Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 50 - 58, 29.12.2019



  • Aldas-Manzano, J., Ruiz-Mafe, C., Sanz-Blas, S., and Lassala- Navarre, C. (2011). Internet banking loyalty: evaluating the role of trust, satisfaction, perceived risk and frequency of use. The Service Industries Journal, 31(7): 1165-1190.
  • Alhabeeb, M. J. (2007). On consumer trust and product loyalty. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(6): 609-612.
  • Amaro, S., and Duarte, P. (2015). An integrative model of consumers’ intentions to purchase travel Online. Tourism management, 46 (2015): 64-79.
  • Anderson, R. E., and Srinivasan, S. S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework. Psychology & marketing, 20(2): 123-138.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., Yi, Y., and Phillips, L. W. (1991). Assessing construct validity in organizational research. Administrative science quarterly, 36(3): 421-458.
  • Balabanis, G., Reynolds, N., and Simintiras, A. (2006). Bases of e-store loyalty: Perceived switching barriers and satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 59(2): 214-224.
  • Beldad, A., De Jong, M., and Steehouder, M. (2010). How shall I trust the faceless and the intangible? A literature review on the antecedents of Online trust. Computers in human behavior, 26(5): 857-869.
  • Bhattacherjee, A. (2001). An empirical analysis of the antecedents of electronic commerce service Investigating Antecedents of Customer Loyalty for Web-Based Travel Intermediaries
  • Huang, C. D., Goo, J., Nam, K., and Yoo, C. W. (2017). Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation. Information & Management, 54(6): 757-770.
  • Husain, S. (2017). The Determinants of Loyalty in Online Commerce–An Exploratory Study in India. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 81(1): 1-17.
  • Jambulingam, T., Kathuria, R., and Nevin, J. R. (2011). Fairness- trust-loyalty relationship under varying conditions of supplier-buyer interdependence. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(1): 39-56.
  • Jones, T. O., and Sasser, W. E. (1995). Why satisfied customers defect. Harvard business review, 73(6): 88.
  • Kassim, N., and Asiah Abdullah, N. (2010). The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings: A cross cultural analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3): 351-371.
  • Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. The Journal of Marketing, 57(1): 1-22.
  • Kim, D. (2005). Cognition-Based Versus Affect-Based Trust Determinants in E-Commerce: Cross-Cultural Comparison Study. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS. 2005, 11-14 December 2005, Las Vegas, 741-753.
  • Kim, D. J. (2012). An investigation of the effect of online consumer trust on expectation, satisfaction, and post- expectation. Information systems and e-business Management, 10(2): 219-240.
  • Kim, M. J., Chung, N., and Lee, C. K. (2011). The effect of perceived trust on electronic commerce: Shopping online for tourism products and services in South Korea. Tourism Management, 32(2): 256-265.
  • Kim, M. J., Chung, N., Lee, C. K., and Kim, J. M. (2012). Do loyalty groups differ in the role of trust in online tourism shopping? A process perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(4): 352-368.
  • Kim, T. T., Kim, W. G., and Kim, H. B. (2009). The effects of perceived justice on recovery satisfaction, trust, word- of-mouth, and revisit intention in upscale hotels. Tourism management, 30(1): 51-62.
  • Kumar, V., Dalla Pozza, I., and Ganesh, J. (2013). Revisiting the satisfaction–loyalty relationship: empirical generalizations and directions for future research. Journal of Retailing, 89(3): 246-262.
  • Lau, G. T., and Lee, S. H. (1999). Consumers’ trust in a brand and the link to brand loyalty. Journal of Market-Focused Management, 4(4): 341-370.
  • Law, R., Leung, R., & Buhalis, D. (2009). Information technology applications in hospitality and tourism: a review of publications from 2005 to 2007. Journal of travel & tourism marketing, 26(5-6), 599-623.
  • Li, L., and Buhalis, D. (2005). Predicting internet usage for travel bookings in China. Conference of Information and communication technologies in tourism, 2005, New York, 429-439.
  • Liang, C. J., and Chen, H. J. (2009). A study of the impacts of website quality on customer relationship performance. Total Quality Management, 20(9): 971-988.
  • López-Miguens, M. J., and Vázquez, E. G. (2017). An integral model of e-loyalty from the consumer’s perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 72(1): 397-411.
