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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 60 - 65, 31.03.2018


this work, the voltage output of a 2-dimensional(2D) woven fabric produced by
using polyvinylidene fluoride-based (PVDF) piezoelectric filaments into a plain
woven fabric structure was studied. PiezoelectricPVDF filaments were produced
via a method in which production and polarisation takes placesimultaneously. Produced
filaments wereinvestigated under differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to have an idea on the degree of
crystallinity and β-phase content, respectively.A test sample was prepared by
locating 2D piezoelectric woven structure between two pieces of indium tin
oxide (ITO) coated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film. The voltage output of
the piezoelectric woven structure, which was placed on a steel or cork-like
plate, was investigated by subjecting to a mechanical impact and the results were


  • 1. Kawai H., 1969, “The Piezoelectricity of Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)”,The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Vol: 8(7), pp: 975. 2. Bauer F., 20 02,“Ferroelectric PVDF polymer for high pressure and shock compression sensors”,Proc. 11th Int. Symp. on Electrets, Vol: 698, pp: 219-222.
  • 3. Granstrom J., Feenstra J., Sodano H.A. and Farinholt K., 2007, “Energy harvesting from a backpack instrumented with piezoelectric shoulder straps”,Smart Materials and Structures, Vol: 16(5), pp:1810.
  • 4. Li S. and Lipson H., 2009,“Vertical-stalk flapping-leaf generator for wind energy harvesting”,Proc. ASME 2009 Conf. on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, pp: 1-9.
  • 5. Vatansever D., Hadimani L.R., Shah T. and Siores E., 2012,“Voltage response of piezoelectric PVDF films in vacuum and at elevated temperatures”,Smart Mater. Struct., Vol: 21, 085028.
  • 6. Seminara L., Capurro M., Cirillo P., Cannata G. and Valle M., 2011, “Electromechanical characterization of piezoelectric PVDF polymer films for tactile sensors in robotics applications”,Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol: 19(1), pp: 49-58.
  • 7. Wang Y.R., Zheng J.M., Ren G.Y., Zhang P.H. and Xu C., 2011, “A flexible piezoelectric force sensor based on PVDF fabrics”,Smart Materials and Structures, Vol: 20(4).
  • 8. Schmidt V.H., Lediaev L. and Polasik J., 2006, “Piezoelectric Actuators Employing PVDF Coated with Flexible PEDOT-PSS Polymer Electrodes”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol: 13(5), pp: 1140-1148.
  • 9. Tamjidi N., Sato K., Sakurai J. and Hata S., 2013, “PVDF Actuator for High-Frequency Fatigue Test of Thin-Film Steels”,IEEJ Transactions On Electrical And Electronic Engineering, Vol: 8, pp: 99-205.
  • 10. ShenckN.S. and Paradiso J.A., 2001, “Energy scavenging with shoe-mounted piezoelectrics”, IEEE Micro, Vol: 21, pp: 30-42.
  • 11. Jung W.-S., Lee M., Baek S.-H., Jung I. K., Yoon S.-J. and Kang C.-Y., 2016, “Structural approaches for enhancing output power of piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride generator”,Nano Energy, Vol: 22, pp: 514-523.
  • 12. Hadimani R.L., Vatansever Bayramol D., Sion N., Shah T., Qian L., Shi S. and Siores E., 2013, “Continuous production of piezoelectric PVDF fibre for e-textile applications”,Smart Mater. Struct., Vol: 22, 075017.
  • 13. Lund A., 2013, “Melt Spun Piezoelectric Textile Fibres - An Experimental Study”, PhD Thesis, Chalmers University Of Technology, Sweden.
  • 14. MatsoukaD., Vassiliadis S., Prekas K., Bayramol D. V., Soin N. and Siores E., 2016, “On the Measurement of the Electrical Power Produced by Melt Spun Piezoelectric Textile Fibres”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol: 45(10), pp: 5112-5126.
  • 15. Guo Z., Nilsson E., Rigdahl M. and Hagstrom B., 2013, “Melt Spinning of PVDF Fibers with Enhanced β Phase Structure”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol: 130(4), pp: 2603-2609.
  • 16. Wu L., Huang G., Hu N., Fu S., Qiu, J., Wang Z., Ying J., Chen Z., Li W. and Tanga S., 2014,”Improvement of the piezoelectric properties of PVDF-HFP using AgNWs”,RSC Advances, Vol: 4, pp: 35896-35903.
  • 17. Matsouka D., Vassiliadis S., Bayramol D.V., Soin N. and Siores E., 2017, “Investigation of the durability and stability of piezoelectric textile fibres”,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol: 28(5), pp: 663-670.
  • 18. Krajewski A.S., Magniez K., Helmer R.J. and Schrank V., 2013, “Piezoelectric Force Response of Novel 2D Textile Based PVDF Sensors”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol: 13(12), pp: 4743-4748.
  • 19. Tajitsu Y., 2016, “Smart piezoelectric fabric and its application to control of humanoid robot”,Ferroelectrics, Vol: 499, pp: 36-46.
  • 20. Soin N., Shah T.H., Anand S.C., Geng J., Pornwannachai W., Mandal P., Reid D., Sharma S., Hadimani R.L., Bayramol D.V. and Siores E., 2014, “Novel “3-D spacer” all fibre piezoelectric textiles for energy harvesting applications”,Energy & Environmental Science, Vol: 7(5), pp: 1670-1679.
  • 21. Bayramol D.V., 2017, “Effects of tourmaline on the voltage response of PVDF filaments”, Industria Textila, Vol: 68(1), pp: 47-53.
  • 22. Nakagawa K. and Ishida Y., 1973, “Dielectric Relaxation and Molecular Motions in Polyvinylidene Fluoride with Crystal Form II”, Journal of Polymer Science Part-B Polymer Physics, Vol: 11(8), pp: 1503-1533.
  • 23. Teyssedre G., Bernes A. and Lacabanne C., 1993, “Influence of the Crystalline Phase on the Molecular Mobility of PVDF”,Journal of Polymer Science Part-B Polymer Physics, Vol: 31, pp: 2027-2034.
  • 24. Ferreira A., Costa P., Carvalho H. and Nobrega J., 2011, “Extrusion of poly(vinylidene fluoride) filaments: effect of the processing conditions and conductive inner core on the electroactive phase content and mechanical properties”, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol: 18(6), pp: 1653-1658.
  • 25. Silva A.B., Wisniewski C., Esteves J.V. and Gregorio R., 2011, “Effect of Drawing on the Crystal–Amorphous Interphase, Remanent Polarization and Dielectric Properties of α-PVDF Films”,Ferroelectrics, Vol: 413(1), pp: 220-230.
  • 26. Martins P., Lopes A.C. and Lanceros-Mendez S., 2014, “Electroactive phases of poly(vinylidene fluoride):Determination, processing and applications”,Progress in Polymer Science, Vol: 39, pp: 683-706.
  • 27. Bayramol D.V., Soin N., Hadimani R.L., Shah T.H. and Siores E., 2015, “Effect of Addition of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on the Piezoelectric Properties of Polypropylene Filaments”,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol: 15, pp: 7130-7135.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 60 - 65, 31.03.2018


