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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 242 - 254, 01.06.2018


Birçok doğal veya ticari adsorbanlar, boyalar, ağır metaller ve diğer kirleticilerin çevreden uzaklaştırılması için adsorpsiyon işlemlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır. Doğal adsorbanlar, düşük maliyetli ve bol bulunmaları nedeniyle, çoğunlukla tercih edilmektedir. Ayrıca, yeni kaynaklar doğal adsorbanlardan daha verimli adsorbanlar geliştirilebileceğini açıklamıştır. Bu doğal adsorbanları daha verimli hale getirmenin yollarından biri de kompozitler hazırlamaktır. Kitosanın yapısında bulunan hidroksil (-OH) ve amino (-NH2) grupları ağır metallerle bağ yapabilme potansiyeline sahip adsorbanlar elde edilmesini sağlar. Killer, adsorpsiyon çalışmalarında genelde sık kullanılmasıyla birlikte, pratik kullanımlarda agregasyon ve koagülasyon gibi hidrodinamik özellikleri etkileyen olumsuzluklar ile karşılaşılır. Bu olumsuzluklar, killerin kitosan polimerleri ile oluşturduğu kompozitlerin kullanımı ile bertaraf edilebilir. Bu çalışmada ticari sepliolit kili ve kitosan ile kompozit bir adsorban (SK) hazırlanmıştır ve kompozit boncukları (SK) FTIR analizi yapılarak karakterize edilmiştir. Sulu çözeltiden Cr(VI) iyonlarının adsorpsiyonunda (SK) kompoziti kullanılmıştır. Cr(VI) adsorpsiyonuna, pH, adsorban miktarı, adsorbat konsantrasyonu ve temas süresi gibi parametrelerin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Freundlich, Langmuir, Scatchard ve Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) adsorpsiyon izoterm modelleri adsorpsiyon dengesinin analizi için kullanılmıştır. Adsorpsiyon işlemi Langmuir ve Scatchard adsorpsiyon izotermlerine uymuştur. Kompozitin Cr(VI) adsorpsiyonu için adsorplama kapasitesi, Scatchard adsorpsiyon izotermi verilerinden hesaplanmıştır. Sepiolit ve SK kompoziti sırasıyla 3.11; 61.048 mg/g maksimum adsorpsiyon kapasitesi ile krom (VI) iyonlarını uzaklaştırmıştır (25 C, pH 2, temas süresi 60 dakika, adsorban miktarı 0.04 g). SK kompozitinin krom (VI) uzaklaştırılmasında etkin bir şekilde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Akar, S. T., Yetimoglu, Y., Gedikbey, T., 2009, “Removal of Chromium (VI) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by using Turkish Montmorillonite Clay: Effect of Activation and Modification”, Desalination, Vol. 244, 1-3, pp 97-108.
  • Altun, T., Pehlivan, E., 2012, “Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Modified Walnut Shells”, Food Chemistry, Vol. 132(2), pp. 693-700.
  • Aoyama, M.; Tsuda, M., 2001, “Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Larch Bark”, Wood Science and Technology, Vol. 35(5), pp. 425–434.
  • Argun, M. E., Dursun, Ş., Özdemir, C., Karataş, M., 2007, “Heavy Metal Adsorption by Modified Oak Sawdust: Thermodynamics and Kinetics”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 141, pp. 77–85.
  • Auta, M., Hameed, B.H., 2014, “Chitosan–Clay Composite as Highly Effective and Low-Cost Adsorbent for Batch and fixed-Bed Adsorption of Methylene Blue”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 237, pp. 352-361.
  • Bailey, S. E., Olin, T. J., Bricka, R.M., Adrian, D. D., 1999, “A Review of Potentially Low-Cost Sorbents for Heavy Metals”, Water Research, Vol. 33 (11), pp. 2469-2479.
  • Bektaş, N., Ağım, B. A., Kara, S., 2004, “Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies in Removing Lead ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Sepiolite”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. B112, pp. 115–122.
  • Bhattacharyya, K. G., Gupta, S. S., 2006, “Adsorption of Chromium(VI) from Water by Clays”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 45 (21), pp. 7232-7240.
  • Bilal, M., Shah, J.A., Ashfaq, T., Gardazi, S.M., Tahir, A.A., Pervez, A., Haroon, H.,Mahmood, Q., 2013, “Waste Biomass Adsorbents for Copper Removal from Industrial Wastewater–A Review”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 263, pp. 322-333.
  • Dakiky, M., Khamis, M., Manassra, A., Mer’eb, M., 2002, “Selective Adsorption of Chromium(VI) in Industrial Wastewater Using Lowcost Abundantly Available Adsorbents”, Advances in Environmental Research, Vol. 6(4), pp. 533–540.
