Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 152 - 159, 23.05.2017


The objective of present study was to examine the presence of variation in relative cell injury percentage (RCI%), as a measure of heat tolerance in sample of G. hirsutum germplasm and also to investigate genetic basis, if any, of RCI% under heat stress. For this purpose, response of 70 cotton varieties/lines was studies to optimum and high temperature, and RCI% was measured at reproductive stage. Data showed differing responses of the germplasm to the two temperature regimes. On the basis of similarities MNH 552, FH 100 and NIAB 111 were screened out as tolerant whilst Cedix ST-362 (GL), LRA 5166 and 4F were identified as susceptible varieties. Three sets of crosses involving tolerant × susceptible varieties were made according to generation mean technique. Six generations of each cross was field planted under optimum and high temperature and at reproductive stage RCI% was again measured. Genetic analysis of the data showed the predominant effect of additive component in the inheritance of RCI% under both the temperature regimes and consequently estimates of h2ns were high in three crosses. These estimates were used to calculate response to selection in F3 population that appear to be encouraging. The results of present investigation suggest that RCI% could be used as effective selection criteria for selecting the plants with lower value of RCI%.


  • Abdul-Baki, A.A. and J.R. Stommel. 1995. Pollen viability and fruit set of tomato genotypes under optimum and high-temperature regimes. Hort. Sci. 30: 115-117.
  • Agari, S., N. Hanaoka, F. Kubota, W. Agata and P.B. Kaufman. 1995. Measurement of cell membrane stability evaluated by electrolyte leakage as a drought and heat tolerance test in rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 40: 233-240.
  • Ahmed, F.E., A.E. Hall and M.A. Madore. 1993a. Interactive effects of high temperature and elevated carbon dioxide concentration on cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Plant Cell Environ. 16: 835-842.
  • Ahmed, F.E., R.G. Mutters and A.E. Hall. 1993b. Interactive effects of high temperature and light quality on floral bud development in cowpea. Functional Plant Biol. 20: 661-667.
  • Ahuja, S.L., D. Monga, O.P.Tuteja, S.K. Verma, L.S. Dhayal and Y. Dutt. 2004. Association in path analysis in the selections made from color linted Ghossypium hirsutum L. cotton germplasm. J. Cotton Res. Development 18: 137-140.
  • Akhtar, M.M., F.M., Azhar and Z. Ali. 2008. Genetic basis of fiber quality attributes in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) germplasm. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 10: 217-220.
  • Ali, Z. 2004. Genetic basis of salt tolerance in wheat (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan.
  • Ali, Z., A. Salam, F.M. Azhar and I.A. Khan. 2007. Genotypic variation in salinity tolerance among spring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions. S. Afr. J. Bot. 73: 70-75.
  • Anonymous. 2005. Economic survey of Pakistan 2004-2005, Govt. of Pakistan, Finance Division, Economic Advisor’s Wing, Islamabad.
  • Ashraf, M., M.M. Saeed and M.J. Qureshi. 1994. Tolerance to high temperature in cotton at initial growth stages. Environ. Exp. Bot. 343, 275-283.
  • Ashraf, M., T. McNeilly and A.D. Bradshaw, 1987. Selection and heritability of tolerance to sodium chloride in four forage species. Crop Sci. 27: 232-234.
  • Azhar, F.M., Z. Ali, M.M. Akhtar, A.A. Khan and R. Trethowan. 2009. Genetic variability of heat tolerance, and its effect on yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Breeding 128: 356-362.
  • Azhar, F.M., Z. Ali, M.M. Akhtar, A.A. Khan and R. Trethowan. 2009. Genetic variability of heat tolerance, and its effect on yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Breeding 128: 356-362.
  • Azhar, M.T. 2003. Genetics of heat tolerance and other agronomic characters of Gossypium hirsutum L. M.Sc. (Hons) Agri. Thesis. Dept. Plant Breed, Genet., Univ. Agri. Faisalabad.
  • Azhar, M.T., A. A. Khan and I. A. Khan. 2005. Combining ability analysis of heat tolerance in Gossypium hirsutum L. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed. 41: 23-28.
