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Year 2010, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 199 - 207, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışmada özel olarak tasarlanmış olan Elektro Manyetik Ekranlama Etkinliği (EMSE) ölçüm düzeneği tanıtılmış ve bu düzeneğin güvenilirliği için çalışma kapsamında üretilmiş olan iletken tekstil yüzeylerinde yapılan EMSE ölçümlerinin sonuçları tartışılmıştır. İletken iplikler ince bakır tel, gümüş–pamuk karışım iplikler ve %100 pamuk iplik kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan iplikler süprem örme ve bez ayağı dokuma yüzeylerin hazırlanmasında kullanılmıştır. EMSE ölçümleri Türkiye’deki GSM çalışma bandları olan 900MHz için (860MHz-960 MHz aralığında) ve 1800MHz için (1750MHz-1850MHz) yapılmıştır. Ölçümlerde farklı iletken iplikler; bakır içerikleri, kumaş yapısal özellikleri, tek-çift kat kumaş kullanımı ve referans sinyal gücü (dBm) değişimleri, frekans değişimlerine bağlı olarak birbiri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ölçümler sonucunda kumaş yapısal özelliklerinin, (örme, dokuma) ipliklerdeki bakır tel kalınlığının, numune kat sayısının ve referans sinyal büyüklüğünün etkin parametreler olduğu belirlenmiştir. İnce bakır tel kullanılarak üretilen ipliklerden elde edilen kumaşların kalın bakır tel kullanılarak yapılan ipliklerle elde edilen yüzeylere göre daha yüksek EMSE değerinde oldukları görülmüştür. Benzer olarak çift katlı kumaş yüzeylerdeki EMSE değeri tek kat yüzeylere göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Farklı referans değerrindeki sinyallerde numune kumaşların EMSE değerlerinin farklı olduğu, sinyal gücünün EMSE üzerinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür


  • 1. Kadoglu, H., Duran D., 2008, “Electromagnetic Shielding with Conductive Textiles”, The 3rd International Conference of Applied Research in Textiles-CIRAT 3 Proceeding Book, November 13-16 2008, Sousse-Tunusia, pp.48-52.
  • 2. Vassiliadis, S.G., Provatidis, C.G., Prekas, K., 2004, “Electrically Conductive Spun Yarns”, The Xth International Izmir Textile And Apparel Symposium Proceedings, October 27-30, Izmir, Turkey, pp.37-49.
  • 3. Mecit D., Ilgaz S., Duran D., 2007, “Teknik Tekstiller ve Kullanım Alanları (Bölüm 2)”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 3/2007, pp.154-160.
  • 4. Palamutcu, S., Dağ N., 2009, “Fonksiyonel Tekstiller I: Elektromanyetik Kalkanlama Amaçlı Tekstil Yüzeyleri”, Tekstil Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Cilt: 3, No: 1, pp.87-101.
  • 5. Aniołczyk, H. Koprowska K.,Mamrot, 2004., “Application of Electrically Conductive Textiles as Electromagnetic Shields in Physiotherapy”, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 10-12, Vol.12, No. 4 (48), pp.47-50.
  • 6. Lin J.H., Lou C.W., 2003, “Electrical Properties of Laminates Made from a New Fabric with PP/Stainless Steel Commingled Yarn”, Textile Research Journal, 73(4), pp.322-326.
  • 7. Cheng K.B., Cheng,T.W., Lee K.C., 2003, “Effects Of Yarn Constitutions and Fabric Specifications on Electrical Properties of Hybrid Woven Fabrics”, Composites: Part A, 34 pp.971–978.
  • 8. Cheng K.B., Lee M.L., Ramakrishna S., 2001, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Stainless Steel/Polyester Woven Fabrics”, Textile Research Journal. 71(1), pp.42-49.
  • 9. Ueng T.H, Cheng K.B, 2001, “Friction Core-Spun Yarns for Electrical Properties of Woven Fabrics”, Composites, Part: A, 32, pp.1491- 1496.
