Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 63 - 70, 15.06.2017



  • AL-Harbi, A.R., A.M. Al-Omran, M.M. Alenazi and M.A. Wahb-Allah. 2015. Salinity and deficit irrigation influence tomato growth, yield and water use efficiency at different developmental stages. Intl. J. Agric. Bio. 17(2): 241-250.
  • Ali, M. H., M.R. Hoque, A.A. Hassan and A. Khair. 2007. Effects of deficit irrigation on yield, water productivity, and economic returns of wheat. Agric. water Management. 92: 151-161.
  • Awais, M., A. Wajid, A. Ahmad, M.F. Saleem, M.U. Bashir, U. Saeed, J. Hussain and M. Habib-Ur-Rahman. 2015. Nitrogen fertilization and narrow plant spacing stimulates sunflower productivity. Turkish J. Field Crops. 20(1): 99-108.
  • Awais, M., A. Wajid, W. Nasim, A. Ahmad, M.F. Saleem, M.A.S. Raza, M.U. Bashir, M. Habib-ur-Rahman, U. Saeed, J. Hussain, N. Arshad and G. Hoogenboom. 2017. Modeling the water and nitrogen productivity of sunflower using OILCROP-SUN model in Pakistan. Field Crops Res. 205:67-77.
  • Awais, M., A.Wajid, A. Ahmad and A. Bakhsh.2013. Narrow plant spacing and nitrogen application enhances sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) productivity. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 50(4): 689-697.
  • Bashir, M.U., S.A. Wajid, A. Ahmad and M. Iqbal. 2016. Potential Soil Moisture Deficit: An Alternative Approach for Irrigation Scheduling in Wheat. Intl. J. Agric.Bio. 18(1): 16- 22.
  • Bavec, M., K. Vuković, S.G. Mlakar, C. Rozman and F. Bavec. 2007. Leaf area index in winter wheat: response on seed rate and nitrogen application by different varieties. J. Central Europ. Agric. 8(3): 337-342.
  • Behera, S.K. and R.K. Panda. 2009. Effect of fertilization and irrigation schedule on water and fertilizer solute transport for wheat crop in a sub-humid sub-tropical region. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 130: 141-155.
  • Du, T., S. Kang, J. Sun, X. Zhang and J. Zhang. 2010. An improved water use efficiency of cereals under temporal and spatial deficit irrigation in north China. Agric. Water Management. 97: 66-74.
  • Dumont, B., B. Basso, B. Bodson, J.P. Destain and M.F. Destain. 2016. Assessing and modeling economic and environmental impact of wheat nitrogen management in Belgium. Environ. Modelling Software. 79: 184-196. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.02.015
  • Fan, M., R. Jiang, X. Liu, F. Zhang, S. Lu, X. Zeng and P. Christie. 2005. Interactions between Non-Flooded Mulching Cultivation and Varying Nitrogen Inputs in Rice-Wheat Rotations,” Field Crops Res. 91:307-318.
  • FAO. 1978. Agro-ecological zones. Report on the project, Vol. 1. Methodology and results for Africa, Rome. Gallagher, J.N., P.V. Biscoe and R.D. Jones. 1983.
  • Environmental influence on the development, growth and yield of barley. In: Barley Production and Marketing. Agron. Soc. New Zealand. Special Publication No. 200 PP. 21-50 GOP. 2014. Economic survey of Pakistan. pp 34.
  • Hammad, H.M., A. Ahmad, A. Wajid and J. Akhter. 2011. Maize response to time and rate of nitrogen application. Pak. J. Bot. 43:1935-1942.
  • Hunt, R. 1978. Plant growth analysis. Edward Arnold, U.K., PP: 26-38.
  • Jazy, H.D., M.R. Poor, H.H. Abad and A. Soleimani. 2007. Growth indices of winter wheat as affected by irrigation regimes under Iran conditions. Pak. J. Bio. Sci. 10 (24): 4495-9.
  • Karousakis, K. and P. Koundouri. 2006. Water management in arid and semi-arid regions: Interdisciplinary perspectives-an introduction. P. Koundouri, K. Karousakis, D. Assimacopoulos, P. Jeffrey, M.A. Lange (Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. USA. pp 3-13.
  • Liu, J., J.R. Williams, A.J.B. Zehnder and H. Yang. 2007. GEPIC – modelling wheat yield and crop water productivity with high resolution on a global scale. Agric. Systems. 94: 478-493.
  • Ma, S., G. Churkina and K. Trusilova. 2012. Investigating the impact of climate change on crop phenological events in Europe with a phenology model. Intl. J. Biometeorol. 56(4): 749-63. doi: 10.1007/s00484-011-0478-6
  • Saiyed, I.M., P.R. Bullock, H.D. Sapirstein, G.J. Finlay and C.K. Jarvis. 2008. Thermal time models for estimating wheat phonological development and weather-based relationships to wheat quality. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 88: 429-439.
  • Santos, T.P.D., C.M. Lopes, M.L. Rodrigues, C.R. de Souza, J.M. Ricardo-da-Silva, J.P. Maroco, J.S. Pereira and M.M. Chaves. 2007. Effects of deficit irrigation strategies on cluster microclimate for improving fruit composition of Moscatel field-grown grapevines. Scientia Horticulturae, 112: 321-330.
  • Sarwar, N., M. Maqsood, K. Mubeen. M. Shehzad, M.S. Bhullar, R. Qamar and N. Akbar. 2010. Effect of different levels of irrigation on yield and yield components of wheat cultivars. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 47: 371-374.
  • Thakuria, R.K., S. Harbir and S. Tej. 2004. Effect of irrigation and antitranspirants on growth and yield of spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Ann. Agric. Res. 25:433-438.Awais, M., A. Wajid, A. Ahmad, F. Saleem, M.U. Bashir, U. Saeed, J. Hussain and H.U. Rehman. 2015. Nitrogen fertilization and narrow plant spacing stimulates sunflower productivity. Turkish J Field Crops. 20(1): 99-108.
  • Xiao, D., F. Tao, Y. Liu, W. Shi, M. Wang, F. Liu, S. Zhang and Z. Zhu. 2013. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981-2009. Intl. J. Biometeorol. 57(2): 275-85. doi: 10.1007/s00484-012-0552- 8.
  • Xiao, G., Q. Zhang, R. Wang and Y. Xiong. 2009. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration, supplemental irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizer application on rain-fed spring wheat yield. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 29: 205-210.
  • Zhang, Y., X. Dai, D. Jia, H. Li, Y. Wang, C. Li, H. Xu and M. He. 2016. Effects of plant density on grain yield, protein size distribution, and breadmaking quality of winter wheat grown under two nitrogen fertilisation rates. European J. Agron. 73: 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2015.11.015


Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 63 - 70, 15.06.2017


Appropriate nitrogen and optimum irrigation scheduling ensure economic yield. To access the behavior of
development, growth and yield of wheat in response to nitrogen rates (80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1
) and irrigation
scheduling, an experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
using Randomized Complete Block Design in split plot arrangement. It was observed that accumulated
thermal time and photo-thermal time derive the crop phenology. Calendar time of growth stages may vary
depending upon the prevailing climatic conditions particularly minimum and maximum temperatures.
Application of 120 kg ha-1 nitrogen (F2) resulted in maximum LAI (4.21 & 4.73), mean crop growth rate (9.38
& 9.14 g m-2 d
), and grain yield (3100 & 3265 kg ha-1
). Full irrigation performed better in terms of maximum
LAI (4.97 & 5.46), mean CGR (10.89 & 12.66 g m-2 d
) and grain yield (3735 & 4603 kg ha-1
). Application of
120 kg Nitrogen ha-1 and full irrigation were found to be the best management practices for better growth and
to attain maximum grain yield.


  • AL-Harbi, A.R., A.M. Al-Omran, M.M. Alenazi and M.A. Wahb-Allah. 2015. Salinity and deficit irrigation influence tomato growth, yield and water use efficiency at different developmental stages. Intl. J. Agric. Bio. 17(2): 241-250.
  • Ali, M. H., M.R. Hoque, A.A. Hassan and A. Khair. 2007. Effects of deficit irrigation on yield, water productivity, and economic returns of wheat. Agric. water Management. 92: 151-161.
  • Awais, M., A. Wajid, A. Ahmad, M.F. Saleem, M.U. Bashir, U. Saeed, J. Hussain and M. Habib-Ur-Rahman. 2015. Nitrogen fertilization and narrow plant spacing stimulates sunflower productivity. Turkish J. Field Crops. 20(1): 99-108.
  • Awais, M., A. Wajid, W. Nasim, A. Ahmad, M.F. Saleem, M.A.S. Raza, M.U. Bashir, M. Habib-ur-Rahman, U. Saeed, J. Hussain, N. Arshad and G. Hoogenboom. 2017. Modeling the water and nitrogen productivity of sunflower using OILCROP-SUN model in Pakistan. Field Crops Res. 205:67-77.
  • Awais, M., A.Wajid, A. Ahmad and A. Bakhsh.2013. Narrow plant spacing and nitrogen application enhances sunflower (Helianthus annuusL.) productivity. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 50(4): 689-697.
  • Bashir, M.U., S.A. Wajid, A. Ahmad and M. Iqbal. 2016. Potential Soil Moisture Deficit: An Alternative Approach for Irrigation Scheduling in Wheat. Intl. J. Agric.Bio. 18(1): 16- 22.
  • Bavec, M., K. Vuković, S.G. Mlakar, C. Rozman and F. Bavec. 2007. Leaf area index in winter wheat: response on seed rate and nitrogen application by different varieties. J. Central Europ. Agric. 8(3): 337-342.
  • Behera, S.K. and R.K. Panda. 2009. Effect of fertilization and irrigation schedule on water and fertilizer solute transport for wheat crop in a sub-humid sub-tropical region. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 130: 141-155.
  • Du, T., S. Kang, J. Sun, X. Zhang and J. Zhang. 2010. An improved water use efficiency of cereals under temporal and spatial deficit irrigation in north China. Agric. Water Management. 97: 66-74.
  • Dumont, B., B. Basso, B. Bodson, J.P. Destain and M.F. Destain. 2016. Assessing and modeling economic and environmental impact of wheat nitrogen management in Belgium. Environ. Modelling Software. 79: 184-196. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.02.015
  • Fan, M., R. Jiang, X. Liu, F. Zhang, S. Lu, X. Zeng and P. Christie. 2005. Interactions between Non-Flooded Mulching Cultivation and Varying Nitrogen Inputs in Rice-Wheat Rotations,” Field Crops Res. 91:307-318.
  • FAO. 1978. Agro-ecological zones. Report on the project, Vol. 1. Methodology and results for Africa, Rome. Gallagher, J.N., P.V. Biscoe and R.D. Jones. 1983.
  • Environmental influence on the development, growth and yield of barley. In: Barley Production and Marketing. Agron. Soc. New Zealand. Special Publication No. 200 PP. 21-50 GOP. 2014. Economic survey of Pakistan. pp 34.