  • Baloch, M. S., I.U. Awan, S. A. Jatoi, I. Hussain and B. U. Khan. 2000. Evaluation of seeding densities in broadcast wet seeded rice. J. Pure and Applied Sci. 19: 63-65.
  • Baloch, M.J. and A.R. Lakho. 2000. Screening of cotton genotypes for heat tolerance via in vitro gametophytic selection technique. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 3:2037-2038.
  • Baloch, M.J., A.R. Lakho, R. Rind and H. Bhutto. 2000. Screening of cotton genotypes for heat tolerance via in vitro gametophytic selection technique. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 3:2037-2038.
  • Bibi, A.C., D.M. Oostterhuis, R.S. Brown, E.D. Gonias and F.M. Bourland. 2003. The physiological response of cotton to high temperatures for Germplasm screening. Summaries of Arkansas Cotton Research Series 521:87-93.
  • Blum, A. and A. Ebercon. 1981. Cell membrane stability as a measure of drought and heat tolerance in wheat. Crop Sci. 21:49-47.
  • Blum, A., N. Klueva and H. T. Nguyen. 2001. Wheat cellular thermotolerance is related to yield under heat stress. Euphytica 117: 117-123.
  • Bradow, J.M. and G.H. Davidonis. 2000. Quantitation of fiber quality and the cotton production‐processing interface: A physiologist’s perspective. J. Cotton Sci. 4: 34-64.
  • Bradshaw, A.D. and K. Hardwick. 1989. Evolution and stress–Genotypic and phenotypic components. Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 37: 137-155.
  • Burke, J.J., J.R. Mahan and J.L. Hatfield. 1988. Crop-specific thermal kinetic windows in relation to wheat and cotton biomass production. Agron. J. 80: 553-556.
  • Chen, RH., Z.Y. Shen and P.H. Li. 1982. Adaptability of crop plants to high temperature stress. Crop Sci. 22: 719-725. Collins, G.G., X.L. Nie and M.E. Saltveit. 1995. Heat shock proteins and chilling sensitivity of mung bean hypocotyls. J. Exp. Bot. 46:795-802.
  • Dane, F., A.G. Hunter and O.L. Chambliss. 1991. Fruit set, pollen fertility, and combining ability of selected tomato genotypes under high-temperature field conditions. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 116: 906-910. Dobrenz, A.K., J.E. Stone and M.H. Schonhorst. 1981. Physiological and morphological criteria for alfalfa plant breeding: Salt tolerance of alfalfa. Uni. Wyoming Agric. Exp. Station Res. J., 87-93.
  • El-kholy, A.S., A.E. Hall and A.A. Mohsen. 1997. Heat and chilling tolerance during germination and heat tolerance during flowering are not associated in cowpea. Crop Sci. 37:456-463.
  • Falconer, D.S. and T.F.C. Mackay. 1996. Introduction to quantitative genetics. 4th ed. Longman Essay, England.
  • Galiba, C., Z. Nagi, T. Janda, K. Szente, Z. Csintalan. R. Tuberosa, P. Monneveux and M. Coumans. 1997. Heat stress-induced alterations iii the photosynthesis, membrane thermostability and biomass production of bread and durum wheat varieties. Acta Agron. Hungarica 45:1-15.
  • Ibrahim, A.M.H. and J.S. Quick. 2001a. Heritability of heat tolerance in winter and spring wheat. Crop Sci. 41:1401-1405.
  • Ibrahim, A.M.H. and J.S. Quick. 200lb. Genetic control of high temperature tolerance in wheat as measured by membrane thermal stability. Crop Sci. 41:1405-1407.
  • Iqbal, K., F.M. Azhar, I.A. Khan and Ehsan-Ullah, 2011. Variability for drought tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and its genetic basis. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 13: 61–66.
  • Irshad, M., I. Khaliq, A.S. Khan and A. Ali. 2012. Genetic studies for some agronomic traits in spring wheat under heat stress. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 49: 11-20.