  • Daneshvar, N., Salari, D., Aber, S., 2002, “Chromium Adsorption and Cr(VI) Reduction to Trivalent Chromium in Aqueous Solutions by Soya Cake”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 94(1), pp. 49–61.
  • Doğan, M., Turhan, Y., Alkan, M., Namlı, H., Turan, P., Demirbaş, Ö., 2008, “Functionalized Sepiolite for Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption”, Desalination, Vol. 230(1-3), pp. 248–268.
  • Edebali, S., 2015, “Alternative Composite Nanosorbents Based on Turkish Perlite for the Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 697026, 7 pages, doi.org/10.1155/2015/697026.
  • Edebali S., Kahraman H. T., 2016, ‟Yeşil Sentez Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş Gümüş Nanotanecik Yüklü Aktif Karbonun Cr(VI) Giderimindeki Performansının Değerlendirilmesi”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Vol. 4(3) , pp. 208-215.
  • Fiol, N., Villaescusa, I., Martinez, M., Miralles, N., Poch, J., Serarols, J., 2003, “Biosorption of Cr(VI) using Low Cost Sorbents”, Environmental Chemistry Letters, Vol. 1(2), pp. 135–139.
  • Gładysz-Płaska, A., Majdan, M., Pikus, S., Sternik, D., 2012, “Simultaneous Adsorption of Chromium(VI) and Phenol on Natural Red Clay Modified by HDTMA”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 179, pp. 140-150.
  • Kyzas, G. Z., Kostoglou, M., Lazaridis, N. K., 2009, “Copper and Chromium(VI) Removal by Chitosan Derivatives-Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 152 (2-3), pp. 440-448.
  • Levankumar, L., Muthukumaran, V., Gobinath, M.B., 2009, “Batch Adsorption and Kinetics of Chromium (VI) Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Ocimum Americanum L. Seed Pods”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 161(2-3), pp. 709-713.
  • Lewandowska, K. , Sionkowska, A., Kaczmarek, B., Furtos, G., 2014, “Characterization of Chitosan Composites with Various Clays”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 65, pp. 534-541.
  • Low, K.-S., Lee, C. K., Low, C. H., 2001, “Sorption of Chromium (VI) by Spent Grain Under Batch Conditions”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 82(9), pp. 2128–2134.
  • Monvisade, P., Siriphannon, P., 2009, “Chitosan Intercalated Montmorillonite: Preparation, Characterization and Cationic Dye Adsorption”, Applied Clay Science, Vol. 42(3-4), pp. 427-431.
  • Naiya, T. K., Chowdhury, P., Bhattacharya, A. K., Das, S. K., 2009, “Saw Dust and NeemB as Low-Cost Natural Biosorbent for Adsorptive Removal of Zn(II) and Cd(II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 148(1), pp. 68–79.
  • Nameni, M., Alavi, Moghadam, M. R., Arami M., 2008, “Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Wheat Bran”, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 5(2), pp. 161-168.
  • Niu, H., Volesky, B., 2003, “Characteristics of Anionic Metal Species Biosorption with Waste Crab Shells”, Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 71(1-2), pp. 209–215.
  • Pandey S., Mishra, S.B., 2011, “Organic-Inorganic Hybrid of Chitosan/Organoclay Bionanocomposites for Hexavalent Chromium Uptake”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 361(2), pp. 509-520.
  • Pehlivan, E., Arslan, G., 2007, “Removal of Metal Ions using Lignite in Aqueous Solution—Low Cost Biosorbents”, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 88(1), pp. 99-106.
  • Pehlivan, E., Kahraman, H.T., 2012, “Hexavalent Chromium Removal by Osage Orange”, Food Chemistry, Vol. 133(4), pp. 1478-1484.
  • Ramos, R. L., Juarez Martinez, A., Guerro Coronado, R. M., 1994, “Adsorption of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solutions on Activated Carbon”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 30 (9), pp. 191-197.
  • Sabah, E., Celik, M.S., 2002, “Adsorption Mechanism of Quaternary Amines by Sepiolite”, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 37(13), pp. 3081-3097.
  • Sargın, I., Kaya, M, Arslan, G., Baran, T., C. Talip, 2015, “Preparation and Characterisation of Biodegradable Pollen–Chitosan Microcapsules and Its Application in Heavy Metal Removal”, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 177, pp. 1-7.
  • Sarin, V., Pant K.K., 2006, “Removal of Chromium from Industrial Waste by Using Eucalyptus Bark”, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 97(1), pp. 15-20.