  • Loureiro, S. M. C., and González, F. J. M. (2008). The importance of quality, satisfaction, trust, and image in relation to rural tourist loyalty. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(2): 117-136.
  • Martínez, P., and del Bosque, I. R. (2013). CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35(1): 89-99.
  • Moriuchi, E., and Takahashi, I. (2016). Satisfaction trust and loyalty of repeat online consumer within the Japanese online supermarket trade. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 24(2): 146-156.
  • Nunnally Jr, J. C. (1970). Introduction to psychological measurement. McGraw-Hill. New York.
  • Ozdemir, B., Aksu, A., Ehtiyar, R., Çizel, B., Çizel, R. B., and İçigen, E. T. (2012). Relationships among tourist profile, satisfaction and destination loyalty: Examining empirical evidences in Antalya region of Turkey. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21(5): 506- 540.
  • Pamies, D. S. (2003). La fidelidad del cliente en el ámbito de los servicios: un análisis de la escala’ intenciones de comportamiento. Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 9(2): 189-204.
  • Pamies, D. S. (2012). Customer loyalty to service providers: examining the role of service quality, customer satisfaction and trust. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 23(11-12): 1257-1271.
  • Paulssen, M., Roulet, R., and Wilke, S. (2014). Risk as moderator of the trust-loyalty relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 48(5/6): 964-981.
  • Pesämaa, O., Örtqvist, D., and Hair Jr, J. F. (2007). It’s all about trust and loyalty: Partner selection mechanisms in tourism networks. World Journal of Tourism Small Business Management, 1(2): 12-18.
  • Reichheld, F. F., and Schefter, P. (2000). E-loyalty: your secret weapon on the web. Harvard business review, 78(4): 105-113.
  • Reichheld, F. F., Teal, T., and Smith, D. K. (1996). The loyalty effect. Harvard business school press. 1(3): 78-84.
  • Ribbink, D., Van Riel, A. C., Liljander, V., and Streukens, S. (2004). Comfort your online customer: quality, trust and loyalty on the internet. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 14(6): 446-456.
  • Sahin, A., Zehir, C., and Kitapçı, H. (2011). The effects of brand experiences, trust and satisfaction on building brand loyalty; an empirical research on global brands. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24 (1): 1288-1301.
  • Shankar, V., Smith, A. K., and Rangaswamy, A. (2003). Customer satisfaction and loyalty in online and offline environments. International journal of research in marketing, 20(2): 153-175.
  • Shankar, V., Urban, G. L., and Sultan, F. (2002). Online trust: a stakeholder perspective, concepts, implications, and future directions. The Journal of strategic information systems, 11(3-4): 325-344.
  • Shoemaker, S., and Lewis, R. C. (1999). Customer loyalty: the future of hospitality marketing. International journal of hospitality management, 18(4): 345-370.
  • Sirdeshmukh, D., Singh, J., & Sabol, B. (2002). Consumer trust, value, and loyalty in relational exchanges. Journal of marketing, 66(1), 15-37.
  • Srinivasan, S. S., Anderson, R., and Ponnavolu, K. (2002). Customer loyalty in e-commerce: an exploration of its antecedents and consequences. Journal of retailing, 78(1): 41-50.
  • Statista. (n.a.). Usage and population statistics. https:// (Access date: 25.07.2019)
  • Stewart, K. J. (2003). Trust transfer on the world wide web. Organization Science, 14(1), 5-17.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., and Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Boston: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson Education.
  • Wen, I. (2009). Factors affecting the online travel buying decision: a review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(6): 752- 765.
  • Xiang, Z., Magnini, V. P., and Fesenmaier, D. R. (2015). Information technology and consumer behavior in travel and tourism: Insights from travel planning using the internet. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22(1): 244-249.
  • Yap, W. B., Ramayah, T., & Nushazelin Wan Shahidan, W. (2012). Satisfaction and trust on customer loyalty: a PLS approach. Business Strategy Series, 13(4), 154-167.
  • Yaşin, B., Özkan, E., and Baloğlu, S. (2017). Tüketicilerin Çevrimiçi Perakende Alışveriş Sitelerine Yönelik Sadakatleri Üzerinde Memnuniyet, Güven ve Kalite Algılarının Rolü. Yönetim. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme İktisadı Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(83): 24-47.

