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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 248 - 254, 01.12.2009


Bu çalışmanın amacı kot pantolonun ergonomisini incelemektir. Çalışmada kot pantolonun ergonomisini incelemek, kot pantolon kullananların karşılaştıkları problemleri belirlemek ve belirlenen problemlere göre kot pantolon kalıplarının ergonomisine yönelik tasarımlar önermek için bir anket formu hazırlanmıştır. Anket 1170 üniversite öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin 614’ü kız ve 556’sı erkek, boyları 160cm ve altı ile 181cm ve üstü arasında, kiloları 50kg ve altı ile 76kg ve üstü arasında, 430’u düşük bel, 705’i normal bel ve 35’i yüksek bel kot pantolon tercih etmişlerdir. Elde edilen verilere ilaveten anket dört faktörde toplanmıştır: “sıkıştırma rahatsızlığı” (Faktör 1), “merdivenden çıkma rahatsızlığı” (Faktör 2), “gerilme rahatsızlığı” (Faktör 3) ve “arkadan bel açılma rahatsızlığı” (Faktör 4). Faktör analizi sonuçlarında; kadınların, 170cm ve altında boya sahip olanların, 60kg ve altında kiloya sahip olanların ve düşük bel kot pantolon tercih edenlerin arkadan bel açılma rahatsızlığını (Faktör 4), 66-70kg ile 76kg ve üstü kiloya sahip olanların sıkıştırma rahatsızlığını (Faktör 1), ve yüksek bel kot pantolon tercih edenlerin sıkıştırma rahatsızlığını (Faktör 1), merdivenden çıkma rahatsızlığını (Faktör 2) ve gerilme rahatsızlığını (Faktör 3) yaşadıkları gözlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar açıkça çoğu kot pantolonun bel kısmında gerçekten bir problem olduğunu göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, tespit edilen problemleri çözmek ve daha ergonomik kot pantolon üretmek için kot pantolon kalıplarına yönelik bazı öneriler yapılmıştır