  • Ismail, A.M. and A.E. Hall. 1999. Reproductive‐stage heat tolerance, leaf membrane thermostability and plant morphology in cowpea. Crop Sci. 39: 1762-1768.
  • Khan, A. I., I. A. Khan and H. A. Sadaqat. 2008. Heat tolerance is variable in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and can be exploited for breeding of better yielding cultivars under high temperature regimes. Pak. J. Bot. 40: 2053-2058.
  • Kohel, R.J. 1987. Seed oil content of glanded and glandless cottons. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 64:1337-1340.
  • Little, T.M. and F.J. Hills. 1978. Agricultural Experimentation: Design and Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York USA.
  • Mackill, D.J., W.R. Coffrnan and J.N. Rutger. 1982. Pollen shedding and combining ability for high temperature tolerance in rice. Crop Sci. 22:730.
  • Malik, M.N., F. Chaudhry and M. Makhdum. 1999. Cell membrane thermostability as a measure of heat tolerance in cotton. Pak. J. Sci. End. Res. 42: 44-46.
  • Martineau, J.R., J.E. Specht, J.H. Williams and C.Y. Sullivan. 1979a. Temperature tolerance in soybean. I. Evaluation of temperature for assessing cellular membrane ther- mostability. Crop Sci. 19: 75-78.
  • Martineau, J.R., J.H. Williams and J.E. Specht. 1979b. Temperature tolerance in soybeans. II. Evaluation of segregating populations for membrane thermostability. Crop Sci. 19: 79-81.
  • Mather, K. and J.L. Jinks. 1982. Biometrical Genetics. 3rd ed. Chapman and Hail Ltd. London, UK. Mutters, R.G. and A.E. Hall. 1992. Reproductive responses of cowpea to high temperature during different night periods. Crop Sci. 32: 202-206.
  • Noble, C.L., G.M., Holloran and D. W. West. 1984. Identification and selection for salt tolerance in lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Aust. J. Agric. Res. 35: 239 -252.
  • Oosterhuis, D.M. 1999. Yield response to environmental extremes in cotton. In ‘‘Proceeding of the 1999 Cotton Research Meeting’’ (C.P. Dugger and D.A. Richter, Eds.), pp. 30–38. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
  • Rahman, H., S.A., Malik and M. Saleem. 2004. Heat tolerance of upland cotton during the fruiting stage evaluated using cellular membrane thermo stability. Field Crops Res. 85: 149-158.
  • Rahman, S. and T.A. Malik. 2008. Genetic analysis of fibre traits in cotton. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 10: 209-212.
  • Randhawa, L.S., G.S. Chahal and T.H. Singh, 1986. Role of epistasis in the inheritance of yield and its components in upland cotton. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 56: 494–496.
  • Reddy, K.R., H.F. Hodges and J.M. McKinion. 1997a. A comparison of scenarios for the effects of global climate change on cotton growth and yield. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 24: 707–713.
  • Reddy, V.R., D.N. Baker and H.F. Hodges. 1991a. Temperature effect on cotton canopy growth, photosynthesis and respiration. Agron. J. 83:699-704.
  • Rehman, H., S.A. Malik and M. Saleem. 2004. Heat tolerance of upland cotton during the fruiting stage evaluated using cellular membrane thermostability. Field Crop Res. 85: 149-158.
  • Saranga, Y., A. Cahaner, D. Zamir, A. Marani and J. Rudich, 1992. Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: inheritance of salt tolerance and related traits in interspecific populations. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84: 390-396.
  • Saravanan, N.A., A. Gopalan and R. Sudhagar. 2003. Genetic analysis of quantitative characters in cotton (Gossypium spp.). Madras Agric. J. 90: 236-238.
  • Sarwar, M.K.S., M.Y., Ashraf, M. Rahman and Y. Zafar. 2012. Genetic variability in different biochemical traits and their relationship with yield and yield parameters of cotton cultivars grown under water stress conditions. Pak. J. Bot. 44: 515-520.
  • Shakoor, M.S., T.A., Malik, F.M., Azhar and M.F. Saleem. 2010. Genetics of agronomic and fiber traits in upland cotton under drought stress. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 12: 495-500.
