Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 111 - 120, 21.06.2023


Biological and nano fertilizers are alternative and supplements to chemical fertilizers security for the sustainability of agricultural production. This study is present to investigate the effect of biological and nano fertilizers on the quantitative and qualitative yield of cow pea during two crop years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) in the research farm of the South Agricultural Research and Education Center of Kerman province, Iran. This experiment was carried out factorial in designs of randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and 3 repliation, the studied factors include four levels of biological fertilizers (control, zinc amino chlate, aminoalexin, and bio20) and four levels of nano chelates (control, boron nano chelate, potassium nano chelate and iron nano chelate). The results of the experiment showed that there was no significant difference between the two years of the experiment in terms of all quantitative and qualitative traits. While the use of biological fertilizers and nanochelates increased the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cowpea. In other words, the lowest amount of quantitative and qualitative traits related to cowpea was in the absence of biological fertilizers and nano chelate. Based on the obtained results, the application of bio20 biological fertilizer along with iron nano chelate or potassium nano chelate caused a significant increase in quantitative and qualitative traits. In general, and according to the results of the experiment, it was found that the use of biological fertilizers, especially Bio20 and Aminoalexin, caused a significant improvement in the quality characteristics. The positive effect of bio20 and aminoalexin in improving quality characteristics was significantly higher when used together with nano chelates, especially nano chelates of iron and potassium which is likely due to the positive effect of potassium and iron in various plant metabolic processes. It includes osmotic regulation, increasing chlorophyll, and photosynthesis. Therefore, the interaction of biofertilizers (Bio20) with nano chelate (iron and potassium) increased seed yield by 50% compared to the control (no fertilizer use).


  • Afrasiabi, M., M, Amini Dehaghi and S.A.M, Modarres Sanavy. 2010. Effect of phosphate biofertilizer Barvar-2 and triple super phosphate fertilizer on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Medicago scutellata, cv. Robinson. Journal of Science and Agriculture 4(4): 43-54.
  • Ahmadi, L., M. Ghobadi., M, Saeidi and J. Ghaderi. 2019. The effect of supplemental irrigation, time and methods of Fe fertilizer application on qualitative and quantitative traits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Iranian Journal of Pulses Research 10(2): 119-131.
  • Ajeng, A.A., R. Abdullah, K.W. Malek, Y.C. Chew, T.C. Ho, B.F. Ling, B.F. Lau, P.L. Show. 2020. The effects of biofertilizers on growth, soil fertility, and nutrients uptake of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) under greenhouse conditions. Processes 8(12): 1681-1697.
  • Akbarian, M.M., H. Heidari Sharifabad, G. Noor mohammadi and F. Darvish Kojouri. 2012. The effect of potassium, zinc and iron foliar application on the production of saffron (Crocus sativa). Annal Biology Research. 3(12): 5651- 5658.
  • Alonso, R., S. Elvira, F.J. Castillo and B.S. Gimeno. 2001. Interractive effects of ozone and drought stress on pigmrnts and activities of antioxidative enzymes in pinus halepensis. Plant, Cell and Environment. 24: 905-916.
  • Amaliotis, D., D. Velemis, S. Bladenopoulou and H. Karapetsas. 2002. Leaf nutrient levels of strawberries (cv. Tudla) in relation to crop yield. Acta Horticulture. 567: 447-450.
  • Arancon, N., C.A. Edwardy, P. Bierman, C. Welch, J.D. Metzgar. 2004. Influences of vermicomposts on field strawberries: 1. Effect on growth and yields. Bioresource Technology. 93: 145-153.
  • Arnon, D.I. 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiological. 24: 1 -15.
  • Babaeian, M., Y. Esmaeilian, A. Tavassoli and A. Asgharzade. 2012. Efficacy of different iron, zinc and magnesium fertilizers on yield and yield components of barley. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(28): 5754-5756.
  • Bradley, K. 2010. A description of amino acid chelate fertilisers and their mode of action. Modern Plant Nutrition Pty Ltd.