  • Hammad, H.M., A. Ahmad, A. Wajid and J. Akhter. 2011. Maize response to time and rate of nitrogen application. Pak. J. Bot. 43:1935-1942.
  • Hunt, R. 1978. Plant growth analysis. Edward Arnold, U.K., PP: 26-38.
  • Jazy, H.D., M.R. Poor, H.H. Abad and A. Soleimani. 2007. Growth indices of winter wheat as affected by irrigation regimes under Iran conditions. Pak. J. Bio. Sci. 10 (24): 4495-9.
  • Karousakis, K. and P. Koundouri. 2006. Water management in arid and semi-arid regions: Interdisciplinary perspectives-an introduction. P. Koundouri, K. Karousakis, D. Assimacopoulos, P. Jeffrey, M.A. Lange (Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. USA. pp 3-13.
  • Liu, J., J.R. Williams, A.J.B. Zehnder and H. Yang. 2007. GEPIC – modelling wheat yield and crop water productivity with high resolution on a global scale. Agric. Systems. 94: 478-493.
  • Ma, S., G. Churkina and K. Trusilova. 2012. Investigating the impact of climate change on crop phenological events in Europe with a phenology model. Intl. J. Biometeorol. 56(4): 749-63. doi: 10.1007/s00484-011-0478-6
  • Saiyed, I.M., P.R. Bullock, H.D. Sapirstein, G.J. Finlay and C.K. Jarvis. 2008. Thermal time models for estimating wheat phonological development and weather-based relationships to wheat quality. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 88: 429-439.
  • Santos, T.P.D., C.M. Lopes, M.L. Rodrigues, C.R. de Souza, J.M. Ricardo-da-Silva, J.P. Maroco, J.S. Pereira and M.M. Chaves. 2007. Effects of deficit irrigation strategies on cluster microclimate for improving fruit composition of Moscatel field-grown grapevines. Scientia Horticulturae, 112: 321-330.
  • Sarwar, N., M. Maqsood, K. Mubeen. M. Shehzad, M.S. Bhullar, R. Qamar and N. Akbar. 2010. Effect of different levels of irrigation on yield and yield components of wheat cultivars. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 47: 371-374.
  • Thakuria, R.K., S. Harbir and S. Tej. 2004. Effect of irrigation and antitranspirants on growth and yield of spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Ann. Agric. Res. 25:433-438.Awais, M., A. Wajid, A. Ahmad, F. Saleem, M.U. Bashir, U. Saeed, J. Hussain and H.U. Rehman. 2015. Nitrogen fertilization and narrow plant spacing stimulates sunflower productivity. Turkish J Field Crops. 20(1): 99-108.
  • Xiao, D., F. Tao, Y. Liu, W. Shi, M. Wang, F. Liu, S. Zhang and Z. Zhu. 2013. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981-2009. Intl. J. Biometeorol. 57(2): 275-85. doi: 10.1007/s00484-012-0552- 8.
  • Xiao, G., Q. Zhang, R. Wang and Y. Xiong. 2009. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration, supplemental irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizer application on rain-fed spring wheat yield. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 29: 205-210.
  • Zhang, Y., X. Dai, D. Jia, H. Li, Y. Wang, C. Li, H. Xu and M. He. 2016. Effects of plant density on grain yield, protein size distribution, and breadmaking quality of winter wheat grown under two nitrogen fertilisation rates. European J. Agron. 73: 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2015.11.015
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Muhammad Usman Bashır This is me

Syed Aftab Wajıd This is me

Ashfaq Ahmad This is me

Muhammad Awaıs This is me

Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza This is me

Ghulam Mustafa Tahır This is me

Umer Saeed This is me

Muhammad Habib Ur Rehman This is me

Muhammad Waqas This is me

Shahid Abbas This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Bashır, M. U., Wajıd, S. A., Ahmad, A., Awaıs, M., et al. (2017). IRRIGATION SCHEDULING OF WHEAT AT DIFFERENT NITROGEN LEVELS IN SEMI-ARID REGION. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 22(1), 63-70.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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