  • Shanahan, J.F., I.B. Edwards, J.S. Quick and J.R. Fenwick. 1990. Membrane thermo stability and heat tolerance of spring wheat. Crop Sci. 30: 247-251.
  • Singh, R., R.P., Patel, R.P., Singh and Lalmani. 2000. An experimental study of hiss-triggered chorus emissions at low latitude. Earth Planets Space 52: 37–40.
  • Srinavasan, A., H. Takcda and T. Sanboku. 1996. Heal tolerance in food legumes as evaluated by cell membrane therniostability and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. Euphytica 88: 35-45.
  • Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie and D. Dickey.1997. Principles and Procedure of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.
  • Sullivan, C.Y. 1972. Mechanisms of Heat and Drought Resistance in Grain Sorghum and Methods of Measurement. In: N.G.P. Rao and L.R. House (Eds.), Sorghum in the Seventies. New Delhi, India: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., pp. 247-264. Sullivan, C.Y. and W.M. Ross. 1979. Selecting for drought and heat resistance in grain sorghum. In: Mussel, H. and R. Staple (eds.). Stress Physiology in Crop Plants, John Viley & Sons, NY.
  • Taha, M.A., M.N.A. Malik, F.L. Chaudhry and I. Makhdum. 1981. Heat induced sterility in cotton sown during early April in West Punjab. Exp. Agric. 17:189-194.
  • Trolinder, N.L. and X. Shang. 1991. In vitro selection and regeneration of cotton resistant to high temperature stress. Plant Cell Reports 10: 448-452.
  • Ulloa, M., 2006. Heritability and correlations of agronomic and fibre traits in an okra leaf upland cotton population. Crop Sci. 46: 1508-14.
  • Yoshida, S., T. Satake and D.J. Mackill. 1981. High Temperature Stress in Rice. Paper Series No. 67. International Rice Research Institute Research (IRRI), Manila, Philippines.


Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 152 - 159, 23.05.2017


The objective of present study was to examine the presence of variation in relative cell injury percentage
(RCI%), as a measure of heat tolerance in sample of G. hirsutum germplasm and also to investigate genetic
basis, if any, of RCI% under heat stress. For this purpose, response of 70 cotton varieties/lines was studies to
optimum and high temperature, and RCI% was measured at reproductive stage. Data showed differing
responses of the germplasm to the two temperature regimes. On the basis of similarities MNH 552, FH 100 and
NIAB 111 were screened out as tolerant whilst Cedix ST-362 (GL), LRA 5166 and 4F were identified as
susceptible varieties. Three sets of crosses involving tolerant × susceptible varieties were made according to
generation mean technique. Six generations of each cross was field planted under optimum and high
temperature and at reproductive stage RCI% was again measured. Genetic analysis of the data showed the
predominant effect of additive component in the inheritance of RCI% under both the temperature regimes
and consequently estimates of h2
ns were high in three crosses. These estimates were used to calculate response
to selection in F3 population that appear to be encouraging. The results of present investigation suggest that
RCI% could be used as effective selection criteria for selecting the plants with lower value of RCI%.


  • Abdul-Baki, A.A. and J.R. Stommel. 1995. Pollen viability and fruit set of tomato genotypes under optimum and high-temperature regimes. Hort. Sci. 30: 115-117.
  • Agari, S., N. Hanaoka, F. Kubota, W. Agata and P.B. Kaufman. 1995. Measurement of cell membrane stability evaluated by electrolyte leakage as a drought and heat tolerance test in rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 40: 233-240.
  • Ahmed, F.E., A.E. Hall and M.A. Madore. 1993a. Interactive effects of high temperature and elevated carbon dioxide concentration on cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Plant Cell Environ. 16: 835-842.
  • Ahmed, F.E., R.G. Mutters and A.E. Hall. 1993b. Interactive effects of high temperature and light quality on floral bud development in cowpea. Functional Plant Biol. 20: 661-667.
  • Ahuja, S.L., D. Monga, O.P.Tuteja, S.K. Verma, L.S. Dhayal and Y. Dutt. 2004. Association in path analysis in the selections made from color linted Ghossypium hirsutum L. cotton germplasm. J. Cotton Res. Development 18: 137-140.
