Research Article
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Year 2022, , 51 - 60, 20.06.2022


Phosphorus is an important element that affects the generative development, seed and fruit quality of plants. This study was carried out in the ecological conditions of Kahramanmaras province to determine the effects of different phosphorus doses on the vegetation, yield, and quality characteristics of black cumin. The experiment was carried out in the field of “Field Crops Research and Application Department of Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Faculty of Agriculture” in the winter growing seasons of 2017-18 and 2019-20, according to the split plots in randomized blocks as 3 replications. Two Nigella genotypes, one of which is a registered variety (Cameli variety), and five different P doses (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 kg da-1) were used in the study. According to the research findings, while phosphorus doses did not have a significant effect on plant characteristics such as plant height, number of branches, number of capsules, it was determined that it affected the number of seeds in the capsule and seed yield. The highest number of seeds per capsule (128.23 per capsule-1) was obtained from the highest P (12 kg da-1) application, and the highest seed yield (136.04 kg da-1) was obtained from the 6 kg da-1 P application. Significant differences were observed in doses and genotype × dose interaction in terms of quality characteristics.

Supporting Institution

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number

Proje No: 2018/1-11 M


This research was supported by the Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Scientific Research Projects Unit (Project No: 2018/1-11 M).


  • Abadi, B.H.M., H.R. Ganjali and H.R. Mobasser. 2015. Effect of mycorrhiza and phosphorus fertilizer on some characteristics of black cumin. Biological Forum-An International Journal. 7(1): 1115-1120.
  • Ahmad, A., A. Husain, M. Mujeeb, S.A. Khan, A.K. Najmi, N.A. Siddique, Z.A. Damanhouri and F. Anwar. 2013. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 3(5): 337-352.
  • Akgören, G. 2011. Agricultural characteristics of some Nigella sativa L. populations. Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Field Crops, Master's Thesis,. Page: 92.
  • Akgül, A. 1993. Spice Science and Technology, Food Technology Association Publication No:15, Damla Printing, Ankara, Pages: 72-75.
  • Aksu, M., G. Ozkan, S.S. Kiralan, M. Kiralan and M.F. Ramadan. 2021. Composition and functionality of Nigella sativa essential oil. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds: Chemistry, Technology, Functionality and Applications, Food Bioactive Ingredients, ed. Ramadan M.F., 409-420, Springer, Berlin.
  • Ali, K.A., N.H. Rasoul, S.A. Zaino, M.K.H. Abdulrahman and H.H. Hamad. 2015b. Influence of foliar application of Zinc on the growth, yield, and oil content of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 27(5); 7-12.
  • Ali, M.M.K., M.A. Hasan and M.R. Islam. 2015a. Influence of fertilizer levels on the growth and yield of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). The Agriculturists. 13 (2): 97-104.
  • Anonymous. 2016. Principles of Fertilization Ministry of National Education, Ankara. Page:74.
  • Anonymous. 2020a. Climate data for 2017-18 and 2019-2020 and long years measured at Kahramanmaras Province Meteorology Station.
  • Anonymous. 2020b. Kahramanmaras Sütcü Imam University. USKIM laboratory soil analysis results.
  • Ayhan, B. 2012. Phytotherapeutic studies on Nigella sativa L. Plant. Gazi University, Department of Pharmacognosy, Master's Thesis. Page: 153.
  • Aytac, Z., N. Gulmezoglu, T. Saglam, E.G. Kulan, U. Selengil and H.L. Hosgun. 2017. Changes in N, K, and fatty acid composition of black cumin seeds affected by nitrogen doses under supplemental potassium application. Journal of Chemistry. 2017: 1-7.
