Year 2019,
, 76 - 91, 01.04.2019
Fahriye Akar
Cemal Kaya
- Bahr, K., 1988, Interpretation of the magnetotellüric impedance tensor: regional induction and local tellüric distorsion. J.Geophys., 62, 119-127
- Bahr, K., 1991. Geological noise in magnetotellüric data : a classification of distortion types, Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 66, 24-38.
- Berdichevsky, M. N. and Dmitriev, V. I., 1976, Basic principles of interpretation of magnetotellüric sounding curves, In: Geoelectric and Geothermal studies, Ed.: Adam, A. Budapest, Akademai Kiado, 165-221.
- Caldwell, T.G., Bibby, H.M., Brown, C., 2004. The Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor, Geophys. J. Int, 158,457-469.
- Fischer, G. And Masero, W., 1994. Rotational properties of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor, the example of the Araguainha impact crater, Brazil, Geophys. J. Int., 119, 548-560.
- Ingham, M.R., 1988. The use of invariant impedance in magnetotelluric interpretation, Geophys. J., 92, 165-169.
- Kaçmaz, F. 2009. Magnetotelluric Investigation of Zonguldak-Aksehir Region Crustal Structure And Dimensionality Analysis, Graduate Thesis, 83 pp., Institute of Science, Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
- Kaya, C., 2010.Deep Crustal Structure of Northwestern Part of Turkey, Tectonophysics, 489, 227-239.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1976, Diagrams for magnetotelluric data: Geophysics, 41, 766–779.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1993a, Mohr circles in magnetotelluric interpretation (i) simple static shift; (ii) Bahr’s analysis: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 833–839.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1993b, Three-dimensionality of the BC87 magnetotelluric data set studied using Mohr circles: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 1107–1113.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1993c, Magnetotelluric analysis using Mohr circles: Geophysics, 58, 1498–1506.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1998a, Magnetotelluric tensor decomposition: Part I, Theory for a basic procedure: Geophysics, 63, 1885–1897.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1998b, Magnetotelluric tensor decomposition: Part II, Examples of a basic procedure: Geophysics, 63, 1898–1907.
- Okay, A.I., 1989. Tectonic units and sutures in the Pontides, northern Turkey. In: A.M.C. Şengör, (Ed.), Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan region. Kluwer Academic Publications, Dordrecht: 109–115.
- Okay, A.I. and Mostler, H., 1994. Carboniferous and Permian radiolarite blocks from the Karakaya Complex in northwest Turkey. Turk. J. Earth Sc., 3: 23-28.
- Okay, A.I., Tüysüz, O., 1999. Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey. In “The Mediterranean Basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen” (eds. B. Durand, L. Jolivet, F. Horváth and M. Séranne), Geological Society, London, Special Publication 156, 475–515.[3]
- Ranganayaki, R. P., 1984, An interpretativite analysis of magnetotelluric data:Geophysics, 49, 1730-1748.
- Park, S. W. ve Livelybrooks, D.W., 1989. Quantative interpretation of rotationally invariant parameters in magnetotellürics, Geophysics, 54, 1483-1490.
- Romo, J. M., Gomez-Trevino, E. And Esparza, F. J., 1999. An invariant representation of the magnetic transfer function in magnetotellürics, Geophysics, 64, 1418-1428.
- Smith, J. T., 1995. Understanding telluric distortion matrices, Geophys. J. Int., 122, 219-226.
- Swift, C. M., 1967. A magnetotelluric investigation of an electrical conductivity anomaly in the southwestern United States, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
- Szarka, L. and Menveille, M., 1997. Analysis of rotational invariantsof the magnetotellüric impedance tensor, Geophys. J. Int., 129, 133-142.