çalışmada, poliviniliden florür esaslı (PVDF) piezoelektrik filamentlerin,
bezayağı dokuma kumaş yapısına dönüştürülmesiyle üretilen 2 boyutlu (2D) dokuma
kumaşın gerilim çıkışı incelendi.Piezoelektrik PVDF filamentleri, üretim ve
polarizasyonun aynı anda gerçekleştiği bir yöntemle üretildi.Üretilen
filamentler, kristallik derecesi ve β-faz içeriği hakkında bir fikir edinmek
için sırasıyla diferansiyel tarama kalorimetresi (DSC) ve Fourier transform
infrared spektroskopi (FTIR) ile incelendi.2D piezoelektrik dokuma yapı, iki
adet indiyum kalay oksit (ITO) kaplı polietilen tereftalat (PET) film arasına
konularak bir test numunesi hazırlandı.Bir çelik veya mantar benzeri plaka
üzerine yerleştirilen piezoelektrik dokuma yapının gerilim çıktısı, mekanik bir
etkiye maruz bırakılarak araştırıldı ve sonuçlar rapor edildi.


  • 1. Kawai H., 1969, “The Piezoelectricity of Poly(vinylidene Fluoride)”,The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Vol: 8(7), pp: 975. 2. Bauer F., 20 02,“Ferroelectric PVDF polymer for high pressure and shock compression sensors”,Proc. 11th Int. Symp. on Electrets, Vol: 698, pp: 219-222.
  • 3. Granstrom J., Feenstra J., Sodano H.A. and Farinholt K., 2007, “Energy harvesting from a backpack instrumented with piezoelectric shoulder straps”,Smart Materials and Structures, Vol: 16(5), pp:1810.
  • 4. Li S. and Lipson H., 2009,“Vertical-stalk flapping-leaf generator for wind energy harvesting”,Proc. ASME 2009 Conf. on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, pp: 1-9.
  • 5. Vatansever D., Hadimani L.R., Shah T. and Siores E., 2012,“Voltage response of piezoelectric PVDF films in vacuum and at elevated temperatures”,Smart Mater. Struct., Vol: 21, 085028.
  • 6. Seminara L., Capurro M., Cirillo P., Cannata G. and Valle M., 2011, “Electromechanical characterization of piezoelectric PVDF polymer films for tactile sensors in robotics applications”,Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol: 19(1), pp: 49-58.
  • 7. Wang Y.R., Zheng J.M., Ren G.Y., Zhang P.H. and Xu C., 2011, “A flexible piezoelectric force sensor based on PVDF fabrics”,Smart Materials and Structures, Vol: 20(4).
  • 8. Schmidt V.H., Lediaev L. and Polasik J., 2006, “Piezoelectric Actuators Employing PVDF Coated with Flexible PEDOT-PSS Polymer Electrodes”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol: 13(5), pp: 1140-1148.
  • 9. Tamjidi N., Sato K., Sakurai J. and Hata S., 2013, “PVDF Actuator for High-Frequency Fatigue Test of Thin-Film Steels”,IEEJ Transactions On Electrical And Electronic Engineering, Vol: 8, pp: 99-205.
  • 10. ShenckN.S. and Paradiso J.A., 2001, “Energy scavenging with shoe-mounted piezoelectrics”, IEEE Micro, Vol: 21, pp: 30-42.
  • 11. Jung W.-S., Lee M., Baek S.-H., Jung I. K., Yoon S.-J. and Kang C.-Y., 2016, “Structural approaches for enhancing output power of piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride generator”,Nano Energy, Vol: 22, pp: 514-523.
  • 12. Hadimani R.L., Vatansever Bayramol D., Sion N., Shah T., Qian L., Shi S. and Siores E., 2013, “Continuous production of piezoelectric PVDF fibre for e-textile applications”,Smart Mater. Struct., Vol: 22, 075017.
  • 13. Lund A., 2013, “Melt Spun Piezoelectric Textile Fibres - An Experimental Study”, PhD Thesis, Chalmers University Of Technology, Sweden.