  • Baser, K. H. C. 2010. Black cumin (Nigella sativa). Bagbahce Journal. 32(3):26-27.
  • Bates, P.D., S. Stymne and J. Ohlrogge. 2013. Biochemical pathways in seed oil synthesis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 16(3): 358-364.
  • Baydar, H. 2013. The Science and Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Extended 4th Edition). Süleyman Demirel University, Publication No: 51. Page: 339.
  • Baydar, H. and S. Erbas. 2014. Oil Crops Science and Technology, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 97, Isparta, Pages: 22-24.
  • Bayram, E., S. Kırıcı, S. Tansı, G. Yılmaz, O. Arabacı, S. Kızıl and İ. Telci. 2010. Possibilities of increasing the production of medicinal and aromatic plants. VII. Agricultural Engineering Technical Congress Book. Pages:1-21.
  • Bilen, S. and Y. Sezen. 1993. The effect of soil reaction on plant nutrient availability. Atatürk Univ. J. of Agricultural Faculty. 24(2): 156-166.
  • Brohi, A. and A. Aydeniz. 1994. Bitki Besleme. Gaziosmanpasa Univ. Faculty of Agriculture, Pub. No: 4, Tokat.
  • Buczko, U., M.V. Laak, B. Eichler-Lobermann, W. Gans, I. Merbach, K. Panten, E. Peiter, T. Reitz, H. Spiegel and S.V. Tucher. 2018. Re-evaluation of the yield response to phosphorus fertilization based on meta-analyses of long-term field experiments. Ambio. 47(1): 50-61.
  • Ceylan, A. 1997. Medicinal plants-II. Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, No:481. Page: 306.
  • Datta, S. 2004. Black cumin: Potentials and constraints in Indian agriculture: A review. Cooch Behar, West Bangal, India, Page: 34.
  • Faizy, H.S. 2019. Effect of phosphor fertilizer, magnetic water and humic acid on the growth, photosynthesis pigments and oil yield components of Nigella sativa plant. Mesopotamia J. of Agric. 47(2): 51-72.
  • Fredeen, A.L., T. K. Raab, I.M. Rao and N. Terry. 1990. Effects of phosphorus nutrition on photosynthesis in Glycine max (L.) Merr. Planta. 181(3): 399-405.
  • Geren, H., E. Bayram and A. Ceylan. 1997. The effect of different sowing times and phosphorus fertilizer application on yield and quality in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Turkey II. Field Crops Congress, 22-25 September 1997 Samsun, Pages: 376-380.
  • Hammo, Y.H. 2008. Effect of very high levels of nitrogen and phospours fertilizers, pinching, and seed rate sowing on growth, seed yield and componentes of Nigella sativa l. 2- seed compenents. Mesopotamia J. of Agric. 36(2): 2-11.
  • Kabir, Y., H. Shirakawa and M. Komai. 2019. Nutritional composition of the indigenous cultivar of black cumin seeds from Bangladesh. Progress in Nutrition, 21(Supplement 1): 428-434.
  • Kacar, B. 2015. General Plant Physiology. 1st edition; Nobel Academic Publishing Training Consultancy Trade. Ltd. Sti. Turkey.
  • Kacar, B. and A.V. Katkat. 2009. Plant Nutrition. (4th Editions). Nobel Published No:849, p:659 (in Turkish).
  • Kara, N., D. Katar and H. Baydar. 2015. Yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) populations: The effect of ecological conditions. Turk J Field Crops. 20 (1): 9-14.
  • Kılıc, C. and O. Arabacı. 2016. The effect of different sowing times and seed amount on yield and quality in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Journal. 13 (2): 49-56.
  • Kizil S., S. Kirici, O. Cakmak and K.M. Khawar. 2008. Effects of sowing periods and P application rates on yield and oil composition of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 6 (2): 242-246.
  • Kosar, I. and A. Ozel. 2018. Characterization of Nigella sativa L. cultivars and populations: Agricultural characteristics. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences. 22(4): 533-453.
