Year 2024,
, 92 - 100, 24.12.2024
Hasan Beytullah Dönmez
Adnan Gökten
Rüştü Hatipoğlu
This research was carried out under rainfall conditions of the Mediterranean climate to study the effects of different seed mixture ratios (Berseem clover (BC100), annual ryegrass (AR100), BC80-AR20, BC60-AR40, BC40-AR60, BC20-AR80) on forage yield and quality characteristics of mixture. The experiments were conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications during the growing season of 2020- 2021 and 2021-2022. Annual ryegrass sown as pure produced higher green forage yield than berseem clover sown as pure and the mixtures. In the mixture of berseem clover at 20% seed rate and pure annual ryegrass, higher hay yields were determined compared to the other mixtures. In terms of total LER, BC80-AR20 and BC20-AR80 mixtures were the two most advantageous mixtures, while the aggressivity value of annual ryegrass showed a positive value and became the dominant species. Pure sown berseem clover had lower ADF, NDF and higher crude protein content than pure sown annual ryegrass and other mixtures tested. According to these results, it can be said that berseem clover can be included in the mixture at low seed rates for high forage yield under rainfall conditions, while berseem clover can be grown as pure for high forage quality
Supporting Institution
Cukurova University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office
Project Number
The first year of study (2020-2021) was supported by the Cukurova University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office under project number FBA-2021-14240.
- Acikgoz, E. 2001. Forage Crops. Bursa Uludag University
Empowerment Foundation Publication No:182.
- Anil, L., J. Park, R.H. Phipps and F.A. Miller. 1998. Temperate
intercropping of cereals for forage: A review of the potential
for growth and utilization with particular reference to the
UK. Grass and Forage Sci. 53(4):301-317.
- Atis, I., K. Kokten, R. Hatipoglu, S. Yilmaz, M. Atak and E.
Can. 2012. Plant density and mixture ratio effects on the
competition between common vetch and wheat. Australian
Journal of Crop Sci. 21(4): 975-985.
- Brooker, R.W., A.E. Bennett, W.F. Cong, T.J. Daniell, T.S.
George, P.D. Hallett, C. Hawes, P.P.M. Iannetta, H.G. Jones,
A.J. Karley, L. Li, B.M. Mckenzie, R.J. Pakeman, E.
Paterson, C. Schöb, J. Shen, G. Squire, C.A. Watson, C.
Zhang, F. Zhang, J. Zhang and P.J. White. 2015. Improving
intercropping: A synthesis of research in agronomy, plant
physiology and ecology. New Phytologist 206(1):107-117.
- Caballero, R., E.L. Goicoechea and P.J. Hernaiz. 1995. Forage
yields and quality of common vetch and oat sown at varying
seeding ratios and seeding rates of vetch. Field Crops
Research 41(2):135-140.
- Chen, C., M. Westcott, K. Neill, D. Wichman and M. Knox.
2004. Row configuration and nitrogen applicant for barleypea intercropping in Montana. Agronomy Journal
- De Santis, G., A. Iannucci, D. Dantone and E. Chiaravalle. 2004.
Changes during growth in the nutritive value of components
of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) under
different cutting treatments in a Mediterranean region. Grass
and Forage Science 59(4):378-388.
- De Silva, C., P. Rathor, H.P. Poudel and M.S. Thilakarathna.
2023. Effects of drought stress on red clover-grass mixed
stands compared to grass monoculture stands in nitrogendeficient systems. Nitrogen (Switzerland) 4(4):382-396.
- Dhima, K.V., A.S. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou and C.A.
Dordas. 2007. Competition indices of common vetch and
cereal intercrops in two seeding ratio. Field Crops Research
- Droushiotis, D.N. 1989. Mixtures of annual legumes and smallgrained cereals for forage production under low rainfall. Journal of Agricultural Science 113:249-253.
- El-Karamany, M.F., B.A. Bakry and T.A.E-F. Elewa. 2014.
Integrated action of mixture rates and nitrogen levels on
quantity and quality of forage mixture from Egyptian clover
and barley in sandy soil. Agricultural Sciences 5:1539-1546.
- Erkovan, S. 2022. Row seeding configuration regulates yield,
quality and competition in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)-
Sudangrass (Sorgum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf.) mixture.
Turkish Journal of Field Crops 27(1):87-94.