  • 1. Göklüberk Özlü, P., 2008, “The Effect of Culture of Different Countries in University Students While Wearing Clothes and Making Choices for Their Clothes”, Journal of Textile and Apparel, 18, 4, 311-321.
  • 2. Jones, R.M., 2006, The Apparel Industry, Blackwell Publishing.
  • 3. Mete, F., 2006, “The Creative Role of Sources of Inspiration in Clothing Design”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 18, 4, 278-292.
  • 4. Li, Y., 2001, “The Science of Clothing Comfort”, Textile Progress, 31, 1-2.
  • 5. Rosenblad-Wallin, 1985, “User-Oriented Product Development Applied to Functional Clothing Design”, Applied Ergonomics, 16, 4, 279- 287.
  • 6. Ondogan, Z., Pamuk, O., Ondogan, E.N., Ozguney, A., 2005, “Improving The Appearance of All Textile Products from Clothing to Home Textile Using Laser Technology”, Optics & Laser Technology, 37, 631-637.
  • 7. Wehmeier, S., Ashby, M., 2004, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press.
  • 8. Coates, J.F., 2005, “From My Perspective: The Future of Clothing”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 72, 101-110.
  • 9. Shaeffer, C., 2001, Sewing for The Apparel Industry, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • 10. Schofield, N.A., Ashdown, S.P., Hethorn, J., LaBat, K., Salusso, C.J., 2006, “Improving Pant Fit for Women 55 and Older through An Exploration of Two Pant Shapes”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 24, 147-160.
  • 11. Slater, K., 1996, “Comfort or Protection: The Clothing Dilemma”, Performance of Protective Clothing: Fifth Volume, ASTM STP 1237, James S. Johnson and S.Z. Mansdorft, Eds.
  • 12. Çivitci, Ş., 2004, “An Ergonomic Garment Design for Elderly Turkish Men”, Applied Ergonomics, 35, 243-251.
  • 13. Sağdık, Ş., 1996, “A Research on The Product Preferences of Blue-Jeans Buyer”, Çağın Textile Journal, 54, 55, 182-183.
  • 14. Çoruh, M., Vural, T., Çoruh, E., 2005, “A Study of Harmonization between Trousers Made of Denim Fabrics (Blue-Jeans) and The User’s Body”, Journal of Textile and Apparel, 1, 40-46.
  • 15. Kurt Salmon Associates, 2000, “Annual Consumer Survey”, American Apparel and Footwear Association Apparel Research Committee, Orlando, FL.
  • 16. Consumer Reports, 1996, “Why Don’t These Pants Fit?”, May, 38-39.
  • 17. LaBat, K., DeLong, M., 1990, “Body Cathexis and Satisfaction with Fit of Apparel”, Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 8, 2, 97-102.
  • 18. Asdown, S.P., Watkins, S.M., 1996, “Concurrent Engineering in The Design of Protective Clothing: Interfacing with Equipment Design”, Performance of Protective Clothing: Fifth Volume, ASTM STP 1237, James S. Johnson and S.Z. Mansdorf, Eds.
  • 19. Vogt, W.P., 2005, Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: A Non Technical Guide for The Social Sciences, SAGE Publications.
  • 20. Adams, P.S., Slocum, A.C., Keyserling, W.M., 1994, “A Model for Protective Clothing Effects on Performance”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 6, 4, 6-16.
  • 21. Howell, D.C., 2004, Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences, Thomson Books/Cole.
  • 22. Walsh, A., 1990, Statistics for The Social Sciences: with Computer Applications, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York.
  • 23. Cho, Y., Okada, N., Park, H., Takatera, M., Inui, S., Shimizu, Y., 2005, “An Interactive Body Model for Individual Pattern Making”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 17, 91-99.
  • 24. Kim, S., Park, C.K., 2006, “Basic Garment Pattern Generation Using Geometric Modelling Method”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 19, 7-17.
  • 25. Koh, T.H., Lee, E.W., Lee, Y.T., 1997, “An Object-Oriented Model of Apparel Pattern Making”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 9, 5, 367-379.
  • 26. Goldman, R.F., 2005, “The Four ‘Fs’ of Clothing Comfort”, Environmental Ergonomics, 315-319.
  • 27. Asdown, S.P., 1998, “An Investigation of The Structure of Sizing Systems: A Comparison of Three Multidimensional Optimized Sizing Systems Generated from Anthropometric Data with The ASTM Standard D5585-94”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 10, 324-341.
  • 28. Chun-Yoon, J., Jasper, C., 1993, “Garment-Sizing Systems: An International Comparison”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 5, 28-37.
  • 29. Alexander, M., Connel, L.J., Presley, A.B., 2005, “Clothing Fit Preferences of Young Female Adult Consumers”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 17, 52-64.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 248 - 254, 01.12.2009


The aim of this study was to investigate the ergonomics of jeans. In the study, a questionnaire was prepared in order to investigate the ergonomics of jeans, and to discover what problems subjects had while using them, and using the results, to propose design changes to the ergonomics of jean patterns. The questionnaire was conducted on 1170 university students, of whom 614 were female and 556 were male, whose heights ranged from 160cm and below to 181cm and over, whose weights ranged from 50kg and below to 76kg and over, of whom 430 preferred low waist jeans, 705 chose normal waist jeans, and 35 preferred high waist jeans. In addition to collecting this data, the questionnaire focussed on four factors: “the discomforts of tightness” (Factor 1), “the discomforts of stepping up stairs” (Factor 2), “the discomforts of strain” (Factor 3), and “the discomforts of opening waist on the back” (Factor 4). In the factor analysis, the following results were observed that women, 170cm and below, 60kg and below, and the participants preferring low waist jeans experienced the discomfort of opening waist on the back (Factor 4), 66-70kg, 76kg and over experienced the discomfort of tightness (Factor 1), and the participants preferring high waist jeans experienced the discomforts of tightness (Factor 1), stepping up stairs (Factor 2), and strains (Factor 3). These results clearly showed that there exists a real problem in the waist area of most jeans. Finally, some suggestions for jean patterns have been made in order to solve the problems found and to produce jeans more ergonomically


