Research Article
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Year 2019, , 111 - 120, 14.06.2019


Improvement of the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) positively impacts on the growth and development of plants

as well as the crop productivity. In this study, we investigated the characterization on N uptake, N

remobilization, and agronomic traits of winter wheat under N input treatments combined by deficit irrigation.

Under the sufficient-N treatment (N240), the accumulative N amounts and internal N remobilization rates in

plants of the tested cultivars (Jimai 585 and Shimai 22) were elevated relative to those under the deficient-N

treatment (N120), together with improvement on plant biomass and the grain yields. Compared with Jimai 585,

a control cultivar to be acclimation to affluent irrigation condition, the drought tolerant cultivar Shimai 22

enhanced the accumulative N amount, N harvest index (NHI), NUE, and agronomic traits under both N input

treatments, especially under N120. In addition, Shimai 22 also displayed higher activities of nitrate reductase

(NR), nitrite reductase (NIR), and glutamine synthetase (GS) than Jimai 585 under the both N level conditions.

The soil N contents (NC) in 2 m profile were elevated whereas the soil moisture contents were lowered in plots

planted by the wheat cultivars during late stages under N240 with respect to those under N120. Moreover,

reduced soil moisture and N contents in 2 m soil profile were found in the plots grown by Shimai 22 with

respect to those by Jimai 585 under N120, suggesting that Shimai 22 improved the N uptake, N remobilization,

and the agronomic traits under low N input treatment to be associated with the enhanced N

assimilation-related enzymatic activities and the elevated capacity for usage of the soil N storage. Therefore, it

is feasible to cultivate winter wheat under the water- and N saving conditions by using the drought tolerant

cultivars due to their high NUE and effective usage for the soil nutrient storage.

Supporting Institution

This work was financially supported by Chinese National Key Research and Development Project on Science and Technology (2017YFD0300902).

Project Number



This work was financially supported by Chinese National Key Research and Development Project on Science and Technology (2017YFD0300902).