  • Boghori, M., H. Shamsi and A. Morovati. 2014. Effect of nano iron chelates on yield and amount iron and rate oil of sesame cultivar Darab-14. Journal of Plant Ecophysiology 6(18): 69- 79 (In Persian).
  • Bradford, M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Annals of Biochemistry. 72: 248-254.
  • Datir, R.B., B.J. Apparao and S.L. Laware. 2012. Application of amino acid chelated micronutrients for enhancing growth and productivity in chili (Capsicum annum L.). Plant Science. Feed. 2(7): 100-105.
  • Dehmardeh, M., M. Mirbahaluddin and A. Khomri. 2018. The effect of biofertilizer application on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of eye bean under drought stress conditions. Journal of Environmental Stresses in Agricultural Sciences. 11(1): 23-33.
  • Delfani M, M.B. Firouzabadi MB, N. Farrokhi, H. Makarian, 2014. Some physiological responses of black-eyed pea to iron and magnesium nanofertilizers. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45: 530–540.
  • Derosa, M.C., C. Monreal, M. Schnitzer, R. Walsh and Y. Sultan. 2010. Nanotechnologyin fertilizers. Journal of Natural Nanotechnology 5: 91-104.
  • FAO. 2019. The FAO statistical yearbook, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available at:
  • Fathi, A., A. Farnia and A. Maleki. 2013. Effects of nitrogen and phosphate biofertilizers on yield and yield components of corn AS71 in Dareh-shahr climate. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology 7-1 (25): 105-114.
  • Ghasemi, S., A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh, M. Afyuni and H. Hadadzadeh. 2013. The effectiveness of foliar applications of synthesized zinc-amino acid chelates in comparison with zinc sulfate to increase yield and grain nutritional quality of wheat. Agron Europen Journal. 45: 68-74.
  • Hamzeei, J., S. Tejarii, F. Sadeghi and M. Seyedi. 2014. Effect of foliar application of nano-iron chelate and inoculation with mesorhizobium bacteria on root nodulation, growth and yield of chickpea under rainfed conditions. Journal of Iranian Bean Studies 5(2): 18-29.
  • Hawkesford, M., W. Horst, T. Kichey, H. Lambers, J. Schjoerring, I.S. Moller and P. White. 2012. Functions of macronutrients: Potassium. In: Marschner, Petra. (Eds.), Marschner’s Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (Third Edition), Elsevier, Adelaide: 178-189.
  • Ibrahim, E. E. and F. Mohamed. 2012. Combined effect of NPK levels and foliar nutritional compounds on growth and yield parameters of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.), African Journal of Microbiology Research. Academic Journals, 6(24): 5100-5109.
  • Ismail-khanbehbin, H., A. Nakhzari-Moghadam and M.R. Dadashi. 2011. Effect of Irrigation Management and nitrogen use road management on yield and reproductive Safa. Journal of Crop Science 4: 14. 80- 67.
  • Jokar, L. and A. Ronaghi. 2016. Effect of spraying various iron levels and sources on growth and concentration of some nutrients in sorghum. Journal of Greenhouse Science and Technology 6(22): 173-163.
  • Karimian, M., B. Mir, F. Bidranameni and A. Keshtehgar. 2020. Effects of Manure and Different Intercropping Patterns on Quantitative and Qualitative Yield of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) and Cowpea (Phasaeolous vulgaris). Crop Science Research in Arid Regions 2(1): 113-125.
  • Khalaj, H., M. Baradarn Firouzabadi and M. Delfani. 2019. Effect of nano iron and magnesium chelate fertilizers on growth and grain yield of Vigna sinensis L. Journal of Plant Process and Function 9(35): 160-177.
  • Khoshvaghti, H. and M. Tajbakhsh-Shishavan. 2022. The Effect of Foliar Application of Nano and Amino Acid Fertilizers on some Biochemical Properties of Grain and Yield of Corn. Magazine to Zra'I in agriculture. 24(1):237-252
  • Kochaki, A., L. Tabrizi and M. Mahallati. 2004. Organic cultivation of Isabgul and French psyllium in response to drought stress. Iranian Journal of Agronomy Research 2(1): 10-18.