  • Mamun, M.A. and N. Absar. 2018. Major nutritional compositions of black cumin seeds-cultivated in Bangladesh and the physicochemical characteristics of its oil. International Food Research Journal. 25(6):2634-2639.
  • Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, Inc. London, G.B., p.446.
  • Muhammad, A.G., R.M. Ahmed and K. E. Muhammed. 2017. Response of growth, yield and oil content of two black seed species to nitrogen fertilizer in Sulaimani district. Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science. 9 (4): 18-52.
  • Okazaki, Y., H. Otsuki, T. Narisawa, M. Kobayashi, S. Sawai, Y. Kamide and K. Saito. 2013. A new class of plant lipid is essential for protection against phosphorus depletion. Nature Communications. 4(1): 1-10.
  • Ozgüven, M. and N. Sekeroglu. 2007. Agricultural practices for high yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) cultivated in Turkey. Acta Horticulturae. 756: 329-337.
  • Ramadan, M.F. 2015. Nutritional value and applications of Nigella sativa essential oil: a mini review. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 27(4): 271-275.
  • Rana, S., P.P. Singh, I.S. Naruka and S.S. Rathore. 2012. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth, yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). International J. Seed Spices. 2(2): 5-8.
  • Saleh, F.A., N. El-Darra, K. Raafat and I. El-Ghazzawi. 2018. Phytochemical analysis of Nigella sativa L. utilizing GC-MS exploring its antimicrobial effects against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Pharmacognition Journal. 10(1): 99-105.
  • Salem, S.M.M. and N.S.A. El-Shayeb. 2020. Effect of cattle manure, biochar and NPK fertilization on Nigella sativa L. productivity in sandy soils. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 16 (1): 42-49.
  • Seyyedi, S.M., P. R. Moghaddam, M. Khajeh-Hossieni and H. Shahandeh. 2017. Improving of seed quality of black seed (Nigella sativa L.) by increasing seed phosphorus content in a calcareous soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40(2): 197-206.
  • Seyyedi, S.M., P.R. Moghaddama, M. Khajeh-Hosseini and H. Shahandehb. 2015. Influence of phosphorus and soil amendments on black seed (Nigella sativa L.) oil yield and nutrient uptake. Industrial Crops and Products. 77: 167-174.
  • Shah, S.H. and Samiullah. 2007. Response of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) to applied nitrogen with or without gibberellic acid spray. World Journal of Agriculture Sciences. 3(2): 153-158.
  • Shirmohammadi, E., M. Khaje, H. Shahgholi and G.H. Talaei. 2014. Effect of biological phosphate and chemical phosphorus fertilizer on yield and yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Agriculture Science Developments. 3(9): 279-283.
  • Takruri, H.R.H. and M.A.F. Dameh. 1998. Study of the nutritional value of black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa L.). J Sci Food Agric. 76: 404-410.
  • Telci, I. 1995. The effect of different planting density on yield, yield components and some vegetative properties of black cumin (N. sativa L.) in Tokat conditions. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master's Thesis, Page: 43.
  • Tunctürk, M., R. Tunctürk and B. Yıldırım. 2011. The effects of varying phosphorus doses on yield and some yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Advances in Environmental Biology. 5(2): 371-374.
  • Turan, Y.S. 2014. The effect of phosphorus doses on the yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 76.
  • White, P.J. and E.J. Veneklaas. 2012. Nature and nurture: The importance of seed phosphorus content. Plant and Soil. 357: 1-8.
  • Yimam, E., A. Nebiyu, A. Mohammed and M. Getachew. 2015. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on growth, yield and yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) at Konta district, South West Ethiopia. Journal of Agronomy. 14(3): 112-120.
Year 2022, , 51 - 60, 20.06.2022