  • Cox M C C O . Qualset and D W. Rains 1986 Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. III. Nitrogen translocation in relation to grain yield and protein. Crop Sci 26(4): 430 435.
  • Dunbabin V .., Z . Rengel and A J. Diggle 2010 Simulating form and function of root systems: efficiency of nitrate uptake is dependent on root system architecture and the spatial and temporal variability of nitrate supply. Function Ecol 18 ( 204 211.
  • Esen M and U R. Ozturk 2015 Ammonium nitrate and iron nutrition effects on some nitrogen assimilation enzymes and metabolites in Spirulina platensis . Biotechnol Appl Biochem 62(2): 275 286.
  • Fan Y .., L I . Shiqing and W U . Weimo. 2005 E ffects of nitrogen fertilization on matter translocation of winter wheat cultivars at their grain filling stage in sub humid farmland ecosystem. Chin J Ecol 24(12): 1402 1408.
  • Fang Q .., L . Ma and Q . Yu. 2010 Irrigation strategies to improve the water u se efficiency of wheat maize double cropping systems in North China Plain. Agric Water Manag 97(8):1165 1174.
  • Frith G J T . and D G. Nichols 2010 Nitrogen u ptake by a pple s eedlings as a ffected by l ight, and n utrient s tress in p art of the r oot s ystem. P hysiol Plant 34(2): 129 133.
  • Gao S .., F . Zhang , Y . Zhi and K. Xiao. 2016 The yields, agronomic, and nitrogen use efficiency traits of wheat cultivars in north China under N sufficient and deficient conditions. J Plant Nutr 40(7): 1053 1065. Gaudinová
  • A. 1990 The effect of cytokinins on nitrate reductase activity. Biol Plant 32 89 96.
  • Gregory P J .., B . Marshall and P V. Biscoe . 1981 Nutrient relations of winter wheat. 3. Nitrogen uptake, photosynthesis of flag leaves and translocation of nitrogen to grain. J Agric Sci 96(3): 539 547.
  • Guo C .., W . Chang L . Zhang X . Cui S Li and K. Xiao 2011 Effects of chromosome substitution on the utilization efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in wheat. Front Agric China, 5 253 261.
  • Hirose T and F A. Bazzaz 1998 Trade off b etween l ight and n itrogen use e fficiency in c anopy p hotosynthesis. Ann Bot 82(2): 1 202.
  • Lea P J .., R D . Blackwell F L . Chen and U. Hecht 1990 Enzymes of ammonium assimilation. In: Dey P M, Harborne J B, eds., M ethods in Plant Biochemistry. Academic Press, London. pp. 257 276.
  • Liu J .., Q . Chu and G . Wang. 2013 Simulating yield gap of winter wheat in response to nitrogen management in North China Plain based on DSSAT model. Trans Chin Soc Agric Engin 29(23): 124 129.
  • Nehe A S .., S . Misra and E H Murchie. 2018 Genetic variation in N use efficiency and associated traits in Indian wheat cultivars. Field Crop Res 225: 152 162.
  • Oaks A. 1994 Primary nitrogen assimilation in higher plants and its regulation. Ca n J B ot 72(6): 739 750.
  • Pang J .., J A . Palta and G J . Rebetzke 2015 Wheat genotypes with high early vigour accumulate more nitrogen and have higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency during early growth. Function Plant Biol 41(2): 215 222.
  • Ping H E .., L I . Shutian and J . Jin. 2009 Performance of an o ptimized n utrient m anagement s ystem for d ouble c ropped w heat m aize r otations in North Central China. Agron J 101(6): 1489 1496.
  • Preez C C D and A T P. Bennie 1991. Concentration, accumulation an d uptake rate of macro nutrients by winter wheat under irrigation. South Afr J Plant Soil 8(1): 31 37.
  • Chandna R .., K R . Hakeem and F . Khan . 2012 Variability of nitrogen uptake and assimilation among N efficient and N inefficient wheat ( Triticum aestivu m L.) genotypes. J Plant Interact 7(4): 367 375.
  • Sharma B D .., S . Kar and S S. Cheema 1990 Yield, water use and nitrogen uptake for different water and N levels in winter wheat. Fertil Res 22(2): 119 127.
  • Singh S and P. Sheoran 2006 Growth, yield and nutrient uptake of late sown wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) under different irrigation regimes. J Soil Crop 16: 48 51.
  • Sun H Y .., Y J . Shen and Q . Yu. 2010 Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Agric Water Manag 97(8): 1139 1145.
  • Truax B .., F . Lambert and D . Gagnon. 1994 Nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activities in relation to growth and nitrogen assimilation in red oak and red ash seedlings: effects of N forms, N concentration and light intensity. Tree 9(1): 12 18.
  • Wang S .., Q . Zhang and G. Peng 2002 Effect of different irrigation on nitrogen uptake of wheat and N balance. A cta A gric N ucl S inica 16(5): 310 314.
  • Wang Y .., E . Wang and D . Wang. 2010 C rop productivity and nutrient use efficiency as affected by long term fertilisation in North China Plain. Nutr Cycl Agroecos 86(1):105 119.
  • Wang X. 2000 Effects of calcium chelator on the nitrogen metabolism and dry matter accumulation in wheat see dlings. Plant N u tr Fertil 6 ( 42 47.
  • Wei Y .., H . Miao and Z . Ouyang 2008 Environmental water requirements and sustainable water resource management in the Haihe River Basin of North China. Internat J Sustain Dev World Ecol 15(2): 113 121.
  • Wray J L and R J. Fido 1990 Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. In: Dey P M, Harborne J B, eds., Methods in Plant Biochemistry. Academic Press, London. pp. 241 256.
  • Xi B .., Y . Wang and L . Jia. 2013 Characteristics of fine root system and water uptake in a triploid Populus tomentosa plantation in the North China Plain: Implications for irrigation water management. Agric Water Manag 117:83 92.
  • Yu P .., X . Li and P J . White. 2015 A large and deep root system underlies high nitrogen use efficiency in ma ize production. Plos One, 10(5):e0126293.
  • Zhang F F .., S . Gao, Y Y . Zhao and K. Xiao . 2015 The g rowth traits and n itrogen a ssimilation associated p hysiological parameters of w heat ( Triticum aestivum L.) under l ow and high N c onditions. J. Integr. Agric. 14: 1295-1308.
  • Zhang Y L. 2008 Effects of i rrigation a mount on n itrogen u ptake, d istribution, u se, and g rain y ield and q uality in w heat. Acta Agron Sinica 34(5): 870870-878.
  • Zhang, J.H. G.Y. Wang, D.M. Zhou and K. Xiao. 2018. Y ield formation capacity, soil water consumption , property, and plant water use efficiency of wheat under water saving conditions in North China plain. Turk J Field Crop . 23(2) 107 116
  • Zhao B Z and X U. Fu 2000 N, P, K uptake by winter wheat and maize as influence by different combinations of irrigation water and nitrogen fertilizer. Plant N u tr Fertil 6(3): 260260-266.
Year 2019, , 111 - 120, 14.06.2019


