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Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye

Year 2024, , 123 - 132, 28.03.2024


Two kinds of fresh apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) samples were sulphurized in various concentrations of sodium metabisulfite solution at different immersion times. The sulphur contents in fresh apricot samples and in the apricot samples dried in open air for a week were determined as a function of immersion time. Variations of vitamins of K1, D2, E and phytosterols were determined as a function of sulphur content of two kinds of fresh apricot samples. It was observed that amount of vitamins of K1, D2 and E decreased with increasing concentrations of sodium metabisulfite solution and prolonging immersion time. Moreover, it was observed that there was no regular relationship between sulfur content and phytosterol changes in both apricot samples. While fatty acids such as palmitic acid, myristic acid and oleic acid were determined in all apricot samples, the palmitoleic acid, stearic acid and arachidonic acid were encountered in some samples.

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Etik kurulu kararını gerektirecek bir çalışma değildir.

Project Number

Proje kapsamında çalışma gerçekleşmemiştir.


  • Yıldız F. New Technologies in Apricot Processing. Standard, Special Issue for apricot, 1994; 67-69 (in Turkish).
  • Inserra L, Cabaroglu T, Şen K, Arena E, Ballistreri G, Fallico B. Effect of sulphuring on physicochemical characteristics and aroma of dried Alkaya apricot: a new Turkish variety. Turk J Agricult and Forestry 2017; 41(1): 59–68.
  • Ihns R, Diamante LM, Savage GP, Vanhanen L. Effect of temperature on the drying characteristics, color, antioxidant and beta-carotene contents of two apricot varieties. Int J Food Sci and Tech 2011; 46(2): 275–283.
  • Garcia-Martinez E, Igual M, Martin-Esparza M, Martinez-Navarrete N. Assessment of the bioactive compounds, color, and mechanical properties of apricots as affected by drying treatment. Food Bioproc Tech 2013; 6(11): 3247– 3255.
  • Albanese D, Cinquanta L, Cuccurullo G, Di Matteo M. Effects of microwave and hot-air drying methods on color, Beta-carotene and radical scavenging activity of apricots. Int J Food Sci Tech 2013; 48: 1327–1333.
  • Karatas F, & Kamisli F. Variations of vitamins (A, C and E) and MDA in apricots dried in IR and microwave. J Food Eng 2007; 78: 662–668.
  • Horoz E, Bozkurt H, Karatas H, Maskan M. Effects of hybrid (microwave-convectional) and convectional drying on drying kinetics, total phenolics, antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, color and rehydration capacity of sour cherries. Food Chem 2017; 230: 295–305.
  • Ozbek HN., Elik A, Koçak-Yanık, D, Işınay B, Sever M. et al. Effect of sequential-combined solar energy assisted hot air and hot air assisted radio frequency drying on the physical and chemical properties of dried apricots. J. Food Sci and Tech 2022; 59: 2894–2904.
  • Pala M, Ackurt F, Löker M & Saygı YB. Composition of apricot varieties. Standard, specific issue for apricot, 1994; May. pp. 64–66 (in Turkish).
  • Belloso MO & Barriobero LE. Proximate composition, minerals and vitamins in selected canned vegetables. European Food Res and Tech 2001; 212: 182–187.
  • Stryer, L. Biochemistry. 4th edition, Pp. 452–455. NY, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1995.
  • Laila G, Yues A, Bernard H, Claude J, Gerard C & Gerard S. Biological variability of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase in blood. Clinical Chem 1991; 37: 1932–1937.
