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Year 2023, , 1356 - 1371, 17.10.2023



  • [1] Yettou F. Receiver temperature maps of parabolic collector used for solar food cooking application in Algeria. J Therm Eng 2018;4:16561667. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Sachdev T, Gaba VK, Tiwari AK. Comparative thermal analysis of applications using novel solar air heater with u-shaped longitudinal fins: suitable for coastal regions. J Therm Eng 2021;7:11741183. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Heydari A, Forati M, Khatami SM. Thermal performance investigation of a hybrid solar air heater applied in a solar dryer using thermodynamic modelling. J Therm Eng 2021;7:715730. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Bharadwaj G, Sharma K, Mausam K. Factors Influencing the Performance of Solar Air Heater (SAH) Having Artificial Coarseness: A Review. J Therm Eng 2021;7:15561576. [CrossRef]
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  • [7] Medrano M, Gil A, Martorell I, Potou X, Cabeza LF. State of the art on high-temperature thermal energy storage for power generation. Part 2—Case studies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2010;14:56–72. [CrossRef]
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  • [31] Kalogirou SA. Use of TRNSYS for modelling and simulation of a hybrid PV-thermal solar system for Cyprus. Renew Energy 2001;23:247–260. [CrossRef]
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Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review

Year 2023, , 1356 - 1371, 17.10.2023


Solar air collectors have been used in a variety of industrial applications, prompting a study and summary of various studies on the topic. Solar collectors’ exceptional energy conversion and storage outputs have piqued curiosity in the field of energy research. The current review study focuses on solar thermal application advancements and provides an overview of thermal energy storage devices and solar collectors. This paper presents and discusses a variety of solar collectors, both concentrating and non-concentrating. The energy storage media utilized in these plants, phase change material with melting temperatures exceeding 300°C, was exam-ined. The goal of this study is to provide the necessary information for advanced investiga-tions in the development of cost-effective high-temperature thermal storage systems. Finally, a summary of the presentation, as well as potential solar power plants are reviewed.


  • [1] Yettou F. Receiver temperature maps of parabolic collector used for solar food cooking application in Algeria. J Therm Eng 2018;4:16561667. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Sachdev T, Gaba VK, Tiwari AK. Comparative thermal analysis of applications using novel solar air heater with u-shaped longitudinal fins: suitable for coastal regions. J Therm Eng 2021;7:11741183. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Heydari A, Forati M, Khatami SM. Thermal performance investigation of a hybrid solar air heater applied in a solar dryer using thermodynamic modelling. J Therm Eng 2021;7:715730. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Bharadwaj G, Sharma K, Mausam K. Factors Influencing the Performance of Solar Air Heater (SAH) Having Artificial Coarseness: A Review. J Therm Eng 2021;7:15561576. [CrossRef]
  • [5] De Winter F. Solar Collectors, Energy Storage, and Materials. Massachusetts: The MIT Press; 1991.
  • [6] Wei XD, Lu ZW, Wang ZF, Yu WX, Zhang HX, Yao ZH. A new method for the design of the heliostat field layout for solar tower power plant. Renew Energy 2010;35:1970–1975. [CrossRef]
  • [7] Medrano M, Gil A, Martorell I, Potou X, Cabeza LF. State of the art on high-temperature thermal energy storage for power generation. Part 2—Case studies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2010;14:56–72. [CrossRef]
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  • [10] Song EJ. Sterling engine attached to parabolic dish collector, 2012.
  • [11] Tavakolpour AR, Zomorodian A, Golneshan AA. Simulation, construction and testing of a two-cylinder solar Stirling engine powered by a flat-plate solar collector without regenerator. Renew Energy 2008;33:77–87. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Zhang Y, Lin B, Chen J. Optimum performance characteristics of an irreversible solar-driven Brayton heat engine at the maximum overall efficiency. Renew Energy 2007;32:856–867. [CrossRef]
  • [13] USA Department of Energy. Energy Citations Database, 2012.
  • [14] Bakos GC. Design and construction of a two-axis Sun tracking system for parabolic trough collector (PTC) efficiency improvement. Renew Energy 2006;31:2411–2421. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Abdallah S. The effect of using sun tracking systems on the voltage–current characteristics and power generation of flat plate photovoltaics. Energy Convers Manag 2004;45:1671–1679. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Kacira M, Simsek M, Babur Y, Demirkol S. Determining optimum tilt angles and orientations of photovoltaic panels in Sanliurfa, Turkey. Renew Energy 2004;29:1265–1275. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Khoukhi M, Maruyama S. Theoretical approach of a flat plate solar collector with clear and low-iron glass covers taking into account the spectral absorption and emission within glass covers layer. Renew Energy 2005;30:1177–1194. [CrossRef]
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  • [19] Hellstrom B, Adsten M, Nostell P, Karlsson B, Wackelgard E. The impact of optical and thermal properties on the performance of flat plate solar collectors. Renew Energy 2003;28:331–344. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Tripanagnostopolous Y, Souliotis M, Nousia T. Solar collectors with colored absorbers. Sol Energy 2000;68:343–356. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Wazwaz J, Salmi H, Hallak R. Solar thermal performance of a nickel-pigmented aluminium oxide selective absorber. Renew Energy 2002;27:277–292. [CrossRef]
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  • [26] Kumar KR, Reddy KS. Thermal analysis of solar parabolic trough with porous disc receiver. Appl Energy 2009;86:1804–1812. [CrossRef]
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  • [28] Ho C.D, Yeh H.M, Wang RC. Heat-transfer enhancements in double-pass flat plate solar air heaters with recycle. Energy 2005;30:2796–2817. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Wang RZ, Zhai XQ. Development of solar thermal technologies in China. Energy. 2012;35:4407–4416. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Bergene T, Lovvik OM. Model calculations on a flat-plate solar heat collector with integrated solar cells. Sol Energy 1995;55:453–462. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Kalogirou SA. Use of TRNSYS for modelling and simulation of a hybrid PV-thermal solar system for Cyprus. Renew Energy 2001;23:247–260. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Prakash J. Transient analysis of a photovoltaic thermal solar collector for cogeneration of electricity and hot air water. Energy Convers Manag 1994;35:967–972. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Agarwal RK, Garg HP. Study of a photovoltaic thermal system thermosyphonic solar water heater combined with solar cells. Energy Convers Manag 1994;35:605–620. [CrossRef]
  • [34] Fujisawa T, Tani T. Optimum design for residential photovoltaic–thermal binary utilization system by minimizing auxiliary energy. Elect Eng Jpn 2001;137:28–35. [CrossRef]
  • [35] New generation of Hybrid Solar PV/T collectors, prepared by LESO-PB/EPFL. Enecolo AG and Ernst Schweizer AG for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy; 2000. 1–55.
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  • [37] Tonui JK, Tripanagnostopoulos Y. Improved PV/T solar collectors with heat extraction by forced or natural air circulation. Renew Energy 2007;32:623–637. [CrossRef]
  • [38] Hegazy AA. Comparative study of the performances of four photovoltaic/thermal solar air collectors. Energy Convers Manage. 2000;41:861–881. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Coventry J. Simulation of a concentrating PV/thermal collector using TRNSYS. In: Proceedings of the ANZSES solar energy conference, Newcastle, UK; 2002.
  • [40] Zondag HA, De Vries DW, Van Helden WGJ, Van Zolingen RJC, Van Steenhoven AA. The thermal and electrical yield of a PV-thermal collector. Sol Energy. 2002;72:113–128. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Joshi AS, Tiwari A. Energy and exergy efficiencies of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) air collector. Renew Energy 2007;32:2223–2241. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Tina GM, Rosa-Clot M, Rosa-Clot P, Scandura PF. Optical and thermal behavior of submerged photovoltaic solar panel: SP2. Energy 2012;39:17–26. [CrossRef]
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  • [44] Robles-Ocampo B, Ruíz-Vasquez E, Canseco-Sánchezb H, Cornejo-Mezac RC, Trápaga-Martínezd G, et al. Photovoltaic/thermal solar hybrid system with bifacial PV module and transparent plane collector. Sol Energy Mat Sol C. 2007;91:1966–1971. [CrossRef]
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  • [47] Chabane F, Moummi N, Brima A, Benramache S. Thermal efficiency analysis of a single flow solar air heater with different mass flow rates in a smooth plate. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transf 2013;4:013006. [CrossRef]
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There are 102 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Journal Section Reviews