- Ertekin, I. and Yilmaz, S. 2022. The effects of sowing designs on
forage yield and quality of sweet sorghum and mung bean
mixtures under Mediterranean conditions. Turkish Journal of
Field Crops 27(2):188-199.
- Giambalvo, D., P. Ruisi, G. Di Miceli, A.S. Frenda and G.
Amato. 2011. Forage production, N uptake, N2 fixation, and
N recovery of berseem clover grown in pure stand and in
mixture with annual ryegrass under different managements.
Plant and Soil 342(1-2):379-391.
- Hall, D.D., G.L. Cromwell and T.S. Stahly. 1991. Effects of
dietary calcium, phosphorus, calcium: phosphorus ratio and
vitamin K on performance, bone strength and blood clotting
status of pigs. Journal of animal science 69(2):646-655.
- Hatipoglu, R., K. Kokten, I. Atis and B. Kutluay. 2005. Effects
of mixture rate on the hay yield and hay quality of the
mixture of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) and
annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) under dry land
condıtıons of Cukurova. Turkey VI. Field Crops Congress,
Antalya, 803–808.
- Kacar, B. and A. Inal. 2010. Plant Analysis. Ankara, Nobel
Publication Distribution.
Kavut, Y.T., H. Geren, H. Soya, R. Avcioglu and B. Kir. 2014.
- Effects of rate of mixture and time of harvest on the winter
second crop performances of mixtures of some annual
legumes and Italian ryegrass. Journal of Ege University
Faculty of Agriculture 51(3):279-288.
- Lithourgidis, A.S., I.B. Vasilakoglou, K.V. Dhima, C.A. Dordas
and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2006. Forage yield and quality of
common vetch mixtures with oat and triticale in two seeding
ratios. Field Crops Research 99(2–3):106-113.
- Lithourgidis, A.S., C.A. Dordas, C.A. Damalas and D.N.
Vlachostergios. 2011. Annual intercops: an alternative
pathway for sustainable agriculture. Australian Journal of
Crop Sci. 5(4):396-410.
- McGilchrist, C.A. 1965. Analysis of competition experiments.
Biometrics 21(4):975-985.
- Mead, R. and R.W. Willey. 1980. The concept of a ‘land
equivalent ratio’ and advantages in yields from
intercropping. Experimental Agriculture 16(3):217-228.
- Meza, K., S.J. Vanek, Y. Sueldo, E. Olivera, R. Ccanto, M.
Scurrah and S.J. Fonte. 2022. Grass–legume mixtures show
potential to increase above- and belowground biomass
production for Andean forage-based fallows. Agronomy
- Negesse, T., S. Funte, and A. Tolera. 2010. Forage Dry Matter
yield and nutritive value of the natural pasture of Umbulo
Wacho Watershed, Southern Ethiopia. East African Journal
of Sci. 4(1):1-10.
- Ofori, F. and W.R. Stern. 1987. Cereal–legume intercropping
systems. Advances in Agronomy 41(C):41-90.
- Osman, A.E. and N. Nersoyan. 1986. Effect of the proportion of
species on the yield and quality of forage mixtures, and on
the yield of barley in the following year. Experimental
Agriculture 22(4):345-351.
- Pedraza, V., F. Perea, M. Saavedra, M. Foetes and C. Alcantara.
2017. View of Vicia narbonensis-Avena strigosa mixture, a
viable alternative in rainfed cropping systems under
Mediterranean conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural
Research 15(4):1-13.
- Rajab, M.N., W.M.E. Mousa and A.M.A. Abd El-Monem. 2021.
Yield and quality of Egyptian clover and ryegrass mixtures
under nitrogen levels and bio-fertilizer. Journal of American
Science 17(5):74-88.
- Raza, M.A., W. Zhiqi, H.S. Yasin, H. Gul, R. Qin, S.U. Rehman,
A. Mahmood, Z. Iqbal, Z. Ahmed, S. Luo, C. Juan, X. Liang,
H. Gitari, M.H. Bin Khalid, Y. Feng and M. Zhongming.
2023. Effect of crop combination on yield performance,
nutrient uptake, and land use advantage of cereal/legume
intercropping systems. Field Crops Research 304: 109144.
- Ross, S.M., J.R. King, J.T. O’Donovan and R.C. Izaurralde.
2003. Seeding rate effects in oat-berseem clover intercrops.
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 83(4):769-778.