Project Number

Proje No: 2018/1-11 M


  • Abadi, B.H.M., H.R. Ganjali and H.R. Mobasser. 2015. Effect of mycorrhiza and phosphorus fertilizer on some characteristics of black cumin. Biological Forum-An International Journal. 7(1): 1115-1120.
  • Ahmad, A., A. Husain, M. Mujeeb, S.A. Khan, A.K. Najmi, N.A. Siddique, Z.A. Damanhouri and F. Anwar. 2013. A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 3(5): 337-352.
  • Akgören, G. 2011. Agricultural characteristics of some Nigella sativa L. populations. Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Field Crops, Master's Thesis,. Page: 92.
  • Akgül, A. 1993. Spice Science and Technology, Food Technology Association Publication No:15, Damla Printing, Ankara, Pages: 72-75.
  • Aksu, M., G. Ozkan, S.S. Kiralan, M. Kiralan and M.F. Ramadan. 2021. Composition and functionality of Nigella sativa essential oil. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds: Chemistry, Technology, Functionality and Applications, Food Bioactive Ingredients, ed. Ramadan M.F., 409-420, Springer, Berlin.
  • Ali, K.A., N.H. Rasoul, S.A. Zaino, M.K.H. Abdulrahman and H.H. Hamad. 2015b. Influence of foliar application of Zinc on the growth, yield, and oil content of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 27(5); 7-12.
  • Ali, M.M.K., M.A. Hasan and M.R. Islam. 2015a. Influence of fertilizer levels on the growth and yield of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). The Agriculturists. 13 (2): 97-104.
  • Anonymous. 2016. Principles of Fertilization Ministry of National Education, Ankara. Page:74.
  • Anonymous. 2020a. Climate data for 2017-18 and 2019-2020 and long years measured at Kahramanmaras Province Meteorology Station.
  • Anonymous. 2020b. Kahramanmaras Sütcü Imam University. USKIM laboratory soil analysis results.
  • Ayhan, B. 2012. Phytotherapeutic studies on Nigella sativa L. Plant. Gazi University, Department of Pharmacognosy, Master's Thesis. Page: 153.
  • Aytac, Z., N. Gulmezoglu, T. Saglam, E.G. Kulan, U. Selengil and H.L. Hosgun. 2017. Changes in N, K, and fatty acid composition of black cumin seeds affected by nitrogen doses under supplemental potassium application. Journal of Chemistry. 2017: 1-7.
  • Baser, K. H. C. 2010. Black cumin (Nigella sativa). Bagbahce Journal. 32(3):26-27.
  • Bates, P.D., S. Stymne and J. Ohlrogge. 2013. Biochemical pathways in seed oil synthesis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 16(3): 358-364.
  • Baydar, H. 2013. The Science and Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Extended 4th Edition). Süleyman Demirel University, Publication No: 51. Page: 339.
  • Baydar, H. and S. Erbas. 2014. Oil Crops Science and Technology, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 97, Isparta, Pages: 22-24.
  • Bayram, E., S. Kırıcı, S. Tansı, G. Yılmaz, O. Arabacı, S. Kızıl and İ. Telci. 2010. Possibilities of increasing the production of medicinal and aromatic plants. VII. Agricultural Engineering Technical Congress Book. Pages:1-21.
  • Bilen, S. and Y. Sezen. 1993. The effect of soil reaction on plant nutrient availability. Atatürk Univ. J. of Agricultural Faculty. 24(2): 156-166.
  • Brohi, A. and A. Aydeniz. 1994. Bitki Besleme. Gaziosmanpasa Univ. Faculty of Agriculture, Pub. No: 4, Tokat.
  • Buczko, U., M.V. Laak, B. Eichler-Lobermann, W. Gans, I. Merbach, K. Panten, E. Peiter, T. Reitz, H. Spiegel and S.V. Tucher. 2018. Re-evaluation of the yield response to phosphorus fertilization based on meta-analyses of long-term field experiments. Ambio. 47(1): 50-61.
  • Ceylan, A. 1997. Medicinal plants-II. Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, No:481. Page: 306.
  • Datta, S. 2004. Black cumin: Potentials and constraints in Indian agriculture: A review. Cooch Behar, West Bangal, India, Page: 34.
  • Faizy, H.S. 2019. Effect of phosphor fertilizer, magnetic water and humic acid on the growth, photosynthesis pigments and oil yield components of Nigella sativa plant. Mesopotamia J. of Agric. 47(2): 51-72.
  • Fredeen, A.L., T. K. Raab, I.M. Rao and N. Terry. 1990. Effects of phosphorus nutrition on photosynthesis in Glycine max (L.) Merr. Planta. 181(3): 399-405.
  • Geren, H., E. Bayram and A. Ceylan. 1997. The effect of different sowing times and phosphorus fertilizer application on yield and quality in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Turkey II. Field Crops Congress, 22-25 September 1997 Samsun, Pages: 376-380.
  • Hammo, Y.H. 2008. Effect of very high levels of nitrogen and phospours fertilizers, pinching, and seed rate sowing on growth, seed yield and componentes of Nigella sativa l. 2- seed compenents. Mesopotamia J. of Agric. 36(2): 2-11.
  • Kabir, Y., H. Shirakawa and M. Komai. 2019. Nutritional composition of the indigenous cultivar of black cumin seeds from Bangladesh. Progress in Nutrition, 21(Supplement 1): 428-434.
  • Kacar, B. 2015. General Plant Physiology. 1st edition; Nobel Academic Publishing Training Consultancy Trade. Ltd. Sti. Turkey.