Kafel Azeez This is me 0000-0001-9227-0427

Riyadh Ibraheem Ahmed This is me 0000-0003-0782-7548

Zain Alabdeen Obaıd This is me 0000-0002-6674-5035

Itimad Dj Azzawı This is me 0000-0002-9795-7903

Publication Date October 17, 2023
Submission Date March 11, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Azeez, K., Ahmed, R. I., Obaıd, Z. A., Dj Azzawı, I. (2023). Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 9(5), 1356-1371.
AMA Azeez K, Ahmed RI, Obaıd ZA, Dj Azzawı I. Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review. Journal of Thermal Engineering. October 2023;9(5):1356-1371. doi:10.18186/thermal.1377246
Chicago Azeez, Kafel, Riyadh Ibraheem Ahmed, Zain Alabdeen Obaıd, and Itimad Dj Azzawı. “Heat Transfer Enhancement and Applications of Thermal Energy Storage Techniques on Solar Air Collectors: A Review”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 9, no. 5 (October 2023): 1356-71.
EndNote Azeez K, Ahmed RI, Obaıd ZA, Dj Azzawı I (October 1, 2023) Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review. Journal of Thermal Engineering 9 5 1356–1371.
IEEE K. Azeez, R. I. Ahmed, Z. A. Obaıd, and I. Dj Azzawı, “Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1356–1371, 2023, doi: 10.18186/thermal.1377246.
ISNAD Azeez, Kafel et al. “Heat Transfer Enhancement and Applications of Thermal Energy Storage Techniques on Solar Air Collectors: A Review”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 9/5 (October 2023), 1356-1371.
JAMA Azeez K, Ahmed RI, Obaıd ZA, Dj Azzawı I. Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2023;9:1356–1371.
MLA Azeez, Kafel et al. “Heat Transfer Enhancement and Applications of Thermal Energy Storage Techniques on Solar Air Collectors: A Review”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, 2023, pp. 1356-71, doi:10.18186/thermal.1377246.
Vancouver Azeez K, Ahmed RI, Obaıd ZA, Dj Azzawı I. Heat transfer enhancement and applications of thermal energy storage techniques on solar air collectors: A review. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2023;9(5):1356-71.