Project Number



  • Cox M C C O . Qualset and D W. Rains 1986 Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. III. Nitrogen translocation in relation to grain yield and protein. Crop Sci 26(4): 430 435.
  • Dunbabin V .., Z . Rengel and A J. Diggle 2010 Simulating form and function of root systems: efficiency of nitrate uptake is dependent on root system architecture and the spatial and temporal variability of nitrate supply. Function Ecol 18 ( 204 211.
  • Esen M and U R. Ozturk 2015 Ammonium nitrate and iron nutrition effects on some nitrogen assimilation enzymes and metabolites in Spirulina platensis . Biotechnol Appl Biochem 62(2): 275 286.
  • Fan Y .., L I . Shiqing and W U . Weimo. 2005 E ffects of nitrogen fertilization on matter translocation of winter wheat cultivars at their grain filling stage in sub humid farmland ecosystem. Chin J Ecol 24(12): 1402 1408.
  • Fang Q .., L . Ma and Q . Yu. 2010 Irrigation strategies to improve the water u se efficiency of wheat maize double cropping systems in North China Plain. Agric Water Manag 97(8):1165 1174.
  • Frith G J T . and D G. Nichols 2010 Nitrogen u ptake by a pple s eedlings as a ffected by l ight, and n utrient s tress in p art of the r oot s ystem. P hysiol Plant 34(2): 129 133.
  • Gao S .., F . Zhang , Y . Zhi and K. Xiao. 2016 The yields, agronomic, and nitrogen use efficiency traits of wheat cultivars in north China under N sufficient and deficient conditions. J Plant Nutr 40(7): 1053 1065. Gaudinová
  • A. 1990 The effect of cytokinins on nitrate reductase activity. Biol Plant 32 89 96.
  • Gregory P J .., B . Marshall and P V. Biscoe . 1981 Nutrient relations of winter wheat. 3. Nitrogen uptake, photosynthesis of flag leaves and translocation of nitrogen to grain. J Agric Sci 96(3): 539 547.
  • Guo C .., W . Chang L . Zhang X . Cui S Li and K. Xiao 2011 Effects of chromosome substitution on the utilization efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in wheat. Front Agric China, 5 253 261.
  • Hirose T and F A. Bazzaz 1998 Trade off b etween l ight and n itrogen use e fficiency in c anopy p hotosynthesis. Ann Bot 82(2): 1 202.
  • Lea P J .., R D . Blackwell F L . Chen and U. Hecht 1990 Enzymes of ammonium assimilation. In: Dey P M, Harborne J B, eds., M ethods in Plant Biochemistry. Academic Press, London. pp. 257 276.
  • Liu J .., Q . Chu and G . Wang. 2013 Simulating yield gap of winter wheat in response to nitrogen management in North China Plain based on DSSAT model. Trans Chin Soc Agric Engin 29(23): 124 129.
  • Nehe A S .., S . Misra and E H Murchie. 2018 Genetic variation in N use efficiency and associated traits in Indian wheat cultivars. Field Crop Res 225: 152 162.
  • Oaks A. 1994 Primary nitrogen assimilation in higher plants and its regulation. Ca n J B ot 72(6): 739 750.
  • Pang J .., J A . Palta and G J . Rebetzke 2015 Wheat genotypes with high early vigour accumulate more nitrogen and have higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency during early growth. Function Plant Biol 41(2): 215 222.
  • Ping H E .., L I . Shutian and J . Jin. 2009 Performance of an o ptimized n utrient m anagement s ystem for d ouble c ropped w heat m aize r otations in North Central China. Agron J 101(6): 1489 1496.
  • Preez C C D and A T P. Bennie 1991. Concentration, accumulation an d uptake rate of macro nutrients by winter wheat under irrigation. South Afr J Plant Soil 8(1): 31 37.