- Saia, S., V. Urso, G. Amato, A.S. Frenda, D. Giambalvo, P. Ruisi
and G. Di Miceli. 2016. Mediterranean forage legumes
grown alone or in mixture with annual ryegrass: biomass
production, N2 fixation, and indices of intercrop efficiency.
Plant and Soil 402(1-2):395-407.
- Salama, H.S.A. and H.H. Badry. 2015. Influence of variable
mixing rates and nitrogen fertilization levels on the fodder
quality of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and
annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). African Journal
of Agricultural Research 10(53):4858-4864.
- Salama, H.S.A. 2020. Mixture cropping of berseem clover with
cereals to improve forage yield and quality under irrigated
conditions of the Mediterranean basin. Annals of
Agricultural Sciences 65(2):159-167.
- Sheaffer, C.C., M.A. Peterson, M. Mccalin, J.J. Volene, J.H.
Cherney, K.D. Johnson, W.T. Woodward and D.R. Vinads.
1995. Acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber
concentration, and relative feed value,, (Accessed
October 22, 2023)
- Solomon, J.K.Q., B. Macoon, D.J. Lang, J.A. Parish and R.C.
Vann. 2011. A novel approach to grass-legume management.
Crop Science 51(4):1865-1876.
- Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of
Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2. ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
- Tahir, M., C. Li, T. Zeng, Y. Xin, C. Chen, H.H. Javed, W. Yang
and Y. Yan. 2022. Mixture composition influenced the
biomass yield and nutritional quality of legume–grass
pastures. Agronomy 12:1449.
- Thompson, D.J., D.G. Stout, Z. Mir and T. Moore. 1992. Yield
and quality of forage from intercrops of barley and annual
ryegrass. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 72(1):163-172.
- Van Soest, P.J., J.B. Robertson and B.A. Lewis. 1991. Methods
for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch
polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of
Dairy Science 74(10):3583-3597.
- Vasilakoglou, I. And K. Dhima. 2008. Forage yield and
competition indices of berseem clover intercropped with
barley. Agronomy Journal 100(6):1749-1756.
- Willey, R.W. 1979. Intercropping-its importance and research
needs, Part1: Competition and yield advantages. Field Crop
Abstracts 32:1-10.
- Yucel, C., M. Avci, H. Yucel, U. Sevilmis and R. Hatipoglu.
2018a. Effects of seed mixture ratio and harvest time on
forage yield and silage quality of intercropped berseem
clover with triticale. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
- Yucel, C., I. Inal, D. Yucel and R. Hatipoglu. 2018. Effects of
mixture ratio and cutting time on forage yield and silage
quality of intercropped berseem clover and Italian ryegrass.
Legume Research 41(6):846-853.
Year 2024,
, 92 - 100, 24.12.2024
Hasan Beytullah Dönmez
Adnan Gökten
Rüştü Hatipoğlu
Project Number
- Acikgoz, E. 2001. Forage Crops. Bursa Uludag University
Empowerment Foundation Publication No:182.
- Anil, L., J. Park, R.H. Phipps and F.A. Miller. 1998. Temperate
intercropping of cereals for forage: A review of the potential
for growth and utilization with particular reference to the
UK. Grass and Forage Sci. 53(4):301-317.
- Atis, I., K. Kokten, R. Hatipoglu, S. Yilmaz, M. Atak and E.
Can. 2012. Plant density and mixture ratio effects on the
competition between common vetch and wheat. Australian
Journal of Crop Sci. 21(4): 975-985.
- Brooker, R.W., A.E. Bennett, W.F. Cong, T.J. Daniell, T.S.
George, P.D. Hallett, C. Hawes, P.P.M. Iannetta, H.G. Jones,
A.J. Karley, L. Li, B.M. Mckenzie, R.J. Pakeman, E.
Paterson, C. Schöb, J. Shen, G. Squire, C.A. Watson, C.
Zhang, F. Zhang, J. Zhang and P.J. White. 2015. Improving
intercropping: A synthesis of research in agronomy, plant
physiology and ecology. New Phytologist 206(1):107-117.
- Caballero, R., E.L. Goicoechea and P.J. Hernaiz. 1995. Forage
yields and quality of common vetch and oat sown at varying
seeding ratios and seeding rates of vetch. Field Crops
Research 41(2):135-140.
