Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 1.02.2005

Yıl: 2005



1. The Effect of Harvest Date on Tuber Yield and Quality Characteristics of Some Processing Potato Cultivars Under the Mediterranean Conditions


3. Effect of Rhizobia, Nitrogen and Weeds on Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY
Email :
Tel : +90 232 3112679
Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474