Is All Ground Grass Apperance in Radiography Ascites?
Year 2017,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 26 - 28, 30.04.2017
Kerem Ural
Songül Toplu
Sezen Doğan
Ascites pathologically fluid
accumulation in the abdominal cavity has been caused ground-grass appearance to
be formed by the indeterminate abdominal organs in the radiography. This ascites
like radiographic finding can also occur in emaciation or a young animal due to
lack of abdominal fat accumulation. In the radiologhical examination of two
different kittens refered to our clinic at different dates with abdominal
enlargement complaint were detected ascites-like ground-glass images. It was
thought that every ground-grass appearance may not ascites by obtaining healthy
results from the absence of fluid by abdominosynthesis applied to both cats, evaluation
of enteric coronavirus test kit and blood serum biochemical or hematologhical analyzes.
- Burk, R.L., Ackerman, N. (1996): Small animal radiology and ultrasonography: a diagnostic atlas and text. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Losonsky, J.M., Kneller, S.K. (1987): Misdiagnosis in normal radiographic anatomy: eight structural configurations simulating disease entities in dogs and cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 191:109.
- Schwarz, T., Morandi, F., Gnudi, G., Wisner, E., Paterson, C., Sullivan, M., Johnston, P. (2000): Nodular fat necrosis in the feline and canine abdomen. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 41(4): 335-339.
- Tasker, S., Gunn-Moore, D. (2000): Differential diagnosis of ascites in cats. In Pract, 22(8): 472-479.
- Wolvekamp, W.T. (1994): Basic principles of abdominal radiography. Vet Quart16(1): 40-42. Coulson A, Lewis N (2008): An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat — 2nd edition Blackwell Publishing, USA.
Radyografide Her Buzlu Cam Manzarası Asites midir?
Year 2017,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 26 - 28, 30.04.2017
Kerem Ural
Songül Toplu
Sezen Doğan
olarak abdominal boşlukta sıvı birikimi olan asites, radyografide abdominal
organların belirsizleşmesiyle buzlu cam manzarasına benzer görüntünün
oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Asites benzeri bu radyografik bulgu aşırı zayıf veya
yavru hayvanlarda abdominal yağ azlığına bağlı olarak da meydana
gelebilmektedir. Kliniğimize farklı tarihlerde abdominal genişleme şikayetiyle
getirilen 2 farklı kedi yavrunun radyolojik muayenesinde asites benzeri buzlu
cam görüntüsü saptandı. Her iki kedide yapılan abdominosentez uygulaması ile
sıvı saptanmayışı, enterik corona virüs yönünden yapılan test kiti ve serum
biyokimyasal ya da hematolojik analizlerde sağlıklı sonuçların elde edilmesiyle
radyografide saptanan her buzlu cam manzarasının asites olmayacağının
paylaşılması düşünüldü.
- Burk, R.L., Ackerman, N. (1996): Small animal radiology and ultrasonography: a diagnostic atlas and text. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
- Losonsky, J.M., Kneller, S.K. (1987): Misdiagnosis in normal radiographic anatomy: eight structural configurations simulating disease entities in dogs and cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 191:109.
- Schwarz, T., Morandi, F., Gnudi, G., Wisner, E., Paterson, C., Sullivan, M., Johnston, P. (2000): Nodular fat necrosis in the feline and canine abdomen. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 41(4): 335-339.
- Tasker, S., Gunn-Moore, D. (2000): Differential diagnosis of ascites in cats. In Pract, 22(8): 472-479.
- Wolvekamp, W.T. (1994): Basic principles of abdominal radiography. Vet Quart16(1): 40-42. Coulson A, Lewis N (2008): An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat — 2nd edition Blackwell Publishing, USA.