- Chen, C., M. Westcott, K. Neill, D. Wichman and M. Knox.
2004. Row configuration and nitrogen applicant for barleypea intercropping in Montana. Agronomy Journal
- De Santis, G., A. Iannucci, D. Dantone and E. Chiaravalle. 2004.
Changes during growth in the nutritive value of components
of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) under
different cutting treatments in a Mediterranean region. Grass
and Forage Science 59(4):378-388.
- De Silva, C., P. Rathor, H.P. Poudel and M.S. Thilakarathna.
2023. Effects of drought stress on red clover-grass mixed
stands compared to grass monoculture stands in nitrogendeficient systems. Nitrogen (Switzerland) 4(4):382-396.
- Dhima, K.V., A.S. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou and C.A.
Dordas. 2007. Competition indices of common vetch and
cereal intercrops in two seeding ratio. Field Crops Research
- Droushiotis, D.N. 1989. Mixtures of annual legumes and smallgrained cereals for forage production under low rainfall. Journal of Agricultural Science 113:249-253.
- El-Karamany, M.F., B.A. Bakry and T.A.E-F. Elewa. 2014.
Integrated action of mixture rates and nitrogen levels on
quantity and quality of forage mixture from Egyptian clover
and barley in sandy soil. Agricultural Sciences 5:1539-1546.
- Erkovan, S. 2022. Row seeding configuration regulates yield,
quality and competition in common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)-
Sudangrass (Sorgum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf.) mixture.
Turkish Journal of Field Crops 27(1):87-94.
- Ertekin, I. and Yilmaz, S. 2022. The effects of sowing designs on
forage yield and quality of sweet sorghum and mung bean
mixtures under Mediterranean conditions. Turkish Journal of
Field Crops 27(2):188-199.
- Giambalvo, D., P. Ruisi, G. Di Miceli, A.S. Frenda and G.
Amato. 2011. Forage production, N uptake, N2 fixation, and
N recovery of berseem clover grown in pure stand and in
mixture with annual ryegrass under different managements.
Plant and Soil 342(1-2):379-391.
- Hall, D.D., G.L. Cromwell and T.S. Stahly. 1991. Effects of
dietary calcium, phosphorus, calcium: phosphorus ratio and
vitamin K on performance, bone strength and blood clotting
status of pigs. Journal of animal science 69(2):646-655.
- Hatipoglu, R., K. Kokten, I. Atis and B. Kutluay. 2005. Effects
of mixture rate on the hay yield and hay quality of the
mixture of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) and
annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) under dry land
condıtıons of Cukurova. Turkey VI. Field Crops Congress,
Antalya, 803–808.
- Kacar, B. and A. Inal. 2010. Plant Analysis. Ankara, Nobel
Publication Distribution.
Kavut, Y.T., H. Geren, H. Soya, R. Avcioglu and B. Kir. 2014.
- Effects of rate of mixture and time of harvest on the winter
second crop performances of mixtures of some annual
legumes and Italian ryegrass. Journal of Ege University
Faculty of Agriculture 51(3):279-288.
- Lithourgidis, A.S., I.B. Vasilakoglou, K.V. Dhima, C.A. Dordas
and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2006. Forage yield and quality of
common vetch mixtures with oat and triticale in two seeding
ratios. Field Crops Research 99(2–3):106-113.
- Lithourgidis, A.S., C.A. Dordas, C.A. Damalas and D.N.
Vlachostergios. 2011. Annual intercops: an alternative
pathway for sustainable agriculture. Australian Journal of
Crop Sci. 5(4):396-410.
- McGilchrist, C.A. 1965. Analysis of competition experiments.
Biometrics 21(4):975-985.
- Mead, R. and R.W. Willey. 1980. The concept of a ‘land
equivalent ratio’ and advantages in yields from
intercropping. Experimental Agriculture 16(3):217-228.
- Meza, K., S.J. Vanek, Y. Sueldo, E. Olivera, R. Ccanto, M.
Scurrah and S.J. Fonte. 2022. Grass–legume mixtures show
potential to increase above- and belowground biomass
production for Andean forage-based fallows. Agronomy
- Negesse, T., S. Funte, and A. Tolera. 2010. Forage Dry Matter
yield and nutritive value of the natural pasture of Umbulo
Wacho Watershed, Southern Ethiopia. East African Journal
of Sci. 4(1):1-10.