  • Kacar, B. and A.V. Katkat. 2009. Plant Nutrition. (4th Editions). Nobel Published No:849, p:659 (in Turkish).
  • Kara, N., D. Katar and H. Baydar. 2015. Yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) populations: The effect of ecological conditions. Turk J Field Crops. 20 (1): 9-14.
  • Kılıc, C. and O. Arabacı. 2016. The effect of different sowing times and seed amount on yield and quality in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Journal. 13 (2): 49-56.
  • Kizil S., S. Kirici, O. Cakmak and K.M. Khawar. 2008. Effects of sowing periods and P application rates on yield and oil composition of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 6 (2): 242-246.
  • Kosar, I. and A. Ozel. 2018. Characterization of Nigella sativa L. cultivars and populations: Agricultural characteristics. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences. 22(4): 533-453.
  • Mamun, M.A. and N. Absar. 2018. Major nutritional compositions of black cumin seeds-cultivated in Bangladesh and the physicochemical characteristics of its oil. International Food Research Journal. 25(6):2634-2639.
  • Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 2nd Edition. Academic Press, Inc. London, G.B., p.446.
  • Muhammad, A.G., R.M. Ahmed and K. E. Muhammed. 2017. Response of growth, yield and oil content of two black seed species to nitrogen fertilizer in Sulaimani district. Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science. 9 (4): 18-52.
  • Okazaki, Y., H. Otsuki, T. Narisawa, M. Kobayashi, S. Sawai, Y. Kamide and K. Saito. 2013. A new class of plant lipid is essential for protection against phosphorus depletion. Nature Communications. 4(1): 1-10.
  • Ozgüven, M. and N. Sekeroglu. 2007. Agricultural practices for high yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) cultivated in Turkey. Acta Horticulturae. 756: 329-337.
  • Ramadan, M.F. 2015. Nutritional value and applications of Nigella sativa essential oil: a mini review. Journal of Essential Oil Research. 27(4): 271-275.
  • Rana, S., P.P. Singh, I.S. Naruka and S.S. Rathore. 2012. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth, yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). International J. Seed Spices. 2(2): 5-8.
  • Saleh, F.A., N. El-Darra, K. Raafat and I. El-Ghazzawi. 2018. Phytochemical analysis of Nigella sativa L. utilizing GC-MS exploring its antimicrobial effects against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Pharmacognition Journal. 10(1): 99-105.
  • Salem, S.M.M. and N.S.A. El-Shayeb. 2020. Effect of cattle manure, biochar and NPK fertilization on Nigella sativa L. productivity in sandy soils. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 16 (1): 42-49.
  • Seyyedi, S.M., P. R. Moghaddam, M. Khajeh-Hossieni and H. Shahandeh. 2017. Improving of seed quality of black seed (Nigella sativa L.) by increasing seed phosphorus content in a calcareous soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40(2): 197-206.
  • Seyyedi, S.M., P.R. Moghaddama, M. Khajeh-Hosseini and H. Shahandehb. 2015. Influence of phosphorus and soil amendments on black seed (Nigella sativa L.) oil yield and nutrient uptake. Industrial Crops and Products. 77: 167-174.
  • Shah, S.H. and Samiullah. 2007. Response of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) to applied nitrogen with or without gibberellic acid spray. World Journal of Agriculture Sciences. 3(2): 153-158.
  • Shirmohammadi, E., M. Khaje, H. Shahgholi and G.H. Talaei. 2014. Effect of biological phosphate and chemical phosphorus fertilizer on yield and yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Agriculture Science Developments. 3(9): 279-283.
  • Takruri, H.R.H. and M.A.F. Dameh. 1998. Study of the nutritional value of black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa L.). J Sci Food Agric. 76: 404-410.
  • Telci, I. 1995. The effect of different planting density on yield, yield components and some vegetative properties of black cumin (N. sativa L.) in Tokat conditions. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master's Thesis, Page: 43.
  • Tunctürk, M., R. Tunctürk and B. Yıldırım. 2011. The effects of varying phosphorus doses on yield and some yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Advances in Environmental Biology. 5(2): 371-374.
  • Turan, Y.S. 2014. The effect of phosphorus doses on the yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 76.
  • White, P.J. and E.J. Veneklaas. 2012. Nature and nurture: The importance of seed phosphorus content. Plant and Soil. 357: 1-8.
  • Yimam, E., A. Nebiyu, A. Mohammed and M. Getachew. 2015. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on growth, yield and yield components of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) at Konta district, South West Ethiopia. Journal of Agronomy. 14(3): 112-120.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Articles

Osman Gedik 0000-0002-4816-3154

Project Number Proje No: 2018/1-11 M
Publication Date June 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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