Investigating Antecedents of Customer Loyalty for Web-Based Travel Intermediaries

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 50 - 58, 29.12.2019


Information technology has conspicuously influenced and transformed travel and tourism industry. With the advent of different technological developments such as Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) in the 1960s, Global Distribution Systems (GDS) in the 1980s and the Internet in the early 1990s, the travel and tourism industry has faced with new opportunities and challenges. These technologies have also changed customer behavior. There are few studies investigated the relationship among trust, satisfaction and loyalty of customers together in the literature in terms of web-based travel intermediaries. The main aim of this study is to investigate factors such as trust and satisfaction creating customer loyalty in web-based travel intermediaries. It was explored the degree of importance of trust, besides satisfaction, when it is associated with loyalty. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the relationship among web-based travel intermediary loyalty, satisfaction and trust. The research was conducted between February and April 2018 in Istanbul. A total of 362 data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed. The results indicated that participants’ satisfaction and trust predicted web-based travel intermediary loyalty at 68.9% level. Accordingly, satisfaction and trust seem to have a significant and positive effect on web-based travel intermediary loyalty. The results provide evidence that trust is a strong influence on customer loyalty as well as satisfaction. Contributions, recommendations and limitations are also outlined at the conclusion part of this study.


  • Aldas-Manzano, J., Ruiz-Mafe, C., Sanz-Blas, S., and Lassala- Navarre, C. (2011). Internet banking loyalty: evaluating the role of trust, satisfaction, perceived risk and frequency of use. The Service Industries Journal, 31(7): 1165-1190.
  • Alhabeeb, M. J. (2007). On consumer trust and product loyalty. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(6): 609-612.
  • Amaro, S., and Duarte, P. (2015). An integrative model of consumers’ intentions to purchase travel Online. Tourism management, 46 (2015): 64-79.
  • Anderson, R. E., and Srinivasan, S. S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework. Psychology & marketing, 20(2): 123-138.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., Yi, Y., and Phillips, L. W. (1991). Assessing construct validity in organizational research. Administrative science quarterly, 36(3): 421-458.
  • Balabanis, G., Reynolds, N., and Simintiras, A. (2006). Bases of e-store loyalty: Perceived switching barriers and satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 59(2): 214-224.
  • Beldad, A., De Jong, M., and Steehouder, M. (2010). How shall I trust the faceless and the intangible? A literature review on the antecedents of Online trust. Computers in human behavior, 26(5): 857-869.
  • Bhattacherjee, A. (2001). An empirical analysis of the antecedents of electronic commerce service Investigating Antecedents of Customer Loyalty for Web-Based Travel Intermediaries
  • Huang, C. D., Goo, J., Nam, K., and Yoo, C. W. (2017). Smart tourism technologies in travel planning: The role of exploration and exploitation. Information & Management, 54(6): 757-770.
  • Husain, S. (2017). The Determinants of Loyalty in Online Commerce–An Exploratory Study in India. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 81(1): 1-17.
  • Jambulingam, T., Kathuria, R., and Nevin, J. R. (2011). Fairness- trust-loyalty relationship under varying conditions of supplier-buyer interdependence. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(1): 39-56.
  • Jones, T. O., and Sasser, W. E. (1995). Why satisfied customers defect. Harvard business review, 73(6): 88.
  • Kassim, N., and Asiah Abdullah, N. (2010). The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings: A cross cultural analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3): 351-371.
  • Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. The Journal of Marketing, 57(1): 1-22.
  • Kim, D. (2005). Cognition-Based Versus Affect-Based Trust Determinants in E-Commerce: Cross-Cultural Comparison Study. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS. 2005, 11-14 December 2005, Las Vegas, 741-753.
  • Kim, D. J. (2012). An investigation of the effect of online consumer trust on expectation, satisfaction, and post- expectation. Information systems and e-business Management, 10(2): 219-240.
  • Kim, M. J., Chung, N., and Lee, C. K. (2011). The effect of perceived trust on electronic commerce: Shopping online for tourism products and services in South Korea. Tourism Management, 32(2): 256-265.
  • Kim, M. J., Chung, N., Lee, C. K., and Kim, J. M. (2012). Do loyalty groups differ in the role of trust in online tourism shopping? A process perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(4): 352-368.
  • Kim, T. T., Kim, W. G., and Kim, H. B. (2009). The effects of perceived justice on recovery satisfaction, trust, word- of-mouth, and revisit intention in upscale hotels. Tourism management, 30(1): 51-62.
  • Kumar, V., Dalla Pozza, I., and Ganesh, J. (2013). Revisiting the satisfaction–loyalty relationship: empirical generalizations and directions for future research. Journal of Retailing, 89(3): 246-262.
  • Lau, G. T., and Lee, S. H. (1999). Consumers’ trust in a brand and the link to brand loyalty. Journal of Market-Focused Management, 4(4): 341-370.
  • Law, R., Leung, R., & Buhalis, D. (2009). Information technology applications in hospitality and tourism: a review of publications from 2005 to 2007. Journal of travel & tourism marketing, 26(5-6), 599-623.