  • Liu, R. and R. Lal. 2015. Potentials of engineered nanoparticles as fertilizers for increasing agronomic productions. Science of the Total Environment 514:131-139.
  • Malkoti, M. J., P. Keshavarz and N. A. Crimean. 2009. A comprehensive method of optimal fertilizer diagnosis and recommendation for sustainable agriculture. 7th edition, Tarbiat Modares University Press, 755 pages.
  • Mazaherinia, S., A.R. Astaraei., A. Fotovat and A. Monshi. 2010. Nano iron oxide particles efficiency on Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu concentrations in wheat plant. World Applied Science Journal 7(1): 36- 40.
  • McCready, R.M., Guggolz, J. V. Silviera and H.S. Owens. 1950. Determination of starch and amylase in vegetables. Anal. Chem. 22: 1156-1158.
  • Mir, Y. 2014. Effect of solubility of various amounts of iron nano-chelate fertilizer (Khazra) on quantitative and qualitative yield of chickpea cultivars. Master's Degree of Lorestan University. 88 p.
  • Miransari, H., A. Mehrafarin, H.A. Andaghdibadi. 2014. Morphophysiological and phytochemical responses of Dill to (Anethum graveolens L.) foliar application of ferrous sulfate and zinc sulfate. Quarterly J. Med. Plants, 14(2): 15-30.
  • Naderi, A. and O. Daneshe Shhahraki. 2013. Application of Nanotechnology to Optimize the Formation of Chemical Fertilizers. Nanotechnology Monthly 4(20): 22-165.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2013. Effect of bio-activators on the tuber yield and tuber size of potatoes. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(1): 82-86.
  • Peyvandi, M., H. Parande and M. Mirza. 2011. Comparison of effect of nano Fe chelate with Fe chelate on growth parameters and antioxidant enzymes activity of Basilicum Ocimum. New Cell Mol Biotechnology. 1 (4): 89- 99.
  • RamRao DM, J. Kodandaramaiah and M.P. Reddy .2007. Effect of VAM fungi and bacterial bio fertilizers on mulberry leaf quality and silkworm cocoon characters under semiarid conditions. Caspian Journal Environment Science 5(2): 111- 117.
  • Rezaei, R., M. Hosseini, H. Shabanali Fami and L. Safa. 2009. Identification and analysis of the barriers of nanotechnology development in the Iranian agricultural sector from the viewpoint of the researchers. Journal of Science & Technology Policy. 2(1): 17-20.
  • Rowell, D.L. 1995. Soil Science: methods and Application. Longman Group, Harlow, UK. Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). 2004. Version 9.2. SAS Institute Inc., Cary.
  • Sheykhbaglou, R., M. Sedghi, M. Tajbaksh Shishevan and R. Seyed Sharifi. 2012. Effect on foliar nano oxide iron mineral elements in soybean. Proceeding of the 1th National Congress on Modern Agricultural Science and Technology. Zanjan, Iran.
  • Singh, M., Chaudhary, S.R., Sharma, S.R., and M.S. Rathore. 2004. Effect of same micronutrients on content and uptake by ckickpea (Cicer arietimum). Agricultural Sceince Digest 24(4): 268-2700.
  • Rasoli, M., S. Khodabakhshzadeh, K.H. Afrozi and Y. AhmadiGhorejili. 2013. Study the applied and the effects of nano fertilizers in the optimal production of agricultural products (Case Study: The Impact of Nano amendments grape production and horticultural crops). Nanotechnologies the first conference, the benefits and applications. Mofatteh of the University of Hamadan.
  • Taiz, L. and E. Zeiger. 2002. Plant Physiology, 3rd. edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers. Sunderland, Massachusetts. USA. pp430.
  • Tomar, R.K.S. 1998. Effect of phosphatesolubilizing bacteria and farmyard manure on the yield of black gram (phaseolus mungo). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science. 68: 81- 83.
  • Venkatashwarlu, B. 2008. Role of bio-fertilizers in organic farming: Organic farming in rain fed agriculture: Central institute for dry land agriculture, Hyderabad. 85-95.