  • Akhtar, M.M., F.M., Azhar and Z. Ali. 2008. Genetic basis of fiber quality attributes in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) germplasm. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 10: 217-220.
  • Ali, Z. 2004. Genetic basis of salt tolerance in wheat (Doctoral dissertation, Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan.
  • Ali, Z., A. Salam, F.M. Azhar and I.A. Khan. 2007. Genotypic variation in salinity tolerance among spring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions. S. Afr. J. Bot. 73: 70-75.
  • Anonymous. 2005. Economic survey of Pakistan 2004-2005, Govt. of Pakistan, Finance Division, Economic Advisor’s Wing, Islamabad.
  • Ashraf, M., M.M. Saeed and M.J. Qureshi. 1994. Tolerance to high temperature in cotton at initial growth stages. Environ. Exp. Bot. 343, 275-283.
  • Ashraf, M., T. McNeilly and A.D. Bradshaw, 1987. Selection and heritability of tolerance to sodium chloride in four forage species. Crop Sci. 27: 232-234.
  • Azhar, F.M., Z. Ali, M.M. Akhtar, A.A. Khan and R. Trethowan. 2009. Genetic variability of heat tolerance, and its effect on yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Breeding 128: 356-362.
  • Azhar, F.M., Z. Ali, M.M. Akhtar, A.A. Khan and R. Trethowan. 2009. Genetic variability of heat tolerance, and its effect on yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Breeding 128: 356-362.
  • Azhar, M.T. 2003. Genetics of heat tolerance and other agronomic characters of Gossypium hirsutum L. M.Sc. (Hons) Agri. Thesis. Dept. Plant Breed, Genet., Univ. Agri. Faisalabad.
  • Azhar, M.T., A. A. Khan and I. A. Khan. 2005. Combining ability analysis of heat tolerance in Gossypium hirsutum L. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed. 41: 23-28.
  • Baloch, M. S., I.U. Awan, S. A. Jatoi, I. Hussain and B. U. Khan. 2000. Evaluation of seeding densities in broadcast wet seeded rice. J. Pure and Applied Sci. 19: 63-65.
  • Baloch, M.J. and A.R. Lakho. 2000. Screening of cotton genotypes for heat tolerance via in vitro gametophytic selection technique. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 3:2037-2038.
  • Baloch, M.J., A.R. Lakho, R. Rind and H. Bhutto. 2000. Screening of cotton genotypes for heat tolerance via in vitro gametophytic selection technique. Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 3:2037-2038.
  • Bibi, A.C., D.M. Oostterhuis, R.S. Brown, E.D. Gonias and F.M. Bourland. 2003. The physiological response of cotton to high temperatures for Germplasm screening. Summaries of Arkansas Cotton Research Series 521:87-93.
  • Blum, A. and A. Ebercon. 1981. Cell membrane stability as a measure of drought and heat tolerance in wheat. Crop Sci. 21:49-47.
  • Blum, A., N. Klueva and H. T. Nguyen. 2001. Wheat cellular thermotolerance is related to yield under heat stress. Euphytica 117: 117-123.
  • Bradow, J.M. and G.H. Davidonis. 2000. Quantitation of fiber quality and the cotton production‐processing interface: A physiologist’s perspective. J. Cotton Sci. 4: 34-64.
  • Bradshaw, A.D. and K. Hardwick. 1989. Evolution and stress–Genotypic and phenotypic components. Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 37: 137-155.
  • Burke, J.J., J.R. Mahan and J.L. Hatfield. 1988. Crop-specific thermal kinetic windows in relation to wheat and cotton biomass production. Agron. J. 80: 553-556.
  • Chen, RH., Z.Y. Shen and P.H. Li. 1982. Adaptability of crop plants to high temperature stress. Crop Sci. 22: 719-725. Collins, G.G., X.L. Nie and M.E. Saltveit. 1995. Heat shock proteins and chilling sensitivity of mung bean hypocotyls. J. Exp. Bot. 46:795-802.