  • Sarkar, M., Majumdar, P., 2011, “Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Heavy Metal Biosorption Using Surfactant Modified Chitosanbead, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 175, pp. 376-387.
  • Türker A.R., Bağ H., Erdoğan B., 1997, “Determination of Iron and Lead by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Preconcentration with Sepiolite”, Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 357(3), pp. 351-353.
  • Wen, Y.,Tang, Z., Chen, Y., Gu, Y., 2011, “Adsorption of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions using Chitosan-Coated fly Ash Composite as Biosorbent”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 175, pp. 110-116.
  • Wu, Y.H., Li, B., Feng, S.X, Mi, X.M , Jiang, J.L, 2009, “Adsorption of Cr(VI) and As(III) on Coaly Activated Carbon in Single and Binary Systems”, Desalination, Vol. 249(3), pp. 1067-1073.
  • Wu, F.C., Tseng, R.L., Juang, R.S., 2010, “A Review and Experimental Verification of using Chitosan and Its Derivatives as Adsorbents for Selected Heavy Metals” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 91(4), pp. 798–806.
  • Yu, L.J, Shukla, S.S, Dorris, K.L, Shukla, A, Margrave, J.L., 2003, “Adsorption of Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Maple Sawdust”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 100,(1–3), pp. 53–63.
  • Zhu, B., Fan, T., Zhang, D., 2008, “Adsorption of Copper Ions from Aqueous Solution by Citric Acid Modified Soybean Straw”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 153(1-2), pp. 300-308.

Synthesis of Sepiolite-Chitosan Composites and Investigation of Cr(VI) Adsorption from Aqueous Solution by Using This Composite

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 242 - 254, 01.06.2018


Many natural or commercial adsorbents have been commonly used for the removal of dues, heavy metals, and other pollutants from the environment. Due to low-cost and abundance of natural adsorbents, they are mostly preferred. Moreover, new sources have indicated that more efficient biosorbents from natural adsorbents. One of the ways to make these natural adsorbents more efficient is preparation of composites. The hydroxyl (-OH) and amino (-NH2) groups present in the structure of chitosan provide a binding capacity for the adsorbent to remove heavy metals. Clays, on the other hand, are usually used in adsorption processes and negativities affecting hydrodynamic properties such as aggregation and coagulation are encountered in practice. These negativities can be removed by using composites prepared from clays with chitosan polymer. In this study, a composite adsorbent was prepared from sepiolite clay and chitosan (SK) and FTIR analysis of composite beads was carried out. Then SK composite was used for the removal of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions. The effects of parameters such as pH, adsorbent amount, adsorbate concentration and contact time were investigated for Cr(VI) adsorption. Scatchard and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) adsorption isotherm models were used for the analysis of adsorption equilibrium. For adsorption process, Scatchard adsorption was well fitted to the data of adsorption. It was determined that sepiolite and SK composite removed Cr(VI) ions respectively 3.11 and 61.048 mg/g with maximum adsorption capacity (25 C, pH 2, contact time 60 minutes, 0.04 g adsorbent amount ). It was concluded that SK composite can be effectively used for Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solutions.


  • Akar, S. T., Yetimoglu, Y., Gedikbey, T., 2009, “Removal of Chromium (VI) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by using Turkish Montmorillonite Clay: Effect of Activation and Modification”, Desalination, Vol. 244, 1-3, pp 97-108.
  • Altun, T., Pehlivan, E., 2012, “Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Modified Walnut Shells”, Food Chemistry, Vol. 132(2), pp. 693-700.
  • Aoyama, M.; Tsuda, M., 2001, “Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Larch Bark”, Wood Science and Technology, Vol. 35(5), pp. 425–434.
  • Argun, M. E., Dursun, Ş., Özdemir, C., Karataş, M., 2007, “Heavy Metal Adsorption by Modified Oak Sawdust: Thermodynamics and Kinetics”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 141, pp. 77–85.
  • Auta, M., Hameed, B.H., 2014, “Chitosan–Clay Composite as Highly Effective and Low-Cost Adsorbent for Batch and fixed-Bed Adsorption of Methylene Blue”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 237, pp. 352-361.
  • Bailey, S. E., Olin, T. J., Bricka, R.M., Adrian, D. D., 1999, “A Review of Potentially Low-Cost Sorbents for Heavy Metals”, Water Research, Vol. 33 (11), pp. 2469-2479.
  • Bektaş, N., Ağım, B. A., Kara, S., 2004, “Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies in Removing Lead ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Sepiolite”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. B112, pp. 115–122.