  • 10. Cheng K.B., 2000, “Production and Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of the Knitted Stainless Steel/Polyester Fabrics”, Journal of Textile Engineering, Vol. 46, No .2, pp.42-52.
  • 11. Cheng K.B., Cheng,T.W., Nadaraj, R. N., 2006, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of the Twill Copper Woven Fabrics”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites; Vol.25, No. 7, pp.699-709.
  • 12. Perumalraj, R., Dasaradan, B.S., Anbarasu, R., 2009, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Copper Core-Woven Fabrics”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Volume 100, Number 6, August, pp.512-524 (13).
  • 13. Roh, J.S., Chi, Y.S., Kang T.J., 2008,” Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Multifunctional Metal Composite”, Textile Research Journal; Vol. 78, No. 9, pp.825-835.
  • 14. Ersoy M.S., Onder E., 2008 “Shielding Textiles against Electromagnetic Radiation”, Nonwoven Technical Textiles, Vol.1, No:18, pp.52- 61.
  • 15. Baykal P.D., Sığnak N.,2009, “Metal İplik İçeren Dokuma Kumaşların Performans Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 1/2009, pp.39-44.
  • 16. Gleaves M., 2002, “Understanding Shielding Performance of Screened Rooms”, 3rd International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, May 21-24, 2002, Beijing, China, Proceeding Book, pp.748-751.
  • 17. IEEE-STD 299, "Standard Method for Measuring the Effectiveness of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosures," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 1991.
  • 18. ASTM D4935-99, "Test Method for Measuring the Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Planar Materials," American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.
  • 19. Koprowska, J., Pietranik, M., Stawski, W., 2004, “New Type of Textiles with Shielding Properties”, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, July / October, Vol. 12, No. 3 (47), pp.39-42.
  • 20. TS EN 50147-1, 2005, “Anechoic chambers - Part 1: Shield attenuation measurement”.
  • 21. MIL-STD 285, "Method of Attenuation Measurement for Enclosures, Electromagnetic Shielding, for Electronic Test Purposes," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1956.
  • 22. Kořínek T., 2007, “Measurement of Small Enclosure Shielding Efficiency”, In Proceedings of Workshop 2007, Prague: CTU, vol.B, ISBN 978-80-01-03667-9, pp.220-221.
  • 23. Więckowski T. W., Janukiewicz J. M., 2006, “Methods for Evaluating the Shielding Effectiveness of Textiles”, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, January / December, Vol. 14, No. 5 (59), pp.18-22.
  • 24. Chen H.C., Lee K.C., Lin J.H., 2007, “Comparison of Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness Properties of Diverse Conductive Textiles Via Various Measurement Techniques”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.192–193, pp.549–554.
  • 25. Ozyalcın, M. O., Sevgi, L., Topuz, E., 2003, “İletim Hattı Matrisi Yöntemi İle Ekranlama Etkinliği ve Özgül Soğurma Oranı Hesabı,” İTÜ dergisi / d, mühendislik, Cilt:2, Sayı:2, Nisan, pp.15-27.
  • 26. Palamutcu S., Ozek A., Dag N., Karpuz C., 2009, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Electrical Conductive Cotton Blended Woven and Knitted Fabrics”, X.International IMTEX Conference Proceedings, 15-16 September 2009, Lodz-Poland, pp.123-127.