Year 2019,
, 76 - 91, 01.04.2019
Fahriye Akar
Cemal Kaya
In this study, measurements obtained through the first two profiles from the TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) project titled “Research of the Crustal Structure of Northwestern Anatolia with Geophysical Methods” from 2007 were used. Magnetotelluric (MT) measurements were taken from 174 sites approximately every 3 km in the region between Zonguldak and Akşehir (Konya). Dimensionality analysis was conducted with the decomposition of the impedance tensor obtained through the measurement data from the two profiles. The relationship between the observed geo-electric behaviors, the geological structure of the area and the MT dimensionality changes were detected. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) structures were revealed as a result of the dimensionality analysis obtained through the MT data from the region located between Zonguldak and Akşehir. The dimensionality was observed to be complex in small periods due to the heterogeneous conductive materials close to the surface and 3D structures were observed to be predominant in high periods. Moreover, the dimensionality near the suture zones were observed to be more complex compared to other areas according to the dimensionality analysis results. The structures in the vicinity of the North Anatolian Fault were found out to be N-NE striking. This indicates the accuracy and reliability of the results.
- Bahr, K., 1988, Interpretation of the magnetotellüric impedance tensor: regional induction and local tellüric distorsion. J.Geophys., 62, 119-127
- Bahr, K., 1991. Geological noise in magnetotellüric data : a classification of distortion types, Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 66, 24-38.
- Berdichevsky, M. N. and Dmitriev, V. I., 1976, Basic principles of interpretation of magnetotellüric sounding curves, In: Geoelectric and Geothermal studies, Ed.: Adam, A. Budapest, Akademai Kiado, 165-221.
- Caldwell, T.G., Bibby, H.M., Brown, C., 2004. The Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor, Geophys. J. Int, 158,457-469.
- Fischer, G. And Masero, W., 1994. Rotational properties of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor, the example of the Araguainha impact crater, Brazil, Geophys. J. Int., 119, 548-560.
- Ingham, M.R., 1988. The use of invariant impedance in magnetotelluric interpretation, Geophys. J., 92, 165-169.
- Kaçmaz, F. 2009. Magnetotelluric Investigation of Zonguldak-Aksehir Region Crustal Structure And Dimensionality Analysis, Graduate Thesis, 83 pp., Institute of Science, Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
- Kaya, C., 2010.Deep Crustal Structure of Northwestern Part of Turkey, Tectonophysics, 489, 227-239.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1976, Diagrams for magnetotelluric data: Geophysics, 41, 766–779.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1993a, Mohr circles in magnetotelluric interpretation (i) simple static shift; (ii) Bahr’s analysis: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 833–839.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1993b, Three-dimensionality of the BC87 magnetotelluric data set studied using Mohr circles: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, 1107–1113.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1993c, Magnetotelluric analysis using Mohr circles: Geophysics, 58, 1498–1506.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1998a, Magnetotelluric tensor decomposition: Part I, Theory for a basic procedure: Geophysics, 63, 1885–1897.
- Lilley, F.E.M., 1998b, Magnetotelluric tensor decomposition: Part II, Examples of a basic procedure: Geophysics, 63, 1898–1907.
- Okay, A.I., 1989. Tectonic units and sutures in the Pontides, northern Turkey. In: A.M.C. Şengör, (Ed.), Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan region. Kluwer Academic Publications, Dordrecht: 109–115.
- Okay, A.I. and Mostler, H., 1994. Carboniferous and Permian radiolarite blocks from the Karakaya Complex in northwest Turkey. Turk. J. Earth Sc., 3: 23-28.
- Okay, A.I., Tüysüz, O., 1999. Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey. In “The Mediterranean Basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen” (eds. B. Durand, L. Jolivet, F. Horváth and M. Séranne), Geological Society, London, Special Publication 156, 475–515.[3]
- Ranganayaki, R. P., 1984, An interpretativite analysis of magnetotelluric data:Geophysics, 49, 1730-1748.
- Park, S. W. ve Livelybrooks, D.W., 1989. Quantative interpretation of rotationally invariant parameters in magnetotellürics, Geophysics, 54, 1483-1490.
- Romo, J. M., Gomez-Trevino, E. And Esparza, F. J., 1999. An invariant representation of the magnetic transfer function in magnetotellürics, Geophysics, 64, 1418-1428.
- Smith, J. T., 1995. Understanding telluric distortion matrices, Geophys. J. Int., 122, 219-226.
- Swift, C. M., 1967. A magnetotelluric investigation of an electrical conductivity anomaly in the southwestern United States, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
- Szarka, L. and Menveille, M., 1997. Analysis of rotational invariantsof the magnetotellüric impedance tensor, Geophys. J. Int., 129, 133-142.