  • Li, L., and Buhalis, D. (2005). Predicting internet usage for travel bookings in China. Conference of Information and communication technologies in tourism, 2005, New York, 429-439.
  • Liang, C. J., and Chen, H. J. (2009). A study of the impacts of website quality on customer relationship performance. Total Quality Management, 20(9): 971-988.
  • López-Miguens, M. J., and Vázquez, E. G. (2017). An integral model of e-loyalty from the consumer’s perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 72(1): 397-411.
  • Loureiro, S. M. C., and González, F. J. M. (2008). The importance of quality, satisfaction, trust, and image in relation to rural tourist loyalty. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(2): 117-136.
  • Martínez, P., and del Bosque, I. R. (2013). CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35(1): 89-99.
  • Moriuchi, E., and Takahashi, I. (2016). Satisfaction trust and loyalty of repeat online consumer within the Japanese online supermarket trade. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 24(2): 146-156.
  • Nunnally Jr, J. C. (1970). Introduction to psychological measurement. McGraw-Hill. New York.
  • Ozdemir, B., Aksu, A., Ehtiyar, R., Çizel, B., Çizel, R. B., and İçigen, E. T. (2012). Relationships among tourist profile, satisfaction and destination loyalty: Examining empirical evidences in Antalya region of Turkey. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21(5): 506- 540.
  • Pamies, D. S. (2003). La fidelidad del cliente en el ámbito de los servicios: un análisis de la escala’ intenciones de comportamiento. Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 9(2): 189-204.
  • Pamies, D. S. (2012). Customer loyalty to service providers: examining the role of service quality, customer satisfaction and trust. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 23(11-12): 1257-1271.
  • Paulssen, M., Roulet, R., and Wilke, S. (2014). Risk as moderator of the trust-loyalty relationship. European Journal of Marketing, 48(5/6): 964-981.
  • Pesämaa, O., Örtqvist, D., and Hair Jr, J. F. (2007). It’s all about trust and loyalty: Partner selection mechanisms in tourism networks. World Journal of Tourism Small Business Management, 1(2): 12-18.
  • Reichheld, F. F., and Schefter, P. (2000). E-loyalty: your secret weapon on the web. Harvard business review, 78(4): 105-113.
  • Reichheld, F. F., Teal, T., and Smith, D. K. (1996). The loyalty effect. Harvard business school press. 1(3): 78-84.
  • Ribbink, D., Van Riel, A. C., Liljander, V., and Streukens, S. (2004). Comfort your online customer: quality, trust and loyalty on the internet. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 14(6): 446-456.
  • Sahin, A., Zehir, C., and Kitapçı, H. (2011). The effects of brand experiences, trust and satisfaction on building brand loyalty; an empirical research on global brands. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24 (1): 1288-1301.
  • Shankar, V., Smith, A. K., and Rangaswamy, A. (2003). Customer satisfaction and loyalty in online and offline environments. International journal of research in marketing, 20(2): 153-175.
  • Shankar, V., Urban, G. L., and Sultan, F. (2002). Online trust: a stakeholder perspective, concepts, implications, and future directions. The Journal of strategic information systems, 11(3-4): 325-344.
  • Shoemaker, S., and Lewis, R. C. (1999). Customer loyalty: the future of hospitality marketing. International journal of hospitality management, 18(4): 345-370.
  • Sirdeshmukh, D., Singh, J., & Sabol, B. (2002). Consumer trust, value, and loyalty in relational exchanges. Journal of marketing, 66(1), 15-37.
  • Srinivasan, S. S., Anderson, R., and Ponnavolu, K. (2002). Customer loyalty in e-commerce: an exploration of its antecedents and consequences. Journal of retailing, 78(1): 41-50.
  • Statista. (n.a.). Usage and population statistics. https:// (Access date: 25.07.2019)
  • Stewart, K. J. (2003). Trust transfer on the world wide web. Organization Science, 14(1), 5-17.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., and Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Boston: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson Education.
  • Wen, I. (2009). Factors affecting the online travel buying decision: a review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(6): 752- 765.
  • Xiang, Z., Magnini, V. P., and Fesenmaier, D. R. (2015). Information technology and consumer behavior in travel and tourism: Insights from travel planning using the internet. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22(1): 244-249.
  • Yap, W. B., Ramayah, T., & Nushazelin Wan Shahidan, W. (2012). Satisfaction and trust on customer loyalty: a PLS approach. Business Strategy Series, 13(4), 154-167.
  • Yaşin, B., Özkan, E., and Baloğlu, S. (2017). Tüketicilerin Çevrimiçi Perakende Alışveriş Sitelerine Yönelik Sadakatleri Üzerinde Memnuniyet, Güven ve Kalite Algılarının Rolü. Yönetim. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme İktisadı Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(83): 24-47.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Peer-reviewed Articles

Şükrü Fırat Çiftçi This is me 0000-0001-7193-9654

Beykan Çizel

Publication Date December 29, 2019
Submission Date November 6, 2019
Acceptance Date December 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Çiftçi, Ş. F., & Çizel, B. (2019). Investigating Antecedents of Customer Loyalty for Web-Based Travel Intermediaries. Journal of Tourism Leisure and Hospitality, 1(2), 50-58.

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