Research Article
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Year 2018, , 80 - 84, 15.12.2018



  • Akcura, M., Y. Kaya, S. Taner, R. Ayranci. 2006. Parametric stability analyses for grain yield of durum wheat. Plant Soil Environ. 52 (6): 254–261.
  • Altinbas, M., H. Sepetoglu. 1994. A study on the stability of grain yield in lentil. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University 31 (1): 1-8 (in Turkish).
  • Altinbas, M., H. Sepetoglu. 2003. The relationship of performance with adaptation for yield and some agronomic traits of chickpea lines sown in winter. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University 40 (1): 49-56 (in Turkish).
  • Becker, H.C. 1981. Correlations among some statistical measures of phenotypic stability. Euphytica 30: 835-840. Becker, H.C., J. Leon. 1988. Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breeding 101: 1-23.
  • Bozoglu, H., A. Gulumser. 2000. Determination of genotype x environment interactions of some agronomic chacters in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 24 (2): 211-220 (in Turkish).
  • Caylak, O., C.F. Caliskan, M.B. Yildirim, N. Algan. 1994. Untersuchungen über die feststellung der anpassungsfähig einiger sojabohnenlinien bzw.-sorten an hand von truncatedauslese methode an klimabedingungen vom Egegebiet.keit Kongress der Feldfrüchte. Band I, 140-144. 25-29 April, Izmir. (auf Türkisch).
  • Eberhart, S.A., W.A. Russel 1966. Stability paremeters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 6: 36-40.
  • Fox, P. N., J. Crossa and I. Romagossa. 1997. Multienvironmental testing and genotype x environment interaction, in Statistical Methods for Plant Variety Evaluation. Chapman & Hall, London, R. A. Kempton and P. N. Fox. (eds.), 117-138
  • Hossain, M.A., L. Rahman, A.K.M Shamsuddin. 2003. Genotype-environment interaction and stability analysis in soybean. Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (11): 1026-1031.
  • Ibrahim, K., P. Ruckenbauer. 1987. Stability parameters of important characters in various types of faba bean. FABIS News., 17: 10-13.
  • Ilker, E. 2017. Performances of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Advanced Lines Grown in Second Cropping under Mediterranean Climatical Conditions of Western Turkey. Turk J Field Crops. 22(1): 104-107. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.311003.
  • Koraddi, S., G.T. Basavaraja, I. Bhoodi. 2017. Stability analysis in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Int. Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (9): 945-948.
  • Lin, C.S., M.R. Binns, L.P. Lefkovitch. 1986. Stability analysis: Where do we stand? Crop Sci. 26:894-900.
  • Liu, Z., X. Fan, W. Huang, J. Yang, Y. Zheng, S. Wang, L. Qiu. 2017. Stability analysis of seven agronomic traits for soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Tokachi nagaha and its derived cultivars using AMMI model. Plant Production Science 20 (4): 499-506.
  • Nquyen, H.T., D.A. Sleper, K.L. Hunt. 1980. Genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis for herbage yield of tall fescue synthetics. Crop Sci. 20: 221-224.
  • Ozdemir, S., M. Engin. 1996. Stability Analysis of Some Large Seeded Chickpea Genotypes in Cukurova Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 20: 157-161 ( in Turkish).
  • Ozdemir, S., U. Karadavut, C. Erdogan. 1999. Stability Analysis of some Winter Sown Chickpea Cultivars in East Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23 (Additional Volume 1: 201-205(in Turkish).
  • Pfahler, P.L., H.F. Linskens. 1979. Yield stability and population diversity in oats (Avena sp.) Theor Appl Genet. 54: 1-5.
  • Pham, H.N., M.S. Kang. 1988. Interrelationships among and repeatability of several stability statistics estimated from international maize trials. Crop Sci. 28: 925-928.
  • Sabanci, C.O. 1996. Genotype x Environment Interactions for Seed Yield in Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Anadolu, J. Of AARI 6 (1): 25-31 (in Turkish).
  • Sayar, M.S., A.E. Anlarsal, M. Basbag. 2003. Genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis for dry-matter yield and seed yield in Hungarian Vetch ( Vicia pannonica Crantz.) Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18 (2): 238-246.
  • Schutz, W.M., R.L. Bernard. 1967. Genoype x environment interactions in the regional testing of soybean strains. Crop Sci. 7: 125-130.
  • Shukla, G.K. 1972. Some statistical aspects of partitioning genotype-environmental components of variability. Heredity 29:237-245.
  • Singh, S.P., R.B. Mehra. 1980. Adaptability studies in Bengal gram ( Cicer arietinum L.) Trop. Grain Legume Bull., 19:51-54.
  • Singh, K.B., G. Bejiga. 1990. Analysis of stability for some characters in Kabuli chickpea. Euphytica 49:223-227.
  • Sirtioglu, I. 2017. Turkey Oilseeds and Products Update. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service,Global Information Network. GAIN Report Number: TR7052.
  • Ustun, A., N.Aydin, H. Olgun, M. Hakan, A. Eren, M. Babaoglu, H. Aslan. 2003. Determination of similarities among soybean cultivars by discriminant and cluster analysis and stability of cultivars. Turkish 5. Congress of Field Crops,Presentations. 13-17 October. Diyarbakir. p.131-140 (in Turkish).
  • Waldia, R.S., V.P. Singh, R.P.S. Kharb. 1988. Stabilite of seed yield of some lentil genotypes in relation to seed size. Lens News. 15 (1): 17-19.
  • Yue, G., S.K. Perng, T.L. Walter, C.E. Wassom, G.H. Liang. 1990. Stability analysis of yield in maize, wheat and sorghum and its implications in breeding programs. PlantBreeding 104: 72-80.