  • Bhattacharyya, K. G., Gupta, S. S., 2006, “Adsorption of Chromium(VI) from Water by Clays”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 45 (21), pp. 7232-7240.
  • Bilal, M., Shah, J.A., Ashfaq, T., Gardazi, S.M., Tahir, A.A., Pervez, A., Haroon, H.,Mahmood, Q., 2013, “Waste Biomass Adsorbents for Copper Removal from Industrial Wastewater–A Review”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 263, pp. 322-333.
  • Dakiky, M., Khamis, M., Manassra, A., Mer’eb, M., 2002, “Selective Adsorption of Chromium(VI) in Industrial Wastewater Using Lowcost Abundantly Available Adsorbents”, Advances in Environmental Research, Vol. 6(4), pp. 533–540.
  • Daneshvar, N., Salari, D., Aber, S., 2002, “Chromium Adsorption and Cr(VI) Reduction to Trivalent Chromium in Aqueous Solutions by Soya Cake”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 94(1), pp. 49–61.
  • Doğan, M., Turhan, Y., Alkan, M., Namlı, H., Turan, P., Demirbaş, Ö., 2008, “Functionalized Sepiolite for Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption”, Desalination, Vol. 230(1-3), pp. 248–268.
  • Edebali, S., 2015, “Alternative Composite Nanosorbents Based on Turkish Perlite for the Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 697026, 7 pages, doi.org/10.1155/2015/697026.
  • Edebali S., Kahraman H. T., 2016, ‟Yeşil Sentez Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş Gümüş Nanotanecik Yüklü Aktif Karbonun Cr(VI) Giderimindeki Performansının Değerlendirilmesi”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Vol. 4(3) , pp. 208-215.
  • Fiol, N., Villaescusa, I., Martinez, M., Miralles, N., Poch, J., Serarols, J., 2003, “Biosorption of Cr(VI) using Low Cost Sorbents”, Environmental Chemistry Letters, Vol. 1(2), pp. 135–139.
  • Gładysz-Płaska, A., Majdan, M., Pikus, S., Sternik, D., 2012, “Simultaneous Adsorption of Chromium(VI) and Phenol on Natural Red Clay Modified by HDTMA”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 179, pp. 140-150.
  • Kyzas, G. Z., Kostoglou, M., Lazaridis, N. K., 2009, “Copper and Chromium(VI) Removal by Chitosan Derivatives-Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 152 (2-3), pp. 440-448.
  • Levankumar, L., Muthukumaran, V., Gobinath, M.B., 2009, “Batch Adsorption and Kinetics of Chromium (VI) Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Ocimum Americanum L. Seed Pods”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 161(2-3), pp. 709-713.
  • Lewandowska, K. , Sionkowska, A., Kaczmarek, B., Furtos, G., 2014, “Characterization of Chitosan Composites with Various Clays”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 65, pp. 534-541.
  • Low, K.-S., Lee, C. K., Low, C. H., 2001, “Sorption of Chromium (VI) by Spent Grain Under Batch Conditions”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 82(9), pp. 2128–2134.
  • Monvisade, P., Siriphannon, P., 2009, “Chitosan Intercalated Montmorillonite: Preparation, Characterization and Cationic Dye Adsorption”, Applied Clay Science, Vol. 42(3-4), pp. 427-431.
  • Naiya, T. K., Chowdhury, P., Bhattacharya, A. K., Das, S. K., 2009, “Saw Dust and NeemB as Low-Cost Natural Biosorbent for Adsorptive Removal of Zn(II) and Cd(II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 148(1), pp. 68–79.
  • Nameni, M., Alavi, Moghadam, M. R., Arami M., 2008, “Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Wheat Bran”, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 5(2), pp. 161-168.
  • Niu, H., Volesky, B., 2003, “Characteristics of Anionic Metal Species Biosorption with Waste Crab Shells”, Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 71(1-2), pp. 209–215.
  • Pandey S., Mishra, S.B., 2011, “Organic-Inorganic Hybrid of Chitosan/Organoclay Bionanocomposites for Hexavalent Chromium Uptake”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 361(2), pp. 509-520.
  • Pehlivan, E., Arslan, G., 2007, “Removal of Metal Ions using Lignite in Aqueous Solution—Low Cost Biosorbents”, Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 88(1), pp. 99-106.
  • Pehlivan, E., Kahraman, H.T., 2012, “Hexavalent Chromium Removal by Osage Orange”, Food Chemistry, Vol. 133(4), pp. 1478-1484.
  • Ramos, R. L., Juarez Martinez, A., Guerro Coronado, R. M., 1994, “Adsorption of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solutions on Activated Carbon”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 30 (9), pp. 191-197.