  • Dane, F., A.G. Hunter and O.L. Chambliss. 1991. Fruit set, pollen fertility, and combining ability of selected tomato genotypes under high-temperature field conditions. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 116: 906-910. Dobrenz, A.K., J.E. Stone and M.H. Schonhorst. 1981. Physiological and morphological criteria for alfalfa plant breeding: Salt tolerance of alfalfa. Uni. Wyoming Agric. Exp. Station Res. J., 87-93.
  • El-kholy, A.S., A.E. Hall and A.A. Mohsen. 1997. Heat and chilling tolerance during germination and heat tolerance during flowering are not associated in cowpea. Crop Sci. 37:456-463.
  • Falconer, D.S. and T.F.C. Mackay. 1996. Introduction to quantitative genetics. 4th ed. Longman Essay, England.
  • Galiba, C., Z. Nagi, T. Janda, K. Szente, Z. Csintalan. R. Tuberosa, P. Monneveux and M. Coumans. 1997. Heat stress-induced alterations iii the photosynthesis, membrane thermostability and biomass production of bread and durum wheat varieties. Acta Agron. Hungarica 45:1-15.
  • Ibrahim, A.M.H. and J.S. Quick. 2001a. Heritability of heat tolerance in winter and spring wheat. Crop Sci. 41:1401-1405.
  • Ibrahim, A.M.H. and J.S. Quick. 200lb. Genetic control of high temperature tolerance in wheat as measured by membrane thermal stability. Crop Sci. 41:1405-1407.
  • Iqbal, K., F.M. Azhar, I.A. Khan and Ehsan-Ullah, 2011. Variability for drought tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and its genetic basis. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 13: 61–66.
  • Irshad, M., I. Khaliq, A.S. Khan and A. Ali. 2012. Genetic studies for some agronomic traits in spring wheat under heat stress. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 49: 11-20.
  • Ismail, A.M. and A.E. Hall. 1999. Reproductive‐stage heat tolerance, leaf membrane thermostability and plant morphology in cowpea. Crop Sci. 39: 1762-1768.
  • Khan, A. I., I. A. Khan and H. A. Sadaqat. 2008. Heat tolerance is variable in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and can be exploited for breeding of better yielding cultivars under high temperature regimes. Pak. J. Bot. 40: 2053-2058.
  • Kohel, R.J. 1987. Seed oil content of glanded and glandless cottons. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 64:1337-1340.
  • Little, T.M. and F.J. Hills. 1978. Agricultural Experimentation: Design and Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York USA.
  • Mackill, D.J., W.R. Coffrnan and J.N. Rutger. 1982. Pollen shedding and combining ability for high temperature tolerance in rice. Crop Sci. 22:730.
  • Malik, M.N., F. Chaudhry and M. Makhdum. 1999. Cell membrane thermostability as a measure of heat tolerance in cotton. Pak. J. Sci. End. Res. 42: 44-46.
  • Martineau, J.R., J.E. Specht, J.H. Williams and C.Y. Sullivan. 1979a. Temperature tolerance in soybean. I. Evaluation of temperature for assessing cellular membrane ther- mostability. Crop Sci. 19: 75-78.
  • Martineau, J.R., J.H. Williams and J.E. Specht. 1979b. Temperature tolerance in soybeans. II. Evaluation of segregating populations for membrane thermostability. Crop Sci. 19: 79-81.
  • Mather, K. and J.L. Jinks. 1982. Biometrical Genetics. 3rd ed. Chapman and Hail Ltd. London, UK. Mutters, R.G. and A.E. Hall. 1992. Reproductive responses of cowpea to high temperature during different night periods. Crop Sci. 32: 202-206.
  • Noble, C.L., G.M., Holloran and D. W. West. 1984. Identification and selection for salt tolerance in lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Aust. J. Agric. Res. 35: 239 -252.
  • Oosterhuis, D.M. 1999. Yield response to environmental extremes in cotton. In ‘‘Proceeding of the 1999 Cotton Research Meeting’’ (C.P. Dugger and D.A. Richter, Eds.), pp. 30–38. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
  • Rahman, H., S.A., Malik and M. Saleem. 2004. Heat tolerance of upland cotton during the fruiting stage evaluated using cellular membrane thermo stability. Field Crops Res. 85: 149-158.
