Nowadays, small and medium sized enterprises which play an important role in providing employment and also development,
commonly called SMEs, have been seen as the driving forces of the local and regional developments. Especially it’s thought that SMEs
can adopt the environmental conditions quickly, so they are more fortunate in catching the market oppurtunities because of their strong
and suitable structures for development and also because of their flexibilities. However, SMEs face a fierce competition with the effect
of globalization like big companies. The competition increased by the rate of variation has forced companies to develop strategies like
low cost and large product range. Quality Management System is one of the most important ones of these strategies.
Quality management systems outline the past of company, show their level today and give reliable information about future. This
study presents a research about perspective on quality of small, medium Enterprises in textile industry in Denizli and researchs the
differences between companies which have ISO 9000 certificate and which don’t have ISO 9000 certificate. And results of the research
are shown by SPSS program.