  • Yadavi, A. R., R. Saeidi Aboueshaghi, M. Movahhedi Dehnavi and H. Balouchi. 2014. Effect of micronutrients foliar application on grain qualitative characteristics and some physiological traits of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under drought stress. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. ISSN 4 (4): 124-131.
  • Zarabpoor, L., S. Azar Abadi, N. Nazari. 2011. The effects of different levels of phosphate fertilizer on yield and yield components of bean. The First National Conference on New Topics in Agriculture, Islamic Azad University.
  • Zhao, G.Q., B.L. Ma and C.Z. Ren. 2007. Growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and ion content of naked oat in response to salinity. Crop Science 47: 123-131.
Year 2023, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 111 - 120, 21.06.2023



  • Afrasiabi, M., M, Amini Dehaghi and S.A.M, Modarres Sanavy. 2010. Effect of phosphate biofertilizer Barvar-2 and triple super phosphate fertilizer on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Medicago scutellata, cv. Robinson. Journal of Science and Agriculture 4(4): 43-54.
  • Ahmadi, L., M. Ghobadi., M, Saeidi and J. Ghaderi. 2019. The effect of supplemental irrigation, time and methods of Fe fertilizer application on qualitative and quantitative traits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Iranian Journal of Pulses Research 10(2): 119-131.
  • Ajeng, A.A., R. Abdullah, K.W. Malek, Y.C. Chew, T.C. Ho, B.F. Ling, B.F. Lau, P.L. Show. 2020. The effects of biofertilizers on growth, soil fertility, and nutrients uptake of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) under greenhouse conditions. Processes 8(12): 1681-1697.
  • Akbarian, M.M., H. Heidari Sharifabad, G. Noor mohammadi and F. Darvish Kojouri. 2012. The effect of potassium, zinc and iron foliar application on the production of saffron (Crocus sativa). Annal Biology Research. 3(12): 5651- 5658.
  • Alonso, R., S. Elvira, F.J. Castillo and B.S. Gimeno. 2001. Interractive effects of ozone and drought stress on pigmrnts and activities of antioxidative enzymes in pinus halepensis. Plant, Cell and Environment. 24: 905-916.
  • Amaliotis, D., D. Velemis, S. Bladenopoulou and H. Karapetsas. 2002. Leaf nutrient levels of strawberries (cv. Tudla) in relation to crop yield. Acta Horticulture. 567: 447-450.
  • Arancon, N., C.A. Edwardy, P. Bierman, C. Welch, J.D. Metzgar. 2004. Influences of vermicomposts on field strawberries: 1. Effect on growth and yields. Bioresource Technology. 93: 145-153.
  • Arnon, D.I. 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts. Polyphenoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiological. 24: 1 -15.
  • Babaeian, M., Y. Esmaeilian, A. Tavassoli and A. Asgharzade. 2012. Efficacy of different iron, zinc and magnesium fertilizers on yield and yield components of barley. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(28): 5754-5756.
  • Bradley, K. 2010. A description of amino acid chelate fertilisers and their mode of action. Modern Plant Nutrition Pty Ltd.
  • Boghori, M., H. Shamsi and A. Morovati. 2014. Effect of nano iron chelates on yield and amount iron and rate oil of sesame cultivar Darab-14. Journal of Plant Ecophysiology 6(18): 69- 79 (In Persian).
  • Bradford, M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Annals of Biochemistry. 72: 248-254.
  • Datir, R.B., B.J. Apparao and S.L. Laware. 2012. Application of amino acid chelated micronutrients for enhancing growth and productivity in chili (Capsicum annum L.). Plant Science. Feed. 2(7): 100-105.
  • Dehmardeh, M., M. Mirbahaluddin and A. Khomri. 2018. The effect of biofertilizer application on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of eye bean under drought stress conditions. Journal of Environmental Stresses in Agricultural Sciences. 11(1): 23-33.
  • Delfani M, M.B. Firouzabadi MB, N. Farrokhi, H. Makarian, 2014. Some physiological responses of black-eyed pea to iron and magnesium nanofertilizers. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45: 530–540.
