Research Article
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Year 2022, , 27 - 32, 29.03.2022



  • Anderson RR. Comparison of trace elements in milk of four species. J Dairy of Sci. 1992; 75: 3050-3055.
  • Anderson RS, Carlos GM, Robinson IP et al. Zinc, copper, iron and calcium concentrations in bitch milk. J Nutr. 1991;121(11): 81-82
  • Bremel RD. Handbook of Milk Composition, by R. G. Jensen. 1st Edition. Academic Press: 1995
  • Butte NF, Garza C, Burr R, et al. Milk composition of insulin-dependent diabetic women. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 1987; 6(6):936-941
  • Casey CE and Walravens PA. Trace Elements. In Tsang RC, Nichols BL, Editors. Nutrition During İnfancy. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus. 1988; 190-215.
  • Cavell PA and Widdowson EM. Intakes and excretions of iron, copper, and zinc in the neonatal period. Arch Dis Child. 1964; 39(207): 496-501.
  • Cruikshank DP, Varner MW, Pitkin RM. Breast milk magnesium and calcium concentrations following magnesium sulfate treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1982; 143(6): 685-688.
  • Dallman PR. Nutritional anemia of infancy: iron, folic acid, and vitamin BI2: (Tsang RC and Nichols BL, eds.), In "Nutrition during Infancy".Philadelphia, Hanley and Belfus. 1988; 216-235.
  • Davidson L, Kastenmayer P, Yuen M, Lonnerdal B, Hurrell R. Influence of lactoferrin on iron absorption from human milk in infants. Pediatr Res. 1994; 35(1): 117–124.
  • Davis GK and Mertz W. Copper. In "Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition" (W. Mertz, ed.). Academic Press, San Diego. 1987; 1:301-364.
  • Ergun H and Mert N. Biochemical changes due to mastitis in milk I. Mastitis Seminar. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak. 1984; 46-61.
  • European Union Directive. Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the protection of animals used fer scientifıc purposes. Official Journal of the European Union. 2010; 276: 33-79.
  • Halt C and Muir DD. Inorganic constituents of milk: I. Correlation of soluble calcium with citrate in bovine milk. J Dairy Res. 1979; 46(3): 433-439.
  • Hambidge KM, Casey CE, Krebs NF. Zinc. In "Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition" (W. Mertz, ed.), 5th Ed 2. 1986; 1-138. Academic Press, Orlando.
  • Heinze CR, Freeman LM, Martin CR, Power ML, et al. Comparison of the nutrient composition of commercial dog milk replacers with that of dog milk. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2014; 244(12): 1413-1422.
  • Hurley LS and Keen CL. Manganese. In "Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition" (W. Mertz, ed.), 5th Ed. Academic Press, San Diego. 1987; 1: 185-223
  • Institute of Medicine (IOM). Nutrition during lactation. Subcommittee on Lactation., Committee on Nutritional Status during Pregnancy and Lactation, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1991.
  • Keen CL, Lonnerdal B, Clegg MS, et al. Developmental changes in composition of cats' milk: Trace elements, minerals, protein, carbohydrate and fat. J Nutr. 1982; 112(9): 1763-1769.
  • Kincaid RL, Cronrath JD. Zinc concentration and distribution in mammary secretions of peripartum cows. J Dairy Sci. 1992; 75(2): 481-484.
  • Krebs NF and Hambidge KM. Zinc requirements and intakes of breast-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr. 1986; 43(2): 288-292.
  • Linzell JL and Peaker M. Early detection of mastitis. Vet Rec. 1971; 89: 393-394.
  • Lonnerdal B, Keen CL, Hurley LS, Fisher GL. Developmental changes in the composition of Beagle dog milk. Am J Vet Res. 1981; 42(4): 662-666
  • Lonnerdal B, Keen CL, Hurley LS. Trace elements in milk from various species. In "Trace Element Metabolism in Man and Animals, TEMA-4". McC Howell, Hawthorne JM and White CL, eds.). Netley, Griffen Press,South Australia; 1982: 249-252.
  • Lonnerdal B. Nutrition and lactation. In "Human Lactation 2: Maternal and Environmental Factors" (Hamosh M and Goldman AS, eds.), Plenum Press, New York. 1986a.
  • Lonnerdal B. Effects of maternal dietary intake on human milk composition. J Nutr. 1986b; 116(4): 499-513.
  • Mert H, Mert N, Doğan İ, Cellat M, Yaşar S. Element Status in Different Breeds of Dogs. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2008; 125(2):154–159.
  • Mert N, Tayar, M, Şen C, et al. Determination of Lead (Pb) Levels in Milk Consumed in Bursa Region. EU Faculty of Sci. 1994; 12 (1): 173-176. Salisbury CD and Chan W. Simple Automated Wet Digestion of Animal Tissues for Determination of Seven Elements by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal, Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1985; 68(2):218-219.
  • Peaker M. The aqueous phase of milk: Ion and water transport. Symp Zool Soc Lond 1977; 41: 113-134.
  • Tayar M, Mert N, Çetin M, et al. Liver lead levels of slaughtered cattle in Bursa, Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 1993; 16(1):16-20.
  • Waxman J and Wasan H. The architecture of cancer. 1992; Br Med J. 305: 1306-1307.

Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds

Year 2022, , 27 - 32, 29.03.2022


Objective: In this study, it was planned to examine the mineral levels in the milk of different breed dogs during the lactation period. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron concentrations were analyzed in dog milk throughout the lactation period.
Materials and methods: In this research 6 Labradors, 6 German Shepherds, 6 Pointers, 5 Turkish Tazis, 5 Setters, 7 Malinois, and 5 Golden Retrievers (a total 40 dogs) of 3 to 4 years age were used as research materials, all of which were under same management and feeding conditions. All dogs were on diets appropriate for gestation and lactation periods. Adequate milk volume could be collected 2-3 weeks after parturition, and there were no known medical problems. Each day's samples were kept capped and refrigerated after being collected. The concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese and iron, were analyzed by using Varian Brand 30/40 model AAS device.
Results: The Ca, K, Na, Zn, Mn and Fe levels of milk samples from different dog breeds were found to have no significant difference . The highest Mg level was determined in Pointer breed milk samples, and the lowest was determined in Setter milk samples. The highest Cu levels amongst the inspected races were in Labrador milk samples, whereas the lowest levels were determined in Setter breeds.
Conclusion:This data shows that most of the analyzed milk content of different breeds of dogs did not change significantly during the same lactation period, and any present difference could be taken into account when evaluating breeding studies.