Year 2018, , 80 - 84, 15.12.2018


Double crop agriculture is a great advantage for the coastal Mediterranean climate. Although a number of
soybean varieties have been recommended for cultivation, the information on the stability for double cropping
is lacking for the agro-climatic conditions of Mediterranean coastal zone. Ten high-yielding advanced soybean
[Glycine max (L.) Merr] lines and four registered soybean varieties having maturity group III and IV
(ARISOY, ATAEM7, BRAVO and NOVA) were evaluated for double cropping in different regions and years
(2014, 2015 and 2016 in Izmir-Bornova, 2015 and 2016 in Antalya-Aksu). The F test was first applied to check
differences of the deviation variances from the zero. In addition, statistics of ecovalance (Wi2
) and stability
variance (σi2
), estimating the contribution of a genotype to total Genotype x Environmental interaction (GxE),
were estimated. As a result of this research, two different conclusions were determined. If sufficient water is
provide (500-700 mm) BATEM 306 and BATEM 317 lines can be grown, otherwise, the other two (BATEM
207 and BATEM 223) can be suitable to grow in the regional conditions.


  • Akcura, M., Y. Kaya, S. Taner, R. Ayranci. 2006. Parametric stability analyses for grain yield of durum wheat. Plant Soil Environ. 52 (6): 254–261.
  • Altinbas, M., H. Sepetoglu. 1994. A study on the stability of grain yield in lentil. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University 31 (1): 1-8 (in Turkish).
  • Altinbas, M., H. Sepetoglu. 2003. The relationship of performance with adaptation for yield and some agronomic traits of chickpea lines sown in winter. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University 40 (1): 49-56 (in Turkish).
  • Becker, H.C. 1981. Correlations among some statistical measures of phenotypic stability. Euphytica 30: 835-840. Becker, H.C., J. Leon. 1988. Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breeding 101: 1-23.
  • Bozoglu, H., A. Gulumser. 2000. Determination of genotype x environment interactions of some agronomic chacters in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 24 (2): 211-220 (in Turkish).
  • Caylak, O., C.F. Caliskan, M.B. Yildirim, N. Algan. 1994. Untersuchungen über die feststellung der anpassungsfähig einiger sojabohnenlinien bzw.-sorten an hand von truncatedauslese methode an klimabedingungen vom Egegebiet.keit Kongress der Feldfrüchte. Band I, 140-144. 25-29 April, Izmir. (auf Türkisch).
  • Eberhart, S.A., W.A. Russel 1966. Stability paremeters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 6: 36-40.
  • Fox, P. N., J. Crossa and I. Romagossa. 1997. Multienvironmental testing and genotype x environment interaction, in Statistical Methods for Plant Variety Evaluation. Chapman & Hall, London, R. A. Kempton and P. N. Fox. (eds.), 117-138
  • Hossain, M.A., L. Rahman, A.K.M Shamsuddin. 2003. Genotype-environment interaction and stability analysis in soybean. Journal of Biological Sciences 3 (11): 1026-1031.
  • Ibrahim, K., P. Ruckenbauer. 1987. Stability parameters of important characters in various types of faba bean. FABIS News., 17: 10-13.
  • Ilker, E. 2017. Performances of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Advanced Lines Grown in Second Cropping under Mediterranean Climatical Conditions of Western Turkey. Turk J Field Crops. 22(1): 104-107. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.311003.
  • Koraddi, S., G.T. Basavaraja, I. Bhoodi. 2017. Stability analysis in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Int. Journal of Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (9): 945-948.