  • Derosa, M.C., C. Monreal, M. Schnitzer, R. Walsh and Y. Sultan. 2010. Nanotechnologyin fertilizers. Journal of Natural Nanotechnology 5: 91-104.
  • FAO. 2019. The FAO statistical yearbook, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available at:
  • Fathi, A., A. Farnia and A. Maleki. 2013. Effects of nitrogen and phosphate biofertilizers on yield and yield components of corn AS71 in Dareh-shahr climate. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology 7-1 (25): 105-114.
  • Ghasemi, S., A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh, M. Afyuni and H. Hadadzadeh. 2013. The effectiveness of foliar applications of synthesized zinc-amino acid chelates in comparison with zinc sulfate to increase yield and grain nutritional quality of wheat. Agron Europen Journal. 45: 68-74.
  • Hamzeei, J., S. Tejarii, F. Sadeghi and M. Seyedi. 2014. Effect of foliar application of nano-iron chelate and inoculation with mesorhizobium bacteria on root nodulation, growth and yield of chickpea under rainfed conditions. Journal of Iranian Bean Studies 5(2): 18-29.
  • Hawkesford, M., W. Horst, T. Kichey, H. Lambers, J. Schjoerring, I.S. Moller and P. White. 2012. Functions of macronutrients: Potassium. In: Marschner, Petra. (Eds.), Marschner’s Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (Third Edition), Elsevier, Adelaide: 178-189.
  • Ibrahim, E. E. and F. Mohamed. 2012. Combined effect of NPK levels and foliar nutritional compounds on growth and yield parameters of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.), African Journal of Microbiology Research. Academic Journals, 6(24): 5100-5109.
  • Ismail-khanbehbin, H., A. Nakhzari-Moghadam and M.R. Dadashi. 2011. Effect of Irrigation Management and nitrogen use road management on yield and reproductive Safa. Journal of Crop Science 4: 14. 80- 67.
  • Jokar, L. and A. Ronaghi. 2016. Effect of spraying various iron levels and sources on growth and concentration of some nutrients in sorghum. Journal of Greenhouse Science and Technology 6(22): 173-163.
  • Karimian, M., B. Mir, F. Bidranameni and A. Keshtehgar. 2020. Effects of Manure and Different Intercropping Patterns on Quantitative and Qualitative Yield of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) and Cowpea (Phasaeolous vulgaris). Crop Science Research in Arid Regions 2(1): 113-125.
  • Khalaj, H., M. Baradarn Firouzabadi and M. Delfani. 2019. Effect of nano iron and magnesium chelate fertilizers on growth and grain yield of Vigna sinensis L. Journal of Plant Process and Function 9(35): 160-177.
  • Khoshvaghti, H. and M. Tajbakhsh-Shishavan. 2022. The Effect of Foliar Application of Nano and Amino Acid Fertilizers on some Biochemical Properties of Grain and Yield of Corn. Magazine to Zra'I in agriculture. 24(1):237-252
  • Kochaki, A., L. Tabrizi and M. Mahallati. 2004. Organic cultivation of Isabgul and French psyllium in response to drought stress. Iranian Journal of Agronomy Research 2(1): 10-18.
  • Liu, R. and R. Lal. 2015. Potentials of engineered nanoparticles as fertilizers for increasing agronomic productions. Science of the Total Environment 514:131-139.
  • Malkoti, M. J., P. Keshavarz and N. A. Crimean. 2009. A comprehensive method of optimal fertilizer diagnosis and recommendation for sustainable agriculture. 7th edition, Tarbiat Modares University Press, 755 pages.
  • Mazaherinia, S., A.R. Astaraei., A. Fotovat and A. Monshi. 2010. Nano iron oxide particles efficiency on Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu concentrations in wheat plant. World Applied Science Journal 7(1): 36- 40.
  • McCready, R.M., Guggolz, J. V. Silviera and H.S. Owens. 1950. Determination of starch and amylase in vegetables. Anal. Chem. 22: 1156-1158.
  • Mir, Y. 2014. Effect of solubility of various amounts of iron nano-chelate fertilizer (Khazra) on quantitative and qualitative yield of chickpea cultivars. Master's Degree of Lorestan University. 88 p.
