Year 2019,
, 7 - 11, 14.06.2019
Behcet Kır
Riza Avcıoglu
Ali Salman
Sukru Sezgi Ozkan
In an attempt to investigate the turfgrass and playing quality characteristics of some newly introduced warm season turf grasses and traditional cool season sports turf mixture, classical and contemporary techniques were imposed on the turfgrass experimental plots of the research area of Department of Field Crops, Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, Bornova/Izmir/Turkey. Some warm season turfgrasses (Cynodon dactylon cv. SR9554, Cynodon dactylon x Cynodon transvaalensis cv. Tifway-419, Paspalum vaginatum cv. Sea Spray and Zoysia japonica cv. Zenith) and traditional cool season sports turf mixture were tested in terms of visual turf quality and playing quality traits (ball rebound, ball roll and shock absorption) on a monthly and seasonal bases for three years under Mediterranean environmental conditions. Significant variations were determined among the turfgrass alternatives in all traits except years. It was concluded that Tifway-419 and Sea Spray turf grasses were the most successful and promising alternatives compared to the other options under Mediterranean environmental conditions.
Supporting Institution
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
- Acikgoz, E. 1994. Turf Establishment and Maintenance
Technique. Bursa: Uludağ University Press.
- Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of
biological research on the computer. Izmir: Ege University,
TOTEM, Meta Press.
- Avcioglu, R. 1997. Turf Technique (Turf Establishment &
Management). Izmir: Ege University Press.
- Avcioglu, R., A. Tapici, H. Kocer and H. Yolcubal. 2007. An
approach to sustainable turfgrass alternatives for salty
environment. III. Landscape Architecture Congress.
- Avcioglu, R., B. Kir, A. Salman, S.S. Ozkan and T. Erasik.
2013. Investigations on the quality and soccer playing
characteristics of some turf alternatives mowed at different
heights. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of
Agriculture and Food Industry. p. 352-356.
- Baker, S.W. and M.J. Bell. 1986. The playing characteristics of
natural turf and synthetic turf surfaces for association
football. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 62:9-35
- Baker, S.W. and P.M. Canaway. 1993. Concepts of playing
quality: criteria and measurement. International Turfgrass
Society Research Journal. 20(7): 172-181.
- Bell, M.J., S.W. Baker and P.M. Canaway. 1985. Playing quality
of sports surfaces: A Review. Journal of the Sports Turf
Research Institute. 61: 26-45.
- Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz. 2011. Effects of slow-release
fertilizers on turf quality in a turf mixture, Turkish Journal of
Field Crops. 16(2): 130-136.
- Brosnan, J.T., A.S. McNitt and T.J. Serensits. 2009. Effect of
varying surface characteristics on the hardness and traction
of baseball field playing surfaces. International Turfgrass
Society Research Journal. 11:1-11.
- Cockerham, S.T., V.A. Gibeault, J.V. Dam and M.K. Leonard.
1989. Tolerance of cool season turfgrasses to sports traffic.
Turfgrass-Culture, California Turfgrass Cult.; 39 (3 & 4):12–4.
- Demiroglu, G., H. Geren, B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2010.
Performances of some cool season turfgrass cultivars in
Mediterranean environment: II. Festuca arundinaceae
Schreb., Festuca ovina L., Festuca rubra spp. rubra L.,
Festuca rubra spp. trichophylla Gaud and Festuca rubra
spp. commutata Gaud., Turkish Journal of Field Crops.
15(2): 180-187.
- FIFA. 2005. The FIFA quality concept for football turf. FIFA
Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250,
- FIFA. 2009a. The FIFA quality concept for football turf,
handbook of requirements May edition. FIFA Marketing
XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland, pp:
- FIFA. 2009b. The FIFA quality concept for football turf,
handbook of test methods May 2009 edition. FIFA
Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250,
Switzerland, pp: 42.
- Grossi, N., M. Volterrani, S. Magni and S. Miele. 2004. Tall
fescue turf quality and soccer playing characteristics as
affected by moving height. Acta Hortic. 661, 319-322 DOI:
- Kir, B., R. Avcioglu, G. Demiroglu and A. Simic. 2010.
Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in
Mediterranean environment: I. Lolium perenne L., Festuca
arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L., Turkish Journal of
Field Crops. 15(2): 174-179.
- Lulli, F., M. Volterrani, S. Magni, N. Grossi, M. Gaetani and A.