  • Rahman, S. and T.A. Malik. 2008. Genetic analysis of fibre traits in cotton. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 10: 209-212.
  • Randhawa, L.S., G.S. Chahal and T.H. Singh, 1986. Role of epistasis in the inheritance of yield and its components in upland cotton. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 56: 494–496.
  • Reddy, K.R., H.F. Hodges and J.M. McKinion. 1997a. A comparison of scenarios for the effects of global climate change on cotton growth and yield. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 24: 707–713.
  • Reddy, V.R., D.N. Baker and H.F. Hodges. 1991a. Temperature effect on cotton canopy growth, photosynthesis and respiration. Agron. J. 83:699-704.
  • Rehman, H., S.A. Malik and M. Saleem. 2004. Heat tolerance of upland cotton during the fruiting stage evaluated using cellular membrane thermostability. Field Crop Res. 85: 149-158.
  • Saranga, Y., A. Cahaner, D. Zamir, A. Marani and J. Rudich, 1992. Breeding tomatoes for salt tolerance: inheritance of salt tolerance and related traits in interspecific populations. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84: 390-396.
  • Saravanan, N.A., A. Gopalan and R. Sudhagar. 2003. Genetic analysis of quantitative characters in cotton (Gossypium spp.). Madras Agric. J. 90: 236-238.
  • Sarwar, M.K.S., M.Y., Ashraf, M. Rahman and Y. Zafar. 2012. Genetic variability in different biochemical traits and their relationship with yield and yield parameters of cotton cultivars grown under water stress conditions. Pak. J. Bot. 44: 515-520.
  • Shakoor, M.S., T.A., Malik, F.M., Azhar and M.F. Saleem. 2010. Genetics of agronomic and fiber traits in upland cotton under drought stress. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 12: 495-500.
  • Shanahan, J.F., I.B. Edwards, J.S. Quick and J.R. Fenwick. 1990. Membrane thermo stability and heat tolerance of spring wheat. Crop Sci. 30: 247-251.
  • Singh, R., R.P., Patel, R.P., Singh and Lalmani. 2000. An experimental study of hiss-triggered chorus emissions at low latitude. Earth Planets Space 52: 37–40.
  • Srinavasan, A., H. Takcda and T. Sanboku. 1996. Heal tolerance in food legumes as evaluated by cell membrane therniostability and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. Euphytica 88: 35-45.
  • Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie and D. Dickey.1997. Principles and Procedure of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.
  • Sullivan, C.Y. 1972. Mechanisms of Heat and Drought Resistance in Grain Sorghum and Methods of Measurement. In: N.G.P. Rao and L.R. House (Eds.), Sorghum in the Seventies. New Delhi, India: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., pp. 247-264. Sullivan, C.Y. and W.M. Ross. 1979. Selecting for drought and heat resistance in grain sorghum. In: Mussel, H. and R. Staple (eds.). Stress Physiology in Crop Plants, John Viley & Sons, NY.
  • Taha, M.A., M.N.A. Malik, F.L. Chaudhry and I. Makhdum. 1981. Heat induced sterility in cotton sown during early April in West Punjab. Exp. Agric. 17:189-194.
  • Trolinder, N.L. and X. Shang. 1991. In vitro selection and regeneration of cotton resistant to high temperature stress. Plant Cell Reports 10: 448-452.
  • Ulloa, M., 2006. Heritability and correlations of agronomic and fibre traits in an okra leaf upland cotton population. Crop Sci. 46: 1508-14.
  • Yoshida, S., T. Satake and D.J. Mackill. 1981. High Temperature Stress in Rice. Paper Series No. 67. International Rice Research Institute Research (IRRI), Manila, Philippines.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Noshair Khan This is me

İrshad Ahmad This is me

Muhammad Tehseen Azhar This is me

Publication Date May 23, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 22 Issue: 1



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY
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