  • Miransari, H., A. Mehrafarin, H.A. Andaghdibadi. 2014. Morphophysiological and phytochemical responses of Dill to (Anethum graveolens L.) foliar application of ferrous sulfate and zinc sulfate. Quarterly J. Med. Plants, 14(2): 15-30.
  • Naderi, A. and O. Daneshe Shhahraki. 2013. Application of Nanotechnology to Optimize the Formation of Chemical Fertilizers. Nanotechnology Monthly 4(20): 22-165.
  • Ozturk, G. and Z. Yildirim. 2013. Effect of bio-activators on the tuber yield and tuber size of potatoes. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18(1): 82-86.
  • Peyvandi, M., H. Parande and M. Mirza. 2011. Comparison of effect of nano Fe chelate with Fe chelate on growth parameters and antioxidant enzymes activity of Basilicum Ocimum. New Cell Mol Biotechnology. 1 (4): 89- 99.
  • RamRao DM, J. Kodandaramaiah and M.P. Reddy .2007. Effect of VAM fungi and bacterial bio fertilizers on mulberry leaf quality and silkworm cocoon characters under semiarid conditions. Caspian Journal Environment Science 5(2): 111- 117.
  • Rezaei, R., M. Hosseini, H. Shabanali Fami and L. Safa. 2009. Identification and analysis of the barriers of nanotechnology development in the Iranian agricultural sector from the viewpoint of the researchers. Journal of Science & Technology Policy. 2(1): 17-20.
  • Rowell, D.L. 1995. Soil Science: methods and Application. Longman Group, Harlow, UK. Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). 2004. Version 9.2. SAS Institute Inc., Cary.
  • Sheykhbaglou, R., M. Sedghi, M. Tajbaksh Shishevan and R. Seyed Sharifi. 2012. Effect on foliar nano oxide iron mineral elements in soybean. Proceeding of the 1th National Congress on Modern Agricultural Science and Technology. Zanjan, Iran.
  • Singh, M., Chaudhary, S.R., Sharma, S.R., and M.S. Rathore. 2004. Effect of same micronutrients on content and uptake by ckickpea (Cicer arietimum). Agricultural Sceince Digest 24(4): 268-2700.
  • Rasoli, M., S. Khodabakhshzadeh, K.H. Afrozi and Y. AhmadiGhorejili. 2013. Study the applied and the effects of nano fertilizers in the optimal production of agricultural products (Case Study: The Impact of Nano amendments grape production and horticultural crops). Nanotechnologies the first conference, the benefits and applications. Mofatteh of the University of Hamadan.
  • Taiz, L. and E. Zeiger. 2002. Plant Physiology, 3rd. edition. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers. Sunderland, Massachusetts. USA. pp430.
  • Tomar, R.K.S. 1998. Effect of phosphatesolubilizing bacteria and farmyard manure on the yield of black gram (phaseolus mungo). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science. 68: 81- 83.
  • Venkatashwarlu, B. 2008. Role of bio-fertilizers in organic farming: Organic farming in rain fed agriculture: Central institute for dry land agriculture, Hyderabad. 85-95.
  • Yadavi, A. R., R. Saeidi Aboueshaghi, M. Movahhedi Dehnavi and H. Balouchi. 2014. Effect of micronutrients foliar application on grain qualitative characteristics and some physiological traits of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under drought stress. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. ISSN 4 (4): 124-131.
  • Zarabpoor, L., S. Azar Abadi, N. Nazari. 2011. The effects of different levels of phosphate fertilizer on yield and yield components of bean. The First National Conference on New Topics in Agriculture, Islamic Azad University.
  • Zhao, G.Q., B.L. Ma and C.Z. Ren. 2007. Growth, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and ion content of naked oat in response to salinity. Crop Science 47: 123-131.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Articles

Fatemeh Mirsardoo 0000-0001-5185-790X

Ahmad Aıen 0000-0001-8611-7012

Hossein Heıdarı Sharıf Abad 0000-0003-0854-0725

Soheila Korehpaz 0000-0002-4256-9735

Publication Date June 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 28 Issue: 1



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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