  • Lin, C.S., M.R. Binns, L.P. Lefkovitch. 1986. Stability analysis: Where do we stand? Crop Sci. 26:894-900.
  • Liu, Z., X. Fan, W. Huang, J. Yang, Y. Zheng, S. Wang, L. Qiu. 2017. Stability analysis of seven agronomic traits for soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Tokachi nagaha and its derived cultivars using AMMI model. Plant Production Science 20 (4): 499-506.
  • Nquyen, H.T., D.A. Sleper, K.L. Hunt. 1980. Genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis for herbage yield of tall fescue synthetics. Crop Sci. 20: 221-224.
  • Ozdemir, S., M. Engin. 1996. Stability Analysis of Some Large Seeded Chickpea Genotypes in Cukurova Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 20: 157-161 ( in Turkish).
  • Ozdemir, S., U. Karadavut, C. Erdogan. 1999. Stability Analysis of some Winter Sown Chickpea Cultivars in East Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23 (Additional Volume 1: 201-205(in Turkish).
  • Pfahler, P.L., H.F. Linskens. 1979. Yield stability and population diversity in oats (Avena sp.) Theor Appl Genet. 54: 1-5.
  • Pham, H.N., M.S. Kang. 1988. Interrelationships among and repeatability of several stability statistics estimated from international maize trials. Crop Sci. 28: 925-928.
  • Sabanci, C.O. 1996. Genotype x Environment Interactions for Seed Yield in Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.). Anadolu, J. Of AARI 6 (1): 25-31 (in Turkish).
  • Sayar, M.S., A.E. Anlarsal, M. Basbag. 2003. Genotype x environment interactions and stability analysis for dry-matter yield and seed yield in Hungarian Vetch ( Vicia pannonica Crantz.) Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18 (2): 238-246.
  • Schutz, W.M., R.L. Bernard. 1967. Genoype x environment interactions in the regional testing of soybean strains. Crop Sci. 7: 125-130.
  • Shukla, G.K. 1972. Some statistical aspects of partitioning genotype-environmental components of variability. Heredity 29:237-245.
  • Singh, S.P., R.B. Mehra. 1980. Adaptability studies in Bengal gram ( Cicer arietinum L.) Trop. Grain Legume Bull., 19:51-54.
  • Singh, K.B., G. Bejiga. 1990. Analysis of stability for some characters in Kabuli chickpea. Euphytica 49:223-227.
  • Sirtioglu, I. 2017. Turkey Oilseeds and Products Update. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service,Global Information Network. GAIN Report Number: TR7052.
  • Ustun, A., N.Aydin, H. Olgun, M. Hakan, A. Eren, M. Babaoglu, H. Aslan. 2003. Determination of similarities among soybean cultivars by discriminant and cluster analysis and stability of cultivars. Turkish 5. Congress of Field Crops,Presentations. 13-17 October. Diyarbakir. p.131-140 (in Turkish).
  • Waldia, R.S., V.P. Singh, R.P.S. Kharb. 1988. Stabilite of seed yield of some lentil genotypes in relation to seed size. Lens News. 15 (1): 17-19.
  • Yue, G., S.K. Perng, T.L. Walter, C.E. Wassom, G.H. Liang. 1990. Stability analysis of yield in maize, wheat and sorghum and its implications in breeding programs. PlantBreeding 104: 72-80.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Emre Ilker 0000-0002-4870-3907

Mehmet Kocaturk This is me

Abdullah Kadıroglu This is me

Metin Altınbas This is me

Aliye Yıldırım 0000-0002-8101-0803

Gulsum Ozturk

Hakan Yıldız 0000-0002-9075-0053

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ilker, E., Kocaturk, M., Kadıroglu, A., Altınbas, M., et al. (2018). STABILITY ANALYSES FOR DOUBLE CROPPING IN SOYBEAN [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 23(2), 80-84.

Cited By

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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