  • 1. Göklüberk Özlü, P., 2008, “The Effect of Culture of Different Countries in University Students While Wearing Clothes and Making Choices for Their Clothes”, Journal of Textile and Apparel, 18, 4, 311-321.
  • 2. Jones, R.M., 2006, The Apparel Industry, Blackwell Publishing.
  • 3. Mete, F., 2006, “The Creative Role of Sources of Inspiration in Clothing Design”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 18, 4, 278-292.
  • 4. Li, Y., 2001, “The Science of Clothing Comfort”, Textile Progress, 31, 1-2.
  • 5. Rosenblad-Wallin, 1985, “User-Oriented Product Development Applied to Functional Clothing Design”, Applied Ergonomics, 16, 4, 279- 287.
  • 6. Ondogan, Z., Pamuk, O., Ondogan, E.N., Ozguney, A., 2005, “Improving The Appearance of All Textile Products from Clothing to Home Textile Using Laser Technology”, Optics & Laser Technology, 37, 631-637.
  • 7. Wehmeier, S., Ashby, M., 2004, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press.
  • 8. Coates, J.F., 2005, “From My Perspective: The Future of Clothing”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 72, 101-110.
  • 9. Shaeffer, C., 2001, Sewing for The Apparel Industry, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • 10. Schofield, N.A., Ashdown, S.P., Hethorn, J., LaBat, K., Salusso, C.J., 2006, “Improving Pant Fit for Women 55 and Older through An Exploration of Two Pant Shapes”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 24, 147-160.
  • 11. Slater, K., 1996, “Comfort or Protection: The Clothing Dilemma”, Performance of Protective Clothing: Fifth Volume, ASTM STP 1237, James S. Johnson and S.Z. Mansdorft, Eds.
  • 12. Çivitci, Ş., 2004, “An Ergonomic Garment Design for Elderly Turkish Men”, Applied Ergonomics, 35, 243-251.
  • 13. Sağdık, Ş., 1996, “A Research on The Product Preferences of Blue-Jeans Buyer”, Çağın Textile Journal, 54, 55, 182-183.
  • 14. Çoruh, M., Vural, T., Çoruh, E., 2005, “A Study of Harmonization between Trousers Made of Denim Fabrics (Blue-Jeans) and The User’s Body”, Journal of Textile and Apparel, 1, 40-46.
  • 15. Kurt Salmon Associates, 2000, “Annual Consumer Survey”, American Apparel and Footwear Association Apparel Research Committee, Orlando, FL.
  • 16. Consumer Reports, 1996, “Why Don’t These Pants Fit?”, May, 38-39.
  • 17. LaBat, K., DeLong, M., 1990, “Body Cathexis and Satisfaction with Fit of Apparel”, Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 8, 2, 97-102.
  • 18. Asdown, S.P., Watkins, S.M., 1996, “Concurrent Engineering in The Design of Protective Clothing: Interfacing with Equipment Design”, Performance of Protective Clothing: Fifth Volume, ASTM STP 1237, James S. Johnson and S.Z. Mansdorf, Eds.
  • 19. Vogt, W.P., 2005, Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: A Non Technical Guide for The Social Sciences, SAGE Publications.
  • 20. Adams, P.S., Slocum, A.C., Keyserling, W.M., 1994, “A Model for Protective Clothing Effects on Performance”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 6, 4, 6-16.
  • 21. Howell, D.C., 2004, Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences, Thomson Books/Cole.
  • 22. Walsh, A., 1990, Statistics for The Social Sciences: with Computer Applications, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York.
  • 23. Cho, Y., Okada, N., Park, H., Takatera, M., Inui, S., Shimizu, Y., 2005, “An Interactive Body Model for Individual Pattern Making”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 17, 91-99.
  • 24. Kim, S., Park, C.K., 2006, “Basic Garment Pattern Generation Using Geometric Modelling Method”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 19, 7-17.
  • 25. Koh, T.H., Lee, E.W., Lee, Y.T., 1997, “An Object-Oriented Model of Apparel Pattern Making”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 9, 5, 367-379.
  • 26. Goldman, R.F., 2005, “The Four ‘Fs’ of Clothing Comfort”, Environmental Ergonomics, 315-319.
  • 27. Asdown, S.P., 1998, “An Investigation of The Structure of Sizing Systems: A Comparison of Three Multidimensional Optimized Sizing Systems Generated from Anthropometric Data with The ASTM Standard D5585-94”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 10, 324-341.
  • 28. Chun-Yoon, J., Jasper, C., 1993, “Garment-Sizing Systems: An International Comparison”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 5, 28-37.
  • 29. Alexander, M., Connel, L.J., Presley, A.B., 2005, “Clothing Fit Preferences of Young Female Adult Consumers”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 17, 52-64.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA87VN45RF
Bölüm Makaleler

Esen Çoruh Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çoruh, E. (2009). AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ERGONOMICS OF JEANS. Textile and Apparel, 19(3), 248-254.

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