Pompeiano. 2004. Evaluation of the playing characteristics
of a new hybrid natural-artificial grass pitch. 1st European
Turfgrass Society Conference. pp: 117-118.
- Miller, G.L. 2004. Analysis of soccer field surface hardness.
Acta Hortic. 661, 287-294 DOI:
- Orchard, J. 2002. Is there a relationship between ground and
climatic conditions and injuries in football. Sports Med.; 32
- Ozkan, S.S., B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2014. Effect of mowing
heights on the performances of some turf alternatives in
Mediterranean ecology. 24th International Scientific-Expert
Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. pp. 337-340.
- Salman, A. and R. Avcioglu. 2008. Effect of different fertilizer
levels on some cool and warm season turfgrass on turf
performances. Ege University Graduate School of Natural
and Applied Science. PhD Thesis. Bornova-Izmir (in
- Salman, A., R. Avcioglu, M. Yılmaz and G. Demiroglu 2011.
Performances of newly introduced Festuca arundinacea
Schreb. cultivars versus Lolium perenne L. in a
Mediterranean environment, Turkish Journal of Field Crops.
16(2): 215-219.
- Saunders, N., D. Twomey and L. Otage. 2011. Clegg hammer
measures and human external landing forces: is there a
relationship? International Journal of Sports Science and
Engineering. Vol. 5(4), pp: 231-236.
- Trenholm, L.E. and J.B. Unruh. 2002. Seashore paspalum for
Florida lawns, CIR 1244, Environmental Horticulture
Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
- Trenholm, L.E., J.B. Unruh and J.L. Cisar. 2007. Selecting a
turfgrass for Florida lawns. University of Florida, Ifas
Extensiom, ENH04, Florida, USA.
- Uzun, P. and U. Bilgili. 2011. Effects of wastewater sludge on
growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), Turkish
Journal of Field Crops. 16(2): 203-209.
- Volterrani, M. and S. Magni. 2004. Species and growing media
for sports turfs in Mediterranean area. Acta Hortic. 661, 359-
364 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.48.
- Watschke, T.L. and R.E. Schmidt. 1992. Ecological aspects of
turf communities. Waddington, D.V., Carrow, R.N. And
Shearman, C.R. (Eds.). Turfgrass, American Society of
Agronomy, Inc. Agronomy. (32): 129-174.
- Zhou, S. and A. Abaraha. 2007. Response to heat stress in warm
season and cool season turfgrass cultivars. Scientific
Research and Essay, Vol. 2 (4): 95-100.
Year 2019,
, 7 - 11, 14.06.2019
Behcet Kır
Riza Avcıoglu
Ali Salman
Sukru Sezgi Ozkan
- Acikgoz, E. 1994. Turf Establishment and Maintenance
Technique. Bursa: Uludağ University Press.
- Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of
biological research on the computer. Izmir: Ege University,
TOTEM, Meta Press.
- Avcioglu, R. 1997. Turf Technique (Turf Establishment &
Management). Izmir: Ege University Press.
- Avcioglu, R., A. Tapici, H. Kocer and H. Yolcubal. 2007. An
approach to sustainable turfgrass alternatives for salty
environment. III. Landscape Architecture Congress.
- Avcioglu, R., B. Kir, A. Salman, S.S. Ozkan and T. Erasik.
2013. Investigations on the quality and soccer playing
characteristics of some turf alternatives mowed at different
heights. 24th International Scientific-Expert Conference of
Agriculture and Food Industry. p. 352-356.
- Baker, S.W. and M.J. Bell. 1986. The playing characteristics of
natural turf and synthetic turf surfaces for association
football. Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute. 62:9-35
- Baker, S.W. and P.M. Canaway. 1993. Concepts of playing
quality: criteria and measurement. International Turfgrass
Society Research Journal. 20(7): 172-181.
- Bell, M.J., S.W. Baker and P.M. Canaway. 1985. Playing quality
of sports surfaces: A Review. Journal of the Sports Turf
Research Institute. 61: 26-45.
- Bilgili, U. and E. Acikgoz. 2011. Effects of slow-release
fertilizers on turf quality in a turf mixture, Turkish Journal of
Field Crops. 16(2): 130-136.