  • 14. MatsoukaD., Vassiliadis S., Prekas K., Bayramol D. V., Soin N. and Siores E., 2016, “On the Measurement of the Electrical Power Produced by Melt Spun Piezoelectric Textile Fibres”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol: 45(10), pp: 5112-5126.
  • 15. Guo Z., Nilsson E., Rigdahl M. and Hagstrom B., 2013, “Melt Spinning of PVDF Fibers with Enhanced β Phase Structure”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol: 130(4), pp: 2603-2609.
  • 16. Wu L., Huang G., Hu N., Fu S., Qiu, J., Wang Z., Ying J., Chen Z., Li W. and Tanga S., 2014,”Improvement of the piezoelectric properties of PVDF-HFP using AgNWs”,RSC Advances, Vol: 4, pp: 35896-35903.
  • 17. Matsouka D., Vassiliadis S., Bayramol D.V., Soin N. and Siores E., 2017, “Investigation of the durability and stability of piezoelectric textile fibres”,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol: 28(5), pp: 663-670.
  • 18. Krajewski A.S., Magniez K., Helmer R.J. and Schrank V., 2013, “Piezoelectric Force Response of Novel 2D Textile Based PVDF Sensors”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol: 13(12), pp: 4743-4748.
  • 19. Tajitsu Y., 2016, “Smart piezoelectric fabric and its application to control of humanoid robot”,Ferroelectrics, Vol: 499, pp: 36-46.
  • 20. Soin N., Shah T.H., Anand S.C., Geng J., Pornwannachai W., Mandal P., Reid D., Sharma S., Hadimani R.L., Bayramol D.V. and Siores E., 2014, “Novel “3-D spacer” all fibre piezoelectric textiles for energy harvesting applications”,Energy & Environmental Science, Vol: 7(5), pp: 1670-1679.
  • 21. Bayramol D.V., 2017, “Effects of tourmaline on the voltage response of PVDF filaments”, Industria Textila, Vol: 68(1), pp: 47-53.
  • 22. Nakagawa K. and Ishida Y., 1973, “Dielectric Relaxation and Molecular Motions in Polyvinylidene Fluoride with Crystal Form II”, Journal of Polymer Science Part-B Polymer Physics, Vol: 11(8), pp: 1503-1533.
  • 23. Teyssedre G., Bernes A. and Lacabanne C., 1993, “Influence of the Crystalline Phase on the Molecular Mobility of PVDF”,Journal of Polymer Science Part-B Polymer Physics, Vol: 31, pp: 2027-2034.
  • 24. Ferreira A., Costa P., Carvalho H. and Nobrega J., 2011, “Extrusion of poly(vinylidene fluoride) filaments: effect of the processing conditions and conductive inner core on the electroactive phase content and mechanical properties”, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol: 18(6), pp: 1653-1658.
  • 25. Silva A.B., Wisniewski C., Esteves J.V. and Gregorio R., 2011, “Effect of Drawing on the Crystal–Amorphous Interphase, Remanent Polarization and Dielectric Properties of α-PVDF Films”,Ferroelectrics, Vol: 413(1), pp: 220-230.
  • 26. Martins P., Lopes A.C. and Lanceros-Mendez S., 2014, “Electroactive phases of poly(vinylidene fluoride):Determination, processing and applications”,Progress in Polymer Science, Vol: 39, pp: 683-706.
  • 27. Bayramol D.V., Soin N., Hadimani R.L., Shah T.H. and Siores E., 2015, “Effect of Addition of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on the Piezoelectric Properties of Polypropylene Filaments”,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol: 15, pp: 7130-7135.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Derman Vatansever Bayramol

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2017
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

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