  • Anderson RR. Comparison of trace elements in milk of four species. J Dairy of Sci. 1992; 75: 3050-3055.
  • Anderson RS, Carlos GM, Robinson IP et al. Zinc, copper, iron and calcium concentrations in bitch milk. J Nutr. 1991;121(11): 81-82
  • Bremel RD. Handbook of Milk Composition, by R. G. Jensen. 1st Edition. Academic Press: 1995
  • Butte NF, Garza C, Burr R, et al. Milk composition of insulin-dependent diabetic women. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 1987; 6(6):936-941
  • Casey CE and Walravens PA. Trace Elements. In Tsang RC, Nichols BL, Editors. Nutrition During İnfancy. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus. 1988; 190-215.
  • Cavell PA and Widdowson EM. Intakes and excretions of iron, copper, and zinc in the neonatal period. Arch Dis Child. 1964; 39(207): 496-501.
  • Cruikshank DP, Varner MW, Pitkin RM. Breast milk magnesium and calcium concentrations following magnesium sulfate treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1982; 143(6): 685-688.
  • Dallman PR. Nutritional anemia of infancy: iron, folic acid, and vitamin BI2: (Tsang RC and Nichols BL, eds.), In "Nutrition during Infancy".Philadelphia, Hanley and Belfus. 1988; 216-235.
  • Davidson L, Kastenmayer P, Yuen M, Lonnerdal B, Hurrell R. Influence of lactoferrin on iron absorption from human milk in infants. Pediatr Res. 1994; 35(1): 117–124.
  • Davis GK and Mertz W. Copper. In "Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition" (W. Mertz, ed.). Academic Press, San Diego. 1987; 1:301-364.
  • Ergun H and Mert N. Biochemical changes due to mastitis in milk I. Mastitis Seminar. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak. 1984; 46-61.
  • European Union Directive. Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the protection of animals used fer scientifıc purposes. Official Journal of the European Union. 2010; 276: 33-79.
  • Halt C and Muir DD. Inorganic constituents of milk: I. Correlation of soluble calcium with citrate in bovine milk. J Dairy Res. 1979; 46(3): 433-439.
  • Hambidge KM, Casey CE, Krebs NF. Zinc. In "Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition" (W. Mertz, ed.), 5th Ed 2. 1986; 1-138. Academic Press, Orlando.
  • Heinze CR, Freeman LM, Martin CR, Power ML, et al. Comparison of the nutrient composition of commercial dog milk replacers with that of dog milk. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2014; 244(12): 1413-1422.
  • Hurley LS and Keen CL. Manganese. In "Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition" (W. Mertz, ed.), 5th Ed. Academic Press, San Diego. 1987; 1: 185-223
  • Institute of Medicine (IOM). Nutrition during lactation. Subcommittee on Lactation., Committee on Nutritional Status during Pregnancy and Lactation, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1991.
  • Keen CL, Lonnerdal B, Clegg MS, et al. Developmental changes in composition of cats' milk: Trace elements, minerals, protein, carbohydrate and fat. J Nutr. 1982; 112(9): 1763-1769.
  • Kincaid RL, Cronrath JD. Zinc concentration and distribution in mammary secretions of peripartum cows. J Dairy Sci. 1992; 75(2): 481-484.
  • Krebs NF and Hambidge KM. Zinc requirements and intakes of breast-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr. 1986; 43(2): 288-292.
  • Linzell JL and Peaker M. Early detection of mastitis. Vet Rec. 1971; 89: 393-394.
  • Lonnerdal B, Keen CL, Hurley LS, Fisher GL. Developmental changes in the composition of Beagle dog milk. Am J Vet Res. 1981; 42(4): 662-666
  • Lonnerdal B, Keen CL, Hurley LS. Trace elements in milk from various species. In "Trace Element Metabolism in Man and Animals, TEMA-4". McC Howell, Hawthorne JM and White CL, eds.). Netley, Griffen Press,South Australia; 1982: 249-252.
  • Lonnerdal B. Nutrition and lactation. In "Human Lactation 2: Maternal and Environmental Factors" (Hamosh M and Goldman AS, eds.), Plenum Press, New York. 1986a.
  • Lonnerdal B. Effects of maternal dietary intake on human milk composition. J Nutr. 1986b; 116(4): 499-513.
  • Mert H, Mert N, Doğan İ, Cellat M, Yaşar S. Element Status in Different Breeds of Dogs. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2008; 125(2):154–159.
  • Mert N, Tayar, M, Şen C, et al. Determination of Lead (Pb) Levels in Milk Consumed in Bursa Region. EU Faculty of Sci. 1994; 12 (1): 173-176. Salisbury CD and Chan W. Simple Automated Wet Digestion of Animal Tissues for Determination of Seven Elements by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal, Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1985; 68(2):218-219.
  • Peaker M. The aqueous phase of milk: Ion and water transport. Symp Zool Soc Lond 1977; 41: 113-134.
  • Tayar M, Mert N, Çetin M, et al. Liver lead levels of slaughtered cattle in Bursa, Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 1993; 16(1):16-20.
  • Waxman J and Wasan H. The architecture of cancer. 1992; Br Med J. 305: 1306-1307.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section 2022 Volume 6 Number 1

İnci Söğütlü 0000-0002-9957-4738

Nizamettin Günbatar 0000-0002-6684-3970

Handan Mert 0000-0001-9827-7996

Mustafa Cellat 0000-0003-2559-096X

Nihat Mert 0000-0001-7185-3316

Publication Date March 29, 2022
Submission Date February 16, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Söğütlü, İ., Günbatar, N., Mert, H., Cellat, M., et al. (2022). Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research, 6(1), 27-32.
AMA Söğütlü İ, Günbatar N, Mert H, Cellat M, Mert N. Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds. TJVR. March 2022;6(1):27-32. doi:10.47748/tjvr.1074826
Chicago Söğütlü, İnci, Nizamettin Günbatar, Handan Mert, Mustafa Cellat, and Nihat Mert. “Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6, no. 1 (March 2022): 27-32.
EndNote Söğütlü İ, Günbatar N, Mert H, Cellat M, Mert N (March 1, 2022) Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6 1 27–32.
IEEE İ. Söğütlü, N. Günbatar, H. Mert, M. Cellat, and N. Mert, “Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds”, TJVR, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 27–32, 2022, doi: 10.47748/tjvr.1074826.
ISNAD Söğütlü, İnci et al. “Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research 6/1 (March 2022), 27-32.
JAMA Söğütlü İ, Günbatar N, Mert H, Cellat M, Mert N. Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds. TJVR. 2022;6:27–32.
MLA Söğütlü, İnci et al. “Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022, pp. 27-32, doi:10.47748/tjvr.1074826.
Vancouver Söğütlü İ, Günbatar N, Mert H, Cellat M, Mert N. Some Macromineral and Trace Mineral Levels in Milk of Different Dog Breeds. TJVR. 2022;6(1):27-32.