  • Sabah, E., Celik, M.S., 2002, “Adsorption Mechanism of Quaternary Amines by Sepiolite”, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 37(13), pp. 3081-3097.
  • Sargın, I., Kaya, M, Arslan, G., Baran, T., C. Talip, 2015, “Preparation and Characterisation of Biodegradable Pollen–Chitosan Microcapsules and Its Application in Heavy Metal Removal”, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 177, pp. 1-7.
  • Sarin, V., Pant K.K., 2006, “Removal of Chromium from Industrial Waste by Using Eucalyptus Bark”, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 97(1), pp. 15-20.
  • Sarkar, M., Majumdar, P., 2011, “Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Heavy Metal Biosorption Using Surfactant Modified Chitosanbead, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 175, pp. 376-387.
  • Türker A.R., Bağ H., Erdoğan B., 1997, “Determination of Iron and Lead by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Preconcentration with Sepiolite”, Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 357(3), pp. 351-353.
  • Wen, Y.,Tang, Z., Chen, Y., Gu, Y., 2011, “Adsorption of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions using Chitosan-Coated fly Ash Composite as Biosorbent”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 175, pp. 110-116.
  • Wu, Y.H., Li, B., Feng, S.X, Mi, X.M , Jiang, J.L, 2009, “Adsorption of Cr(VI) and As(III) on Coaly Activated Carbon in Single and Binary Systems”, Desalination, Vol. 249(3), pp. 1067-1073.
  • Wu, F.C., Tseng, R.L., Juang, R.S., 2010, “A Review and Experimental Verification of using Chitosan and Its Derivatives as Adsorbents for Selected Heavy Metals” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 91(4), pp. 798–806.
  • Yu, L.J, Shukla, S.S, Dorris, K.L, Shukla, A, Margrave, J.L., 2003, “Adsorption of Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Maple Sawdust”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 100,(1–3), pp. 53–63.
  • Zhu, B., Fan, T., Zhang, D., 2008, “Adsorption of Copper Ions from Aqueous Solution by Citric Acid Modified Soybean Straw”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 153(1-2), pp. 300-308.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Türkan Altun Bu kişi benim

Şerife Parlayıcı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Altun, T., & Parlayıcı, Ş. (2018). SEPİOLİT-KİTOSAN KOMPOSİTLERİNİN SENTEZİ ve BU KOMPOZİT İLE SULU ÇÖZELTİLERDEN Cr(VI) ADSORPSİYONUNUN İNCELENMESİ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6(2), 242-254. https://doi.org/10.15317/Scitech.2018.130
Chicago Altun, Türkan, ve Şerife Parlayıcı. “SEPİOLİT-KİTOSAN KOMPOSİTLERİNİN SENTEZİ Ve BU KOMPOZİT İLE SULU ÇÖZELTİLERDEN Cr(VI) ADSORPSİYONUNUN İNCELENMESİ”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6, sy. 2 (Haziran 2018): 242-54. https://doi.org/10.15317/Scitech.2018.130.
EndNote Altun T, Parlayıcı Ş (01 Haziran 2018) SEPİOLİT-KİTOSAN KOMPOSİTLERİNİN SENTEZİ ve BU KOMPOZİT İLE SULU ÇÖZELTİLERDEN Cr(VI) ADSORPSİYONUNUN İNCELENMESİ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6 2 242–254.
IEEE T. Altun ve Ş. Parlayıcı, “SEPİOLİT-KİTOSAN KOMPOSİTLERİNİN SENTEZİ ve BU KOMPOZİT İLE SULU ÇÖZELTİLERDEN Cr(VI) ADSORPSİYONUNUN İNCELENMESİ”, sujest, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 242–254, 2018, doi: 10.15317/Scitech.2018.130.
ISNAD Altun, Türkan - Parlayıcı, Şerife. “SEPİOLİT-KİTOSAN KOMPOSİTLERİNİN SENTEZİ Ve BU KOMPOZİT İLE SULU ÇÖZELTİLERDEN Cr(VI) ADSORPSİYONUNUN İNCELENMESİ”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 6/2 (Haziran 2018), 242-254. https://doi.org/10.15317/Scitech.2018.130.
MLA Altun, Türkan ve Şerife Parlayıcı. “SEPİOLİT-KİTOSAN KOMPOSİTLERİNİN SENTEZİ Ve BU KOMPOZİT İLE SULU ÇÖZELTİLERDEN Cr(VI) ADSORPSİYONUNUN İNCELENMESİ”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 242-54, doi:10.15317/Scitech.2018.130.



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