  • Chandna R .., K R . Hakeem and F . Khan . 2012 Variability of nitrogen uptake and assimilation among N efficient and N inefficient wheat ( Triticum aestivu m L.) genotypes. J Plant Interact 7(4): 367 375.
  • Sharma B D .., S . Kar and S S. Cheema 1990 Yield, water use and nitrogen uptake for different water and N levels in winter wheat. Fertil Res 22(2): 119 127.
  • Singh S and P. Sheoran 2006 Growth, yield and nutrient uptake of late sown wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) under different irrigation regimes. J Soil Crop 16: 48 51.
  • Sun H Y .., Y J . Shen and Q . Yu. 2010 Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Agric Water Manag 97(8): 1139 1145.
  • Truax B .., F . Lambert and D . Gagnon. 1994 Nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activities in relation to growth and nitrogen assimilation in red oak and red ash seedlings: effects of N forms, N concentration and light intensity. Tree 9(1): 12 18.
  • Wang S .., Q . Zhang and G. Peng 2002 Effect of different irrigation on nitrogen uptake of wheat and N balance. A cta A gric N ucl S inica 16(5): 310 314.
  • Wang Y .., E . Wang and D . Wang. 2010 C rop productivity and nutrient use efficiency as affected by long term fertilisation in North China Plain. Nutr Cycl Agroecos 86(1):105 119.
  • Wang X. 2000 Effects of calcium chelator on the nitrogen metabolism and dry matter accumulation in wheat see dlings. Plant N u tr Fertil 6 ( 42 47.
  • Wei Y .., H . Miao and Z . Ouyang 2008 Environmental water requirements and sustainable water resource management in the Haihe River Basin of North China. Internat J Sustain Dev World Ecol 15(2): 113 121.
  • Wray J L and R J. Fido 1990 Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. In: Dey P M, Harborne J B, eds., Methods in Plant Biochemistry. Academic Press, London. pp. 241 256.
  • Xi B .., Y . Wang and L . Jia. 2013 Characteristics of fine root system and water uptake in a triploid Populus tomentosa plantation in the North China Plain: Implications for irrigation water management. Agric Water Manag 117:83 92.
  • Yu P .., X . Li and P J . White. 2015 A large and deep root system underlies high nitrogen use efficiency in ma ize production. Plos One, 10(5):e0126293.
  • Zhang F F .., S . Gao, Y Y . Zhao and K. Xiao . 2015 The g rowth traits and n itrogen a ssimilation associated p hysiological parameters of w heat ( Triticum aestivum L.) under l ow and high N c onditions. J. Integr. Agric. 14: 1295-1308.
  • Zhang Y L. 2008 Effects of i rrigation a mount on n itrogen u ptake, d istribution, u se, and g rain y ield and q uality in w heat. Acta Agron Sinica 34(5): 870870-878.
  • Zhang, J.H. G.Y. Wang, D.M. Zhou and K. Xiao. 2018. Y ield formation capacity, soil water consumption , property, and plant water use efficiency of wheat under water saving conditions in North China plain. Turk J Field Crop . 23(2) 107 116
  • Zhao B Z and X U. Fu 2000 N, P, K uptake by winter wheat and maize as influence by different combinations of irrigation water and nitrogen fertilizer. Plant N u tr Fertil 6(3): 260260-266.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Shuang Zhang This is me

Liguo Gho This is me

Le Han This is me

Fangafang Lı This is me

Lizhi Jın This is me

Kai Xıao This is me

Project Number 2017YFD030090
Publication Date June 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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