  • Halliwell B. Free radical antioxidants in human disease. Curiosity, cause or consequence. Lancet 1994; 344: 72–74.
  • Pizzoferrato L. Di Lullo G & Quattrucci E. Determination of free, bound and total sulfites in foods by indirect photometry-HPLC. Food Chem, 1998; 63: 275–279.
  • Jiang YM, Liu SX, Chen F, Li YB & Zhang DL. The control postharvest of browning of litchi fruit by sodium bisulfite and hydrochloric acid. Trop Sci 1997; 37: 189–192.
  • Hayashi T & Namiki M. Role of sugar fragmentation in an early stage browning of amino-carbonyl reaction of sugar with amino acids. Agri and Bio Chem 1986; 50: 1965–1970.
  • Coskun AL, Turkyılmaz M, Aksu OT, Koc BE, Yemis O, Ozkan M. Effects of various sulphuring methods and storage temperatures on the physical and chemical quality of dried apricots. Food Chem 2013; 141(4): 3670–3680.
  • Salur-Can A, Turkyilmaz M, Ozkan M. Effects of sulfur dioxide concentration on organic acids and b-carotene in dried apricots during storage. Food Chem 2017;221: 412–421.
  • Sabarez H, Price WE, Back PJ, Woolf LA. Modelling the kinetics of drying of d’ Agen plums (prunus domestica). Food Chem 1997; 60: 371-382.
  • Monier-Williams, GW. Determination of sulphur dioxide. The Analyst 1927; 52: 415–416.
  • Catignani, GL. Simultaneous determination of retinol and a-tocopherol in serum or plasma by liquid chromatography. Clinical Chemistry, 1983; 2914, 708–712.
  • Miller, KW, Lorr NA & Yang CS. Simultaneous determination of plasma retinol a-tocopherol, lycopene, a-carotene, and b-carotene by high performance liquid chromatography. Analytical Biochemistry, 1984; 138, 340–345.
  • Christie WW. Preparation of methyl ester and other derivatives. In Gas Chromatography and Lipids. A Practical Guide, 1st ed.; Christie, W.W., Ed.; Oily Press: Glasgow, UK, 1989; pp. 36–47.
  • Jiang YM. Zauberman G & Fuchs Y. Partial purification and some properties of polyphenol oxidase extracted from litchi pericarp. Postharvest Bio and Tech 1997; 10: 221–226.
  • Ketsa S, Leelawatana K, & Subhadrabandhu S. Effect of pre- and post-storage acid dipping on browning of leychee fruits. Acta Horticultureae 1992; 321: 726–731.
  • Karabulut I, Bilenler T, Sislioglu K, Gokbulut I, Ozdemir IS, Seyhan F, Ozturk K. Chemical composition of apricots affected by fruit size and drying methods. Dry Tech 2018; 36(16): 1937–1948.
  • Kamisli F & Karatas F. Effects of sulphurisation on vitamins (A, C and E) and malondialdehyde in apricots. Int J Food Sci and Tech 2009; 44: 987–993.
  • Zhou X, Xu R, Zhang B, Pei S, Liu Q, Ramaswamy HS, Wang S. Radio frequency-vacuum drying of kiwifruits: Kinetics, uniformity, and product quality. Food and Bioproc Tech 2018; 11(11): 2094–2109.

Kükürtleme İşleminin Türkiye'de Yetiştirilen Bazı Kayısı Çeşitlerinin Vitamin, Fitosterol ve Yağ Asidi Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2024, , 123 - 132, 28.03.2024


İki çeşit kayısı örnekleri farklı daldırma sürelerinde çeşitli Sodyum metabisülfit konsantrasyonlarında kükürtlendi. Taze ve açık havada bir hafta kurutulmuş kayısı örneklerinin kükürt içerikleri daldırma süresinin fonksiyonu olarak belirlendi. İki çeşit kayısı örneklerinin kükürt içeriğine bağlı olarak K1, D2 ve E vitaminlerinin ve fitosterollerin değişimleri saptandı. Sodyum metabisülfit konsantrasyonunun ve daldırma süresinin artmasıyla K1, D2 ve E vitaminlerinin miktarlarının azaldığı gözlendi. Ayrıca, her iki kayısı örneklerinde de kükürt içeriğiyle fitosterol değişimleri arasında düze nli bir ilişkinin olmadığı gözlendi. Palmitik asit, miristik asit ve oleik asit gibi yağ asitleri bütün kayısını numunelerinde saptanırken, pamitoleik asit, stearik asit ve araşidonik asit bazı kayısı örneklerinde bulunmuştur.