- Brosnan, J.T., A.S. McNitt and T.J. Serensits. 2009. Effect of
varying surface characteristics on the hardness and traction
of baseball field playing surfaces. International Turfgrass
Society Research Journal. 11:1-11.
- Cockerham, S.T., V.A. Gibeault, J.V. Dam and M.K. Leonard.
1989. Tolerance of cool season turfgrasses to sports traffic.
Turfgrass-Culture, California Turfgrass Cult.; 39 (3 & 4):12–4.
- Demiroglu, G., H. Geren, B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2010.
Performances of some cool season turfgrass cultivars in
Mediterranean environment: II. Festuca arundinaceae
Schreb., Festuca ovina L., Festuca rubra spp. rubra L.,
Festuca rubra spp. trichophylla Gaud and Festuca rubra
spp. commutata Gaud., Turkish Journal of Field Crops.
15(2): 180-187.
- FIFA. 2005. The FIFA quality concept for football turf. FIFA
Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250,
- FIFA. 2009a. The FIFA quality concept for football turf,
handbook of requirements May edition. FIFA Marketing
XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250, Switzerland, pp:
- FIFA. 2009b. The FIFA quality concept for football turf,
handbook of test methods May 2009 edition. FIFA
Marketing XTVAG, Grafenciuweg 2, P.O. Box 4250,
Switzerland, pp: 42.
- Grossi, N., M. Volterrani, S. Magni and S. Miele. 2004. Tall
fescue turf quality and soccer playing characteristics as
affected by moving height. Acta Hortic. 661, 319-322 DOI:
- Kir, B., R. Avcioglu, G. Demiroglu and A. Simic. 2010.
Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in
Mediterranean environment: I. Lolium perenne L., Festuca
arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L., Turkish Journal of
Field Crops. 15(2): 174-179.
- Lulli, F., M. Volterrani, S. Magni, N. Grossi, M. Gaetani and A.
Pompeiano. 2004. Evaluation of the playing characteristics
of a new hybrid natural-artificial grass pitch. 1st European
Turfgrass Society Conference. pp: 117-118.
- Miller, G.L. 2004. Analysis of soccer field surface hardness.
Acta Hortic. 661, 287-294 DOI:
- Orchard, J. 2002. Is there a relationship between ground and
climatic conditions and injuries in football. Sports Med.; 32
- Ozkan, S.S., B. Kir and R. Avcioglu. 2014. Effect of mowing
heights on the performances of some turf alternatives in
Mediterranean ecology. 24th International Scientific-Expert
Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. pp. 337-340.
- Salman, A. and R. Avcioglu. 2008. Effect of different fertilizer
levels on some cool and warm season turfgrass on turf
performances. Ege University Graduate School of Natural
and Applied Science. PhD Thesis. Bornova-Izmir (in
- Salman, A., R. Avcioglu, M. Yılmaz and G. Demiroglu 2011.
Performances of newly introduced Festuca arundinacea
Schreb. cultivars versus Lolium perenne L. in a
Mediterranean environment, Turkish Journal of Field Crops.
16(2): 215-219.
- Saunders, N., D. Twomey and L. Otage. 2011. Clegg hammer
measures and human external landing forces: is there a
relationship? International Journal of Sports Science and
Engineering. Vol. 5(4), pp: 231-236.
- Trenholm, L.E. and J.B. Unruh. 2002. Seashore paspalum for
Florida lawns, CIR 1244, Environmental Horticulture
Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
- Trenholm, L.E., J.B. Unruh and J.L. Cisar. 2007. Selecting a
turfgrass for Florida lawns. University of Florida, Ifas
Extensiom, ENH04, Florida, USA.
- Uzun, P. and U. Bilgili. 2011. Effects of wastewater sludge on
growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), Turkish
Journal of Field Crops. 16(2): 203-209.
- Volterrani, M. and S. Magni. 2004. Species and growing media
for sports turfs in Mediterranean area. Acta Hortic. 661, 359-
364 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.48.
- Watschke, T.L. and R.E. Schmidt. 1992. Ecological aspects of
turf communities. Waddington, D.V., Carrow, R.N. And
Shearman, C.R. (Eds.). Turfgrass, American Society of
Agronomy, Inc. Agronomy. (32): 129-174.
- Zhou, S. and A. Abaraha. 2007. Response to heat stress in warm
season and cool season turfgrass cultivars. Scientific
Research and Essay, Vol. 2 (4): 95-100.