Year 2010, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 199 - 207, 01.12.2010


In this work a unique design and construction of Electro Magnetic Shielding Efficiency (EMSE) measurement set is introduced and its reliability is discussed within the circumstance of the produced electrical conductive textile surfaces. Electrical conductive yarns, that are contending copper wire, silver and cotton staple fibers, are spun and used for production of plain woven and single jersey knitted specimens. Produced specimens are tested in the designed EMSE measurement set in the frequency range of cellular phone communication bands –between 860MHz-960MHz for 900MHz and 1750MHz -1850MHz for1800MHz- in Turkey. EMSE of the specimens are compared considering yarn components, fabric structure, number of fabric layers, and reference signal power (dBm) based on frequency changes. Considering EMSE values; structure of specimens (woven or knitted), ratio of copper wire in the content of yarn, number of fabric layers, reference dBm value of generated signals are found influential parameters. Thin copper wire containing yarn has higher EMSE comparing those specimens produced using thicker copper wire yarns. Double layer of specimen has better EMSE then the single layer of specimens. Attenuation of specimens can be different for different reference (dBm) levels of generated signals


  • 1. Kadoglu, H., Duran D., 2008, “Electromagnetic Shielding with Conductive Textiles”, The 3rd International Conference of Applied Research in Textiles-CIRAT 3 Proceeding Book, November 13-16 2008, Sousse-Tunusia, pp.48-52.
  • 2. Vassiliadis, S.G., Provatidis, C.G., Prekas, K., 2004, “Electrically Conductive Spun Yarns”, The Xth International Izmir Textile And Apparel Symposium Proceedings, October 27-30, Izmir, Turkey, pp.37-49.
  • 3. Mecit D., Ilgaz S., Duran D., 2007, “Teknik Tekstiller ve Kullanım Alanları (Bölüm 2)”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 3/2007, pp.154-160.
  • 4. Palamutcu, S., Dağ N., 2009, “Fonksiyonel Tekstiller I: Elektromanyetik Kalkanlama Amaçlı Tekstil Yüzeyleri”, Tekstil Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, Cilt: 3, No: 1, pp.87-101.
  • 5. Aniołczyk, H. Koprowska K.,Mamrot, 2004., “Application of Electrically Conductive Textiles as Electromagnetic Shields in Physiotherapy”, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 10-12, Vol.12, No. 4 (48), pp.47-50.
  • 6. Lin J.H., Lou C.W., 2003, “Electrical Properties of Laminates Made from a New Fabric with PP/Stainless Steel Commingled Yarn”, Textile Research Journal, 73(4), pp.322-326.
  • 7. Cheng K.B., Cheng,T.W., Lee K.C., 2003, “Effects Of Yarn Constitutions and Fabric Specifications on Electrical Properties of Hybrid Woven Fabrics”, Composites: Part A, 34 pp.971–978.
  • 8. Cheng K.B., Lee M.L., Ramakrishna S., 2001, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Stainless Steel/Polyester Woven Fabrics”, Textile Research Journal. 71(1), pp.42-49.
  • 9. Ueng T.H, Cheng K.B, 2001, “Friction Core-Spun Yarns for Electrical Properties of Woven Fabrics”, Composites, Part: A, 32, pp.1491- 1496.
  • 10. Cheng K.B., 2000, “Production and Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of the Knitted Stainless Steel/Polyester Fabrics”, Journal of Textile Engineering, Vol. 46, No .2, pp.42-52.
  • 11. Cheng K.B., Cheng,T.W., Nadaraj, R. N., 2006, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of the Twill Copper Woven Fabrics”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites; Vol.25, No. 7, pp.699-709.
  • 12. Perumalraj, R., Dasaradan, B.S., Anbarasu, R., 2009, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Copper Core-Woven Fabrics”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Volume 100, Number 6, August, pp.512-524 (13).
  • 13. Roh, J.S., Chi, Y.S., Kang T.J., 2008,” Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Multifunctional Metal Composite”, Textile Research Journal; Vol. 78, No. 9, pp.825-835.
  • 14. Ersoy M.S., Onder E., 2008 “Shielding Textiles against Electromagnetic Radiation”, Nonwoven Technical Textiles, Vol.1, No:18, pp.52- 61.
  • 15. Baykal P.D., Sığnak N.,2009, “Metal İplik İçeren Dokuma Kumaşların Performans Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 1/2009, pp.39-44.
  • 16. Gleaves M., 2002, “Understanding Shielding Performance of Screened Rooms”, 3rd International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, May 21-24, 2002, Beijing, China, Proceeding Book, pp.748-751.
  • 17. IEEE-STD 299, "Standard Method for Measuring the Effectiveness of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosures," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 1991.
  • 18. ASTM D4935-99, "Test Method for Measuring the Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Planar Materials," American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.
  • 19. Koprowska, J., Pietranik, M., Stawski, W., 2004, “New Type of Textiles with Shielding Properties”, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, July / October, Vol. 12, No. 3 (47), pp.39-42.
  • 20. TS EN 50147-1, 2005, “Anechoic chambers - Part 1: Shield attenuation measurement”.
  • 21. MIL-STD 285, "Method of Attenuation Measurement for Enclosures, Electromagnetic Shielding, for Electronic Test Purposes," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1956.
  • 22. Kořínek T., 2007, “Measurement of Small Enclosure Shielding Efficiency”, In Proceedings of Workshop 2007, Prague: CTU, vol.B, ISBN 978-80-01-03667-9, pp.220-221.
  • 23. Więckowski T. W., Janukiewicz J. M., 2006, “Methods for Evaluating the Shielding Effectiveness of Textiles”, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, January / December, Vol. 14, No. 5 (59), pp.18-22.
  • 24. Chen H.C., Lee K.C., Lin J.H., 2007, “Comparison of Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness Properties of Diverse Conductive Textiles Via Various Measurement Techniques”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.192–193, pp.549–554.
  • 25. Ozyalcın, M. O., Sevgi, L., Topuz, E., 2003, “İletim Hattı Matrisi Yöntemi İle Ekranlama Etkinliği ve Özgül Soğurma Oranı Hesabı,” İTÜ dergisi / d, mühendislik, Cilt:2, Sayı:2, Nisan, pp.15-27.
  • 26. Palamutcu S., Ozek A., Dag N., Karpuz C., 2009, “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Electrical Conductive Cotton Blended Woven and Knitted Fabrics”, X.International IMTEX Conference Proceedings, 15-16 September 2009, Lodz-Poland, pp.123-127.
There are 26 citations in total.


Other ID JA88AK79YG
Journal Section Articles

Sema Palamutcu This is me

Ahmet Özek This is me

Ceyhun Karpuz This is me

Nermin Dağ This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Submission Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 20 Issue: 3



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