Project Number

Proje kapsamında çalışma gerçekleşmemiştir.


  • Yıldız F. New Technologies in Apricot Processing. Standard, Special Issue for apricot, 1994; 67-69 (in Turkish).
  • Inserra L, Cabaroglu T, Şen K, Arena E, Ballistreri G, Fallico B. Effect of sulphuring on physicochemical characteristics and aroma of dried Alkaya apricot: a new Turkish variety. Turk J Agricult and Forestry 2017; 41(1): 59–68.
  • Ihns R, Diamante LM, Savage GP, Vanhanen L. Effect of temperature on the drying characteristics, color, antioxidant and beta-carotene contents of two apricot varieties. Int J Food Sci and Tech 2011; 46(2): 275–283.
  • Garcia-Martinez E, Igual M, Martin-Esparza M, Martinez-Navarrete N. Assessment of the bioactive compounds, color, and mechanical properties of apricots as affected by drying treatment. Food Bioproc Tech 2013; 6(11): 3247– 3255.
  • Albanese D, Cinquanta L, Cuccurullo G, Di Matteo M. Effects of microwave and hot-air drying methods on color, Beta-carotene and radical scavenging activity of apricots. Int J Food Sci Tech 2013; 48: 1327–1333.
  • Karatas F, & Kamisli F. Variations of vitamins (A, C and E) and MDA in apricots dried in IR and microwave. J Food Eng 2007; 78: 662–668.
  • Horoz E, Bozkurt H, Karatas H, Maskan M. Effects of hybrid (microwave-convectional) and convectional drying on drying kinetics, total phenolics, antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, color and rehydration capacity of sour cherries. Food Chem 2017; 230: 295–305.
  • Ozbek HN., Elik A, Koçak-Yanık, D, Işınay B, Sever M. et al. Effect of sequential-combined solar energy assisted hot air and hot air assisted radio frequency drying on the physical and chemical properties of dried apricots. J. Food Sci and Tech 2022; 59: 2894–2904.
  • Pala M, Ackurt F, Löker M & Saygı YB. Composition of apricot varieties. Standard, specific issue for apricot, 1994; May. pp. 64–66 (in Turkish).
  • Belloso MO & Barriobero LE. Proximate composition, minerals and vitamins in selected canned vegetables. European Food Res and Tech 2001; 212: 182–187.
  • Stryer, L. Biochemistry. 4th edition, Pp. 452–455. NY, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1995.
  • Laila G, Yues A, Bernard H, Claude J, Gerard C & Gerard S. Biological variability of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase in blood. Clinical Chem 1991; 37: 1932–1937.
  • Halliwell B. Free radical antioxidants in human disease. Curiosity, cause or consequence. Lancet 1994; 344: 72–74.
  • Pizzoferrato L. Di Lullo G & Quattrucci E. Determination of free, bound and total sulfites in foods by indirect photometry-HPLC. Food Chem, 1998; 63: 275–279.
  • Jiang YM, Liu SX, Chen F, Li YB & Zhang DL. The control postharvest of browning of litchi fruit by sodium bisulfite and hydrochloric acid. Trop Sci 1997; 37: 189–192.
  • Hayashi T & Namiki M. Role of sugar fragmentation in an early stage browning of amino-carbonyl reaction of sugar with amino acids. Agri and Bio Chem 1986; 50: 1965–1970.
  • Coskun AL, Turkyılmaz M, Aksu OT, Koc BE, Yemis O, Ozkan M. Effects of various sulphuring methods and storage temperatures on the physical and chemical quality of dried apricots. Food Chem 2013; 141(4): 3670–3680.
  • Salur-Can A, Turkyilmaz M, Ozkan M. Effects of sulfur dioxide concentration on organic acids and b-carotene in dried apricots during storage. Food Chem 2017;221: 412–421.
  • Sabarez H, Price WE, Back PJ, Woolf LA. Modelling the kinetics of drying of d’ Agen plums (prunus domestica). Food Chem 1997; 60: 371-382.
  • Monier-Williams, GW. Determination of sulphur dioxide. The Analyst 1927; 52: 415–416.
  • Catignani, GL. Simultaneous determination of retinol and a-tocopherol in serum or plasma by liquid chromatography. Clinical Chemistry, 1983; 2914, 708–712.
  • Miller, KW, Lorr NA & Yang CS. Simultaneous determination of plasma retinol a-tocopherol, lycopene, a-carotene, and b-carotene by high performance liquid chromatography. Analytical Biochemistry, 1984; 138, 340–345.
  • Christie WW. Preparation of methyl ester and other derivatives. In Gas Chromatography and Lipids. A Practical Guide, 1st ed.; Christie, W.W., Ed.; Oily Press: Glasgow, UK, 1989; pp. 36–47.
  • Jiang YM. Zauberman G & Fuchs Y. Partial purification and some properties of polyphenol oxidase extracted from litchi pericarp. Postharvest Bio and Tech 1997; 10: 221–226.
  • Ketsa S, Leelawatana K, & Subhadrabandhu S. Effect of pre- and post-storage acid dipping on browning of leychee fruits. Acta Horticultureae 1992; 321: 726–731.
  • Karabulut I, Bilenler T, Sislioglu K, Gokbulut I, Ozdemir IS, Seyhan F, Ozturk K. Chemical composition of apricots affected by fruit size and drying methods. Dry Tech 2018; 36(16): 1937–1948.
  • Kamisli F & Karatas F. Effects of sulphurisation on vitamins (A, C and E) and malondialdehyde in apricots. Int J Food Sci and Tech 2009; 44: 987–993.
  • Zhou X, Xu R, Zhang B, Pei S, Liu Q, Ramaswamy HS, Wang S. Radio frequency-vacuum drying of kiwifruits: Kinetics, uniformity, and product quality. Food and Bioproc Tech 2018; 11(11): 2094–2109.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mass Transfer
Journal Section TJST

