007), "Emerson, Gladys Anderson", Encyclopedia of World Scientists, pp. 211–212, ISBN 978-1-4381-1882-6.
  • Okebukola, P. O., Kansra, S., & Barrett, J. (2020). Vitamin E supplementation in people with cystic fibrosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9).
  • Ren, Ghebremeskel, Okpala, Ibegbulam, & Crawford. (2008). Patients with sickle cell disease have reduced blood antioxidant protection. International journal for vitamin and nutrition research, 78(3), 139-147.
  • Rezaieyazdi, Z., Sahebari, M., Saadati, N., & Khodashahi, M. (2018). vitamin E and Autoimmune Diseases: A narrative Review. Reviews in Clinical Medicine, 5(2), 42-48.
  • Sahu, S., Abraham, R., Vedavalli, R., & Daniel, M. (2009). Study of lipid profile, lipid peroxidation and vitamin E in pregnancy induced hypertension. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 53(4), 365-369.
  • Saremi, A., & Arora, R. (2010). Vitamin E and cardiovascular disease. American journal of therapeutics, 17(3), e56-e65.
  • Sazli, F. A. R., Jubri, Z., Rahman, M. A., Karsani, S. A., Top, A. G. M., & Ngah, W. Z. W. (2015). Gamma-tocotrienol treatment increased peroxiredoxin-4 expression in HepG2 liver cancer cell line. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Singh, R. B., Ghosh, S., Niaz, M. A., Singh, R., Beegum, R., Chibo, H., ... & Postiglione, A. (1995). Dietary intake, plasma levels of antioxidant vitamins, and oxidative stress in relation to coronary artery disease in elderly subjects. The American journal of cardiology, 76(17), 1233-1238.
  • Stratton, S. P., & Liebler, D. C. (1997). Determination of singlet oxygen-specific versus radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in photosensitized oxidation of lipid bilayers: effect of β-carotene and α-tocopherol. Biochemistry, 36(42), 12911-12920.
  • Sutipornpalangkul, W., Phumala, N., Unchern, S., Sanvarinda, Y., Chantharaksri, U., & Fucharoen, S. (2012). Vitamin E supplement improves erythrocyte membrane fluidity of thalassemia: an ESR spin labeling study. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 95(1), 29.
  • Ulatowski, L. M., & Manor, D. (2015). Vitamin E and neurodegeneration. Neurobiology of disease, 84, 78-83.
  • Wada, S. (2012). Cancer preventive effects of vitamin E. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 13(1), 156-164.
  • Wang, C., Husain, K., Zhang, A., Centeno, B. A., Chen, D. T., Tong, Z., ... & Malafa, M. P. (2015). EGR-1/Bax pathway plays a role in vitamin E δ-tocotrienol-induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 26(8), 797-807.
  • Weber, T., Dalen, H., Andera, L., Nègre-Salvayre, A., Augé, N., Sticha, M., ... & Neuzil, J. (2003). Mitochondria play a central role in apoptosis induced by α-tocopheryl succinate, an agent with antineoplastic activity: comparison with receptor-mediated pro-apoptotic signaling. Biochemistry, 42(14), 4277-4291.
  • Xu, W., Mi, Y., He, P., He, S., & Niu, L. (2017). γ-Tocotrienol inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway in human cervical cancer HeLa cells. Molecules, 22(8), 1299.
  • Yamamoto, S., Tamai, H., Ishisaka, R., Kanno, T., Arita, K., Kobuchi, H., & Utsumi, K. (2000). Mechanism of α-tocopheryl succinate-induced apoptosis of promyelocytic leukemia cells. Free radical research, 33(4), 407-418.
  • Yang, C. S., Suh, N., & Kong, A. N. T. (2012). Does vitamin E prevent or promote cancer?. Cancer prevention research, 5(5), 701-705.
  • Ye, C., Zhao, W., Li, M., Zhuang, J., Yan, X., Lu, Q., ... & Guo, H. (2015). δ-tocotrienol induces human bladder cancer cell growth arrest, apoptosis and chemosensitization through inhibition of STAT3 pathway. PloS one, 10(4), e0122712.
  • Zainal, Z., Rahim, A. A., Radhakrishnan, A. K., Chang, S. K., & Khaza’ai, H. (2019). Investigation of the curative effects of palm vitamin E tocotrienols on autoimmune arthritis disease in vivo. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-11.
  • Zhang, J. S., Zhang, S. J., Li, Q., Liu, Y. H., He, N., Zhang, J., ... & Liu, J. R. (2015). Tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) suppresses the growth of human colon cancer xenografts in Balb/C nude mice by the Wnt pathway. PLoS One, 10(3), e0122175.
  • Zhang, Y. H., Ma, K., Liu, J. R., Wang, H. X., Tian, W. X., Tu, Y. H., & Sun, W. G. (2018). γ-tocotrienol inhibits the invasion and migration of human gastric cancer cells through downregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression. Oncology reports, 40(2), 999-1007.
  • Zhao, Y., Neuzil, J., & Wu, K. (2009). Vitamin E analogues as mitochondria‐targeting compounds: From the bench to the bedside?. Molecular nutrition & food research, 53(1), 129-139.
  • Zielinski, H. (2008). Tocotrienols: distribution and sources cereals–role in human health. Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols. Boca Raton: CRC Press. p, 23-42.
  • Zingg, J. M. (2007). Vitamin E: an overview of major research directions. Molecular aspects of medicine, 28(5-6), 400-422.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Dilan Çetinavcı 0000-0002-4148-7711

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetinavcı, D. (2021). A REVIEW ABOUT VITAMIN E AND ITS EFFECTS. Sabuncuoglu Serefeddin Health Sciences, 3(2), 1-13.