- Ofori, F. and W.R. Stern. 1987. Cereal–legume intercropping
systems. Advances in Agronomy 41(C):41-90.
- Osman, A.E. and N. Nersoyan. 1986. Effect of the proportion of
species on the yield and quality of forage mixtures, and on
the yield of barley in the following year. Experimental
Agriculture 22(4):345-351.
- Pedraza, V., F. Perea, M. Saavedra, M. Foetes and C. Alcantara.
2017. View of Vicia narbonensis-Avena strigosa mixture, a
viable alternative in rainfed cropping systems under
Mediterranean conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural
Research 15(4):1-13.
- Rajab, M.N., W.M.E. Mousa and A.M.A. Abd El-Monem. 2021.
Yield and quality of Egyptian clover and ryegrass mixtures
under nitrogen levels and bio-fertilizer. Journal of American
Science 17(5):74-88.
- Raza, M.A., W. Zhiqi, H.S. Yasin, H. Gul, R. Qin, S.U. Rehman,
A. Mahmood, Z. Iqbal, Z. Ahmed, S. Luo, C. Juan, X. Liang,
H. Gitari, M.H. Bin Khalid, Y. Feng and M. Zhongming.
2023. Effect of crop combination on yield performance,
nutrient uptake, and land use advantage of cereal/legume
intercropping systems. Field Crops Research 304: 109144.
- Ross, S.M., J.R. King, J.T. O’Donovan and R.C. Izaurralde.
2003. Seeding rate effects in oat-berseem clover intercrops.
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 83(4):769-778.
- Saia, S., V. Urso, G. Amato, A.S. Frenda, D. Giambalvo, P. Ruisi
and G. Di Miceli. 2016. Mediterranean forage legumes
grown alone or in mixture with annual ryegrass: biomass
production, N2 fixation, and indices of intercrop efficiency.
Plant and Soil 402(1-2):395-407.
- Salama, H.S.A. and H.H. Badry. 2015. Influence of variable
mixing rates and nitrogen fertilization levels on the fodder
quality of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and
annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). African Journal
of Agricultural Research 10(53):4858-4864.
- Salama, H.S.A. 2020. Mixture cropping of berseem clover with
cereals to improve forage yield and quality under irrigated
conditions of the Mediterranean basin. Annals of
Agricultural Sciences 65(2):159-167.
- Sheaffer, C.C., M.A. Peterson, M. Mccalin, J.J. Volene, J.H.
Cherney, K.D. Johnson, W.T. Woodward and D.R. Vinads.
1995. Acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber
concentration, and relative feed value,, (Accessed
October 22, 2023)
- Solomon, J.K.Q., B. Macoon, D.J. Lang, J.A. Parish and R.C.
Vann. 2011. A novel approach to grass-legume management.
Crop Science 51(4):1865-1876.
- Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of
Statistics: A Biometrical Approach. 2. ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
- Tahir, M., C. Li, T. Zeng, Y. Xin, C. Chen, H.H. Javed, W. Yang
and Y. Yan. 2022. Mixture composition influenced the
biomass yield and nutritional quality of legume–grass
pastures. Agronomy 12:1449.
- Thompson, D.J., D.G. Stout, Z. Mir and T. Moore. 1992. Yield
and quality of forage from intercrops of barley and annual
ryegrass. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 72(1):163-172.
- Van Soest, P.J., J.B. Robertson and B.A. Lewis. 1991. Methods
for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch
polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of
Dairy Science 74(10):3583-3597.
- Vasilakoglou, I. And K. Dhima. 2008. Forage yield and
competition indices of berseem clover intercropped with
barley. Agronomy Journal 100(6):1749-1756.
- Willey, R.W. 1979. Intercropping-its importance and research
needs, Part1: Competition and yield advantages. Field Crop
Abstracts 32:1-10.
- Yucel, C., M. Avci, H. Yucel, U. Sevilmis and R. Hatipoglu.
2018a. Effects of seed mixture ratio and harvest time on
forage yield and silage quality of intercropped berseem
clover with triticale. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
- Yucel, C., I. Inal, D. Yucel and R. Hatipoglu. 2018. Effects of
mixture ratio and cutting time on forage yield and silage
quality of intercropped berseem clover and Italian ryegrass.
Legume Research 41(6):846-853.