Fethi Kamışlı 0000-0002-1769-3785

Nazlı Gülüm Mutlu 0000-0003-0210-5175

Project Number Proje kapsamında çalışma gerçekleşmemiştir.
Publication Date March 28, 2024
Submission Date September 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kamışlı, F., & Mutlu, N. G. (2024). Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 19(1), 123-132.
AMA Kamışlı F, Mutlu NG. Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye. TJST. March 2024;19(1):123-132. doi:10.55525/tjst.1356308
Chicago Kamışlı, Fethi, and Nazlı Gülüm Mutlu. “Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 19, no. 1 (March 2024): 123-32.
EndNote Kamışlı F, Mutlu NG (March 1, 2024) Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 19 1 123–132.
IEEE F. Kamışlı and N. G. Mutlu, “Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye”, TJST, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 123–132, 2024, doi: 10.55525/tjst.1356308.
ISNAD Kamışlı, Fethi - Mutlu, Nazlı Gülüm. “Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 19/1 (March 2024), 123-132.
JAMA Kamışlı F, Mutlu NG. Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye. TJST. 2024;19:123–132.
MLA Kamışlı, Fethi and Nazlı Gülüm Mutlu. “Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 1, 2024, pp. 123-32, doi:10.55525/tjst.1356308.
Vancouver Kamışlı F, Mutlu NG. Effect of Sulphurization Process on Vitamin, Phytosterol and Fatty Acid Levels of Some Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkiye. TJST. 2024;19(1):123-32.